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rev 2695 : shared changes

*** 61,71 **** # O/S-specific files for all systems are included by default. Set CS_OS to a # space-separated list of identifiers to include only those systems. ifdef CS_OS CS_PRUNE_OS = $(patsubst %,-o -name '*%*',\ ! $(filter-out ${CS_OS},linux macos solaris windows)) endif # CPU-specific files for all processors are included by default. Set CS_CPU # space-separated list identifiers to include only those CPUs. ifdef CS_CPU --- 61,71 ---- # O/S-specific files for all systems are included by default. Set CS_OS to a # space-separated list of identifiers to include only those systems. ifdef CS_OS CS_PRUNE_OS = $(patsubst %,-o -name '*%*',\ ! $(filter-out ${CS_OS},bsd linux macos solaris windows)) endif # CPU-specific files for all processors are included by default. Set CS_CPU # space-separated list identifiers to include only those CPUs. ifdef CS_CPU
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