1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.java.util.jar.pack;
  28 import com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.ConstantPool.Entry;
  29 import java.util.AbstractCollection;
  30 import java.util.ArrayList;
  31 import java.util.Collection;
  32 import java.util.Iterator;
  34 /**
  35  * Collection of relocatable constant pool references.
  36  * It operates with respect to a particular byte array,
  37  * and stores some of its state in the bytes themselves.
  38  * <p>
  39  * As a Collection, it can be iterated over, but it is not a List,
  40  * since it does not natively support indexed access.
  41  * <p>
  42  *
  43  * @author John Rose
  44  */
  45 class Fixups extends AbstractCollection implements Constants {
  46     byte[] bytes;    // the subject of the relocations
  47     int head;        // desc locating first reloc
  48     int tail;        // desc locating last reloc
  49     int size;        // number of relocations
  50     Entry[] entries; // [0..size-1] relocations
  51     int[] bigDescs;  // descs which cannot be stored in the bytes
  53     // A "desc" (descriptor) is a bit-encoded pair of a location
  54     // and format.  Every fixup occurs at a "desc".  Until final
  55     // patching, bytes addressed by descs may also be used to
  56     // link this data structure together.  If the bytes are missing,
  57     // or if the "desc" is too large to encode in the bytes,
  58     // it is kept in the bigDescs array.
  60     Fixups(byte[] bytes) {
  61         this.bytes = bytes;
  62         entries = new Entry[3];
  63         bigDescs = noBigDescs;
  64     }
  65     Fixups() {
  66         // If there are no bytes, all descs are kept in bigDescs.
  67         this((byte[])null);
  68     }
  69     Fixups(byte[] bytes, Collection fixups) {
  70         this(bytes);
  71         addAll(fixups);
  72     }
  73     Fixups(Collection fixups) {
  74         this((byte[])null);
  75         addAll(fixups);
  76     }
  78     private static final int MINBIGSIZE = 1;
  79     // cleverly share empty bigDescs:
  80     private static int[] noBigDescs = {MINBIGSIZE};
  82     public int size() {
  83         return size;
  84     }
  86     public void trimToSize() {
  87         if (size != entries.length) {
  88             Entry[] oldEntries = entries;
  89             entries = new Entry[size];
  90             System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, entries, 0, size);
  91         }
  92         int bigSize = bigDescs[BIGSIZE];
  93         if (bigSize == MINBIGSIZE) {
  94             bigDescs = noBigDescs;
  95         } else if (bigSize != bigDescs.length) {
  96             int[] oldBigDescs = bigDescs;
  97             bigDescs = new int[bigSize];
  98             System.arraycopy(oldBigDescs, 0, bigDescs, 0, bigSize);
  99         }
 100     }
 102     public void visitRefs(Collection refs) {
 103         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 104             refs.add(entries[i]);
 105         }
 106     }
 108     public void clear() {
 109         if (bytes != null) {
 110             // Clean the bytes:
 111             for (Iterator i = iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 112                 Fixup fx = (Fixup) i.next();
 113                 //System.out.println("clean "+fx);
 114                 storeIndex(fx.location(), fx.format(), 0);
 115             }
 116         }
 117         size = 0;
 118         if (bigDescs != noBigDescs)
 119             bigDescs[BIGSIZE] = MINBIGSIZE;
 120         // do not trim to size, however
 121     }
 123     public byte[] getBytes() {
 124         return bytes;
 125     }
 127     public void setBytes(byte[] newBytes) {
 128         if (bytes == newBytes)  return;
 129         ArrayList old = null;
 130         assert((old = new ArrayList(this)) != null);
 131         if (bytes == null || newBytes == null) {
 132             // One or the other representations is deficient.
 133             // Construct a checkpoint.
 134             ArrayList save = new ArrayList(this);
 135             clear();
 136             bytes = newBytes;
 137             addAll(save);
 138         } else {
 139             // assume newBytes is some sort of bitwise copy of the old bytes
 140             bytes = newBytes;
 141         }
 142         assert(old.equals(new ArrayList(this)));
 143     }
 145     static final int LOC_SHIFT = 1;
 146     static final int FMT_MASK = 0x1;
 147     static final byte UNUSED_BYTE = 0;
 148     static final byte OVERFLOW_BYTE = -1;
 149     // fill pointer of bigDescs array is in element [0]
 150     static final int BIGSIZE = 0;
 152     // Format values:
 153     public static final int U2_FORMAT = 0;
 154     public static final int U1_FORMAT = 1;
 156     // Special values for the static methods.
