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*** old/src/share/vm/gc_interface/collectedHeap.cpp	Tue Feb 14 12:24:14 2012
--- new/src/share/vm/gc_interface/collectedHeap.cpp	Tue Feb 14 12:24:13 2012

*** 60,80 **** --- 60,80 ---- void GCHeapLog::log_heap(bool before) { if (!should_log()) { return; } ! jlong timestamp = os::javaTimeNanos() / NANOSECS_PER_MILLISEC; ! double timestamp = fetch_timestamp(); MutexLockerEx ml(&_mutex, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); int index = compute_log_index(); _records[index].thread = NULL; // Its the GC thread so it's not that interesting. _records[index].timestamp = timestamp; _records[index].data.is_before = before; stringStream st(_records[index].data.buffer(), _records[index].data.size()); if (before) { ! Universe::print_heap_before_gc(&st, true); } else { ! Universe::print_heap_after_gc(&st, true); } } // Memory state functions.

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