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  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/dictionary.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/loaderConstraints.hpp"
  29 #include "classfile/placeholders.hpp"
  30 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
  31 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"

  32 #include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
  33 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  34 #include "code/compressedStream.hpp"
  35 #include "code/location.hpp"
  36 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
  37 #include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
  38 #include "code/stubs.hpp"
  39 #include "code/vmreg.hpp"
  40 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"

  41 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/freeBlockDictionary.hpp"
  42 #include "gc_implementation/shared/immutableSpace.hpp"
  43 #include "gc_implementation/shared/markSweep.hpp"
  44 #include "gc_implementation/shared/mutableSpace.hpp"
  45 #include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.hpp"
  46 #include "interpreter/bytecodeInterpreter.hpp"
  47 #include "interpreter/bytecodes.hpp"
  48 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  49 #include "memory/cardTableRS.hpp"
  50 #include "memory/compactPermGen.hpp"
  51 #include "memory/defNewGeneration.hpp"
  52 #include "memory/genCollectedHeap.hpp"
  53 #include "memory/generation.hpp"
  54 #include "memory/generationSpec.hpp"
  55 #include "memory/heap.hpp"
  56 #include "memory/permGen.hpp"
  57 #include "memory/space.hpp"
  58 #include "memory/tenuredGeneration.hpp"
  59 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  60 #include "memory/watermark.hpp"

  73 #include "oops/instanceMirrorKlass.hpp"
  74 #include "oops/instanceKlassKlass.hpp"
  75 #include "oops/instanceOop.hpp"
  76 #include "oops/klass.hpp"
  77 #include "oops/klassOop.hpp"
  78 #include "oops/markOop.hpp"
  79 #include "oops/methodDataKlass.hpp"
  80 #include "oops/methodDataOop.hpp"
  81 #include "oops/methodKlass.hpp"
  82 #include "oops/methodOop.hpp"
  83 #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
  84 #include "oops/objArrayKlassKlass.hpp"
  85 #include "oops/objArrayOop.hpp"
  86 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  87 #include "oops/symbol.hpp"
  88 #include "oops/typeArrayKlass.hpp"
  89 #include "oops/typeArrayKlassKlass.hpp"
  90 #include "oops/typeArrayOop.hpp"
  91 #include "prims/jvmtiAgentThread.hpp"
  92 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"

  93 #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
  94 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  95 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  96 #include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
  97 #include "runtime/serviceThread.hpp"
  98 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  99 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
 100 #include "runtime/virtualspace.hpp"
 101 #include "runtime/vmStructs.hpp"
 102 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 103 #include "utilities/hashtable.hpp"
 104 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
 105 # include "vmStructs_x86.hpp"
 106 #endif
 107 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_sparc
 108 # include "vmStructs_sparc.hpp"
 109 #endif
 110 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero
 111 # include "vmStructs_zero.hpp"
 112 #endif

 150 # include "vmStructs_linux_ppc.hpp"
 151 #endif
 152 #ifndef SERIALGC
 153 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/cmsPermGen.hpp"
 154 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/compactibleFreeListSpace.hpp"
 155 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.hpp"
 156 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepThread.hpp"
 157 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/vmStructs_cms.hpp"
 158 #include "gc_implementation/parNew/parNewGeneration.hpp"
 159 #include "gc_implementation/parNew/vmStructs_parNew.hpp"
 160 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/asPSOldGen.hpp"
 161 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/asPSYoungGen.hpp"
 162 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/parallelScavengeHeap.hpp"
 163 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psOldGen.hpp"
 164 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psPermGen.hpp"
 165 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psVirtualspace.hpp"
 166 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psYoungGen.hpp"
 167 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/vmStructs_parallelgc.hpp"
 168 #endif
 169 #ifdef COMPILER2

 170 #include "opto/matcher.hpp"

 171 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_32
 172 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_x86_32.hpp"
 173 #endif
 174 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_64
 175 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_x86_64.hpp"
 176 #endif
 177 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_sparc
 178 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_sparc.hpp"
 179 #endif
 180 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_zero
 181 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_zero.hpp"
 182 #endif
 183 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_arm
 184 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_arm.hpp"
 185 #endif
 186 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_ppc
 187 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_ppc.hpp"
 188 #endif
 189 #endif

 276   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _minor_version,                                u2)                                    \
 277   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _major_version,                                u2)                                    \
 278   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _init_state,                                   instanceKlass::ClassState)             \
 279   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _init_thread,                                  Thread*)                               \
 280   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _vtable_len,                                   int)                                   \
 281   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _itable_len,                                   int)                                   \
 282   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _reference_type,                               ReferenceType)                         \
 283   volatile_nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,      _oop_map_cache,                                OopMapCache*)                          \
 284   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _jni_ids,                                      JNIid*)                                \
 285   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _osr_nmethods_head,                            nmethod*)                              \
 286   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _breakpoints,                                  BreakpointInfo*)                       \
 287   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _generic_signature,                            Symbol*)                               \
 288   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_jmethod_ids,                          jmethodID*)                            \
 289   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_cached_itable_indices,                int*)                                  \
 290   volatile_nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,      _idnum_allocated_count,                        u2)                                    \
 291   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _class_annotations,                            typeArrayOop)                          \
 292   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _fields_annotations,                           objArrayOop)                           \
 293   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_annotations,                          objArrayOop)                           \
 294   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_parameter_annotations,                objArrayOop)                           \
 295   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_default_annotations,                  objArrayOop)                           \

 296   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _super_check_offset,                           juint)                                 \
 297   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _secondary_super_cache,                        klassOop)                              \
 298   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _secondary_supers,                             objArrayOop)                           \
 299   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _primary_supers[0],                            klassOop)                              \
 300   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _java_mirror,                                  oop)                                   \
 301   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _modifier_flags,                               jint)                                  \
 302   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _super,                                        klassOop)                              \
 303   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _layout_helper,                                jint)                                  \
 304   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _name,                                         Symbol*)                               \
 305   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _access_flags,                                 AccessFlags)                           \
 306   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _subklass,                                     klassOop)                              \
 307   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _next_sibling,                                 klassOop)                              \
 308   nonproduct_nonstatic_field(Klass,            _verify_count,                                 int)                                   \
 309   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _alloc_count,                                  juint)                                 \
 310   nonstatic_field(klassKlass,                  _alloc_size,                                   juint)                                 \
 311   nonstatic_field(methodKlass,                 _alloc_size,                                   juint)                                 \
 312   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _size,                                         int)                                   \
 313   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _method,                                       methodOop)                             \

 314   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _constMethod,                                  constMethodOop)                        \
 315   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _constants,                                    constantPoolOop)                       \
 316   c2_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,            _method_data,                                  methodDataOop)                         \
 317   c2_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,            _interpreter_invocation_count,                 int)                                   \
 318   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _access_flags,                                 AccessFlags)                           \
 319   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _vtable_index,                                 int)                                   \
 320   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _method_size,                                  u2)                                    \
 321   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _max_stack,                                    u2)                                    \
 322   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _max_locals,                                   u2)                                    \
 323   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _size_of_parameters,                           u2)                                    \
 324   c2_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,            _interpreter_throwout_count,                   u2)                                    \
 325   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _number_of_breakpoints,                        u2)                                    \
 326   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _invocation_counter,                           InvocationCounter)                     \
 327   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _backedge_counter,                             InvocationCounter)                     \
 328   nonproduct_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,    _compiled_invocation_count,                    int)                                   \
 329   volatile_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,      _code,                                         nmethod*)                              \
 330   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _i2i_entry,                                    address)                               \
 331   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _adapter,                                      AdapterHandlerEntry*)                  \
 332   volatile_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,      _from_compiled_entry,                          address)                               \
 333   volatile_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,      _from_interpreted_entry,                       address)                               \
 334   volatile_nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc, _fingerprint,                                  uint64_t)                              \
 335   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _method,                                       methodOop)                             \
 336   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _stackmap_data,                                typeArrayOop)                          \
 337   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _exception_table,                              typeArrayOop)                          \
 338   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _constMethod_size,                             int)                                   \
 339   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _interpreter_kind,                             jbyte)                                 \
 340   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _flags,                                        jbyte)                                 \
 341   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _code_size,                                    u2)                                    \
 342   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _name_index,                                   u2)                                    \
 343   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _signature_index,                              u2)                                    \
 344   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _method_idnum,                                 u2)                                    \

 691   /********************/                                                                                                             \
 692                                                                                                                                      \
 693   nonstatic_field(PlaceholderEntry,            _loader,                                       oop)                                   \
 694                                                                                                                                      \
 695   /**************************/                                                                                                       \
 696   /* ProctectionDomainEntry */                                                                                                       \
 697   /**************************/                                                                                                       \
 698                                                                                                                                      \
 699   nonstatic_field(ProtectionDomainEntry,       _next,                                         ProtectionDomainEntry*)                \
 700   nonstatic_field(ProtectionDomainEntry,       _protection_domain,                            oop)                                   \
 701                                                                                                                                      \
 702   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
 703   /* LoaderConstraintEntry */                                                                                                        \
 704   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
 705                                                                                                                                      \
 706   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _name,                                         Symbol*)                               \
 707   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _num_loaders,                                  int)                                   \
 708   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _max_loaders,                                  int)                                   \
 709   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _loaders,                                      oop*)                                  \
 710                                                                                                                                      \

 711   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 712   /* CodeCache (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                 \
 713   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 714                                                                                                                                      \
 715      static_field(CodeCache,                   _heap,                                         CodeHeap*)                             \
 716      static_field(CodeCache,                   _scavenge_root_nmethods,                       nmethod*)                              \
 717                                                                                                                                      \
 718   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 719   /* CodeHeap (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                  \
 720   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 721                                                                                                                                      \
 722   nonstatic_field(CodeHeap,                    _memory,                                       VirtualSpace)                          \
 723   nonstatic_field(CodeHeap,                    _segmap,                                       VirtualSpace)                          \
 724   nonstatic_field(CodeHeap,                    _log2_segment_size,                            int)                                   \
 725   nonstatic_field(HeapBlock,                   _header,                                       HeapBlock::Header)                     \
 726   nonstatic_field(HeapBlock::Header,           _length,                                       size_t)                                \
 727   nonstatic_field(HeapBlock::Header,           _used,                                         bool)                                  \
 728                                                                                                                                      \
 729   /**********************************/                                                                                               \
 730   /* Interpreter (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                               \

 796   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _state,                                        unsigned char)                         \
 797   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _exception_offset,                             int)                                   \
 798   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _deoptimize_offset,                            int)                                   \
 799   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _deoptimize_mh_offset,                         int)                                   \
 800   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _orig_pc_offset,                               int)                                   \
 801   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _stub_offset,                                  int)                                   \
 802   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _consts_offset,                                int)                                   \
 803   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _oops_offset,                                  int)                                   \
 804   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _scopes_data_offset,                           int)                                   \
 805   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _scopes_pcs_offset,                            int)                                   \
 806   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _dependencies_offset,                          int)                                   \
 807   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _handler_table_offset,                         int)                                   \
 808   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _nul_chk_table_offset,                         int)                                   \
 809   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _nmethod_end_offset,                           int)                                   \
 810   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _entry_point,                                  address)                               \
 811   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _verified_entry_point,                         address)                               \
 812   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _osr_entry_point,                              address)                               \
 813   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _lock_count,                                   jint)                                  \
 814   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _stack_traversal_mark,                         long)                                  \
 815   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _compile_id,                                   int)                                   \

 816   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _marked_for_deoptimization,                    bool)                                  \
 817                                                                                                                                      \
 818   nonstatic_field(RicochetBlob,        _bounce_offset,                                int)                                           \
 819   nonstatic_field(RicochetBlob,        _exception_offset,                             int)                                           \
 820                                                                                                                                      \

 821   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 822   /* JavaCalls (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                 \
 823   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 824                                                                                                                                      \
 825   nonstatic_field(JavaCallWrapper,             _anchor,                                       JavaFrameAnchor)                       \
 826   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 827   /* JavaFrameAnchor (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                           \
 828   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 829   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaFrameAnchor,    _last_Java_sp,                                 intptr_t*)                             \
 830   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaFrameAnchor,    _last_Java_pc,                                 address)                               \
 831                                                                                                                                      \
 832   /******************************/                                                                                                   \
 833   /* Threads (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                   \
 834   /******************************/                                                                                                   \
 835                                                                                                                                      \
 836      static_field(Threads,                     _thread_list,                                  JavaThread*)                           \
 837      static_field(Threads,                     _number_of_threads,                            int)                                   \
 838      static_field(Threads,                     _number_of_non_daemon_threads,                 int)                                   \
 839      static_field(Threads,                     _return_code,                                  int)                                   \
 840                                                                                                                                      \

 841    volatile_nonstatic_field(Thread,            _suspend_flags,                                uint32_t)                              \
 842   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _active_handles,                               JNIHandleBlock*)                       \
 843   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _tlab,                                         ThreadLocalAllocBuffer)                \
 844   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _current_pending_monitor,                      ObjectMonitor*)                        \
 845   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _current_pending_monitor_is_from_java,         bool)                                  \
 846   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _current_waiting_monitor,                      ObjectMonitor*)                        \
 847   nonstatic_field(NamedThread,                 _name,                                         char*)                                 \
 848   nonstatic_field(NamedThread,                 _processed_thread,                             JavaThread*)                           \
 849   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _next,                                         JavaThread*)                           \
 850   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _threadObj,                                    oop)                                   \
 851   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _anchor,                                       JavaFrameAnchor)                       \

 852    volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaThread,        _thread_state,                                 JavaThreadState)                       \
 853   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _osthread,                                     OSThread*)                             \
 854   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _stack_base,                                   address)                               \
 855   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _stack_size,                                   size_t)                                \

 856                                                                                                                                      \
 857   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 858   /* OSThread */                                                                                                                     \
 859   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 860                                                                                                                                      \
 861   volatile_nonstatic_field(OSThread,           _interrupted,                                  jint)                                  \
 862                                                                                                                                      \
 863   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 864   /* OopMap and OopMapSet */                                                                                                         \
 865   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 866                                                                                                                                      \
 867   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _pc_offset,                                    int)                                   \
 868   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _omv_count,                                    int)                                   \
 869   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _omv_data_size,                                int)                                   \
 870   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _omv_data,                                     unsigned char*)                        \
 871   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _write_stream,                                 CompressedWriteStream*)                \
 872   nonstatic_field(OopMapSet,                   _om_count,                                     int)                                   \
 873   nonstatic_field(OopMapSet,                   _om_size,                                      int)                                   \
 874   nonstatic_field(OopMapSet,                   _om_data,                                      OopMap**)                              \
 875                                                                                                                                      \

 887   /********************/                                                                                                             \
 888   /* CompressedStream */                                                                                                             \
 889   /********************/                                                                                                             \
 890                                                                                                                                      \
 891   nonstatic_field(CompressedStream,            _buffer,                                       u_char*)                               \
 892   nonstatic_field(CompressedStream,            _position,                                     int)                                   \
 893                                                                                                                                      \
 894   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 895   /* VMRegImpl (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                 \
 896   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 897                                                                                                                                      \
 898      static_field(VMRegImpl,                   regName[0],                                    const char*)                           \
 899      static_field(VMRegImpl,                   stack0,                                        VMReg)                                 \
 900                                                                                                                                      \
 901   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 902   /* Runtime1 (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                  \
 903   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 904                                                                                                                                      \
 905   unchecked_c1_static_field(Runtime1,          _blobs,                                        sizeof(Runtime1::_blobs)) /* NOTE: no type */ \
 906                                                                                                                                      \

 907   /************/                                                                                                                     \

