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 265   /** This is only for use by the debugging system, and is only
 266       intended for use in the topmost frame, where we are not
 267       guaranteed to be at a PC for which we have a PCDesc. It finds
 268       the PCDesc with realPC closest to the current PC. */
 269   public PCDesc getPCDescNearDbg(Address pc) {
 270     PCDesc bestGuessPCDesc = null;
 271     long bestDistance = 0;
 272     for (Address p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd()); p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
 273       PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
 274       // In case pc is null
 275       long distance = -pcDesc.getRealPC(this).minus(pc);
 276       if ((bestGuessPCDesc == null) ||
 277           ((distance >= 0) && (distance < bestDistance))) {
 278         bestGuessPCDesc = pcDesc;
 279         bestDistance    = distance;
 280       }
 281     }
 282     return bestGuessPCDesc;
 283   }

 285   /** This is only for use by the debugging system, and is only
 286       intended for use in the topmost frame, where we are not
 287       guaranteed to be at a PC for which we have a PCDesc. It finds
 288       the ScopeDesc closest to the current PC. NOTE that this may
 289       return NULL for compiled methods which don't have any
 290       ScopeDescs! */
 291   public ScopeDesc getScopeDescNearDbg(Address pc) {
 292     PCDesc pd = getPCDescNearDbg(pc);
 293     if (pd == null) return null;
 294     return new ScopeDesc(this, pd.getScopeDecodeOffset(), pd.getReexecute());
 295   }
 297   public Map/*<Address, PcDesc>*/ getSafepoints() {
 298     Map safepoints = new HashMap(); // Map<Address, PcDesc>
 299     sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address p = null;
 300     for (p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd());
 301          p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
 302        PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
 303        sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address pc = pcDesc.getRealPC(this);
 304        safepoints.put(pc, pcDesc);
 305     }
 306     return safepoints;
 307   }
 309   // FIXME: add getPCOffsetForBCI()
 310   // FIXME: add embeddedOopAt()
 311   // FIXME: add isDependentOn()
 312   // FIXME: add isPatchableAt()
 314   /** Support for code generation. Only here for proof-of-concept. */
 315   public static int getEntryPointOffset()            { return (int) entryPointField.getOffset();            }
 316   public static int getVerifiedEntryPointOffset()    { return (int) verifiedEntryPointField.getOffset();    }
 317   public static int getOSREntryPointOffset()         { return (int) osrEntryPointField.getOffset();         }
 318   public static int getEntryBCIOffset()              { return (int) entryBCIField.getOffset();              }

