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@@ -35,13 +35,11 @@
 class DIR_Chunk {
   int  _offset; // location in the stream of this scope
   int  _length; // number of bytes in the stream
   int  _hash;   // hash of stream bytes (for quicker reuse)
   DebugInformationRecorder* _DIR;
   int offset() { return _offset; }
   void* operator new(size_t ignore, DebugInformationRecorder* dir) throw() {

@@ -55,13 +53,11 @@
   DIR_Chunk(int offset, int length, DebugInformationRecorder* dir) {
     _offset = offset;
     _length = length;
     _DIR = dir;
     unsigned int hash = 0;
     address p = dir->stream()->buffer() + _offset;
     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
       if (i == 6)  break;
       hash *= 127;

@@ -85,11 +81,10 @@
     return NULL;
   static int compare(DIR_Chunk* const & a, DIR_Chunk* const & b) {
     if (b->_hash > a->_hash) {
       return 1;
     if (b->_hash < a->_hash) {

@@ -102,11 +97,10 @@
       return -1;
     address buf = a->_DIR->stream()->buffer();
     return memcmp(buf + b->_offset, buf + a->_offset, a->_length);
 static inline bool compute_recording_non_safepoints() {
   if (JvmtiExport::should_post_compiled_method_load()
       && FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(DebugNonSafepoints)) {

@@ -139,13 +133,10 @@
   assert(_stream->position() > serialized_null, "sanity");
   _oop_recorder = oop_recorder;
   _all_chunks    = new GrowableArray<DIR_Chunk*>(300);
-  _shared_chunks = new GrowableArray<DIR_Chunk*>(30);
   _next_chunk = _next_chunk_limit = NULL;
   add_new_pc_offset(PcDesc::lower_offset_limit);  // sentinel record
   debug_only(_recording_state = rs_null);

@@ -263,26 +254,17 @@
 } dir_stats;
 #endif //PRODUCT
 int DebugInformationRecorder::find_sharable_decode_offset(int stream_offset) {
-  // Only pull this trick if non-safepoint recording
-  // is enabled, for now.
-  if (!recording_non_safepoints()) {
-    return serialized_null;
-  }
-#endif // INCLUDE_JVMCI
   int stream_length = stream()->position() - stream_offset;
   assert(stream_offset != serialized_null, "should not be null");
   assert(stream_length != 0, "should not be empty");
   DIR_Chunk* ns = new(this) DIR_Chunk(stream_offset, stream_length, this);
   DIR_Chunk* match = _all_chunks->insert_sorted<DIR_Chunk::compare>(ns);
   if (match != ns) {
     // Found an existing chunk
     assert(ns+1 == _next_chunk, "");

@@ -290,39 +272,10 @@
     return match->offset();
   } else {
     // Inserted this chunk, so nothing to do
     return serialized_null;
-  // Look in previously shared scopes first:
-  DIR_Chunk* ms = ns->find_match(_shared_chunks, 0, this);
-  if (ms != NULL) {
-    NOT_PRODUCT(++dir_stats.chunks_reshared);
-    assert(ns+1 == _next_chunk, "");
-    _next_chunk = ns;
-    return ms->offset();
-  }
-  // Look in recently encountered scopes next:
-  const int MAX_RECENT = 50;
-  int start_index = _all_chunks->length() - MAX_RECENT;
-  if (start_index < 0)  start_index = 0;
-  ms = ns->find_match(_all_chunks, start_index, this);
-  if (ms != NULL) {
-    NOT_PRODUCT(++dir_stats.chunks_shared);
-    // Searching in _all_chunks is limited to a window,
-    // but searching in _shared_chunks is unlimited.
-    _shared_chunks->append(ms);
-    assert(ns+1 == _next_chunk, "");
-    _next_chunk = ns;
-    return ms->offset();
-  }
-  // No match.  Add this guy to the list, in hopes of future shares.
-  _all_chunks->append(ns);
-  return serialized_null;
-#endif // INCLUDE_JVMCI
 // must call add_safepoint before: it sets PcDesc and this routine uses
 // the last PcDesc set
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