 908   /* Monitors */                                                                                                                     \
 909   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 910                                                                                                                                      \
 911   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _header,                                       markOop)                               \
 912   unchecked_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,     _object,                                       sizeof(void *)) /* NOTE: no type */    \
 913   unchecked_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,     _owner,                                        sizeof(void *)) /* NOTE: no type */    \
 914   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _count,                                        intptr_t)                              \
 915   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _waiters,                                      intptr_t)                              \
 916   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _recursions,                                   intptr_t)                              \
 917   nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,               FreeNext,                                      ObjectMonitor*)                        \
 918   volatile_nonstatic_field(BasicLock,          _displaced_header,                             markOop)                               \
 919   nonstatic_field(BasicObjectLock,             _lock,                                         BasicLock)                             \
 920   nonstatic_field(BasicObjectLock,             _obj,                                          oop)                                   \
 921   static_field(ObjectSynchronizer,             gBlockList,                                    ObjectMonitor*)                        \
 922                                                                                                                                      \
 923   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
 924   /* Matcher (C2 only) */                                                                                                            \
 925   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
 926                                                                                                                                      \
 927   unchecked_c2_static_field(Matcher,           _regEncode,                                    sizeof(Matcher::_regEncode)) /* NOTE: no type */ \
 928                                                                                                                                      \

 929   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
 930   /* -XX flags         */                                                                                                            \
 931   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
 932                                                                                                                                      \
 933   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        type,                                          const char*)                           \
 934   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        name,                                          const char*)                           \
 935   unchecked_nonstatic_field(Flag,              addr,                                          sizeof(void*)) /* NOTE: no type */     \
 936   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        kind,                                          const char*)                           \

 937   static_field(Flag,                           flags,                                         Flag*)                                 \
 938   static_field(Flag,                           numFlags,                                      size_t)                                \
 939                                                                                                                                      \
 940   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
 941   /* JDK / VM version info */                                                                                                        \
 942   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
 943                                                                                                                                      \
 944   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _s_vm_release,                                 const char*)                           \
 945   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _s_internal_vm_info_string,                    const char*)                           \
 946   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_major_version,                             int)                                   \
 947   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_minor_version,                             int)                                   \
 948   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_build_number,                              int)                                   \
 949                                                                                                                                      \
 950   static_field(JDK_Version,                    _current,                                      JDK_Version)                           \
 951   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _partially_initialized,                        bool)                                  \
 952   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _major,                                        unsigned char)                         \
 953                                                                                                                                      \

 954                                                                                                                                      \

 955                                                                                                                                      \
 956   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
 957   /* Arguments */                                                                                                                    \
 958   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
 959                                                                                                                                      \
 960   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_flags_array,                              char**)                                \
 961   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_flags,                                int)                                   \
 962   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_args_array,                               char**)                                \
 963   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_args,                                 int)                                   \
 964   static_field(Arguments,                      _java_command,                                 char*)                                 \
 965                                                                                                                                      \
 966   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 967   /* java_lang_Class fields        */                                                                                                \
 968   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 969                                                                                                                                      \
 970   static_field(java_lang_Class,                klass_offset,                                  int)                                   \
 971   static_field(java_lang_Class,                resolved_constructor_offset,                   int)                                   \
 972   static_field(java_lang_Class,                array_klass_offset,                            int)                                   \
 973   static_field(java_lang_Class,                oop_size_offset,                               int)                                   \
 974   static_field(java_lang_Class,                static_oop_field_count_offset,                 int)                                   \
 975                                                                                                                                      \
 976   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 977   /* Miscellaneous fields */                                                                                                         \
 978   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 979                                                                                                                                      \

 980   nonstatic_field(AccessFlags,                 _flags,                                        jint)                                  \
 981   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _counter,                                      jlong)                                 \
 982   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _active,                                       bool)                                  \
 983   nonstatic_field(InvocationCounter,           _counter,                                      unsigned int)
 985   /* NOTE that we do not use the last_entry() macro here; it is used  */
 986   /* in vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp's VM_STRUCTS_OS_CPU macro (and must  */
 987   /* be present there)                                                */
 989 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 990 // VM_TYPES
 991 //
 992 // This list must enumerate at least all of the types in the above
 993 // list. For the types in the above list, the entry below must have
 994 // exactly the same spacing since string comparisons are done in the
 995 // code which verifies the consistency of these tables (in the debug
 996 // build).
 997 //
 998 // In addition to the above types, this list is required to enumerate
 999 // the JNI's java types, which are used to indicate the size of Java

1043   /*************************************************************/         \
1044                                                                           \
1045   declare_toplevel_type(jboolean)                                         \
1046   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte)                                            \
1047   declare_toplevel_type(jchar)                                            \
1048   declare_toplevel_type(jdouble)                                          \
1049   declare_toplevel_type(jfloat)                                           \
1050   declare_toplevel_type(jint)                                             \
1051   declare_toplevel_type(jlong)                                            \
1052   declare_toplevel_type(jshort)                                           \
1053                                                                           \
1054   /*********************************************************************/ \
1055   /* C integer types. User-defined typedefs (like "size_t" or          */ \
1056   /* "intptr_t") are guaranteed to be present with the same names over */ \
1057   /* in the SA's type database. Names like "unsigned short" are not    */ \
1058   /* guaranteed to be visible through the SA's type database lookup    */ \
1059   /* mechanism, though they will have a Type object created for them   */ \
1060   /* and are valid types for Fields.                                   */ \
1061   /*********************************************************************/ \
1062   declare_integer_type(bool)                                              \

1063   declare_integer_type(int)                                               \
1064   declare_integer_type(long)                                              \
1065   declare_integer_type(char)                                              \
1066   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned char)                            \

1067   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned int)                             \

1068   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned short)                           \
1069   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned long)                            \
1070   /* The compiler thinks this is a different type than */                 \
1071   /* unsigned short on Win32 */                                           \
1072   declare_unsigned_integer_type(u2)                                       \
1073   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned)                                 \
1074                                                                           \
1075   /*****************************/                                         \
1076   /* C primitive pointer types */                                         \
1077   /*****************************/                                         \
1078                                                                           \
1079   declare_toplevel_type(int*)                                             \
1080   declare_toplevel_type(char*)                                            \
1081   declare_toplevel_type(char**)                                           \
1082   declare_toplevel_type(const char*)                                      \
1083   declare_toplevel_type(u_char*)                                          \
1084   declare_toplevel_type(unsigned char*)                                   \
1085                                                                           \
1086   /*******************************************************************/   \
1087   /* Types which it will be handy to have available over in the SA   */   \
1088   /* in order to do platform-independent address -> integer coercion */   \
1089   /* (note: these will be looked up by name)                         */   \
1090   /*******************************************************************/   \
1091                                                                           \
1092   declare_unsigned_integer_type(size_t)                                   \
1093   declare_integer_type(ssize_t)                                           \
1094   declare_unsigned_integer_type(const size_t)                             \
1095   declare_integer_type(intx)                                              \
1096   declare_integer_type(intptr_t)                                          \
1097   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uintx)                                    \
1098   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uintptr_t)                                \
1099   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uint32_t)                                 \
1100   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uint64_t)                                 \
1101   declare_integer_type(const int)                                         \
1102                                                                           \
1103   /*******************************************************************************/ \
1104   /* OopDesc and Klass hierarchies (NOTE: missing methodDataOop-related classes) */ \
1105   /*******************************************************************************/ \
1106                                                                           \
1107   declare_toplevel_type(oopDesc)                                          \
1108   declare_toplevel_type(Klass_vtbl)                                       \
1109            declare_type(Klass, Klass_vtbl)                                \
1110            declare_type(arrayKlass, Klass)                                \
1111            declare_type(arrayKlassKlass, klassKlass)                      \
1112            declare_type(arrayOopDesc, oopDesc)                            \
1113    declare_type(compiledICHolderKlass, Klass)                             \
1114    declare_type(compiledICHolderOopDesc, oopDesc)                         \
1115            declare_type(constantPoolKlass, Klass)                         \
1116            declare_type(constantPoolOopDesc, oopDesc)                     \
1117            declare_type(constantPoolCacheKlass, Klass)                    \
1118            declare_type(constantPoolCacheOopDesc, oopDesc)                \
1119            declare_type(instanceKlass, Klass)                             \
1120            declare_type(instanceKlassKlass, klassKlass)                   \
1121            declare_type(instanceOopDesc, oopDesc)                         \
1122            declare_type(instanceMirrorKlass, instanceKlass)               \
1123            declare_type(instanceRefKlass, instanceKlass)                  \
1124            declare_type(klassKlass, Klass)                                \
1125            declare_type(klassOopDesc, oopDesc)                            \
1126            declare_type(markOopDesc, oopDesc)                             \
1127    declare_type(methodDataKlass, Klass)                           \
1128    declare_type(methodDataOopDesc, oopDesc)                       \
1129            declare_type(methodKlass, Klass)                               \
1130            declare_type(constMethodKlass, Klass)                          \
1131            declare_type(methodOopDesc, oopDesc)                           \
1132            declare_type(objArrayKlass, arrayKlass)                        \
1133            declare_type(objArrayKlassKlass, arrayKlassKlass)              \
1134            declare_type(objArrayOopDesc, arrayOopDesc)                    \
1135            declare_type(constMethodOopDesc, oopDesc)                      \
1136            declare_type(typeArrayKlass, arrayKlass)                       \
1137            declare_type(typeArrayKlassKlass, arrayKlassKlass)             \
1138            declare_type(typeArrayOopDesc, arrayOopDesc)                   \
1139            declare_toplevel_type(Symbol)                                  \
1140            declare_toplevel_type(Symbol*)                                 \
1141                                                                           \

1142   /********/                                                              \
1143   /* Oops */                                                              \
1144   /********/                                                              \
1145                                                                           \
1146   declare_oop_type(constantPoolOop)                                       \
1147   declare_oop_type(constantPoolCacheOop)                                  \
1148   declare_oop_type(klassOop)                                              \
1149   declare_oop_type(markOop)                                               \
1150   declare_oop_type(methodOop)                                             \
1151   declare_oop_type(methodDataOop)                                         \
1152   declare_oop_type(objArrayOop)                                           \
1153   declare_oop_type(oop)                                                   \
1154   declare_oop_type(narrowOop)                                             \
1155   declare_oop_type(wideKlassOop)                                          \
1156   declare_oop_type(constMethodOop)                                        \
1157   declare_oop_type(typeArrayOop)                                          \
1158                                                                           \
1159   /*************************************/                                 \
1160   /* MethodOop-related data structures */                                 \
1161   /*************************************/                                 \

1189            declare_type(CompactingPermGen,            PermGen)            \
1190   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet)                                       \
1191            declare_type(ModRefBarrierSet,             BarrierSet)         \
1192            declare_type(CardTableModRefBS,            ModRefBarrierSet)   \
1193            declare_type(CardTableModRefBSForCTRS,     CardTableModRefBS)  \
1194   declare_toplevel_type(GenRemSet)                                        \
1195            declare_type(CardTableRS,                  GenRemSet)          \
1196   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetSharedArray)                           \
1197   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetTable)                                 \
1198            declare_type(BlockOffsetArray,             BlockOffsetTable)   \
1199            declare_type(BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace,  BlockOffsetArray)   \
1200            declare_type(BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace, BlockOffsetArray) \
1201                                                                           \
1202   /* Miscellaneous other GC types */                                      \
1203                                                                           \
1204   declare_toplevel_type(ageTable)                                         \
1205   declare_toplevel_type(Generation::StatRecord)                           \
1206   declare_toplevel_type(GenerationSpec)                                   \
1207   declare_toplevel_type(HeapWord)                                         \
1208   declare_toplevel_type(MemRegion)                                        \
1209   declare_toplevel_type(const MemRegion)                                  \
1210   declare_toplevel_type(PermanentGenerationSpec)                          \
1211   declare_toplevel_type(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer)                           \
1212   declare_toplevel_type(VirtualSpace)                                     \
1213   declare_toplevel_type(WaterMark)                                        \
1214                                                                           \
1215   /* Pointers to Garbage Collection types */                              \
1216                                                                           \
1217   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet*)                                      \
1218   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetSharedArray*)                          \
1219   declare_toplevel_type(GenRemSet*)                                       \
1220   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableRS*)                                     \
1221   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBS*)                               \
1222   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBS**)                              \
1223   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBSForCTRS*)                        \
1224   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBSForCTRS**)                       \
1225   declare_toplevel_type(CollectedHeap*)                                   \
1226   declare_toplevel_type(ContiguousSpace*)                                 \
1227   declare_toplevel_type(DefNewGeneration*)                                \
1228   declare_toplevel_type(EdenSpace*)                                       \
1229   declare_toplevel_type(GenCollectedHeap*)                                \

1250   /* SymbolTable, SystemDictionary */                                     \
1251   /*********************************/                                     \
1252                                                                           \
1253   declare_toplevel_type(BasicHashtable)                                   \
1254     declare_type(Hashtable<intptr_t>, BasicHashtable)                     \
1255   declare_type(SymbolTable, Hashtable<Symbol*>)                           \
1256   declare_type(StringTable, Hashtable<oop>)                               \
1257     declare_type(LoaderConstraintTable, Hashtable<klassOop>)              \
1258     declare_type(TwoOopHashtable<klassOop>, Hashtable<klassOop>)          \
1259     declare_type(Dictionary, TwoOopHashtable<klassOop>)                   \
1260     declare_type(PlaceholderTable, TwoOopHashtable<Symbol*>)              \
1261   declare_toplevel_type(BasicHashtableEntry)                              \
1262   declare_type(HashtableEntry<intptr_t>, BasicHashtableEntry)             \
1263     declare_type(DictionaryEntry, HashtableEntry<klassOop>)               \
1264     declare_type(PlaceholderEntry, HashtableEntry<Symbol*>)               \
1265     declare_type(LoaderConstraintEntry, HashtableEntry<klassOop>)         \
1266   declare_toplevel_type(HashtableBucket)                                  \
1267   declare_toplevel_type(SystemDictionary)                                 \
1268   declare_toplevel_type(ProtectionDomainEntry)                            \
1269                                                                           \

1270   /***********************************************************/           \
1271   /* Thread hierarchy (needed for run-time type information) */           \
1272   /***********************************************************/           \
1273                                                                           \
1274   declare_toplevel_type(Threads)                                          \
1275   declare_toplevel_type(ThreadShadow)                                     \
1276            declare_type(Thread, ThreadShadow)                             \
1277            declare_type(NamedThread, Thread)                              \
1278            declare_type(WatcherThread, Thread)                            \
1279            declare_type(JavaThread, Thread)                               \
1280            declare_type(JvmtiAgentThread, JavaThread)                     \
1281            declare_type(ServiceThread, JavaThread)                        \
1282   declare_type(CompilerThread, JavaThread)                        \
1283   declare_toplevel_type(OSThread)                                         \
1284   declare_toplevel_type(JavaFrameAnchor)                                  \
1285                                                                           \
1286   /***************/                                                       \
1287   /* Interpreter */                                                       \
1288   /***************/                                                       \
1289                                                                           \

1328   X86_ONLY(declare_toplevel_type(MethodHandles::RicochetFrame))           \
1329                                                                           \
1330   declare_toplevel_type(CodeBlob)                                         \
1331   declare_type(BufferBlob,               CodeBlob)                        \
1332   declare_type(AdapterBlob,              BufferBlob)                      \
1333   declare_type(MethodHandlesAdapterBlob, BufferBlob)                      \
1334   declare_type(nmethod,                  CodeBlob)                        \
1335   declare_type(RuntimeStub,              CodeBlob)                        \
1336   declare_type(SingletonBlob,            CodeBlob)                        \
1337   declare_type(SafepointBlob,            SingletonBlob)                   \
1338   declare_type(DeoptimizationBlob,       SingletonBlob)                   \
1339   declare_type(RicochetBlob,             SingletonBlob)                   \
1340   declare_c2_type(ExceptionBlob,         SingletonBlob)                   \
1341   declare_c2_type(UncommonTrapBlob,      CodeBlob)                        \
1342                                                                           \
1343   /***************************************/                               \
1344   /* PcDesc and other compiled code info */                               \
1345   /***************************************/                               \
1346                                                                           \
1347   declare_toplevel_type(PcDesc)                                           \