 157     private static final int SPECIAL_LOC = 0;
 158     private static final int SPECIAL_FMT = U2_FORMAT;
 160     static int fmtLen(int fmt) { return 1+(fmt-U1_FORMAT)/(U2_FORMAT-U1_FORMAT); }
 161     static int descLoc(int desc) { return desc >>> LOC_SHIFT; }
 162     static int descFmt(int desc) { return desc  &  FMT_MASK; }
 163     static int descEnd(int desc) { return descLoc(desc) + fmtLen(descFmt(desc)); }
 164     static int makeDesc(int loc, int fmt) {
 165         int desc = (loc << LOC_SHIFT) | fmt;
 166         assert(descLoc(desc) == loc);
 167         assert(descFmt(desc) == fmt);
 168         return desc;
 169     }
 170     int fetchDesc(int loc, int fmt) {
 171         byte b1 = bytes[loc];
 172         assert(b1 != OVERFLOW_BYTE);
 173         int value;
 174         if (fmt == U2_FORMAT) {
 175             byte b2 = bytes[loc+1];
 176             value = ((b1 & 0xFF) << 8) + (b2 & 0xFF);
 177         } else {
 178             value = (b1 & 0xFF);
 179         }
 180         // Stored loc field is difference between its own loc and next loc.
 181         return value + (loc << LOC_SHIFT);
 182     }
 183     boolean storeDesc(int loc, int fmt, int desc) {
 184         if (bytes == null)
 185             return false;
 186         int value = desc - (loc << LOC_SHIFT);
 187         byte b1, b2;
 188         switch (fmt) {
 189         case U2_FORMAT:
 190             assert(bytes[loc+0] == UNUSED_BYTE);
 191             assert(bytes[loc+1] == UNUSED_BYTE);
 192             b1 = (byte)(value >> 8);
 193             b2 = (byte)(value >> 0);
 194             if (value == (value & 0xFFFF) && b1 != OVERFLOW_BYTE) {
 195                 bytes[loc+0] = b1;
 196                 bytes[loc+1] = b2;
 197                 assert(fetchDesc(loc, fmt) == desc);
 198                 return true;
 199             }
 200             break;
 201         case U1_FORMAT:
 202             assert(bytes[loc] == UNUSED_BYTE);
 203             b1 = (byte)value;
 204             if (value == (value & 0xFF) && b1 != OVERFLOW_BYTE) {
 205                 bytes[loc] = b1;
 206                 assert(fetchDesc(loc, fmt) == desc);
 207                 return true;
 208             }
 209             break;
 210         default: assert(false);
 211         }
 212         // Failure.  Caller must allocate a bigDesc.
 213         bytes[loc] = OVERFLOW_BYTE;
 214         assert(fmt==U1_FORMAT || (bytes[loc+1]=(byte)bigDescs[BIGSIZE])!=999);
 215         return false;
 216     }
 217     void storeIndex(int loc, int fmt, int value) {
 218         storeIndex(bytes, loc, fmt, value);
 219     }
 220     static
 221     void storeIndex(byte[] bytes, int loc, int fmt, int value) {
 222         switch (fmt) {
 223         case U2_FORMAT:
 224             assert(value == (value & 0xFFFF)) : (value);
 225             bytes[loc+0] = (byte)(value >> 8);
 226             bytes[loc+1] = (byte)(value >> 0);
 227             break;
 228         case U1_FORMAT:
 229             assert(value == (value & 0xFF)) : (value);
 230             bytes[loc] = (byte)value;
 231             break;
 232         default: assert(false);
 233         }
 234     }
 236     /** Simple and necessary tuple to present each fixup. */
 237     public static
 238     class Fixup implements Comparable {
 239         int desc;         // location and format of reloc
 240         Entry entry;      // which entry to plug into the bytes
 241         Fixup(int desc, Entry entry) {
 242             this.desc = desc;
 243             this.entry = entry;
 244         }
 245         public Fixup(int loc, int fmt, Entry entry) {
 246             this.desc = makeDesc(loc, fmt);
 247             this.entry = entry;
 248         }
 249         public int location() { return descLoc(desc); }
 250         public int format() { return descFmt(desc); }
 251         public Entry entry() { return entry; }
 252         public int compareTo(Fixup that) {
 253             // Ordering depends only on location.
