/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.webkit.graphics; import com.sun.javafx.logging.PlatformLogger; import java.lang.annotation.Native; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; public final class GraphicsDecoder { @Native public final static int FILLRECT_FFFFI = 0; @Native public final static int SETFILLCOLOR = 1; @Native public final static int SETSTROKESTYLE = 2; @Native public final static int SETSTROKECOLOR = 3; @Native public final static int SETSTROKEWIDTH = 4; @Native public final static int DRAWPOLYGON = 6; @Native public final static int DRAWLINE = 7; @Native public final static int DRAWIMAGE = 8; @Native public final static int DRAWICON = 9; @Native public final static int DRAWPATTERN = 10; @Native public final static int TRANSLATE = 11; @Native public final static int SAVESTATE = 12; @Native public final static int RESTORESTATE = 13; @Native public final static int CLIP_PATH = 14; @Native public final static int SETCLIP_IIII = 15; @Native public final static int DRAWRECT = 16; @Native public final static int SETCOMPOSITE = 17; @Native public final static int STROKEARC = 18; @Native public final static int DRAWELLIPSE = 19; @Native public final static int DRAWFOCUSRING = 20; @Native public final static int SETALPHA = 21; @Native public final static int BEGINTRANSPARENCYLAYER = 22; @Native public final static int ENDTRANSPARENCYLAYER = 23; @Native public final static int STROKE_PATH = 24; @Native public final static int FILL_PATH = 25; @Native public final static int GETIMAGE = 26; @Native public final static int SCALE = 27; @Native public final static int SETSHADOW = 28; @Native public final static int DRAWSTRING = 29; @Native public final static int DRAWSTRING_FAST = 31; @Native public final static int DRAWWIDGET = 33; @Native public final static int DRAWSCROLLBAR = 34; @Native public final static int CLEARRECT_FFFF = 36; @Native public final static int STROKERECT_FFFFF = 37; @Native public final static int RENDERMEDIAPLAYER = 38; @Native public final static int CONCATTRANSFORM_FFFFFF = 39; @Native public final static int COPYREGION = 40; @Native public final static int DECODERQ = 41; @Native public final static int SET_TRANSFORM = 42; @Native public final static int ROTATE = 43; @Native public final static int RENDERMEDIACONTROL = 44; @Native public final static int RENDERMEDIA_TIMETRACK = 45; @Native public final static int RENDERMEDIA_VOLUMETRACK = 46; @Native public final static int FILLRECT_FFFF = 47; @Native public final static int FILL_ROUNDED_RECT = 48; @Native public final static int SET_FILL_GRADIENT = 49; @Native public final static int SET_STROKE_GRADIENT = 50; @Native public final static int SET_LINE_DASH = 51; @Native public final static int SET_LINE_CAP = 52; @Native public final static int SET_LINE_JOIN = 53; @Native public final static int SET_MITER_LIMIT = 54; @Native public final static int SET_TEXT_MODE = 55; private final static PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger(GraphicsDecoder.class.getName()); static void decode(WCGraphicsManager gm, WCGraphicsContext gc, BufferData bdata) { if (gc == null) { return; } ByteBuffer buf = bdata.getBuffer(); buf.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); while (buf.remaining() > 0) { int op = buf.getInt(); switch(op) { case FILLRECT_FFFF: gc.fillRect( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), null); break; case FILLRECT_FFFFI: gc.fillRect( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getInt()); break; case FILL_ROUNDED_RECT: gc.fillRoundedRect( // base rectangle buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), // top corners w/h buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), // bottom corners w/h buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getInt()); break; case CLEARRECT_FFFF: gc.clearRect( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case STROKERECT_FFFFF: gc.strokeRect( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case SETFILLCOLOR: gc.setFillColor(buf.getInt()); break; case SET_TEXT_MODE: gc.setTextMode(getBoolean(buf), getBoolean(buf), getBoolean(buf)); break; case SETSTROKESTYLE: gc.setStrokeStyle(buf.getInt()); break; case SETSTROKECOLOR: gc.setStrokeColor(buf.getInt()); break; case SETSTROKEWIDTH: gc.setStrokeWidth(buf.getFloat()); break; case SET_FILL_GRADIENT: gc.setFillGradient(getGradient(gc, buf)); break; case SET_STROKE_GRADIENT: gc.setStrokeGradient(getGradient(gc, buf)); break; case SET_LINE_DASH: gc.setLineDash(buf.getFloat(), getFloatArray(buf)); break; case SET_LINE_CAP: gc.setLineCap(buf.getInt()); break; case SET_LINE_JOIN: gc.setLineJoin(buf.getInt()); break; case SET_MITER_LIMIT: gc.setMiterLimit(buf.getFloat()); break; case DRAWPOLYGON: gc.drawPolygon(getPath(gm, buf), buf.getInt() == -1); break; case DRAWLINE: gc.drawLine( buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWIMAGE: drawImage(gc, gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), //dest React buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), //src Rect buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case DRAWICON: gc.drawIcon((WCIcon)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWPATTERN: drawPattern(gc, gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), getRectangle(buf), (WCTransform)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), getPoint(buf), getRectangle(buf)); break; case TRANSLATE: gc.translate(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case SCALE: gc.scale(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case SAVESTATE: gc.saveState(); break; case RESTORESTATE: gc.restoreState(); break; case CLIP_PATH: gc.setClip( getPath(gm, buf), buf.getInt()>0); break; case SETCLIP_IIII: gc.setClip( buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWRECT: gc.drawRect( buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case SETCOMPOSITE: gc.setComposite(buf.getInt()); break; case STROKEARC: gc.strokeArc( buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWELLIPSE: gc.drawEllipse( buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWFOCUSRING: gc.drawFocusRing( buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case SETALPHA: gc.setAlpha(buf.getFloat()); break; case BEGINTRANSPARENCYLAYER: gc.beginTransparencyLayer(buf.getFloat()); break; case ENDTRANSPARENCYLAYER: gc.endTransparencyLayer(); break; case STROKE_PATH: gc.strokePath(getPath(gm, buf)); break; case FILL_PATH: gc.fillPath(getPath(gm, buf)); break; case SETSHADOW: gc.setShadow( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWSTRING: gc.drawString( (WCFont) gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), bdata.getString(buf.getInt()), (buf.getInt() == -1), // rtl flag buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), // from and to positions buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat());// (x,y) position break; case DRAWSTRING_FAST: gc.drawString( (WCFont) gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), bdata.getIntArray(buf.getInt()), //glyphs bdata.getFloatArray(buf.getInt()), //offsets buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case DRAWWIDGET: gc.drawWidget((RenderTheme)(gm.getRef(buf.getInt())), gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DRAWSCROLLBAR: gc.drawScrollbar((ScrollBarTheme)(gm.getRef(buf.getInt())), gm.getRef(buf.getInt()), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case RENDERMEDIAPLAYER: WCMediaPlayer mp = (WCMediaPlayer)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()); mp.render(gc, buf.getInt(), // x buf.getInt(), // y buf.getInt(), // width buf.getInt()); // height break; case CONCATTRANSFORM_FFFFFF: gc.concatTransform(new WCTransform( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat())); break; case SET_TRANSFORM: gc.setTransform(new WCTransform( buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat())); break; case COPYREGION: WCPageBackBuffer buffer = (WCPageBackBuffer)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()); buffer.copyArea(buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt(), buf.getInt()); break; case DECODERQ: WCRenderQueue _rq = (WCRenderQueue)gm.getRef(buf.getInt()); _rq.decode(gc.getFontSmoothingType()); break; case ROTATE: gc.rotate(buf.getFloat()); break; case RENDERMEDIACONTROL: RenderMediaControls.paintControl(gc, buf.getInt(), // control type buf.getInt(), // x buf.getInt(), // y buf.getInt(), // width buf.getInt()); // height break; case RENDERMEDIA_TIMETRACK: { int n = buf.getInt(); // number of timeRange pairs float[] buffered = new float[n*2]; buf.asFloatBuffer().get(buffered); buf.position(buf.position() + n*4 *2); RenderMediaControls.paintTimeSliderTrack(gc, buf.getFloat(), // duration buf.getFloat(), // currentTime buffered, // buffered() timeRanges buf.getInt(), // x buf.getInt(), // y buf.getInt(), // width buf.getInt()); // height break; } case RENDERMEDIA_VOLUMETRACK: RenderMediaControls.paintVolumeTrack(gc, buf.getFloat(), // curVolume buf.getInt() != 0, // muted buf.getInt(), // x buf.getInt(), // y buf.getInt(), // width buf.getInt()); // height break; default: log.fine("ERROR. Unknown primitive found"); break; } } } private static void drawPattern( WCGraphicsContext gc, Object imgFrame, WCRectangle srcRect, WCTransform patternTransform, WCPoint phase, WCRectangle destRect) { WCImage img = WCImage.getImage(imgFrame); if (img != null) { // RT-10059: drawImage() may have to create the texture // lazily, and may fail with an OutOfMemory error // if the texture is too large. This is a legitimate // situation that should be handled gracefully. It should // not cause us to quit painting other page components. try { gc.drawPattern( img, srcRect, patternTransform, phase, destRect); } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) { error.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void drawImage( WCGraphicsContext gc, Object imgFrame, float dstx, float dsty, float dstw, float dsth, float srcx, float srcy, float srcw, float srch) { WCImage img = WCImage.getImage(imgFrame); if (img != null) { // RT-10059: drawImage() may have to create the texture // lazily, and may fail with an OutOfMemory error // if the texture is too large. This is a legitimate // situation that should be handled gracefully. It should // not cause us to quit painting other page components. try { gc.drawImage( img, dstx, dsty, dstw, dsth, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch); } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) { error.printStackTrace(); } } } private static boolean getBoolean(ByteBuffer buf) { return 0 != buf.getInt(); } private static float[] getFloatArray(ByteBuffer buf) { float[] array = new float[buf.getInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = buf.getFloat(); } return array; } private static WCPath getPath(WCGraphicsManager gm, ByteBuffer buf) { WCPath path = (WCPath) gm.getRef(buf.getInt()); path.setWindingRule(buf.getInt()); return path; } private static WCPoint getPoint(ByteBuffer buf) { return new WCPoint(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); } private static WCRectangle getRectangle(ByteBuffer buf) { return new WCRectangle(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); } private static WCGradient getGradient(WCGraphicsContext gc, ByteBuffer buf) { WCPoint p1 = getPoint(buf); WCPoint p2 = getPoint(buf); WCGradient gradient = getBoolean(buf) ? gc.createRadialGradient(p1, buf.getFloat(), p2, buf.getFloat()) : gc.createLinearGradient(p1, p2); boolean proportional = getBoolean(buf); int spreadMethod = buf.getInt(); if (gradient != null) { gradient.setProportional(proportional); gradient.setSpreadMethod(spreadMethod); } int count = buf.getInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int color = buf.getInt(); float offset = buf.getFloat(); if (gradient != null) { gradient.addStop(color, offset); } } return gradient; } }