1348                                                                           \
1349   /************************/                                              \
1350   /* OopMap and OopMapSet */                                              \
1351   /************************/                                              \
1352                                                                           \
1353   declare_toplevel_type(OopMap)                                           \
1354   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapSet)                                        \
1355                                                                           \
1356   /********************/                                                  \
1357   /* CompressedStream */                                                  \
1358   /********************/                                                  \
1359                                                                           \
1360   declare_toplevel_type(CompressedStream)                                 \
1361                                                                           \
1362   /**************/                                                        \
1363   /* VMRegImpl  */                                                        \
1364   /**************/                                                        \
1365                                                                           \
1366   declare_toplevel_type(VMRegImpl)                                        \
1367                                                                           \
1368   /*********************************/                                     \
1369   /* JNIHandles and JNIHandleBlock */                                     \
1370   /*********************************/                                     \
1371                                                                           \
1372   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandles)                                       \
1373   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandleBlock)                                   \

1374                                                                           \
1375   /**********************/                                                \
1376   /* Runtime1 (C1 only) */                                                \
1377   /**********************/                                                \
1378                                                                           \
1379   declare_c1_toplevel_type(Runtime1)                                      \
1380                                                                           \
1381   /************/                                                          \
1382   /* Monitors */                                                          \
1383   /************/                                                          \
1384                                                                           \
1385   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectMonitor)                                    \
1386   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectSynchronizer)                               \
1387   declare_toplevel_type(BasicLock)                                        \
1388   declare_toplevel_type(BasicObjectLock)                                  \
1389                                                                           \
1390   /*********************/                                                 \
1391   /* Matcher (C2 only) */                                                 \
1392   /*********************/                                                 \
1393                                                                           \
1394   /* NOTE: this is not really a toplevel type, but we only need */        \
1395   /* this one -- FIXME later if necessary */                              \
1396   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Matcher)                                       \

1397                                                                           \
1398   /*********************/                                                 \
1399   /* Adapter Blob Entries */                                              \
1400   /*********************/                                                 \
1401   declare_toplevel_type(AdapterHandlerEntry)                              \
1402   declare_toplevel_type(AdapterHandlerEntry*)                             \
1403                                                                           \

1404   /********************/                                                  \
1405   /* -XX flags        */                                                  \
1406   /********************/                                                  \
1407                                                                           \
1408   declare_toplevel_type(Flag)                                             \
1409   declare_toplevel_type(Flag*)                                            \
1410                                                                           \
1411   /********************/                                                  \

1412   /* JDK/VM version   */                                                  \
1413   /********************/                                                  \
1414                                                                           \
1415   declare_toplevel_type(Abstract_VM_Version)                              \
1416   declare_toplevel_type(JDK_Version)                                      \
1417                                                                           \
1418   /*************/                                                         \
1419   /* Arguments */                                                         \
1420   /*************/                                                         \
1421                                                                           \
1422   declare_toplevel_type(Arguments)                                        \
1423                                                                           \
1424   /***************/                                                       \
1425   /* Other types */                                                       \
1426   /***************/                                                       \
1427                                                                           \
1428   /* all enum types */                                                    \
1429                                                                           \
1430    declare_integer_type(Bytecodes::Code)                                  \
1431    declare_integer_type(Generation::Name)                                 \
1432    declare_integer_type(instanceKlass::ClassState)                        \
1433    declare_integer_type(JavaThreadState)                                  \
1434    declare_integer_type(Location::Type)                                   \
1435    declare_integer_type(Location::Where)                                  \
1436    declare_integer_type(PermGen::Name)                                    \

1437                                                                           \
1438    declare_integer_type(AccessFlags)  /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */\
1439   declare_toplevel_type(address)      /* FIXME: should this be an integer type? */\

1440   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo)                                   \
1441   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo*)                                  \
1442   declare_toplevel_type(CodeBlob*)                                        \
1443   declare_toplevel_type(CompressedWriteStream*)                           \
1444   declare_toplevel_type(ConstantPoolCacheEntry)                           \
1445   declare_toplevel_type(elapsedTimer)                                     \

1446   declare_toplevel_type(intptr_t*)                                        \
1447    declare_unsigned_integer_type(InvocationCounter) /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */ \
1448   declare_toplevel_type(JavaThread*)                                      \
1449   declare_toplevel_type(java_lang_Class)                                  \

1450   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte*)                                           \
1451   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte**)                                          \
1452   declare_toplevel_type(jint*)                                            \
1453   declare_toplevel_type(jniIdMapBase*)                                    \
1454   declare_unsigned_integer_type(juint)                                    \
1455   declare_unsigned_integer_type(julong)                                   \
1456   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandleBlock*)                                  \
1457   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid)                                            \
1458   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid*)                                           \
1459   declare_toplevel_type(jmethodID*)                                       \
1460   declare_toplevel_type(Mutex*)                                           \
1461   declare_toplevel_type(nmethod*)                                         \

1462   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectMonitor*)                                   \
1463   declare_toplevel_type(oop*)                                             \
1464   declare_toplevel_type(OopMap**)                                         \
1465   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapCache*)                                     \
1466   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapSet*)                                       \
1467   declare_toplevel_type(VMReg)                                            \
1468   declare_toplevel_type(OSThread*)                                        \
1469    declare_integer_type(ReferenceType)                                    \
1470   declare_toplevel_type(StubQueue*)                                       \
1471   declare_toplevel_type(Thread*)                                          \
1472   declare_toplevel_type(Universe)


1474   /* NOTE that we do not use the last_entry() macro here; it is used  */
1475   /* in vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp's VM_TYPES_OS_CPU macro (and must be */
1476   /* present there)                                                   */
1478 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1480 //
1481 // This table contains integer constants required over in the
1482 // serviceability agent. The "declare_constant" macro is used for all
1483 // enums, etc., while "declare_preprocessor_constant" must be used for
1484 // all #defined constants.
1486 #define VM_INT_CONSTANTS(declare_constant,                                \
1487                          declare_preprocessor_constant,                   \
1488                          declare_c1_constant,                             \
1489                          declare_c2_constant,                             \
1490                          declare_c2_preprocessor_constant,                \
1491                          last_entry)                                      \
1492                                                                           \
1493   /******************/                                                    \

1752   declare_constant(Location::WHERE_MASK)                                  \
1753   declare_constant(Location::WHERE_SHIFT)                                 \
1754                                                                           \
1755   /* constants from Location::Type enum  */                               \
1756                                                                           \
1757   declare_constant(Location::normal)                                      \
1758   declare_constant(Location::oop)                                         \
1759   declare_constant(Location::narrowoop)                                   \
1760   declare_constant(Location::int_in_long)                                 \
1761   declare_constant(Location::lng)                                         \
1762   declare_constant(Location::float_in_dbl)                                \
1763   declare_constant(Location::dbl)                                         \
1764   declare_constant(Location::addr)                                        \
1765   declare_constant(Location::invalid)                                     \
1766                                                                           \
1767   /* constants from Location::Where enum */                               \
1768                                                                           \
1769   declare_constant(Location::on_stack)                                    \
1770   declare_constant(Location::in_register)                                 \
1771                                                                           \

1772   /*********************/                                                 \
1773   /* Matcher (C2 only) */                                                 \
1774   /*********************/                                                 \
1775                                                                           \
1776   declare_c2_preprocessor_constant("Matcher::interpreter_frame_pointer_reg", Matcher::interpreter_frame_pointer_reg()) \
1777                                                                           \
1778   /*********************************************/                         \
1779   /* MethodCompilation (globalDefinitions.hpp) */                         \
1780   /*********************************************/                         \
1781                                                                           \
1782   declare_constant(InvocationEntryBci)                                    \
1783   declare_constant(InvalidOSREntryBci)                                    \
1784                                                                           \
1785   /***************/                                                       \
1786   /* OopMapValue */                                                       \
1787   /***************/                                                       \
1788                                                                           \
1789   declare_constant(OopMapValue::type_bits)                                \
1790   declare_constant(OopMapValue::register_bits)                            \
1791   declare_constant(OopMapValue::type_shift)                               \

2455 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsOopTypeOffset, VMTypeEntry, isOopType);
2456 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsIntegerTypeOffset, VMTypeEntry, isIntegerType);
2457 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsUnsignedOffset, VMTypeEntry, isUnsigned);
2458 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySizeOffset, VMTypeEntry, size);
2459 ASSIGN_STRIDE_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryArrayStride,gHotSpotVMTypes);
2460 JNIEXPORT VMIntConstantEntry* gHotSpotVMIntConstants       = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMIntConstants;
2461 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryNameOffset, VMIntConstantEntry, name);
2462 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryValueOffset, VMIntConstantEntry, value);
2463 ASSIGN_STRIDE_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryArrayStride, gHotSpotVMIntConstants);
2464 JNIEXPORT VMLongConstantEntry* gHotSpotVMLongConstants     = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMLongConstants;
2465 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryNameOffset, VMLongConstantEntry, name);
2466 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryValueOffset, VMLongConstantEntry, value);
2467 ASSIGN_STRIDE_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryArrayStride, gHotSpotVMLongConstants);
2468 }
2470 #ifdef ASSERT
2471 static int recursiveFindType(VMTypeEntry* origtypes, const char* typeName, bool isRecurse) {
2472   {
2473     VMTypeEntry* types = origtypes;
2474     while (types->typeName != NULL) {
2475       if (!strcmp(typeName, types->typeName)) {

2476         return 1;
2477       }
2478       ++types;
2479     }
2480   }

2481   size_t len = strlen(typeName);
2482   if (typeName[len-1] == '*') {
2483     char * s = new char[len];
2484     strncpy(s, typeName, len - 1);
2485     s[len-1] = '\0';
2486     // tty->print_cr("checking \"%s\" for \"%s\"", s, typeName);
2487     if (recursiveFindType(origtypes, s, true) == 1) {
2488       delete s;
2489       return 1;
2490     }
2491     delete s;
2492   }
2493   if (strstr(typeName, "GrowableArray<") == typeName) {
2494     const char * start = typeName + strlen("GrowableArray<");
2495     const char * end = strrchr(typeName, '>');
2496     int len = end - start + 1;
2497     char * s = new char[len];
2498     strncpy(s, start, len - 1);
2499     s[len-1] = '\0';
2500     // tty->print_cr("checking \"%s\" for \"%s\"", s, typeName);

  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/dictionary.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/loaderConstraints.hpp"
  29 #include "classfile/placeholders.hpp"
  30 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
  31 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  32 #include "ci/ciField.hpp"
  33 #include "ci/ciInstance.hpp"
  34 #include "ci/ciObjArrayKlass.hpp"
  35 #include "ci/ciMethodData.hpp"
  36 #include "ci/ciSymbol.hpp"
  37 #include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
  38 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  39 #include "code/compressedStream.hpp"
  40 #include "code/location.hpp"
  41 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
  42 #include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
  43 #include "code/stubs.hpp"
  44 #include "code/vmreg.hpp"
  45 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
  46 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  47 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/freeBlockDictionary.hpp"
  48 #include "gc_implementation/shared/immutableSpace.hpp"
  49 #include "gc_implementation/shared/markSweep.hpp"
  50 #include "gc_implementation/shared/mutableSpace.hpp"
  51 #include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.hpp"
  52 #include "interpreter/bytecodeInterpreter.hpp"
  53 #include "interpreter/bytecodes.hpp"
  54 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  55 #include "memory/cardTableRS.hpp"
  56 #include "memory/compactPermGen.hpp"
  57 #include "memory/defNewGeneration.hpp"
  58 #include "memory/genCollectedHeap.hpp"
  59 #include "memory/generation.hpp"
  60 #include "memory/generationSpec.hpp"
  61 #include "memory/heap.hpp"
  62 #include "memory/permGen.hpp"
  63 #include "memory/space.hpp"
  64 #include "memory/tenuredGeneration.hpp"
  65 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  66 #include "memory/watermark.hpp"

  79 #include "oops/instanceMirrorKlass.hpp"
  80 #include "oops/instanceKlassKlass.hpp"
  81 #include "oops/instanceOop.hpp"
  82 #include "oops/klass.hpp"
  83 #include "oops/klassOop.hpp"
  84 #include "oops/markOop.hpp"
  85 #include "oops/methodDataKlass.hpp"
  86 #include "oops/methodDataOop.hpp"
  87 #include "oops/methodKlass.hpp"
  88 #include "oops/methodOop.hpp"
  89 #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
  90 #include "oops/objArrayKlassKlass.hpp"
  91 #include "oops/objArrayOop.hpp"
  92 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  93 #include "oops/symbol.hpp"
  94 #include "oops/typeArrayKlass.hpp"
  95 #include "oops/typeArrayKlassKlass.hpp"
  96 #include "oops/typeArrayOop.hpp"
  97 #include "prims/jvmtiAgentThread.hpp"
  98 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
  99 #include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
 100 #include "runtime/vframeArray.hpp"
 101 #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
 102 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
 103 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
 104 #include "runtime/perfMemory.hpp"
 105 #include "runtime/serviceThread.hpp"
 106 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
 107 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
 108 #include "runtime/virtualspace.hpp"
 109 #include "runtime/vmStructs.hpp"
 110 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 111 #include "utilities/hashtable.hpp"
 112 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
 113 # include "vmStructs_x86.hpp"
 114 #endif
 115 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_sparc
 116 # include "vmStructs_sparc.hpp"
 117 #endif
 118 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero
 119 # include "vmStructs_zero.hpp"
 120 #endif

 158 # include "vmStructs_linux_ppc.hpp"
 159 #endif
 160 #ifndef SERIALGC
 161 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/cmsPermGen.hpp"
 162 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/compactibleFreeListSpace.hpp"
 163 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepGeneration.hpp"
 164 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/concurrentMarkSweepThread.hpp"
 165 #include "gc_implementation/concurrentMarkSweep/vmStructs_cms.hpp"
 166 #include "gc_implementation/parNew/parNewGeneration.hpp"
 167 #include "gc_implementation/parNew/vmStructs_parNew.hpp"
 168 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/asPSOldGen.hpp"
 169 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/asPSYoungGen.hpp"
 170 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/parallelScavengeHeap.hpp"
 171 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psOldGen.hpp"
 172 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psPermGen.hpp"
 173 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psVirtualspace.hpp"
 174 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psYoungGen.hpp"
 175 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/vmStructs_parallelgc.hpp"
 176 #endif
 177 #ifdef COMPILER2
 178 #include "opto/addnode.hpp"
 179 #include "opto/block.hpp"
 180 #include "opto/callnode.hpp"
 181 #include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
 182 #include "opto/chaitin.hpp"
 183 #include "opto/divnode.hpp"
 184 #include "opto/locknode.hpp"
 185 #include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
 186 #include "opto/machnode.hpp"
 187 #include "opto/matcher.hpp"
 188 #include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
 189 #include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
 190 #include "opto/parse.hpp"
 191 #include "opto/regalloc.hpp"
 192 #include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
 193 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
 194 #include "opto/vectornode.hpp"
 195 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_32
 196 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_x86_32.hpp"
 197 #endif
 198 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_64
 199 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_x86_64.hpp"
 200 #endif
 201 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_sparc
 202 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_sparc.hpp"
 203 #endif
 204 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_zero
 205 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_zero.hpp"
 206 #endif
 207 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_arm
 208 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_arm.hpp"
 209 #endif
 210 #ifdef TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_ppc
 211 # include "adfiles/adGlobals_ppc.hpp"
 212 #endif
 213 #endif