 265   /** This is only for use by the debugging system, and is only
 266       intended for use in the topmost frame, where we are not
 267       guaranteed to be at a PC for which we have a PCDesc. It finds
 268       the PCDesc with realPC closest to the current PC. */
 269   public PCDesc getPCDescNearDbg(Address pc) {
 270     PCDesc bestGuessPCDesc = null;
 271     long bestDistance = 0;
 272     for (Address p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd()); p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
 273       PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
 274       // In case pc is null
 275       long distance = -pcDesc.getRealPC(this).minus(pc);
 276       if ((bestGuessPCDesc == null) ||
 277           ((distance >= 0) && (distance < bestDistance))) {
 278         bestGuessPCDesc = pcDesc;
 279         bestDistance    = distance;
 280       }
 281     }
 282     return bestGuessPCDesc;
 283   }
 285    PCDesc find_pc_desc(long pc, boolean approximate) {
 286       return find_pc_desc_internal(pc, approximate);
 287    }
 289    static long addressToLong(sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address addr) {
 290       return VM.getVM().getDebugger().getAddressValue(addr);
 291    }
 293    // Finds a PcDesc with real-pc equal to "pc"
 294    PCDesc find_pc_desc_internal(long pc, boolean approximate) {
 295       long base_address = addressToLong(instructionsBegin());
 296       int pc_offset = (int) (pc - base_address);
 298       // Fallback algorithm: quasi-linear search for the PcDesc
 299       // Find the last pc_offset less than the given offset.
 300       // The successor must be the required match, if there is a match at all.
 301       // (Use a fixed radix to avoid expensive affine pointer arithmetic.)
 302       Address lower = scopesPCsBegin();
 303       Address upper = scopesPCsEnd();
 304       upper = upper.addOffsetTo(-pcDescSize); // exclude final sentinel
 305       if (lower.greaterThan(upper))  return null;  // native method; no PcDescs at all
 307       // Take giant steps at first (4096, then 256, then 16, then 1)
 308       int LOG2_RADIX = 4;
 309       int RADIX = (1 << LOG2_RADIX);
 310       Address mid;
 311       for (int step = (1 << (LOG2_RADIX*3)); step > 1; step >>= LOG2_RADIX) {
 312          while ((mid = lower.addOffsetTo(step * pcDescSize)).lessThan(upper)) {
 313             PCDesc m = new PCDesc(mid);
 314             if (m.getPCOffset() < pc_offset) {
 315                lower = mid;
 316             } else {
 317                upper = mid;
 318                break;
 319             }
 320          }
 321       }
 323       // Sneak up on the value with a linear search of length ~16.
 324       while (true) {
 325          mid = lower.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize);
 326          PCDesc m = new PCDesc(mid);
 327          if (m.getPCOffset() < pc_offset) {
 328             lower = mid;
 329          } else {
 330             upper = mid;
 331             break;
 332          }
 333       }
 335       PCDesc u = new PCDesc(upper);
 336       if (match_desc(u, pc_offset, approximate)) {
 337          return u;
 338       } else {
 339          return null;
 340       }
 341    }
 344    // ScopeDesc retrieval operation
 345    PCDesc pc_desc_at(long pc)   { return find_pc_desc(pc, false); }
 346    // pc_desc_near returns the first PCDesc at or after the givne pc.
 347    PCDesc pc_desc_near(long pc) { return find_pc_desc(pc, true); }
 349    // Return a the last scope in (begin..end]
 350    public ScopeDesc scope_desc_in(long begin, long end) {
 351       PCDesc p = pc_desc_near(begin+1);
 352       if (p != null && addressToLong(p.getRealPC(this)) <= end) {
 353          return new ScopeDesc(this, p.getScopeDecodeOffset(), p.getReexecute());
 354       }
 355       return null;
 356    }
 358    static boolean match_desc(PCDesc pc, int pc_offset, boolean approximate) {
 359       if (!approximate)
 360          return pc.getPCOffset() == pc_offset;
 361       else {
 362          PCDesc prev = new PCDesc(pc.getAddress().addOffsetTo(-pcDescSize));
 363          return prev.getPCOffset() < pc_offset && pc_offset <= pc.getPCOffset();
 364       }
 365    }
 367   /** This is only for use by the debugging system, and is only
 368       intended for use in the topmost frame, where we are not
 369       guaranteed to be at a PC for which we have a PCDesc. It finds
 370       the ScopeDesc closest to the current PC. NOTE that this may
 371       return NULL for compiled methods which don't have any
 372       ScopeDescs! */
 373   public ScopeDesc getScopeDescNearDbg(Address pc) {
 374     PCDesc pd = getPCDescNearDbg(pc);
 375     if (pd == null) return null;
 376     return new ScopeDesc(this, pd.getScopeDecodeOffset(), pd.getReexecute());
 377   }
 379   public Map/*<Address, PCDesc>*/ getSafepoints() {
 380     Map safepoints = new HashMap(); // Map<Address, PCDesc>
 381     sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address p = null;
 382     for (p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd());
 383          p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
 384        PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
 385        sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address pc = pcDesc.getRealPC(this);
 386        safepoints.put(pc, pcDesc);
 387     }
 388     return safepoints;
 389   }
 391   // FIXME: add getPCOffsetForBCI()
 392   // FIXME: add embeddedOopAt()
 393   // FIXME: add isDependentOn()
 394   // FIXME: add isPatchableAt()
 396   /** Support for code generation. Only here for proof-of-concept. */
 397   public static int getEntryPointOffset()            { return (int) entryPointField.getOffset();            }
 398   public static int getVerifiedEntryPointOffset()    { return (int) verifiedEntryPointField.getOffset();    }
 399   public static int getOSREntryPointOffset()         { return (int) osrEntryPointField.getOffset();         }
 400   public static int getEntryBCIOffset()              { return (int) entryBCIField.getOffset();              }

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