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 928   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_major_version,                             int)                                   \
 929   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_minor_version,                             int)                                   \
 930   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_build_number,                              int)                                   \
 931                                                                                                                                      \
 932   static_field(JDK_Version,                    _current,                                      JDK_Version)                           \
 933   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _partially_initialized,                        bool)                                  \
 934   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _major,                                        unsigned char)                         \
 935                                                                                                                                      \
 936                                                                                                                                      \
 937                                                                                                                                      \
 938   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
 939   /* Arguments */                                                                                                                    \
 940   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
 941                                                                                                                                      \
 942   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_flags_array,                              char**)                                \
 943   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_flags,                                int)                                   \
 944   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_args_array,                               char**)                                \
 945   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_args,                                 int)                                   \
 946   static_field(Arguments,                      _java_command,                                 char*)                                 \
 947                                                                                                                                      \

 948                                                                                                                                      \

 949   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 950   /* Miscellaneous fields */                                                                                                         \
 951   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 952                                                                                                                                      \
 953   nonstatic_field(AccessFlags,                 _flags,                                        jint)                                  \
 954   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _counter,                                      jlong)                                 \
 955   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _active,                                       bool)                                  \
 956   nonstatic_field(InvocationCounter,           _counter,                                      unsigned int)
 958   /* NOTE that we do not use the last_entry() macro here; it is used  */
 959   /* in vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp's VM_STRUCTS_OS_CPU macro (and must  */
 960   /* be present there)                                                */
 962 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 963 // VM_TYPES
 964 //
 965 // This list must enumerate at least all of the types in the above
 966 // list. For the types in the above list, the entry below must have
 967 // exactly the same spacing since string comparisons are done in the
 968 // code which verifies the consistency of these tables (in the debug

1397                                                                           \
1398    declare_integer_type(Bytecodes::Code)                                  \
1399    declare_integer_type(Generation::Name)                                 \
1400    declare_integer_type(instanceKlass::ClassState)                        \
1401    declare_integer_type(JavaThreadState)                                  \
1402    declare_integer_type(Location::Type)                                   \
1403    declare_integer_type(Location::Where)                                  \
1404    declare_integer_type(PermGen::Name)                                    \
1405                                                                           \
1406    declare_integer_type(AccessFlags)  /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */\
1407   declare_toplevel_type(address)      /* FIXME: should this be an integer type? */\
1408   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo)                                   \
1409   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo*)                                  \
1410   declare_toplevel_type(CodeBlob*)                                        \
1411   declare_toplevel_type(CompressedWriteStream*)                           \
1412   declare_toplevel_type(ConstantPoolCacheEntry)                           \
1413   declare_toplevel_type(elapsedTimer)                                     \
1414   declare_toplevel_type(intptr_t*)                                        \
1415    declare_unsigned_integer_type(InvocationCounter) /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */ \
1416   declare_toplevel_type(JavaThread*)                                      \

1417   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte*)                                           \
1418   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte**)                                          \
1419   declare_toplevel_type(jint*)                                            \
1420   declare_toplevel_type(jniIdMapBase*)                                    \
1421   declare_unsigned_integer_type(juint)                                    \
1422   declare_unsigned_integer_type(julong)                                   \
1423   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandleBlock*)                                  \
1424   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid)                                            \
1425   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid*)                                           \
1426   declare_toplevel_type(jmethodID*)                                       \
1427   declare_toplevel_type(Mutex*)                                           \
1428   declare_toplevel_type(nmethod*)                                         \
1429   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectMonitor*)                                   \
1430   declare_toplevel_type(oop*)                                             \
1431   declare_toplevel_type(OopMap**)                                         \
1432   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapCache*)                                     \
1433   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapSet*)                                       \
1434   declare_toplevel_type(VMReg)                                            \
1435   declare_toplevel_type(OSThread*)                                        \
1436    declare_integer_type(ReferenceType)                                    \