 300   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _minor_version,                                u2)                                    \
 301   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _major_version,                                u2)                                    \
 302   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _init_state,                                   instanceKlass::ClassState)             \
 303   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _init_thread,                                  Thread*)                               \
 304   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _vtable_len,                                   int)                                   \
 305   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _itable_len,                                   int)                                   \
 306   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _reference_type,                               ReferenceType)                         \
 307   volatile_nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,      _oop_map_cache,                                OopMapCache*)                          \
 308   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _jni_ids,                                      JNIid*)                                \
 309   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _osr_nmethods_head,                            nmethod*)                              \
 310   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _breakpoints,                                  BreakpointInfo*)                       \
 311   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _generic_signature,                            Symbol*)                               \
 312   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_jmethod_ids,                          jmethodID*)                            \
 313   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_cached_itable_indices,                int*)                                  \
 314   volatile_nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,      _idnum_allocated_count,                        u2)                                    \
 315   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _class_annotations,                            typeArrayOop)                          \
 316   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _fields_annotations,                           objArrayOop)                           \
 317   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_annotations,                          objArrayOop)                           \
 318   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_parameter_annotations,                objArrayOop)                           \
 319   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _methods_default_annotations,                  objArrayOop)                           \
 320   nonstatic_field(instanceKlass,               _dependencies,                                 nmethodBucket*)                        \
 321   nonstatic_field(nmethodBucket,               _nmethod,                                      nmethod*)                              \
 322   nonstatic_field(nmethodBucket,               _count,                                        int)                                   \
 323   nonstatic_field(nmethodBucket,               _next,                                         nmethodBucket*)                        \
 324   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _super_check_offset,                           juint)                                 \
 325   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _secondary_super_cache,                        klassOop)                              \
 326   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _secondary_supers,                             objArrayOop)                           \
 327   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _primary_supers[0],                            klassOop)                              \
 328   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _java_mirror,                                  oop)                                   \
 329   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _modifier_flags,                               jint)                                  \
 330   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _super,                                        klassOop)                              \
 331   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _layout_helper,                                jint)                                  \
 332   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _name,                                         Symbol*)                               \
 333   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _access_flags,                                 AccessFlags)                           \
 334   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _subklass,                                     klassOop)                              \
 335   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _next_sibling,                                 klassOop)                              \
 336   nonproduct_nonstatic_field(Klass,            _verify_count,                                 int)                                   \
 337   nonstatic_field(Klass,                       _alloc_count,                                  juint)                                 \
 338   nonstatic_field(klassKlass,                  _alloc_size,                                   juint)                                 \
 339   nonstatic_field(methodKlass,                 _alloc_size,                                   juint)                                 \
 340   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _size,                                         int)                                   \
 341   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _method,                                       methodOop)                             \
 342   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _data_size,                                    int)                                   \
 343   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _data[0],                                      intptr_t)                              \
 344   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _nof_decompiles,                               uint)                                  \
 345   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _nof_overflow_recompiles,                      uint)                                  \
 346   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _nof_overflow_traps,                           uint)                                  \
 347   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _eflags,                                       intx)                                  \
 348   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _arg_local,                                    intx)                                  \
 349   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _arg_stack,                                    intx)                                  \
 350   nonstatic_field(methodDataOopDesc,           _arg_returned,                                 intx)                                  \
 351   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _constMethod,                                  constMethodOop)                        \
 352   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _constants,                                    constantPoolOop)                       \
 353   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _method_data,                                  methodDataOop)                         \
 354   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _interpreter_invocation_count,                 int)                                   \
 355   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _access_flags,                                 AccessFlags)                           \
 356   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _vtable_index,                                 int)                                   \
 357   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _method_size,                                  u2)                                    \
 358   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _max_stack,                                    u2)                                    \
 359   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _max_locals,                                   u2)                                    \
 360   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _size_of_parameters,                           u2)                                    \
 361   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _interpreter_throwout_count,                   u2)                                    \
 362   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _number_of_breakpoints,                        u2)                                    \
 363   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _invocation_counter,                           InvocationCounter)                     \
 364   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _backedge_counter,                             InvocationCounter)                     \
 365   nonproduct_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,    _compiled_invocation_count,                    int)                                   \
 366   volatile_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,      _code,                                         nmethod*)                              \
 367   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _i2i_entry,                                    address)                               \
 368   nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,               _adapter,                                      AdapterHandlerEntry*)                  \
 369   volatile_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,      _from_compiled_entry,                          address)                               \
 370   volatile_nonstatic_field(methodOopDesc,      _from_interpreted_entry,                       address)                               \
 371   volatile_nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc, _fingerprint,                                  uint64_t)                              \
 372   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _method,                                       methodOop)                             \
 373   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _stackmap_data,                                typeArrayOop)                          \
 374   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _exception_table,                              typeArrayOop)                          \
 375   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _constMethod_size,                             int)                                   \
 376   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _interpreter_kind,                             jbyte)                                 \
 377   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _flags,                                        jbyte)                                 \
 378   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _code_size,                                    u2)                                    \
 379   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _name_index,                                   u2)                                    \
 380   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _signature_index,                              u2)                                    \
 381   nonstatic_field(constMethodOopDesc,          _method_idnum,                                 u2)                                    \

 728   /********************/                                                                                                             \
 729                                                                                                                                      \
 730   nonstatic_field(PlaceholderEntry,            _loader,                                       oop)                                   \
 731                                                                                                                                      \
 732   /**************************/                                                                                                       \
 733   /* ProctectionDomainEntry */                                                                                                       \
 734   /**************************/                                                                                                       \
 735                                                                                                                                      \
 736   nonstatic_field(ProtectionDomainEntry,       _next,                                         ProtectionDomainEntry*)                \
 737   nonstatic_field(ProtectionDomainEntry,       _protection_domain,                            oop)                                   \
 738                                                                                                                                      \
 739   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
 740   /* LoaderConstraintEntry */                                                                                                        \
 741   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
 742                                                                                                                                      \
 743   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _name,                                         Symbol*)                               \
 744   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _num_loaders,                                  int)                                   \
 745   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _max_loaders,                                  int)                                   \
 746   nonstatic_field(LoaderConstraintEntry,       _loaders,                                      oop*)                                  \
 747                                                                                                                                      \
 748   /*******************/                                                                                                              \
 749   /* GrowableArrays  */                                                                                                              \
 750   /*******************/                                                                                                              \
 751                                                                                                                                      \
 752   nonstatic_field(GenericGrowableArray,        _len,                                          int)                                   \
 753   nonstatic_field(GenericGrowableArray,        _max,                                          int)                                   \
 754   nonstatic_field(GenericGrowableArray,        _arena,                                        Arena*)                                \
 755   nonstatic_field(GrowableArray<int>,               _data,                                         int*) \
 756                                                                                                                                      \
 757   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 758   /* CodeCache (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                 \
 759   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 760                                                                                                                                      \
 761      static_field(CodeCache,                   _heap,                                         CodeHeap*)                             \
 762      static_field(CodeCache,                   _scavenge_root_nmethods,                       nmethod*)                              \
 763                                                                                                                                      \
 764   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 765   /* CodeHeap (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                  \
 766   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 767                                                                                                                                      \
 768   nonstatic_field(CodeHeap,                    _memory,                                       VirtualSpace)                          \
 769   nonstatic_field(CodeHeap,                    _segmap,                                       VirtualSpace)                          \
 770   nonstatic_field(CodeHeap,                    _log2_segment_size,                            int)                                   \
 771   nonstatic_field(HeapBlock,                   _header,                                       HeapBlock::Header)                     \
 772   nonstatic_field(HeapBlock::Header,           _length,                                       size_t)                                \
 773   nonstatic_field(HeapBlock::Header,           _used,                                         bool)                                  \
 774                                                                                                                                      \
 775   /**********************************/                                                                                               \
 776   /* Interpreter (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                               \

 842   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _state,                                        unsigned char)                         \
 843   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _exception_offset,                             int)                                   \
 844   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _deoptimize_offset,                            int)                                   \
 845   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _deoptimize_mh_offset,                         int)                                   \
 846   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _orig_pc_offset,                               int)                                   \
 847   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _stub_offset,                                  int)                                   \
 848   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _consts_offset,                                int)                                   \
 849   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _oops_offset,                                  int)                                   \
 850   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _scopes_data_offset,                           int)                                   \
 851   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _scopes_pcs_offset,                            int)                                   \
 852   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _dependencies_offset,                          int)                                   \
 853   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _handler_table_offset,                         int)                                   \
 854   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _nul_chk_table_offset,                         int)                                   \
 855   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _nmethod_end_offset,                           int)                                   \
 856   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _entry_point,                                  address)                               \
 857   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _verified_entry_point,                         address)                               \
 858   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _osr_entry_point,                              address)                               \
 859   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _lock_count,                                   jint)                                  \
 860   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _stack_traversal_mark,                         long)                                  \
 861   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _compile_id,                                   int)                                   \
 862   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _exception_cache,                              ExceptionCache*)                       \
 863   nonstatic_field(nmethod,             _marked_for_deoptimization,                    bool)                                  \
 864                                                                                                                                      \
 865   nonstatic_field(RicochetBlob,        _bounce_offset,                                int)                                           \
 866   nonstatic_field(RicochetBlob,        _exception_offset,                             int)                                           \
 867                                                                                                                                      \
 868   unchecked_c2_static_field(Deoptimization,         _trap_reason_name,                   void*)                                         \
 869                                                                                                                                      \
 870   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 871   /* JavaCalls (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                 \
 872   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 873                                                                                                                                      \
 874   nonstatic_field(JavaCallWrapper,             _anchor,                                       JavaFrameAnchor)                       \
 875   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 876   /* JavaFrameAnchor (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                           \
 877   /********************************/                                                                                                 \
 878   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaFrameAnchor,    _last_Java_sp,                                 intptr_t*)                             \
 879   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaFrameAnchor,    _last_Java_pc,                                 address)                               \
 880                                                                                                                                      \
 881   /******************************/                                                                                                   \
 882   /* Threads (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                   \
 883   /******************************/                                                                                                   \
 884                                                                                                                                      \
 885      static_field(Threads,                     _thread_list,                                  JavaThread*)                           \
 886      static_field(Threads,                     _number_of_threads,                            int)                                   \
 887      static_field(Threads,                     _number_of_non_daemon_threads,                 int)                                   \
 888      static_field(Threads,                     _return_code,                                  int)                                   \
 889                                                                                                                                      \
 890   nonstatic_field(ThreadShadow,                _pending_exception,                            oop)                                   \
 891   nonstatic_field(ThreadShadow,                _exception_file,                               const char*)                           \
 892   nonstatic_field(ThreadShadow,                _exception_line,                               int)                                   \
 893    volatile_nonstatic_field(Thread,            _suspend_flags,                                uint32_t)                              \
 894   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _active_handles,                               JNIHandleBlock*)                       \
 895   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _tlab,                                         ThreadLocalAllocBuffer)                \
 896   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _current_pending_monitor,                      ObjectMonitor*)                        \
 897   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _current_pending_monitor_is_from_java,         bool)                                  \
 898   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _current_waiting_monitor,                      ObjectMonitor*)                        \
 899   nonstatic_field(NamedThread,                 _name,                                         char*)                                 \
 900   nonstatic_field(NamedThread,                 _processed_thread,                             JavaThread*)                           \
 901   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _next,                                         JavaThread*)                           \
 902   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _threadObj,                                    oop)                                   \
 903   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _anchor,                                       JavaFrameAnchor)                       \
 904   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _vm_result,                                    oop)                                   \
 905   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _vm_result_2,                                  oop)                                   \
 906   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _pending_async_exception,                      oop)                                   \
 907   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaThread,         _exception_oop,                                oop)                                   \
 908   volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaThread,         _exception_pc,                                 address)                               \
 909   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _is_compiling,                                 bool)                                  \
 910   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _special_runtime_exit_condition,               JavaThread::AsyncRequests)             \
 911   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _saved_exception_pc,                           address)                               \
 912    volatile_nonstatic_field(JavaThread,        _thread_state,                                 JavaThreadState)                       \
 913   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _osthread,                                     OSThread*)                             \
 914   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _stack_base,                                   address)                               \
 915   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _stack_size,                                   size_t)                                \
 916   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _vframe_array_head,                            vframeArray*)                          \
 917   nonstatic_field(JavaThread,                  _vframe_array_last,                            vframeArray*)                          \
 918   nonstatic_field(Thread,                      _resource_area,                                ResourceArea*)                         \
 919   nonstatic_field(CompilerThread,              _env,                                          ciEnv*)                                \
 920                                                                                                                                      \
 921   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 922   /* OSThread */                                                                                                                     \
 923   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 924                                                                                                                                      \
 925   volatile_nonstatic_field(OSThread,           _interrupted,                                  jint)                                  \
 926                                                                                                                                      \
 927   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 928   /* OopMap and OopMapSet */                                                                                                         \
 929   /************************/                                                                                                         \
 930                                                                                                                                      \
 931   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _pc_offset,                                    int)                                   \
 932   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _omv_count,                                    int)                                   \
 933   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _omv_data_size,                                int)                                   \
 934   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _omv_data,                                     unsigned char*)                        \
 935   nonstatic_field(OopMap,                      _write_stream,                                 CompressedWriteStream*)                \
 936   nonstatic_field(OopMapSet,                   _om_count,                                     int)                                   \
 937   nonstatic_field(OopMapSet,                   _om_size,                                      int)                                   \
 938   nonstatic_field(OopMapSet,                   _om_data,                                      OopMap**)                              \
 939                                                                                                                                      \

