1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  27 #include "gc_implementation/shared/markSweep.inline.hpp"
  28 #include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  30 #include "memory/permGen.hpp"
  31 #include "memory/universe.inline.hpp"
  32 #include "oops/constantPoolKlass.hpp"
  33 #include "oops/constantPoolOop.hpp"
  34 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  35 #include "oops/oop.inline2.hpp"
  36 #include "oops/symbol.hpp"
  37 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  38 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux
  39 # include "thread_linux.inline.hpp"
  40 #endif
  41 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris
  42 # include "thread_solaris.inline.hpp"
  43 #endif
  44 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows
  45 # include "thread_windows.inline.hpp"
  46 #endif
  47 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_bsd
  48 # include "thread_bsd.inline.hpp"
  49 #endif
  50 #ifndef SERIALGC
  51 #include "gc_implementation/parNew/parOopClosures.inline.hpp"
  52 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psPromotionManager.inline.hpp"
  53 #include "gc_implementation/parallelScavenge/psScavenge.inline.hpp"
  54 #include "memory/cardTableRS.hpp"
  55 #include "oops/oop.pcgc.inline.hpp"
  56 #endif
  58 constantPoolOop constantPoolKlass::allocate(int length, bool is_conc_safe, TRAPS) {
  59   int size = constantPoolOopDesc::object_size(length);
  60   KlassHandle klass (THREAD, as_klassOop());
  61   assert(klass()->is_oop(), "Can't be null, else handlizing of c below won't work");
  62   constantPoolHandle pool;
  63   {
  64     constantPoolOop c =
  65       (constantPoolOop)CollectedHeap::permanent_obj_allocate(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
  66     assert(c->klass_or_null() != NULL, "Handlizing below won't work");
  67     pool = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, c);
  68   }
  70   pool->set_length(length);
  71   pool->set_tags(NULL);
  72   pool->set_cache(NULL);
  73   pool->set_operands(NULL);
  74   pool->set_pool_holder(NULL);
  75   pool->set_flags(0);
  76   // only set to non-zero if constant pool is merged by RedefineClasses
  77   pool->set_orig_length(0);
  78   // if constant pool may change during RedefineClasses, it is created
  79   // unsafe for GC concurrent processing.
  80   pool->set_is_conc_safe(is_conc_safe);
  81   // all fields are initialized; needed for GC
  83   // Note: because we may be in this "conc_unsafe" state when allocating
  84   // t_oop below, which may in turn cause a GC, it is imperative that our
  85   // size be correct, consistent and henceforth stable, at this stage.
  86   assert(pool->is_oop() && pool->is_parsable(), "Else size() below is unreliable");
  87   assert(size == pool->size(), "size() is wrong");
  89   // initialize tag array
  90   typeArrayOop t_oop = oopFactory::new_permanent_byteArray(length, CHECK_NULL);
  91   typeArrayHandle tags (THREAD, t_oop);
  92   for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
  93     tags()->byte_at_put(index, JVM_CONSTANT_Invalid);
  94   }
  95   pool->set_tags(tags());
  97   // Check that our size was stable at its old value.
  98   assert(size == pool->size(), "size() changed");
  99   return pool();
 100 }
 102 klassOop constantPoolKlass::create_klass(TRAPS) {
 103   constantPoolKlass o;
 104   KlassHandle h_this_klass(THREAD, Universe::klassKlassObj());
 105   KlassHandle k = base_create_klass(h_this_klass, header_size(), o.vtbl_value(), CHECK_NULL);
 106   // Make sure size calculation is right
 107   assert(k()->size() == align_object_size(header_size()), "wrong size for object");
 108   java_lang_Class::create_mirror(k, CHECK_NULL); // Allocate mirror
 109   return k();
 110 }
 112 int constantPoolKlass::oop_size(oop obj) const {
 113   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "must be constantPool");
 114   return constantPoolOop(obj)->object_size();
 115 }
 118 void constantPoolKlass::oop_follow_contents(oop obj) {
 119   assert (obj->is_constantPool(), "obj must be constant pool");
 120   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 121   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 122   // know that Universe::constantPoolKlassObj never moves.