1683   declare_constant(constantPoolOopDesc::_indy_bsm_offset)                 \
1684   declare_constant(constantPoolOopDesc::_indy_argc_offset)                \
1685   declare_constant(constantPoolOopDesc::_indy_argv_offset)                \
1686                                                                           \
1687   /*********************************************/                         \
1688   /* ConstantPoolCacheEntry FlagBitValues enum */                         \
1689   /*********************************************/                         \
1690                                                                           \
1691   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::hotSwapBit)                    \
1692   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::methodInterface)               \
1693   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::volatileField)                 \
1694   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::vfinalMethod)                  \
1695   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::finalField)                    \
1696                                                                           \
1697   /******************************************/                            \
1698   /* ConstantPoolCacheEntry FlagValues enum */                            \
1699   /******************************************/                            \
1700                                                                           \
1701   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::tosBits)                       \
1702                                                                           \
1703   /*********************************/                                     \
1704   /* java_lang_Class field offsets */                                     \
1705   /*********************************/                                     \
1706                                                                           \
1707   declare_constant(java_lang_Class::hc_klass_offset)                      \
1708   declare_constant(java_lang_Class::hc_array_klass_offset)                \
1709   declare_constant(java_lang_Class::hc_resolved_constructor_offset)       \
1710   declare_constant(java_lang_Class::hc_number_of_fake_oop_fields)         \
1711                                                                           \
1712   /***************************************/                               \
1713   /* java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus enum */                               \
1714   /***************************************/                               \
1715                                                                           \
1716   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::NEW)                                 \
1717   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::RUNNABLE)                            \
1718   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::SLEEPING)                            \
1719   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT)                      \
1720   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED)                \
1721   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::PARKED)                              \
1722   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::PARKED_TIMED)                        \
1723   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER)            \
1724   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::TERMINATED)                          \
1725                                                                           \
1726   /******************************/                                        \
1727   /* Debug info                 */                                        \
1728   /******************************/                                        \
1729                                                                           \
1730   declare_constant(Location::OFFSET_MASK)                                 \
1731   declare_constant(Location::OFFSET_SHIFT)                                \

 928   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_major_version,                             int)                                   \
 929   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_minor_version,                             int)                                   \
 930   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_build_number,                              int)                                   \
 931                                                                                                                                      \
 932   static_field(JDK_Version,                    _current,                                      JDK_Version)                           \
 933   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _partially_initialized,                        bool)                                  \
 934   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _major,                                        unsigned char)                         \
 935                                                                                                                                      \
 936                                                                                                                                      \
 937                                                                                                                                      \
 938   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
 939   /* Arguments */                                                                                                                    \
 940   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
 941                                                                                                                                      \
 942   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_flags_array,                              char**)                                \
 943   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_flags,                                int)                                   \
 944   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_args_array,                               char**)                                \
 945   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_args,                                 int)                                   \
 946   static_field(Arguments,                      _java_command,                                 char*)                                 \
 947                                                                                                                                      \
 948   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 949   /* java_lang_Class fields        */                                                                                                \
 950   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 951                                                                                                                                      \
 952   static_field(java_lang_Class,                klass_offset,                                  int)                                   \
 953   static_field(java_lang_Class,                resolved_constructor_offset,                   int)                                   \
 954   static_field(java_lang_Class,                array_klass_offset,                            int)                                   \
 955   static_field(java_lang_Class,                oop_size_offset,                               int)                                   \
 956   static_field(java_lang_Class,                static_oop_field_size_offset,                  int)                                   \
 957                                                                                                                                      \
 958   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 959   /* Miscellaneous fields */                                                                                                         \
 960   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 961                                                                                                                                      \
 962   nonstatic_field(AccessFlags,                 _flags,                                        jint)                                  \
 963   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _counter,                                      jlong)                                 \
 964   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _active,                                       bool)                                  \
 965   nonstatic_field(InvocationCounter,           _counter,                                      unsigned int)
 967   /* NOTE that we do not use the last_entry() macro here; it is used  */
 968   /* in vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp's VM_STRUCTS_OS_CPU macro (and must  */
 969   /* be present there)                                                */
 971 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 972 // VM_TYPES
 973 //
 974 // This list must enumerate at least all of the types in the above
 975 // list. For the types in the above list, the entry below must have
 976 // exactly the same spacing since string comparisons are done in the
 977 // code which verifies the consistency of these tables (in the debug