 951   /********************/                                                                                                             \
 952   /* CompressedStream */                                                                                                             \
 953   /********************/                                                                                                             \
 954                                                                                                                                      \
 955   nonstatic_field(CompressedStream,            _buffer,                                       u_char*)                               \
 956   nonstatic_field(CompressedStream,            _position,                                     int)                                   \
 957                                                                                                                                      \
 958   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 959   /* VMRegImpl (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                 \
 960   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
 961                                                                                                                                      \
 962      static_field(VMRegImpl,                   regName[0],                                    const char*)                           \
 963      static_field(VMRegImpl,                   stack0,                                        VMReg)                                 \
 964                                                                                                                                      \
 965   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 966   /* Runtime1 (NOTE: incomplete) */                                                                                                  \
 967   /*******************************/                                                                                                  \
 968                                                                                                                                      \
 969   unchecked_c1_static_field(Runtime1,          _blobs,                                 sizeof(Runtime1::_blobs)) /* NOTE: no type */ \
 970                                                                                                                                      \
 971   /**************/                                                                                                                   \
 972   /* allocation */                                                                                                                   \
 973   /**************/                                                                                                                   \
 974                                                                                                                                      \
 975   nonstatic_field(Chunk, _next, Chunk*)                                                                                              \
 976   nonstatic_field(Chunk, _len, const size_t)                                                                                         \
 977                                                                                                                                      \
 978   nonstatic_field(Arena, _first, Chunk*)                                                                                             \
 979   nonstatic_field(Arena, _chunk, Chunk*)                                                                                             \
 980   nonstatic_field(Arena, _hwm, char*)                                                                                                \
 981   nonstatic_field(Arena, _max, char*)                                                                                                \
 982                                                                                                                                      \
 983   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 984   /* CI */                                                                                                                           \
 985   /************/                                                                                                                     \
 986                                                                                                                                      \
 987  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _system_dictionary_modification_counter, int)                                                  \
 988  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _compiler_data, void*)                                                                         \
 989  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _failure_reason, const char*)                                                                  \
 990  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _factory, ciObjectFactory*)                                                                    \
 991  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _dependencies, Dependencies*)                                                                  \
 992  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _task, CompileTask*)                                                                           \
 993  nonstatic_field(ciEnv,               _arena, Arena*)                                                                                \
 994                                                                                                                                      \
 995  nonstatic_field(ciObject,    _handle, jobject)                                                                                      \
 996  nonstatic_field(ciObject,    _klass, ciKlass*)                                                                                      \
 997  nonstatic_field(ciObject,    _ident, uint)                                                                                          \
 998                                                                                                                                      \
 999  nonstatic_field(ciSymbol,    _ident, uint)                                                                                          \
1000  nonstatic_field(ciSymbol,    _symbol, Symbol*)                                                                                      \
1001                                                                                                                                      \
1002  nonstatic_field(ciType,    _basic_type, BasicType)                                                                                  \
1003                                                                                                                                      \
1004  nonstatic_field(ciKlass,   _name, ciSymbol*)                                                                                        \
1005                                                                                                                                      \
1006  nonstatic_field(ciArrayKlass,   _dimension, jint)                                                                                   \
1007                                                                                                                                      \
1008  nonstatic_field(ciObjArrayKlass, _element_klass, ciKlass*)                                                                          \
1009  nonstatic_field(ciObjArrayKlass, _base_element_klass, ciKlass*)                                                                     \
1010                                                                                                                                      \
1011  nonstatic_field(ciInstanceKlass,   _init_state, instanceKlass::ClassState)                                                          \
1012  nonstatic_field(ciInstanceKlass,   _is_shared,  bool)                                                                               \
1013                                                                                                                                      \
1014  nonstatic_field(ciMethod,     _interpreter_invocation_count, int)                                                                   \
1015  nonstatic_field(ciMethod,     _interpreter_throwout_count, int)                                                                     \
1016                                                                                                                                      \
1017  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _data_size, int)                                                                                      \
1018  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _state, u_char)                                                                                       \
1019  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _extra_data_size, int)                                                                                \
1020  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _data, intptr_t*)                                                                                     \
1021  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _hint_di, int)                                                                                        \
1022  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _eflags, intx)                                                                                        \
1023  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _arg_local, intx)                                                                                     \
1024  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _arg_stack, intx)                                                                                     \
1025  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _arg_returned, intx)                                                                                  \
1026  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _current_mileage, int)                                                                                \
1027  nonstatic_field(ciMethodData, _orig, methodDataOopDesc)                                                                             \
1028                                                                                                                                      \
1029  nonstatic_field(ciField,     _holder, ciInstanceKlass*)                                                                             \
1030  nonstatic_field(ciField,     _name, ciSymbol*)                                                                                      \
1031  nonstatic_field(ciField,     _signature, ciSymbol*)                                                                                 \
1032  nonstatic_field(ciField,     _offset, int)                                                                                          \
1033  nonstatic_field(ciField,     _is_constant, bool)                                                                                    \
1034  nonstatic_field(ciField,     _constant_value, ciConstant)                                                                           \
1035                                                                                                                                      \
1036  nonstatic_field(ciObjectFactory,     _ci_objects, GrowableArray<ciObject*>*)                                                        \
1037  nonstatic_field(ciObjectFactory,     _symbols, GrowableArray<ciSymbol*>*)                                                           \
1038  nonstatic_field(ciObjectFactory,     _unloaded_methods, GrowableArray<ciMethod*>*)                                                  \
1039                                                                                                                                      \
1040  nonstatic_field(ciConstant,     _type, BasicType)                                                                                   \
1041  nonstatic_field(ciConstant,     _value._int, jint)                                                                                  \
1042  nonstatic_field(ciConstant,     _value._long, jlong)                                                                                \
1043  nonstatic_field(ciConstant,     _value._float, jfloat)                                                                              \
1044  nonstatic_field(ciConstant,     _value._double, jdouble)                                                                            \
1045  nonstatic_field(ciConstant,     _value._object, ciObject*)                                                                          \
1046                                                                                                                                      \
1047   /************/                                                                                                                     \
1048   /* Monitors */                                                                                                                     \
1049   /************/                                                                                                                     \
1050                                                                                                                                      \
1051   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _header,                                       markOop)                               \
1052   unchecked_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,     _object,                                       sizeof(void *)) /* NOTE: no type */    \
1053   unchecked_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,     _owner,                                        sizeof(void *)) /* NOTE: no type */    \
1054   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _count,                                        intptr_t)                              \
1055   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _waiters,                                      intptr_t)                              \
1056   volatile_nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,      _recursions,                                   intptr_t)                              \
1057   nonstatic_field(ObjectMonitor,               FreeNext,                                      ObjectMonitor*)                        \
1058   volatile_nonstatic_field(BasicLock,          _displaced_header,                             markOop)                               \
1059   nonstatic_field(BasicObjectLock,             _lock,                                         BasicLock)                             \
1060   nonstatic_field(BasicObjectLock,             _obj,                                          oop)                                   \
1061   static_field(ObjectSynchronizer,             gBlockList,                                    ObjectMonitor*)                        \
1062                                                                                                                                      \
1063   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
1064   /* Matcher (C2 only) */                                                                                                            \
1065   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
1066                                                                                                                                      \
1067   unchecked_c2_static_field(Matcher,           _regEncode,                          sizeof(Matcher::_regEncode)) /* NOTE: no type */ \
1068                                                                                                                                      \
1069   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _in,                      Node**)                                                           \
1070   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _out,                     Node**)                                                           \
1071   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _cnt,                     node_idx_t)                                                       \
1072   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _max,                     node_idx_t)                                                       \
1073   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _outcnt,                  node_idx_t)                                                       \
1074   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _outmax,                  node_idx_t)                                                       \
1075   c2_nonstatic_field(Node,               _idx,                     const node_idx_t)                                                 \
1076                                                                                                                                      \
1077   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _root,                    RootNode*)                                                        \
1078   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _unique,                  uint)                                                             \
1079   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _entry_bci,               int)                                                              \
1080   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _top,                     Node*)                                                            \
1081   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _cfg,                     PhaseCFG*)                                                        \
1082   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _regalloc,                PhaseRegAlloc*)                                                   \
1083   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _method,                  ciMethod*)                                                        \
1084   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _compile_id,              const int)                                                        \
1085   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _save_argument_registers, const bool)                                                       \
1086   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _subsume_loads,           const bool)                                                       \
1087   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _do_escape_analysis,      const bool)                                                       \
1088   c2_nonstatic_field(Compile,            _ilt,                     InlineTree*)                                                      \
1089                                                                                                                                      \
1090   c2_nonstatic_field(InlineTree,         _caller_jvms,             JVMState*)                                                        \
1091   c2_nonstatic_field(InlineTree,         _method,                  ciMethod*)                                                        \
1092   c2_nonstatic_field(InlineTree,         _caller_tree,             InlineTree*)                                                      \
1093   c2_nonstatic_field(InlineTree,         _subtrees,                GrowableArray<InlineTree*>)                                       \
1094                                                                                                                                      \
1095   c2_nonstatic_field(OptoRegPair,        _first,                   short)                                                            \
1096   c2_nonstatic_field(OptoRegPair,        _second,                  short)                                                            \
1097                                                                                                                                      \
1098   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _caller,                  JVMState*)                                                        \
1099   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _depth,                   uint)                                                             \
1100   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _locoff,                  uint)                                                             \
1101   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _stkoff,                  uint)                                                             \
1102   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _monoff,                  uint)                                                             \
1103   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _scloff,                  uint)                                                             \
1104   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _endoff,                  uint)                                                             \
1105   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _sp,                      uint)                                                             \
1106   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _bci,                     int)                                                              \
1107   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _method,                  ciMethod*)                                                        \
1108   c2_nonstatic_field(JVMState,           _map,                     SafePointNode*)                                                   \
1109                                                                                                                                      \
1110   c2_nonstatic_field(SafePointNode,      _jvms,                    JVMState* const)                                                  \
1111                                                                                                                                      \
1112   c2_nonstatic_field(MachSafePointNode,  _jvms,                    JVMState*)                                                        \
1113   c2_nonstatic_field(MachSafePointNode,  _jvmadj,                  uint)                                                             \
1114                                                                                                                                      \
1115   c2_nonstatic_field(MachIfNode,         _prob,                    jfloat)                                                           \
1116   c2_nonstatic_field(MachIfNode,         _fcnt,                    jfloat)                                                           \
1117                                                                                                                                      \
1118   c2_nonstatic_field(CallNode,           _entry_point,             address)                                                          \
1119                                                                                                                                      \
1120   c2_nonstatic_field(CallJavaNode,       _method,                  ciMethod*)                                                        \
1121                                                                                                                                      \
1122   c2_nonstatic_field(CallRuntimeNode,    _name,                    const char*)                                                      \
1123                                                                                                                                      \
1124   c2_nonstatic_field(CallStaticJavaNode, _name,                    const char*)                                                      \
1125                                                                                                                                      \
1126   c2_nonstatic_field(MachCallJavaNode,   _method,                  ciMethod*)                                                        \
1127   c2_nonstatic_field(MachCallJavaNode,   _bci,                     int)                                                              \
1128                                                                                                                                      \
1129   c2_nonstatic_field(MachCallStaticJavaNode, _name,                const char*)                                                      \
1130                                                                                                                                      \
1131   c2_nonstatic_field(MachCallRuntimeNode,  _name,                  const char*)                                                      \
1132                                                                                                                                      \
1133   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseCFG,           _num_blocks,              uint)                                                             \
1134   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseCFG,           _blocks,                  Block_List)                                                       \
1135   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseCFG,           _bbs,                     Block_Array)                                                      \
1136   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseCFG,           _broot,                   Block*)                                                           \
1137                                                                                                                                      \
1138   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseRegAlloc,      _node_regs,               OptoRegPair*)                                                     \
1139   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseRegAlloc,      _node_regs_max_index,     uint)                                                             \
1140   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseRegAlloc,      _framesize,               uint)                                                             \
1141   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseRegAlloc,      _max_reg,                 OptoReg::Name)                                                    \
1142                                                                                                                                      \
1143   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _trip_cnt,                int)                                                              \
1144   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _alternate,               int)                                                              \
1145   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _lo_degree,               uint)                                                             \
1146   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _lo_stk_degree,           uint)                                                             \
1147   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _hi_degree,               uint)                                                             \
1148   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _simplified,              uint)                                                             \
1149   c2_nonstatic_field(PhaseChaitin,       _maxlrg,                  uint)                                                             \
1150                                                                                                                                      \
1151   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _nodes,                   Node_List)                                                        \
1152   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _succs,                   Block_Array)                                                      \
1153   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _num_succs,               uint)                                                             \
1154   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _pre_order,               uint)                                                             \
1155   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _dom_depth,               uint)                                                             \
1156   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _idom,                    Block*)                                                           \
1157   c2_nonstatic_field(Block,              _freq,                    jfloat)                                                           \
1158                                                                                                                                      \
1159   c2_nonstatic_field(CFGElement,         _freq,                    jfloat)                                                           \
1160                                                                                                                                      \
1161   c2_nonstatic_field(Block_List,         _cnt,                     uint)                                                             \
1162                                                                                                                                      \
1163   c2_nonstatic_field(Block_Array,        _size,                    uint)                                                             \
1164   c2_nonstatic_field(Block_Array,        _blocks,                  Block**)                                                          \
1165   c2_nonstatic_field(Block_Array,        _arena,                   Arena*)                                                           \
1166                                                                                                                                      \
1167   c2_nonstatic_field(Node_List,          _cnt,                     uint)                                                             \
1168                                                                                                                                      \
1169   c2_nonstatic_field(Node_Array,         _max,                     uint)                                                             \
1170   c2_nonstatic_field(Node_Array,         _nodes,                   Node**)                                                           \
1171   c2_nonstatic_field(Node_Array,         _a,                       Arena*)                                                           \
1172                                                                                                                                      \
1173                                                                                                                                      \
1174   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
1175   /* -XX flags         */                                                                                                            \
1176   /*********************/                                                                                                            \
1177                                                                                                                                      \
1178   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        type,                                          const char*)                           \
1179   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        name,                                          const char*)                           \
1180   unchecked_nonstatic_field(Flag,              addr,                                          sizeof(void*)) /* NOTE: no type */     \
1181   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        kind,                                          const char*)                           \
1182   nonstatic_field(Flag,                        origin,                                        FlagValueOrigin)                       \
1183   static_field(Flag,                           flags,                                         Flag*)                                 \
1184   static_field(Flag,                           numFlags,                                      size_t)                                \
1185                                                                                                                                      \
1186   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
1187   /* JDK / VM version info */                                                                                                        \
1188   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
1189                                                                                                                                      \
1190   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _s_vm_release,                                 const char*)                           \
1191   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _s_internal_vm_info_string,                    const char*)                           \
1192   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_major_version,                             int)                                   \
1193   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_minor_version,                             int)                                   \
1194   static_field(Abstract_VM_Version,            _vm_build_number,                              int)                                   \
1195                                                                                                                                      \
1196   static_field(JDK_Version,                    _current,                                      JDK_Version)                           \
1197   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _partially_initialized,                        bool)                                  \
1198   nonstatic_field(JDK_Version,                 _major,                                        unsigned char)                         \
1199                                                                                                                                      \
1200   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
1201   /* JVMTI */                                                                                                                        \
1202   /*************************/                                                                                                        \
1203                                                                                                                                      \
1204   static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_access_local_variables,                  bool)                                  \
1205   static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint,              bool)                                  \
1206   static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_post_on_exceptions,                      bool)                                  \
1207   static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_walk_any_space,                          bool)                                  \
1208                                                                                                                                      \
1209   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
1210   /* Arguments */                                                                                                                    \
1211   /*************/                                                                                                                    \
1212                                                                                                                                      \
1213   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_flags_array,                              char**)                                \
1214   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_flags,                                int)                                   \
1215   static_field(Arguments,                      _jvm_args_array,                               char**)                                \
1216   static_field(Arguments,                      _num_jvm_args,                                 int)                                   \
1217   static_field(Arguments,                      _java_command,                                 char*)                                 \
1218                                                                                                                                      \
1219   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
1220   /* java_lang_Class fields        */                                                                                                \
1221   /*********************************/                                                                                                \
1222                                                                                                                                      \
1223   static_field(java_lang_Class,                klass_offset,                                  int)                                   \
1224   static_field(java_lang_Class,                resolved_constructor_offset,                   int)                                   \
1225   static_field(java_lang_Class,                array_klass_offset,                            int)                                   \
1226   static_field(java_lang_Class,                oop_size_offset,                               int)                                   \
1227   static_field(java_lang_Class,                static_oop_field_count_offset,                 int)                                   \
1228                                                                                                                                      \
1229   /************************/                                                                                                         \
1230   /* Miscellaneous fields */                                                                                                         \
1231   /************************/                                                                                                         \
1232                                                                                                                                      \
1233   nonstatic_field(CompileTask,                 _method,                                      jobject)                                \
1234   nonstatic_field(CompileTask,                 _osr_bci,                                     int)                                    \
1235   nonstatic_field(CompileTask,                 _comp_level,                                  int)                                    \
1236   nonstatic_field(CompileTask,                 _compile_id,                                  uint)                                   \
1237   nonstatic_field(CompileTask,                 _next,                                        CompileTask*)                           \
1238   nonstatic_field(CompileTask,                 _prev,                                        CompileTask*)                           \
1239                                                                                                                                      \
1240   nonstatic_field(vframeArray,                 _next,                                        vframeArray*)                           \
1241   nonstatic_field(vframeArray,                 _original,                                    frame)                                  \
1242   nonstatic_field(vframeArray,                 _caller,                                      frame)                                  \
1243   nonstatic_field(vframeArray,                 _frames,                                      int)                                    \
1244                                                                                                                                      \
1245   nonstatic_field(vframeArrayElement,          _frame,                                       frame)                                  \
1246   nonstatic_field(vframeArrayElement,          _bci,                                         int)                                    \
1247   nonstatic_field(vframeArrayElement,          _method,                                      methodOop)                              \
1248                                                                                                                                      \
1249   nonstatic_field(AccessFlags,                 _flags,                                       jint)                                   \
1250   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _counter,                                     jlong)                                  \
1251   nonstatic_field(elapsedTimer,                _active,                                      bool)                                   \
1252   nonstatic_field(InvocationCounter,           _counter,                                     unsigned int)
1254   /* NOTE that we do not use the last_entry() macro here; it is used  */
1255   /* in vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp's VM_STRUCTS_OS_CPU macro (and must  */
1256   /* be present there)                                                */
1258 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1259 // VM_TYPES
1260 //
1261 // This list must enumerate at least all of the types in the above
1262 // list. For the types in the above list, the entry below must have
1263 // exactly the same spacing since string comparisons are done in the
1264 // code which verifies the consistency of these tables (in the debug
1265 // build).
1266 //
1267 // In addition to the above types, this list is required to enumerate
1268 // the JNI's java types, which are used to indicate the size of Java