 124   // If the tags array is null we are in the middle of allocating this constant pool
 125   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 126     // gc of constant pool contents
 127     oop* base = (oop*)cp->base();
 128     for (int i = 0; i < cp->length(); i++) {
 129       if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 130         if (*base != NULL) MarkSweep::mark_and_push(base);
 131       }
 132       base++;
 133     }
 134     // gc of constant pool instance variables
 135     MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cp->tags_addr());
 136     MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cp->cache_addr());
 137     MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cp->operands_addr());
 138     MarkSweep::mark_and_push(cp->pool_holder_addr());
 139   }
 140 }
 142 #ifndef SERIALGC
 143 void constantPoolKlass::oop_follow_contents(ParCompactionManager* cm,
 144                                             oop obj) {
 145   assert (obj->is_constantPool(), "obj must be constant pool");
 146   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 147   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 148   // know that Universe::constantPoolKlassObj never moves.
 150   // If the tags array is null we are in the middle of allocating this constant
 151   // pool.
 152   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 153     // gc of constant pool contents
 154     oop* base = (oop*)cp->base();
 155     for (int i = 0; i < cp->length(); i++) {
 156       if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 157         if (*base != NULL) PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, base);
 158       }
 159       base++;
 160     }
 161     // gc of constant pool instance variables
 162     PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cp->tags_addr());
 163     PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cp->cache_addr());
 164     PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cp->operands_addr());
 165     PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push(cm, cp->pool_holder_addr());
 166   }
 167 }
 168 #endif // SERIALGC
 171 int constantPoolKlass::oop_adjust_pointers(oop obj) {
 172   assert (obj->is_constantPool(), "obj must be constant pool");
 173   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 174   // Get size before changing pointers.
 175   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 176   int size = cp->object_size();
 177   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 178   // know that Universe::constantPoolKlassObj never moves.
 180   // If the tags array is null we are in the middle of allocating this constant
 181   // pool.
 182   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 183     oop* base = (oop*)cp->base();
 184     for (int i = 0; i< cp->length();  i++) {
 185       if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 186         MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(base);
 187       }
 188       base++;
 189     }
 190   }
 191   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cp->tags_addr());
 192   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cp->cache_addr());
 193   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cp->operands_addr());
 194   MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(cp->pool_holder_addr());
 195   return size;
 196 }
 199 int constantPoolKlass::oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosure* blk) {
 200   assert (obj->is_constantPool(), "obj must be constant pool");
 201   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 202   // know that Universe::constantPoolKlassObj never moves.
 203   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 204   // Get size before changing pointers.
 205   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 206   int size = cp->object_size();
 208   // If the tags array is null we are in the middle of allocating this constant
 209   // pool.
 210   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 211     oop* base = (oop*)cp->base();
 212     for (int i = 0; i < cp->length(); i++) {
 213       if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 214         blk->do_oop(base);
 215       }
 216       base++;
 217     }
 218   }
 219   blk->do_oop(cp->tags_addr());
 220   blk->do_oop(cp->cache_addr());
 221   blk->do_oop(cp->operands_addr());
 222   blk->do_oop(cp->pool_holder_addr());
 223   return size;
 224 }
 227 int constantPoolKlass::oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
 228   assert (obj->is_constantPool(), "obj must be constant pool");
 229   // Performance tweak: We skip iterating over the klass pointer since we
 230   // know that Universe::constantPoolKlassObj never moves.
 231   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 232   // Get size before changing pointers.
 233   // Don't call size() or oop_size() since that is a virtual call.
 234   int size = cp->object_size();
 236   // If the tags array is null we are in the middle of allocating this constant
 237   // pool.