1406                                                                           \
1407    declare_integer_type(Bytecodes::Code)                                  \
1408    declare_integer_type(Generation::Name)                                 \
1409    declare_integer_type(instanceKlass::ClassState)                        \
1410    declare_integer_type(JavaThreadState)                                  \
1411    declare_integer_type(Location::Type)                                   \
1412    declare_integer_type(Location::Where)                                  \
1413    declare_integer_type(PermGen::Name)                                    \
1414                                                                           \
1415    declare_integer_type(AccessFlags)  /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */\
1416   declare_toplevel_type(address)      /* FIXME: should this be an integer type? */\
1417   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo)                                   \
1418   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo*)                                  \
1419   declare_toplevel_type(CodeBlob*)                                        \
1420   declare_toplevel_type(CompressedWriteStream*)                           \
1421   declare_toplevel_type(ConstantPoolCacheEntry)                           \
1422   declare_toplevel_type(elapsedTimer)                                     \
1423   declare_toplevel_type(intptr_t*)                                        \
1424    declare_unsigned_integer_type(InvocationCounter) /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */ \
1425   declare_toplevel_type(JavaThread*)                                      \
1426   declare_toplevel_type(java_lang_Class)                                  \
1427   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte*)                                           \
1428   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte**)                                          \
1429   declare_toplevel_type(jint*)                                            \
1430   declare_toplevel_type(jniIdMapBase*)                                    \
1431   declare_unsigned_integer_type(juint)                                    \
1432   declare_unsigned_integer_type(julong)                                   \
1433   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandleBlock*)                                  \
1434   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid)                                            \
1435   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid*)                                           \
1436   declare_toplevel_type(jmethodID*)                                       \
1437   declare_toplevel_type(Mutex*)                                           \
1438   declare_toplevel_type(nmethod*)                                         \
1439   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectMonitor*)                                   \
1440   declare_toplevel_type(oop*)                                             \
1441   declare_toplevel_type(OopMap**)                                         \
1442   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapCache*)                                     \
1443   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapSet*)                                       \
1444   declare_toplevel_type(VMReg)                                            \
1445   declare_toplevel_type(OSThread*)                                        \
1446    declare_integer_type(ReferenceType)                                    \

1693   declare_constant(constantPoolOopDesc::_indy_bsm_offset)                 \
1694   declare_constant(constantPoolOopDesc::_indy_argc_offset)                \
1695   declare_constant(constantPoolOopDesc::_indy_argv_offset)                \
1696                                                                           \
1697   /*********************************************/                         \
1698   /* ConstantPoolCacheEntry FlagBitValues enum */                         \
1699   /*********************************************/                         \
1700                                                                           \
1701   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::hotSwapBit)                    \
1702   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::methodInterface)               \
1703   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::volatileField)                 \
1704   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::vfinalMethod)                  \
1705   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::finalField)                    \
1706                                                                           \
1707   /******************************************/                            \
1708   /* ConstantPoolCacheEntry FlagValues enum */                            \
1709   /******************************************/                            \
1710                                                                           \
1711   declare_constant(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::tosBits)                       \
1712                                                                           \

1713   /***************************************/                               \
1714   /* java_lang_Thread::ThreadStatus enum */                               \
1715   /***************************************/                               \
1716                                                                           \
1717   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::NEW)                                 \
1718   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::RUNNABLE)                            \
1719   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::SLEEPING)                            \
1720   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT)                      \
1721   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::IN_OBJECT_WAIT_TIMED)                \
1722   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::PARKED)                              \
1723   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::PARKED_TIMED)                        \
1724   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER)            \
1725   declare_constant(java_lang_Thread::TERMINATED)                          \
1726                                                                           \
1727   /******************************/                                        \
1728   /* Debug info                 */                                        \
1729   /******************************/                                        \
1730                                                                           \
1731   declare_constant(Location::OFFSET_MASK)                                 \
1732   declare_constant(Location::OFFSET_SHIFT)                                \

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