1312   /*************************************************************/         \
1313                                                                           \
1314   declare_toplevel_type(jboolean)                                         \
1315   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte)                                            \
1316   declare_toplevel_type(jchar)                                            \
1317   declare_toplevel_type(jdouble)                                          \
1318   declare_toplevel_type(jfloat)                                           \
1319   declare_toplevel_type(jint)                                             \
1320   declare_toplevel_type(jlong)                                            \
1321   declare_toplevel_type(jshort)                                           \
1322                                                                           \
1323   /*********************************************************************/ \
1324   /* C integer types. User-defined typedefs (like "size_t" or          */ \
1325   /* "intptr_t") are guaranteed to be present with the same names over */ \
1326   /* in the SA's type database. Names like "unsigned short" are not    */ \
1327   /* guaranteed to be visible through the SA's type database lookup    */ \
1328   /* mechanism, though they will have a Type object created for them   */ \
1329   /* and are valid types for Fields.                                   */ \
1330   /*********************************************************************/ \
1331   declare_integer_type(bool)                                              \
1332   declare_integer_type(short)                                             \
1333   declare_integer_type(int)                                               \
1334   declare_integer_type(long)                                              \
1335   declare_integer_type(char)                                              \
1336   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned char)                            \
1337   declare_unsigned_integer_type(u_char)                                   \
1338   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned int)                             \
1339   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uint)                                     \
1340   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned short)                           \
1341   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned long)                            \
1342   /* The compiler thinks this is a different type than */                 \
1343   /* unsigned short on Win32 */                                           \
1344   declare_unsigned_integer_type(u2)                                       \
1345   declare_unsigned_integer_type(unsigned)                                 \
1346                                                                           \
1347   /*****************************/                                         \
1348   /* C primitive pointer types */                                         \
1349   /*****************************/                                         \
1350                                                                           \
1351   declare_toplevel_type(int*)                                             \
1352   declare_toplevel_type(char*)                                            \
1353   declare_toplevel_type(char**)                                           \

1354   declare_toplevel_type(u_char*)                                          \
1355   declare_toplevel_type(unsigned char*)                                   \
1356                                                                           \
1357   /*******************************************************************/   \
1358   /* Types which it will be handy to have available over in the SA   */   \
1359   /* in order to do platform-independent address -> integer coercion */   \
1360   /* (note: these will be looked up by name)                         */   \
1361   /*******************************************************************/   \
1362                                                                           \
1363   declare_unsigned_integer_type(size_t)                                   \
1364   declare_integer_type(ssize_t)                                           \

1365   declare_integer_type(intx)                                              \
1366   declare_integer_type(intptr_t)                                          \
1367   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uintx)                                    \
1368   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uintptr_t)                                \
1369   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uint32_t)                                 \
1370   declare_unsigned_integer_type(uint64_t)                                 \

1371                                                                           \
1372   /*******************************************************************************/ \
1373   /* OopDesc and Klass hierarchies (NOTE: missing methodDataOop-related classes) */ \
1374   /*******************************************************************************/ \
1375                                                                           \
1376   declare_toplevel_type(oopDesc)                                          \
1377   declare_toplevel_type(Klass_vtbl)                                       \
1378            declare_type(Klass, Klass_vtbl)                                \
1379            declare_type(arrayKlass, Klass)                                \
1380            declare_type(arrayKlassKlass, klassKlass)                      \
1381            declare_type(arrayOopDesc, oopDesc)                            \
1382    declare_type(compiledICHolderKlass, Klass)                             \
1383    declare_type(compiledICHolderOopDesc, oopDesc)                         \
1384            declare_type(constantPoolKlass, Klass)                         \
1385            declare_type(constantPoolOopDesc, oopDesc)                     \
1386            declare_type(constantPoolCacheKlass, Klass)                    \
1387            declare_type(constantPoolCacheOopDesc, oopDesc)                \
1388            declare_type(instanceKlass, Klass)                             \
1389            declare_type(instanceKlassKlass, klassKlass)                   \
1390            declare_type(instanceOopDesc, oopDesc)                         \
1391            declare_type(instanceMirrorKlass, instanceKlass)               \
1392            declare_type(instanceRefKlass, instanceKlass)                  \
1393            declare_type(klassKlass, Klass)                                \
1394            declare_type(klassOopDesc, oopDesc)                            \
1395            declare_type(markOopDesc, oopDesc)                             \
1396    declare_type(methodDataKlass, Klass)                                   \
1397    declare_type(methodDataOopDesc, oopDesc)                               \
1398            declare_type(methodKlass, Klass)                               \
1399            declare_type(constMethodKlass, Klass)                          \
1400            declare_type(methodOopDesc, oopDesc)                           \
1401            declare_type(objArrayKlass, arrayKlass)                        \
1402            declare_type(objArrayKlassKlass, arrayKlassKlass)              \
1403            declare_type(objArrayOopDesc, arrayOopDesc)                    \
1404            declare_type(constMethodOopDesc, oopDesc)                      \
1405            declare_type(typeArrayKlass, arrayKlass)                       \
1406            declare_type(typeArrayKlassKlass, arrayKlassKlass)             \
1407            declare_type(typeArrayOopDesc, arrayOopDesc)                   \
1408            declare_toplevel_type(Symbol)                                  \
1409            declare_toplevel_type(Symbol*)                                 \
1410                                                                           \
1411   declare_toplevel_type(nmethodBucket)                                    \
1412                                                                           \
1413   /********/                                                              \
1414   /* Oops */                                                              \
1415   /********/                                                              \
1416                                                                           \
1417   declare_oop_type(constantPoolOop)                                       \
1418   declare_oop_type(constantPoolCacheOop)                                  \
1419   declare_oop_type(klassOop)                                              \
1420   declare_oop_type(markOop)                                               \
1421   declare_oop_type(methodOop)                                             \
1422   declare_oop_type(methodDataOop)                                         \
1423   declare_oop_type(objArrayOop)                                           \
1424   declare_oop_type(oop)                                                   \
1425   declare_oop_type(narrowOop)                                             \
1426   declare_oop_type(wideKlassOop)                                          \
1427   declare_oop_type(constMethodOop)                                        \
1428   declare_oop_type(typeArrayOop)                                          \
1429                                                                           \
1430   /*************************************/                                 \
1431   /* MethodOop-related data structures */                                 \
1432   /*************************************/                                 \

1460            declare_type(CompactingPermGen,            PermGen)            \
1461   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet)                                       \
1462            declare_type(ModRefBarrierSet,             BarrierSet)         \
1463            declare_type(CardTableModRefBS,            ModRefBarrierSet)   \
1464            declare_type(CardTableModRefBSForCTRS,     CardTableModRefBS)  \
1465   declare_toplevel_type(GenRemSet)                                        \
1466            declare_type(CardTableRS,                  GenRemSet)          \
1467   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetSharedArray)                           \
1468   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetTable)                                 \
1469            declare_type(BlockOffsetArray,             BlockOffsetTable)   \
1470            declare_type(BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace,  BlockOffsetArray)   \
1471            declare_type(BlockOffsetArrayNonContigSpace, BlockOffsetArray) \
1472                                                                           \
1473   /* Miscellaneous other GC types */                                      \
1474                                                                           \
1475   declare_toplevel_type(ageTable)                                         \
1476   declare_toplevel_type(Generation::StatRecord)                           \
1477   declare_toplevel_type(GenerationSpec)                                   \
1478   declare_toplevel_type(HeapWord)                                         \
1479   declare_toplevel_type(MemRegion)                                        \

1480   declare_toplevel_type(PermanentGenerationSpec)                          \
1481   declare_toplevel_type(ThreadLocalAllocBuffer)                           \
1482   declare_toplevel_type(VirtualSpace)                                     \
1483   declare_toplevel_type(WaterMark)                                        \
1484                                                                           \
1485   /* Pointers to Garbage Collection types */                              \
1486                                                                           \
1487   declare_toplevel_type(BarrierSet*)                                      \
1488   declare_toplevel_type(BlockOffsetSharedArray*)                          \
1489   declare_toplevel_type(GenRemSet*)                                       \
1490   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableRS*)                                     \
1491   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBS*)                               \
1492   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBS**)                              \
1493   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBSForCTRS*)                        \
1494   declare_toplevel_type(CardTableModRefBSForCTRS**)                       \
1495   declare_toplevel_type(CollectedHeap*)                                   \
1496   declare_toplevel_type(ContiguousSpace*)                                 \
1497   declare_toplevel_type(DefNewGeneration*)                                \
1498   declare_toplevel_type(EdenSpace*)                                       \
1499   declare_toplevel_type(GenCollectedHeap*)                                \

1520   /* SymbolTable, SystemDictionary */                                     \
1521   /*********************************/                                     \
1522                                                                           \
1523   declare_toplevel_type(BasicHashtable)                                   \
1524     declare_type(Hashtable<intptr_t>, BasicHashtable)                     \
1525   declare_type(SymbolTable, Hashtable<Symbol*>)                           \
1526   declare_type(StringTable, Hashtable<oop>)                               \
1527     declare_type(LoaderConstraintTable, Hashtable<klassOop>)              \
1528     declare_type(TwoOopHashtable<klassOop>, Hashtable<klassOop>)          \
1529     declare_type(Dictionary, TwoOopHashtable<klassOop>)                   \
1530     declare_type(PlaceholderTable, TwoOopHashtable<Symbol*>)              \
1531   declare_toplevel_type(BasicHashtableEntry)                              \
1532   declare_type(HashtableEntry<intptr_t>, BasicHashtableEntry)             \
1533     declare_type(DictionaryEntry, HashtableEntry<klassOop>)               \
1534     declare_type(PlaceholderEntry, HashtableEntry<Symbol*>)               \
1535     declare_type(LoaderConstraintEntry, HashtableEntry<klassOop>)         \
1536   declare_toplevel_type(HashtableBucket)                                  \
1537   declare_toplevel_type(SystemDictionary)                                 \
1538   declare_toplevel_type(ProtectionDomainEntry)                            \
1539                                                                           \
1540   declare_toplevel_type(GenericGrowableArray)                             \
1541   declare_toplevel_type(GrowableArray<int>)                               \
1542   declare_toplevel_type(Arena)                                            \
1543     declare_type(ResourceArea, Arena)                                     \
1544   declare_toplevel_type(Chunk)                                            \
1545                                                                           \
1546   /***********************************************************/           \
1547   /* Thread hierarchy (needed for run-time type information) */           \
1548   /***********************************************************/           \
1549                                                                           \
1550   declare_toplevel_type(Threads)                                          \
1551   declare_toplevel_type(ThreadShadow)                                     \
1552            declare_type(Thread, ThreadShadow)                             \
1553            declare_type(NamedThread, Thread)                              \
1554            declare_type(WatcherThread, Thread)                            \
1555            declare_type(JavaThread, Thread)                               \
1556            declare_type(JvmtiAgentThread, JavaThread)                     \
1557            declare_type(ServiceThread, JavaThread)                        \
1558   declare_type(CompilerThread, JavaThread)                                \
1559   declare_toplevel_type(OSThread)                                         \
1560   declare_toplevel_type(JavaFrameAnchor)                                  \
1561                                                                           \
1562   /***************/                                                       \
1563   /* Interpreter */                                                       \
1564   /***************/                                                       \
1565                                                                           \

1604   X86_ONLY(declare_toplevel_type(MethodHandles::RicochetFrame))           \
1605                                                                           \
1606   declare_toplevel_type(CodeBlob)                                         \
1607   declare_type(BufferBlob,               CodeBlob)                        \
1608   declare_type(AdapterBlob,              BufferBlob)                      \
1609   declare_type(MethodHandlesAdapterBlob, BufferBlob)                      \
1610   declare_type(nmethod,                  CodeBlob)                        \
1611   declare_type(RuntimeStub,              CodeBlob)                        \
1612   declare_type(SingletonBlob,            CodeBlob)                        \
1613   declare_type(SafepointBlob,            SingletonBlob)                   \
1614   declare_type(DeoptimizationBlob,       SingletonBlob)                   \
1615   declare_type(RicochetBlob,             SingletonBlob)                   \
1616   declare_c2_type(ExceptionBlob,         SingletonBlob)                   \
1617   declare_c2_type(UncommonTrapBlob,      CodeBlob)                        \
1618                                                                           \
1619   /***************************************/                               \
1620   /* PcDesc and other compiled code info */                               \
1621   /***************************************/                               \
1622                                                                           \
1623   declare_toplevel_type(PcDesc)                                           \
1624   declare_toplevel_type(ExceptionCache)                                   \
1625   declare_toplevel_type(PcDescCache)                                      \
1626   declare_toplevel_type(Dependencies)                                     \
1627   declare_toplevel_type(CompileTask)                                      \
1628   declare_toplevel_type(Deoptimization)                                   \
1629                                                                           \
1630   /************************/                                              \
1631   /* OopMap and OopMapSet */                                              \
1632   /************************/                                              \
1633                                                                           \
1634   declare_toplevel_type(OopMap)                                           \
1635   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapSet)                                        \
1636                                                                           \
1637   /********************/                                                  \
1638   /* CompressedStream */                                                  \
1639   /********************/                                                  \
1640                                                                           \
1641   declare_toplevel_type(CompressedStream)                                 \
1642                                                                           \
1643   /**************/                                                        \
1644   /* VMRegImpl  */                                                        \
1645   /**************/                                                        \
1646                                                                           \
1647   declare_toplevel_type(VMRegImpl)                                        \
1648                                                                           \
1649   /*********************************/                                     \
1650   /* JNIHandles and JNIHandleBlock */                                     \
1651   /*********************************/                                     \
1652                                                                           \
1653   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandles)                                       \
1654   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandleBlock)                                   \
1655   declare_toplevel_type(jobject)                                          \
1656                                                                           \
1657   /**********************/                                                \
1658   /* Runtime1 (C1 only) */                                                \
1659   /**********************/                                                \
1660                                                                           \
1661   declare_c1_toplevel_type(Runtime1)                                      \
1662                                                                           \
1663   /************/                                                          \
1664   /* Monitors */                                                          \
1665   /************/                                                          \
1666                                                                           \
1667   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectMonitor)                                    \
1668   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectSynchronizer)                               \
1669   declare_toplevel_type(BasicLock)                                        \
1670   declare_toplevel_type(BasicObjectLock)                                  \
1671                                                                           \
1672   /*********************/                                                 \
1673   /* Matcher (C2 only) */                                                 \
1674   /*********************/                                                 \
1675                                                                           \