 238   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 239     oop* base = (oop*)cp->base();
 240     for (int i = 0; i < cp->length(); i++) {
 241       if (mr.contains(base)) {
 242         if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 243           blk->do_oop(base);
 244         }
 245       }
 246       base++;
 247     }
 248   }
 249   oop* addr;
 250   addr = cp->tags_addr();
 251   if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
 252   addr = cp->cache_addr();
 253   if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
 254   addr = cp->operands_addr();
 255   if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
 256   addr = cp->pool_holder_addr();
 257   if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
 258   return size;
 259 }
 261 bool constantPoolKlass::oop_is_conc_safe(oop obj) const {
 262   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "must be constantPool");
 263   return constantPoolOop(obj)->is_conc_safe();
 264 }
 266 #ifndef SERIALGC
 267 int constantPoolKlass::oop_update_pointers(ParCompactionManager* cm, oop obj) {
 268   assert (obj->is_constantPool(), "obj must be constant pool");
 269   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 271   // If the tags array is null we are in the middle of allocating this constant
 272   // pool.
 273   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 274     oop* base = (oop*)cp->base();
 275     for (int i = 0; i < cp->length(); ++i, ++base) {
 276       if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 277         PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(base);
 278       }
 279     }
 280   }
 281   PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(cp->tags_addr());
 282   PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(cp->cache_addr());
 283   PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(cp->operands_addr());
 284   PSParallelCompact::adjust_pointer(cp->pool_holder_addr());
 285   return cp->object_size();
 286 }
 288 void constantPoolKlass::oop_push_contents(PSPromotionManager* pm, oop obj) {
 289   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "should be constant pool");
 290   constantPoolOop cp = (constantPoolOop) obj;
 291   if (cp->tags() != NULL) {
 292     for (int i = 1; i < cp->length(); ++i) {
 293       if (cp->is_pointer_entry(i)) {
 294         oop* base = cp->obj_at_addr_raw(i);
 295         if (PSScavenge::should_scavenge(base)) {
 296           pm->claim_or_forward_depth(base);
 297         }
 298       }
 299     }
 300   }
 301 }
 302 #endif // SERIALGC
 304 // Printing
 306 void constantPoolKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 308   oop anObj;
 309   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "must be constantPool");
 310   Klass::oop_print_on(obj, st);
 311   constantPoolOop cp = constantPoolOop(obj);
 312   if (cp->flags() != 0) {
 313     st->print(" - flags: 0x%x", cp->flags());
 314     if (cp->has_pseudo_string()) st->print(" has_pseudo_string");
 315     if (cp->has_invokedynamic()) st->print(" has_invokedynamic");
 316     if (cp->has_preresolution()) st->print(" has_preresolution");
 317     st->cr();
 318   }
 319   if (cp->pool_holder() != NULL) {
 320     bool extra = (instanceKlass::cast(cp->pool_holder())->constants() != cp);
 321     st->print_cr(" - holder: " INTPTR_FORMAT "%s", cp->pool_holder(), (extra? " (extra)" : ""));
 322   }
 323   st->print_cr(" - cache: " INTPTR_FORMAT, cp->cache());
 324   for (int index = 1; index < cp->length(); index++) {      // Index 0 is unused
 325     st->print(" - %3d : ", index);
 326     cp->tag_at(index).print_on(st);
 327     st->print(" : ");
 328     switch (cp->tag_at(index).value()) {
 329       case JVM_CONSTANT_Class :
 330         { anObj = cp->klass_at(index, CATCH);
 331           anObj->print_value_on(st);
 332           st->print(" {0x%lx}", (address)anObj);
 333         }
 334         break;
 335       case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref :
 336       case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref :
 337       case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref :
 338         st->print("klass_index=%d", cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(index));
 339         st->print(" name_and_type_index=%d", cp->uncached_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index));
 340         break;
 341       case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedString :
 342       case JVM_CONSTANT_String :
 343         if (cp->is_pseudo_string_at(index)) {
 344           anObj = cp->pseudo_string_at(index);
 345         } else {
 346           anObj = cp->string_at(index, CATCH);
 347         }
 348         anObj->print_value_on(st);
 349         st->print(" {0x%lx}", (address)anObj);
 350         break;
 351       case JVM_CONSTANT_Object :
 352         anObj = cp->object_at(index);
 353         anObj->print_value_on(st);
 354         st->print(" {0x%lx}", (address)anObj);
 355         break;
 356       case JVM_CONSTANT_Integer :
 357         st->print("%d", cp->int_at(index));
 358         break;
 359       case JVM_CONSTANT_Float :
 360         st->print("%f", cp->float_at(index));
 361         break;
 362       case JVM_CONSTANT_Long :
 363         st->print_jlong(cp->long_at(index));
 364         index++;   // Skip entry following eigth-byte constant
 365         break;
 366       case JVM_CONSTANT_Double :
 367         st->print("%lf", cp->double_at(index));
 368         index++;   // Skip entry following eigth-byte constant
 369         break;
 370       case JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType :
 371         st->print("name_index=%d", cp->name_ref_index_at(index));
 372         st->print(" signature_index=%d", cp->signature_ref_index_at(index));
 373         break;
 374       case JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8 :
 375         cp->symbol_at(index)->print_value_on(st);
 376         break;
 377       case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass :               // fall-through
 378       case JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError: {
 379         // unresolved_klass_at requires lock or safe world.