1676   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Matcher)                                       \
1677   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Compile)                                       \
1678   declare_c2_toplevel_type(InlineTree)                                    \
1679   declare_c2_toplevel_type(OptoRegPair)                                   \
1680   declare_c2_toplevel_type(JVMState)                                      \
1681   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Phase)                                         \
1682     declare_c2_type(PhaseCFG, Phase)                                      \
1683     declare_c2_type(PhaseRegAlloc, Phase)                                 \
1684     declare_c2_type(PhaseChaitin, PhaseRegAlloc)                          \
1685   declare_c2_toplevel_type(CFGElement)                                    \
1686     declare_c2_type(Block, CFGElement)                                    \
1687   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Block_Array)                                   \
1688     declare_c2_type(Block_List, Block_Array)                              \
1689   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Node_Array)                                    \
1690   declare_c2_type(Node_List, Node_Array)                                  \
1691   declare_c2_type(Unique_Node_List, Node_List)                            \
1692   declare_c2_toplevel_type(Node)                                          \
1693   declare_c2_type(AddNode, Node)                                          \
1694   declare_c2_type(AddINode, AddNode)                                      \
1695   declare_c2_type(AddLNode, AddNode)                                      \
1696   declare_c2_type(AddFNode, AddNode)                                      \
1697   declare_c2_type(AddDNode, AddNode)                                      \
1698   declare_c2_type(AddPNode, Node)                                         \
1699   declare_c2_type(OrINode, AddNode)                                       \
1700   declare_c2_type(OrLNode, AddNode)                                       \
1701   declare_c2_type(XorINode, AddNode)                                      \
1702   declare_c2_type(XorLNode, AddNode)                                      \
1703   declare_c2_type(MaxNode, AddNode)                                       \
1704   declare_c2_type(MaxINode, MaxNode)                                      \
1705   declare_c2_type(MinINode, MaxNode)                                      \
1706   declare_c2_type(StartNode, MultiNode)                                   \
1707   declare_c2_type(StartOSRNode, StartNode)                                \
1708   declare_c2_type(ParmNode, ProjNode)                                     \
1709   declare_c2_type(ReturnNode, Node)                                       \
1710   declare_c2_type(RethrowNode, Node)                                      \
1711   declare_c2_type(TailCallNode, ReturnNode)                               \
1712   declare_c2_type(TailJumpNode, ReturnNode)                               \
1713   declare_c2_type(SafePointNode, MultiNode)                               \
1714   declare_c2_type(CallNode, SafePointNode)                                \
1715   declare_c2_type(CallJavaNode, CallNode)                                 \
1716   declare_c2_type(CallStaticJavaNode, CallJavaNode)                       \
1717   declare_c2_type(CallDynamicJavaNode, CallJavaNode)                      \
1718   declare_c2_type(CallRuntimeNode, CallNode)                              \
1719   declare_c2_type(CallLeafNode, CallRuntimeNode)                          \
1720   declare_c2_type(CallLeafNoFPNode, CallLeafNode)                         \
1721   declare_c2_type(AllocateNode, CallNode)                                 \
1722   declare_c2_type(AllocateArrayNode, AllocateNode)                        \
1723   declare_c2_type(LockNode, AbstractLockNode)                             \
1724   declare_c2_type(UnlockNode, AbstractLockNode)                           \
1725   declare_c2_type(FastLockNode, CmpNode)                                  \
1726   declare_c2_type(FastUnlockNode, CmpNode)                                \
1727   declare_c2_type(RegionNode, Node)                                       \
1728   declare_c2_type(JProjNode, ProjNode)                                    \
1729   declare_c2_type(PhiNode, TypeNode)                                      \
1730   declare_c2_type(GotoNode, Node)                                         \
1731   declare_c2_type(CProjNode, ProjNode)                                    \
1732   declare_c2_type(MultiBranchNode, MultiNode)                             \
1733   declare_c2_type(IfNode, MultiBranchNode)                                \
1734   declare_c2_type(IfTrueNode, CProjNode)                                  \
1735   declare_c2_type(IfFalseNode, CProjNode)                                 \
1736   declare_c2_type(PCTableNode, MultiBranchNode)                           \
1737   declare_c2_type(JumpNode, PCTableNode)                                  \
1738   declare_c2_type(JumpProjNode, JProjNode)                                \
1739   declare_c2_type(CatchNode, PCTableNode)                                 \
1740   declare_c2_type(CatchProjNode, CProjNode)                               \
1741   declare_c2_type(CreateExNode, TypeNode)                                 \
1742   declare_c2_type(ClearArrayNode, Node)                                   \
1743   declare_c2_type(NeverBranchNode, MultiBranchNode)                       \
1744   declare_c2_type(ConNode, TypeNode)                                      \
1745   declare_c2_type(ConINode, ConNode)                                      \
1746   declare_c2_type(ConPNode, ConNode)                                      \
1747   declare_c2_type(ConNNode, ConNode)                                      \
1748   declare_c2_type(ConLNode, ConNode)                                      \
1749   declare_c2_type(ConFNode, ConNode)                                      \
1750   declare_c2_type(ConDNode, ConNode)                                      \
1751   declare_c2_type(BinaryNode, Node)                                       \
1752   declare_c2_type(CMoveNode, TypeNode)                                    \
1753   declare_c2_type(CMoveDNode, CMoveNode)                                  \
1754   declare_c2_type(CMoveFNode, CMoveNode)                                  \
1755   declare_c2_type(CMoveINode, CMoveNode)                                  \
1756   declare_c2_type(CMoveLNode, CMoveNode)                                  \
1757   declare_c2_type(CMovePNode, CMoveNode)                                  \
1758   declare_c2_type(CMoveNNode, CMoveNode)                                  \
1759   declare_c2_type(EncodePNode, TypeNode)                                  \
1760   declare_c2_type(DecodeNNode, TypeNode)                                  \
1761   declare_c2_type(ConstraintCastNode, TypeNode)                           \
1762   declare_c2_type(CastIINode, ConstraintCastNode)                         \
1763   declare_c2_type(CastPPNode, ConstraintCastNode)                         \
1764   declare_c2_type(CheckCastPPNode, TypeNode)                              \
1765   declare_c2_type(Conv2BNode, Node)                                       \
1766   declare_c2_type(ConvD2FNode, Node)                                      \
1767   declare_c2_type(ConvD2INode, Node)                                      \
1768   declare_c2_type(ConvD2LNode, Node)                                      \
1769   declare_c2_type(ConvF2DNode, Node)                                      \
1770   declare_c2_type(ConvF2INode, Node)                                      \
1771   declare_c2_type(ConvF2LNode, Node)                                      \
1772   declare_c2_type(ConvI2DNode, Node)                                      \
1773   declare_c2_type(ConvI2FNode, Node)                                      \
1774   declare_c2_type(ConvI2LNode, TypeNode)                                  \
1775   declare_c2_type(ConvL2DNode, Node)                                      \
1776   declare_c2_type(ConvL2FNode, Node)                                      \
1777   declare_c2_type(ConvL2INode, Node)                                      \
1778   declare_c2_type(CastX2PNode, Node)                                      \
1779   declare_c2_type(CastP2XNode, Node)                                      \
1780   declare_c2_type(MemBarNode, MultiNode)                                  \
1781   declare_c2_type(MemBarAcquireNode, MemBarNode)                          \
1782   declare_c2_type(MemBarReleaseNode, MemBarNode)                          \
1783   declare_c2_type(MemBarVolatileNode, MemBarNode)                         \
1784   declare_c2_type(MemBarCPUOrderNode, MemBarNode)                         \
1785   declare_c2_type(InitializeNode, MemBarNode)                             \
1786   declare_c2_type(ThreadLocalNode, Node)                                  \
1787   declare_c2_type(Opaque1Node, Node)                                      \
1788   declare_c2_type(Opaque2Node, Node)                                      \
1789   declare_c2_type(PartialSubtypeCheckNode, Node)                          \
1790   declare_c2_type(MoveI2FNode, Node)                                      \
1791   declare_c2_type(MoveL2DNode, Node)                                      \
1792   declare_c2_type(MoveF2INode, Node)                                      \
1793   declare_c2_type(MoveD2LNode, Node)                                      \
1794   declare_c2_type(DivINode, Node)                                         \
1795   declare_c2_type(DivLNode, Node)                                         \
1796   declare_c2_type(DivFNode, Node)                                         \
1797   declare_c2_type(DivDNode, Node)                                         \
1798   declare_c2_type(ModINode, Node)                                         \
1799   declare_c2_type(ModLNode, Node)                                         \
1800   declare_c2_type(ModFNode, Node)                                         \
1801   declare_c2_type(ModDNode, Node)                                         \
1802   declare_c2_type(DivModNode, MultiNode)                                  \
1803   declare_c2_type(DivModINode, DivModNode)                                \
1804   declare_c2_type(DivModLNode, DivModNode)                                \
1805   declare_c2_type(BoxLockNode, Node)                                      \
1806   declare_c2_type(LoopNode, RegionNode)                                   \
1807   declare_c2_type(CountedLoopNode, LoopNode)                              \
1808   declare_c2_type(CountedLoopEndNode, IfNode)                             \
1809   declare_c2_type(MachNode, Node)                                         \
1810   declare_c2_type(MachIdealNode, MachNode)                                \
1811   declare_c2_type(MachTypeNode, MachNode)                                 \
1812   declare_c2_type(MachBreakpointNode, MachIdealNode)                      \
1813   declare_c2_type(MachUEPNode, MachIdealNode)                             \
1814   declare_c2_type(MachPrologNode, MachIdealNode)                          \
1815   declare_c2_type(MachEpilogNode, MachIdealNode)                          \
1816   declare_c2_type(MachNopNode, MachIdealNode)                             \
1817   declare_c2_type(MachSpillCopyNode, MachIdealNode)                       \
1818   declare_c2_type(MachNullCheckNode, MachIdealNode)                       \
1819   declare_c2_type(MachProjNode, ProjNode)                                 \
1820   declare_c2_type(MachIfNode, MachNode)                                   \
1821   declare_c2_type(MachFastLockNode, MachNode)                             \
1822   declare_c2_type(MachReturnNode, MachNode)                               \
1823   declare_c2_type(MachSafePointNode, MachReturnNode)                      \
1824   declare_c2_type(MachCallNode, MachSafePointNode)                        \
1825   declare_c2_type(MachCallJavaNode, MachCallNode)                         \
1826   declare_c2_type(MachCallStaticJavaNode, MachCallJavaNode)               \
1827   declare_c2_type(MachCallDynamicJavaNode, MachCallJavaNode)              \
1828   declare_c2_type(MachCallRuntimeNode, MachCallNode)                      \
1829   declare_c2_type(MachHaltNode, MachReturnNode)                           \
1830   declare_c2_type(MachTempNode, MachNode)                                 \
1831   declare_c2_type(MemNode, Node)                                          \
1832   declare_c2_type(MergeMemNode, Node)                                     \
1833   declare_c2_type(LoadNode, MemNode)                                      \
1834   declare_c2_type(LoadBNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1835   declare_c2_type(LoadUSNode, LoadNode)                                   \
1836   declare_c2_type(LoadINode, LoadNode)                                    \
1837   declare_c2_type(LoadRangeNode, LoadINode)                               \
1838   declare_c2_type(LoadLNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1839   declare_c2_type(LoadL_unalignedNode, LoadLNode)                         \
1840   declare_c2_type(LoadFNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1841   declare_c2_type(LoadDNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1842   declare_c2_type(LoadD_unalignedNode, LoadDNode)                         \
1843   declare_c2_type(LoadPNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1844   declare_c2_type(LoadNNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1845   declare_c2_type(LoadKlassNode, LoadPNode)                               \
1846   declare_c2_type(LoadNKlassNode, LoadNNode)                              \
1847   declare_c2_type(LoadSNode, LoadNode)                                    \
1848   declare_c2_type(StoreNode, MemNode)                                     \
1849   declare_c2_type(StoreBNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1850   declare_c2_type(StoreCNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1851   declare_c2_type(StoreINode, StoreNode)                                  \
1852   declare_c2_type(StoreLNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1853   declare_c2_type(StoreFNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1854   declare_c2_type(StoreDNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1855   declare_c2_type(StorePNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1856   declare_c2_type(StoreNNode, StoreNode)                                  \
1857   declare_c2_type(StoreCMNode, StoreNode)                                 \
1858   declare_c2_type(LoadPLockedNode, LoadPNode)                             \
1859   declare_c2_type(LoadLLockedNode, LoadLNode)                             \
1860   declare_c2_type(SCMemProjNode, ProjNode)                                \
1861   declare_c2_type(LoadStoreNode, Node)                                    \
1862   declare_c2_type(StorePConditionalNode, LoadStoreNode)                   \
1863   declare_c2_type(StoreLConditionalNode, LoadStoreNode)                   \
1864   declare_c2_type(CompareAndSwapLNode, LoadStoreNode)                     \
1865   declare_c2_type(CompareAndSwapINode, LoadStoreNode)                     \
1866   declare_c2_type(CompareAndSwapPNode, LoadStoreNode)                     \
1867   declare_c2_type(CompareAndSwapNNode, LoadStoreNode)                     \
1868   declare_c2_type(PrefetchReadNode, Node)                                 \
1869   declare_c2_type(PrefetchWriteNode, Node)                                \
1870   declare_c2_type(MulNode, Node)                                          \
1871   declare_c2_type(MulINode, MulNode)                                      \
1872   declare_c2_type(MulLNode, MulNode)                                      \
1873   declare_c2_type(MulFNode, MulNode)                                      \
1874   declare_c2_type(MulDNode, MulNode)                                      \
1875   declare_c2_type(MulHiLNode, Node)                                       \
1876   declare_c2_type(AndINode, MulINode)                                     \
1877   declare_c2_type(AndLNode, MulLNode)                                     \
1878   declare_c2_type(LShiftINode, Node)                                      \
1879   declare_c2_type(LShiftLNode, Node)                                      \
1880   declare_c2_type(RShiftINode, Node)                                      \
1881   declare_c2_type(RShiftLNode, Node)                                      \
1882   declare_c2_type(URShiftINode, Node)                                     \
1883   declare_c2_type(URShiftLNode, Node)                                     \
1884   declare_c2_type(MultiNode, Node)                                        \
1885   declare_c2_type(ProjNode, Node)                                         \
1886   declare_c2_type(TypeNode, Node)                                         \
1887   declare_c2_type(NodeHash, StackObj)                                     \
1888   declare_c2_type(RootNode, LoopNode)                                     \
1889   declare_c2_type(HaltNode, Node)                                         \
1890   declare_c2_type(SubNode, Node)                                          \
1891   declare_c2_type(SubINode, SubNode)                                      \
1892   declare_c2_type(SubLNode, SubNode)                                      \
1893   declare_c2_type(SubFPNode, SubNode)                                     \
1894   declare_c2_type(SubFNode, SubFPNode)                                    \
1895   declare_c2_type(SubDNode, SubFPNode)                                    \
1896   declare_c2_type(CmpNode, SubNode)                                       \
1897   declare_c2_type(CmpINode, CmpNode)                                      \
1898   declare_c2_type(CmpUNode, CmpNode)                                      \
1899   declare_c2_type(CmpPNode, CmpNode)                                      \
1900   declare_c2_type(CmpNNode, CmpNode)                                      \
1901   declare_c2_type(CmpLNode, CmpNode)                                      \
1902   declare_c2_type(CmpL3Node, CmpLNode)                                    \
1903   declare_c2_type(CmpFNode, CmpNode)                                      \
1904   declare_c2_type(CmpF3Node, CmpFNode)                                    \
1905   declare_c2_type(CmpDNode, CmpNode)                                      \
1906   declare_c2_type(CmpD3Node, CmpDNode)                                    \
1907   declare_c2_type(BoolNode, Node)                                         \
1908   declare_c2_type(AbsNode, Node)                                          \
1909   declare_c2_type(AbsINode, AbsNode)                                      \
1910   declare_c2_type(AbsFNode, AbsNode)                                      \
1911   declare_c2_type(AbsDNode, AbsNode)                                      \
1912   declare_c2_type(CmpLTMaskNode, Node)                                    \
1913   declare_c2_type(NegNode, Node)                                          \
1914   declare_c2_type(NegFNode, NegNode)                                      \
1915   declare_c2_type(NegDNode, NegNode)                                      \
1916   declare_c2_type(CosDNode, Node)                                         \
1917   declare_c2_type(SinDNode, Node)                                         \
1918   declare_c2_type(TanDNode, Node)                                         \
1919   declare_c2_type(AtanDNode, Node)                                        \
1920   declare_c2_type(SqrtDNode, Node)                                        \
1921   declare_c2_type(ExpDNode, Node)                                         \
1922   declare_c2_type(LogDNode, Node)                                         \
1923   declare_c2_type(Log10DNode, Node)                                       \
1924   declare_c2_type(PowDNode, Node)                                         \
1925   declare_c2_type(ReverseBytesINode, Node)                                \
1926   declare_c2_type(ReverseBytesLNode, Node)                                \
1927   declare_c2_type(VectorNode, Node)                                       \
1928   declare_c2_type(AddVBNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1929   declare_c2_type(AddVCNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1930   declare_c2_type(AddVSNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1931   declare_c2_type(AddVINode, VectorNode)                                  \
1932   declare_c2_type(AddVLNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1933   declare_c2_type(AddVFNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1934   declare_c2_type(AddVDNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1935   declare_c2_type(SubVBNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1936   declare_c2_type(SubVCNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1937   declare_c2_type(SubVSNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1938   declare_c2_type(SubVINode, VectorNode)                                  \
1939   declare_c2_type(SubVLNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1940   declare_c2_type(SubVFNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1941   declare_c2_type(SubVDNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1942   declare_c2_type(MulVFNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1943   declare_c2_type(MulVDNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1944   declare_c2_type(DivVFNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1945   declare_c2_type(DivVDNode, VectorNode)                                  \
1946   declare_c2_type(LShiftVBNode, VectorNode)                               \
1947   declare_c2_type(LShiftVCNode, VectorNode)                               \
1948   declare_c2_type(LShiftVSNode, VectorNode)                               \
1949   declare_c2_type(LShiftVINode, VectorNode)                               \
1950   declare_c2_type(URShiftVBNode, VectorNode)                              \
1951   declare_c2_type(URShiftVCNode, VectorNode)                              \
1952   declare_c2_type(URShiftVSNode, VectorNode)                              \
1953   declare_c2_type(URShiftVINode, VectorNode)                              \
1954   declare_c2_type(AndVNode, VectorNode)                                   \
1955   declare_c2_type(OrVNode, VectorNode)                                    \
1956   declare_c2_type(XorVNode, VectorNode)                                   \
1957   declare_c2_type(VectorLoadNode, LoadNode)                               \
1958   declare_c2_type(Load16BNode, VectorLoadNode)                            \
1959   declare_c2_type(Load8BNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1960   declare_c2_type(Load4BNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1961   declare_c2_type(Load8CNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1962   declare_c2_type(Load4CNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1963   declare_c2_type(Load2CNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1964   declare_c2_type(Load8SNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1965   declare_c2_type(Load4SNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1966   declare_c2_type(Load2SNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1967   declare_c2_type(Load4INode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1968   declare_c2_type(Load2INode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1969   declare_c2_type(Load2LNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1970   declare_c2_type(Load4FNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1971   declare_c2_type(Load2FNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1972   declare_c2_type(Load2DNode, VectorLoadNode)                             \
1973   declare_c2_type(VectorStoreNode, StoreNode)                             \
1974   declare_c2_type(Store16BNode, VectorStoreNode)                          \
1975   declare_c2_type(Store8BNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1976   declare_c2_type(Store4BNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1977   declare_c2_type(Store8CNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1978   declare_c2_type(Store4CNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1979   declare_c2_type(Store2CNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1980   declare_c2_type(Store4INode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1981   declare_c2_type(Store2INode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1982   declare_c2_type(Store2LNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1983   declare_c2_type(Store4FNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1984   declare_c2_type(Store2FNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1985   declare_c2_type(Store2DNode, VectorStoreNode)                           \
1986   declare_c2_type(Replicate16BNode, VectorNode)                           \
1987   declare_c2_type(Replicate8BNode, VectorNode)                            \
1988   declare_c2_type(Replicate4BNode, VectorNode)                            \
1989   declare_c2_type(Replicate8CNode, VectorNode)                            \
1990   declare_c2_type(Replicate4CNode, VectorNode)                            \
1991   declare_c2_type(Replicate2CNode, VectorNode)                            \
1992   declare_c2_type(Replicate8SNode, VectorNode)                            \
1993   declare_c2_type(Replicate4SNode, VectorNode)                            \
1994   declare_c2_type(Replicate2SNode, VectorNode)                            \
1995   declare_c2_type(Replicate4INode, VectorNode)                            \
1996   declare_c2_type(Replicate2INode, VectorNode)                            \
1997   declare_c2_type(Replicate2LNode, VectorNode)                            \
1998   declare_c2_type(Replicate4FNode, VectorNode)                            \
1999   declare_c2_type(Replicate2FNode, VectorNode)                            \
2000   declare_c2_type(Replicate2DNode, VectorNode)                            \
2001   declare_c2_type(PackNode, VectorNode)                                   \
2002   declare_c2_type(PackBNode, PackNode)                                    \
2003   declare_c2_type(PackCNode, PackNode)                                    \
2004   declare_c2_type(PackSNode, PackNode)                                    \
2005   declare_c2_type(PackINode, PackNode)                                    \
2006   declare_c2_type(PackLNode, PackNode)                                    \
2007   declare_c2_type(PackFNode, PackNode)                                    \
2008   declare_c2_type(PackDNode, PackNode)                                    \
2009   declare_c2_type(Pack2x1BNode, PackNode)                                 \
2010   declare_c2_type(Pack2x2BNode, PackNode)                                 \
2011   declare_c2_type(ExtractNode, Node)                                      \
2012   declare_c2_type(ExtractBNode, ExtractNode)                              \
2013   declare_c2_type(ExtractCNode, ExtractNode)                              \
2014   declare_c2_type(ExtractSNode, ExtractNode)                              \
2015   declare_c2_type(ExtractINode, ExtractNode)                              \
2016   declare_c2_type(ExtractLNode, ExtractNode)                              \
2017   declare_c2_type(ExtractFNode, ExtractNode)                              \
2018   declare_c2_type(ExtractDNode, ExtractNode)                              \
2019                                                                           \
2020   /*********************/                                                 \
2021   /* Adapter Blob Entries */                                              \
2022   /*********************/                                                 \
2023   declare_toplevel_type(AdapterHandlerEntry)                              \
2024   declare_toplevel_type(AdapterHandlerEntry*)                             \
2025                                                                           \
2026   /*********************/                                                 \
2027   /* CI */                                                                \
2028   /*********************/                                                 \
2029   declare_toplevel_type(ciEnv)                                            \
2030   declare_toplevel_type(ciObjectFactory)                                  \
2031   declare_toplevel_type(ciConstant)                                       \
2032   declare_toplevel_type(ciField)                                          \
2033   declare_toplevel_type(void*)                                            \
2034   declare_toplevel_type(ciObject)                                         \
2035   declare_type(ciMethod, ciObject)                                        \
2036   declare_type(ciMethodData, ciObject)                                    \
2037   declare_type(ciType, ciObject)                                          \
2038   declare_type(ciInstance, ciObject)                                      \
2039   declare_toplevel_type(ciSymbol)                                         \
2040   declare_type(ciKlass, ciType)                                           \
2041   declare_type(ciInstanceKlass, ciKlass)                                  \
2042   declare_type(ciArrayKlass, ciKlass)                                     \
2043   declare_type(ciTypeArrayKlass, ciArrayKlass)                            \
2044   declare_type(ciObjArrayKlass, ciArrayKlass)                             \
2045   declare_type(ciMethodKlass, ciKlass)                                    \
2046   declare_type(ciKlassKlass, ciKlass)                                     \
2047   declare_type(ciInstanceKlassKlass, ciKlassKlass)                        \
2048   declare_type(ciArrayKlassKlass, ciKlassKlass)                           \
2049   declare_type(ciTypeArrayKlassKlass, ciArrayKlassKlass)                  \
2050   declare_type(ciObjArrayKlassKlass, ciArrayKlassKlass)                   \
2051                                                                           \
2052   /********************/                                                  \
2053   /* -XX flags        */                                                  \
2054   /********************/                                                  \
2055                                                                           \
2056   declare_toplevel_type(Flag)                                             \
2057   declare_toplevel_type(Flag*)                                            \
2058                                                                           \
2059   /********************/                                                  \
2060   /* JVMTI            */                                                  \
2061   /********************/                                                  \
2062                                                                           \
2063   declare_toplevel_type(JvmtiExport)                                      \
2064                                                                           \
2065   /********************/                                                  \
2066   /* JDK/VM version   */                                                  \
2067   /********************/                                                  \
2068                                                                           \
2069   declare_toplevel_type(Abstract_VM_Version)                              \
2070   declare_toplevel_type(JDK_Version)                                      \
2071                                                                           \
2072   /*************/                                                         \
2073   /* Arguments */                                                         \
2074   /*************/                                                         \
2075                                                                           \
2076   declare_toplevel_type(Arguments)                                        \
2077                                                                           \
2078   /***************/                                                       \
2079   /* Other types */                                                       \
2080   /***************/                                                       \
2081                                                                           \
2082   /* all enum types */                                                    \
2083                                                                           \
2084    declare_integer_type(Bytecodes::Code)                                  \
2085    declare_integer_type(Generation::Name)                                 \
2086    declare_integer_type(instanceKlass::ClassState)                        \
2087    declare_integer_type(JavaThreadState)                                  \
2088    declare_integer_type(Location::Type)                                   \
2089    declare_integer_type(Location::Where)                                  \
2090    declare_integer_type(PermGen::Name)                                    \
2091    declare_integer_type(FlagValueOrigin)                                  \
2092    COMPILER2_PRESENT(declare_integer_type(OptoReg::Name))                 \
2093                                                                           \
2094    declare_integer_type(AccessFlags)  /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */\
2095   declare_toplevel_type(address)      /* FIXME: should this be an integer type? */\
2096    declare_integer_type(BasicType)   /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */\
2097   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo)                                   \
2098   declare_toplevel_type(BreakpointInfo*)                                  \
2099   declare_toplevel_type(CodeBlob*)                                        \
2100   declare_toplevel_type(CompressedWriteStream*)                           \
2101   declare_toplevel_type(ConstantPoolCacheEntry)                           \
2102   declare_toplevel_type(elapsedTimer)                                     \
2103   declare_toplevel_type(frame)                                            \
2104   declare_toplevel_type(intptr_t*)                                        \
2105    declare_unsigned_integer_type(InvocationCounter) /* FIXME: wrong type (not integer) */ \
2106   declare_toplevel_type(JavaThread*)                                      \
2107   declare_toplevel_type(java_lang_Class)                                  \
2108   declare_integer_type(JavaThread::AsyncRequests)                         \
2109   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte*)                                           \
2110   declare_toplevel_type(jbyte**)                                          \
2111   declare_toplevel_type(jint*)                                            \
2112   declare_toplevel_type(jniIdMapBase*)                                    \
2113   declare_unsigned_integer_type(juint)                                    \
2114   declare_unsigned_integer_type(julong)                                   \
2115   declare_toplevel_type(JNIHandleBlock*)                                  \
2116   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid)                                            \
2117   declare_toplevel_type(JNIid*)                                           \
2118   declare_toplevel_type(jmethodID*)                                       \
2119   declare_toplevel_type(Mutex*)                                           \
2120   declare_toplevel_type(nmethod*)                                         \
2121   COMPILER2_PRESENT(declare_unsigned_integer_type(node_idx_t))            \
2122   declare_toplevel_type(ObjectMonitor*)                                   \
2123   declare_toplevel_type(oop*)                                             \
2124   declare_toplevel_type(OopMap**)                                         \
2125   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapCache*)                                     \
2126   declare_toplevel_type(OopMapSet*)                                       \
2127   declare_toplevel_type(VMReg)                                            \
2128   declare_toplevel_type(OSThread*)                                        \
2129    declare_integer_type(ReferenceType)                                    \
2130   declare_toplevel_type(StubQueue*)                                       \
2131   declare_toplevel_type(Thread*)                                          \
2132   declare_toplevel_type(Universe)                                         \
2133   declare_toplevel_type(vframeArray)                                      \
2134   declare_toplevel_type(vframeArrayElement)
2137   /* NOTE that we do not use the last_entry() macro here; it is used  */
2138   /* in vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp's VM_TYPES_OS_CPU macro (and must be */
2139   /* present there)                                                   */
2141 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2143 //
2144 // This table contains integer constants required over in the
2145 // serviceability agent. The "declare_constant" macro is used for all
2146 // enums, etc., while "declare_preprocessor_constant" must be used for
2147 // all #defined constants.
2149 #define VM_INT_CONSTANTS(declare_constant,                                \
2150                          declare_preprocessor_constant,                   \
2151                          declare_c1_constant,                             \
2152                          declare_c2_constant,                             \
2153                          declare_c2_preprocessor_constant,                \
2154                          last_entry)                                      \
2155                                                                           \
2156   /******************/                                                    \