 380         CPSlot entry = cp->slot_at(index);
 381         if (entry.is_oop()) {
 382           entry.get_oop()->print_value_on(st);
 383         } else {
 384           entry.get_symbol()->print_value_on(st);
 385         }
 386         }
 387         break;
 388       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle :
 389         st->print("ref_kind=%d", cp->method_handle_ref_kind_at(index));
 390         st->print(" ref_index=%d", cp->method_handle_index_at(index));
 391         break;
 392       case JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType :
 393         st->print("signature_index=%d", cp->method_type_index_at(index));
 394         break;
 395       case JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic :
 396         {
 397           st->print("bootstrap_method_index=%d", cp->invoke_dynamic_bootstrap_method_ref_index_at(index));
 398           st->print(" name_and_type_index=%d", cp->invoke_dynamic_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index));
 399           int argc = cp->invoke_dynamic_argument_count_at(index);
 400           if (argc > 0) {
 401             for (int arg_i = 0; arg_i < argc; arg_i++) {
 402               int arg = cp->invoke_dynamic_argument_index_at(index, arg_i);
 403               st->print((arg_i == 0 ? " arguments={%d" : ", %d"), arg);
 404             }
 405             st->print("}");
 406           }
 407         }
 408         break;
 409       default:
 410         ShouldNotReachHere();
 411         break;
 412     }
 413     st->cr();
 414   }
 415   st->cr();
 416 }
 418 void constantPoolKlass::oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 419   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "must be constantPool");
 420   constantPoolOop cp = constantPoolOop(obj);
 421   st->print("constant pool [%d]", cp->length());
 422   if (cp->has_pseudo_string()) st->print("/pseudo_string");
 423   if (cp->has_invokedynamic()) st->print("/invokedynamic");
 424   if (cp->has_preresolution()) st->print("/preresolution");
 425   if (cp->operands() != NULL)  st->print("/operands[%d]", cp->operands()->length());
 426   cp->print_address_on(st);
 427   st->print(" for ");
 428   cp->pool_holder()->print_value_on(st);
 429   if (cp->pool_holder() != NULL) {
 430     bool extra = (instanceKlass::cast(cp->pool_holder())->constants() != cp);
 431     if (extra)  st->print(" (extra)");
 432   }
 433   if (cp->cache() != NULL) {
 434     st->print(" cache=" PTR_FORMAT, cp->cache());
 435   }
 436 }
 438 const char* constantPoolKlass::internal_name() const {
 439   return "{constant pool}";
 440 }
 442 // Verification
 444 void constantPoolKlass::oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
 445   Klass::oop_verify_on(obj, st);
 446   guarantee(obj->is_constantPool(), "object must be constant pool");
 447   constantPoolOop cp = constantPoolOop(obj);
 448   guarantee(cp->is_perm(), "should be in permspace");
 449   if (!cp->partially_loaded()) {
 450     for (int i = 0; i< cp->length();  i++) {
 451       constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(i);
 452       CPSlot entry = cp->slot_at(i);
 453       if (tag.is_klass()) {
 454         if (entry.is_oop()) {
 455           guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_perm(),     "should be in permspace");
 456           guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_klass(),    "should be klass");
 457         }
 458       } else if (tag.is_unresolved_klass()) {
 459         if (entry.is_oop()) {
 460           guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_perm(),     "should be in permspace");
 461           guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_klass(),    "should be klass");
 462         }
 463       } else if (tag.is_symbol()) {
 464         guarantee(entry.get_symbol()->refcount() != 0, "should have nonzero reference count");
 465       } else if (tag.is_unresolved_string()) {
 466         if (entry.is_oop()) {
 467           guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_perm(),     "should be in permspace");
 468           guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_instance(), "should be instance");
 469         }
 470         else {
 471           guarantee(entry.get_symbol()->refcount() != 0, "should have nonzero reference count");
 472         }
 473       } else if (tag.is_string()) {
 474         if (!cp->has_pseudo_string()) {
 475           if (entry.is_oop()) {
 476             guarantee(!JavaObjectsInPerm || entry.get_oop()->is_perm(),
 477                       "should be in permspace");
 478             guarantee(entry.get_oop()->is_instance(), "should be instance");
 479           }
 480         } else {
 481           // can be non-perm, can be non-instance (array)
 482         }
 483       } else if (tag.is_object()) {
 484         assert(entry.get_oop()->is_oop(), "should be some valid oop");
 485       } else {
 486         assert(!cp->is_pointer_entry(i), "unhandled oop type in constantPoolKlass::verify_on");
 487       }
 488     }
 489     guarantee(cp->tags()->is_perm(),         "should be in permspace");
 490     guarantee(cp->tags()->is_typeArray(),    "should be type array");
 491     if (cp->cache() != NULL) {
 492       // Note: cache() can be NULL before a class is completely setup or
 493       // in temporary constant pools used during constant pool merging
 494       guarantee(cp->cache()->is_perm(),              "should be in permspace");
 495       guarantee(cp->cache()->is_constantPoolCache(), "should be constant pool cache");
 496     }
 497     if (cp->operands() != NULL) {
 498       guarantee(cp->operands()->is_perm(),  "should be in permspace");
 499       guarantee(cp->operands()->is_typeArray(), "should be type array");
 500     }
 501     if (cp->pool_holder() != NULL) {
 502       // Note: pool_holder() can be NULL in temporary constant pools
 503       // used during constant pool merging
 504       guarantee(cp->pool_holder()->is_perm(),  "should be in permspace");
 505       guarantee(cp->pool_holder()->is_klass(), "should be klass");
 506     }
 507   }
 508 }
 510 bool constantPoolKlass::oop_partially_loaded(oop obj) const {
 511   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "object must be constant pool");
 512   constantPoolOop cp = constantPoolOop(obj);
 513   return cp->tags() == NULL || cp->pool_holder() == (klassOop) cp;   // Check whether pool holder points to self
 514 }
 517 void constantPoolKlass::oop_set_partially_loaded(oop obj) {
 518   assert(obj->is_constantPool(), "object must be constant pool");
 519   constantPoolOop cp = constantPoolOop(obj);
 520   assert(cp->pool_holder() == NULL, "just checking");
 521   cp->set_pool_holder((klassOop) cp);   // Temporarily set pool holder to point to self
 522 }
 524 #ifndef PRODUCT
 525 // CompileTheWorld support. Preload all classes loaded references in the passed in constantpool
 526 void constantPoolKlass::preload_and_initialize_all_classes(oop obj, TRAPS) {
 527   guarantee(obj->is_constantPool(), "object must be constant pool");
 528   constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, (constantPoolOop)obj);
 529   guarantee(!cp->partially_loaded(), "must be fully loaded");
 531   for (int i = 0; i< cp->length();  i++) {
 532     if (cp->tag_at(i).is_unresolved_klass()) {
 533       // This will force loading of the class
 534       klassOop klass = cp->klass_at(i, CHECK);
 535       if (klass->is_instance()) {
 536         // Force initialization of class
 537         instanceKlass::cast(klass)->initialize(CHECK);
 538       }
 539     }
 540   }
 541 }
 543 #endif