2415   declare_constant(Location::WHERE_MASK)                                  \
2416   declare_constant(Location::WHERE_SHIFT)                                 \
2417                                                                           \
2418   /* constants from Location::Type enum  */                               \
2419                                                                           \
2420   declare_constant(Location::normal)                                      \
2421   declare_constant(Location::oop)                                         \
2422   declare_constant(Location::narrowoop)                                   \
2423   declare_constant(Location::int_in_long)                                 \
2424   declare_constant(Location::lng)                                         \
2425   declare_constant(Location::float_in_dbl)                                \
2426   declare_constant(Location::dbl)                                         \
2427   declare_constant(Location::addr)                                        \
2428   declare_constant(Location::invalid)                                     \
2429                                                                           \
2430   /* constants from Location::Where enum */                               \
2431                                                                           \
2432   declare_constant(Location::on_stack)                                    \
2433   declare_constant(Location::in_register)                                 \
2434                                                                           \
2435   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_many)                           \
2436   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_none)                           \
2437   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_null_check)                     \
2438   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_null_assert)                    \
2439   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_range_check)                    \
2440   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_class_check)                    \
2441   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_array_check)                    \
2442   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)                      \
2443   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_bimorphic)                      \
2444   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_unloaded)                       \
2445   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_uninitialized)                  \
2446   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_unreached)                      \
2447   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_unhandled)                      \
2448   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_constraint)                     \
2449   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_div0_check)                     \
2450   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_age)                            \
2451   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_predicate)                      \
2452   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check)               \
2453   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_LIMIT)                          \
2454   declare_constant(Deoptimization::Reason_RECORDED_LIMIT)                 \
2455                                                                           \
2456   /*********************/                                                 \
2457   /* Matcher (C2 only) */                                                 \
2458   /*********************/                                                 \
2459                                                                           \
2460   declare_c2_preprocessor_constant("Matcher::interpreter_frame_pointer_reg", Matcher::interpreter_frame_pointer_reg()) \
2461                                                                           \
2462   /*********************************************/                         \
2463   /* MethodCompilation (globalDefinitions.hpp) */                         \
2464   /*********************************************/                         \
2465                                                                           \
2466   declare_constant(InvocationEntryBci)                                    \
2467   declare_constant(InvalidOSREntryBci)                                    \
2468                                                                           \
2469   /***************/                                                       \
2470   /* OopMapValue */                                                       \
2471   /***************/                                                       \
2472                                                                           \
2473   declare_constant(OopMapValue::type_bits)                                \
2474   declare_constant(OopMapValue::register_bits)                            \
2475   declare_constant(OopMapValue::type_shift)                               \

3139 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsOopTypeOffset, VMTypeEntry, isOopType);
3140 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsIntegerTypeOffset, VMTypeEntry, isIntegerType);
3141 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsUnsignedOffset, VMTypeEntry, isUnsigned);
3142 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySizeOffset, VMTypeEntry, size);
3143 ASSIGN_STRIDE_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMTypeEntryArrayStride,gHotSpotVMTypes);
3144 JNIEXPORT VMIntConstantEntry* gHotSpotVMIntConstants       = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMIntConstants;
3145 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryNameOffset, VMIntConstantEntry, name);
3146 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryValueOffset, VMIntConstantEntry, value);
3147 ASSIGN_STRIDE_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryArrayStride, gHotSpotVMIntConstants);
3148 JNIEXPORT VMLongConstantEntry* gHotSpotVMLongConstants     = VMStructs::localHotSpotVMLongConstants;
3149 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryNameOffset, VMLongConstantEntry, name);
3150 ASSIGN_OFFSET_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryValueOffset, VMLongConstantEntry, value);
3151 ASSIGN_STRIDE_TO_64BIT_VAR(gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryArrayStride, gHotSpotVMLongConstants);
3152 }
3154 #ifdef ASSERT
3155 static int recursiveFindType(VMTypeEntry* origtypes, const char* typeName, bool isRecurse) {
3156   {
3157     VMTypeEntry* types = origtypes;
3158     while (types->typeName != NULL) {
3159       if (strcmp(typeName, types->typeName) == 0) {
3160         // Found it
3161         return 1;
3162       }
3163       ++types;
3164     }
3165   }
3166   // Search for the base type by peeling off const and *
3167   size_t len = strlen(typeName);
3168   if (typeName[len-1] == '*') {
3169     char * s = new char[len];
3170     strncpy(s, typeName, len - 1);
3171     s[len-1] = '\0';
3172     // tty->print_cr("checking \"%s\" for \"%s\"", s, typeName);
3173     if (recursiveFindType(origtypes, s, true) == 1) {
3174       delete s;
3175       return 1;
3176     }
3177     delete s;
3178   }
3179   if (strstr(typeName, "GrowableArray<") == typeName) {
3180     const char * start = typeName + strlen("GrowableArray<");
3181     const char * end = strrchr(typeName, '>');
3182     int len = end - start + 1;
3183     char * s = new char[len];
3184     strncpy(s, start, len - 1);
3185     s[len-1] = '\0';
3186     // tty->print_cr("checking \"%s\" for \"%s\"", s, typeName);

Index Unified diffs Context diffs Sdiffs Patch New Old Previous File Next File