 254             return this.location() - that.location();
 255         }
 256         public int compareTo(Object that) {
 257             return compareTo((Fixup)that);
 258         }
 259         public boolean equals(Object x) {
 260             if (!(x instanceof Fixup))  return false;
 261             Fixup that = (Fixup) x;
 262             return this.desc == that.desc && this.entry == that.entry;
 263         }
 264         public String toString() {
 265             return "@"+location()+(format()==U1_FORMAT?".1":"")+"="+entry;
 266         }
 267     }
 269     private
 270     class Itr implements Iterator {
 271         int index = 0;               // index into entries
 272         int bigIndex = BIGSIZE+1;    // index into bigDescs
 273         int next = head;             // desc pointing to next fixup
 274         public boolean hasNext() { return index < size; }
 275         public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
 276         public Object next() {
 277             int thisIndex = index;
 278             return new Fixup(nextDesc(), entries[thisIndex]);
 279         }
 280         int nextDesc() {
 281             int thisIndex = index++;
 282             int thisDesc = next;
 283             if (index < size) {
 284                 // Fetch next desc eagerly, in case this fixup gets finalized.
 285                 int loc = descLoc(thisDesc);
 286                 int fmt = descFmt(thisDesc);
 287                 if (bytes != null && bytes[loc] != OVERFLOW_BYTE) {
 288                     next = fetchDesc(loc, fmt);
 289                 } else {
 290                     // The unused extra byte is "asserted" to be equal to BI.
 291                     // This helps keep the overflow descs in sync.
 292                     assert(fmt==U1_FORMAT || bytes == null || bytes[loc+1]==(byte)bigIndex);
 293                     next = bigDescs[bigIndex++];
 294                 }
 295             }
 296             return thisDesc;
 297         }
 298     }
 300     public Iterator iterator() {
 301         return new Itr();
 302     }
 303     public void add(int location, int format, Entry entry) {
 304         addDesc(makeDesc(location, format), entry);
 305     }
 306     public boolean add(Fixup f) {
 307         addDesc(f.desc, f.entry);
 308         return true;
 309     }
 310     public boolean add(Object fixup) {
 311         return add((Fixup) fixup);
 312     }
 313     public boolean addAll(Collection c) {
 314         if (c instanceof Fixups) {
 315             // Use knowledge of Itr structure to avoid building little structs.
 316             Fixups that = (Fixups) c;
 317             if (that.size == 0)  return false;
 318             if (this.size == 0 && entries.length < that.size)
 319                 growEntries(that.size);  // presize exactly
 320             Entry[] thatEntries = that.entries;
 321             for (Itr i = that.new Itr(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 322                 int ni = i.index;
 323                 addDesc(i.nextDesc(), thatEntries[ni]);
 324             }
 325             return true;
 326         } else {
 327             return super.addAll(c);
 328         }
 329     }
 330     // Here is how things get added:
 331     private void addDesc(int thisDesc, Entry entry) {
 332         if (entries.length == size)
 333             growEntries(size * 2);
 334         entries[size] = entry;
 335         if (size == 0) {
 336             head = tail = thisDesc;
 337         } else {
 338             int prevDesc = tail;
 339             // Store new desc in previous tail.
 340             int prevLoc = descLoc(prevDesc);
 341             int prevFmt = descFmt(prevDesc);
 342             int prevLen = fmtLen(prevFmt);
 343             int thisLoc = descLoc(thisDesc);
 344             // The collection must go in ascending order, and not overlap.
 345             if (thisLoc < prevLoc + prevLen)
 346                 badOverlap(thisLoc);
 347             tail = thisDesc;
 348             if (!storeDesc(prevLoc, prevFmt, thisDesc)) {
 349                 // overflow
 350                 int bigSize = bigDescs[BIGSIZE];
 351                 if (bigDescs.length == bigSize)
 352                     growBigDescs();
 353                 //System.out.println("bigDescs["+bigSize+"] = "+thisDesc);
 354                 bigDescs[bigSize++] = thisDesc;
 355                 bigDescs[BIGSIZE] = bigSize;
 356             }
 357         }
 358         size += 1;
 359     }
 360     private void badOverlap(int thisLoc) {
 361         throw new IllegalArgumentException("locs must be ascending and must not overlap:  "+thisLoc+" >> "+this);
 362     }
 364     private void growEntries(int newSize) {
 365         Entry[] oldEntries = entries;
 366         entries = new Entry[Math.max(3, newSize)];
 367         System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, entries, 0, oldEntries.length);
 368     }
 369     private void growBigDescs() {
 370         int[] oldBigDescs = bigDescs;
 371         bigDescs = new int[oldBigDescs.length * 2];
 372         System.arraycopy(oldBigDescs, 0, bigDescs, 0, oldBigDescs.length);
 373     }
 375     /// Static methods that optimize the use of this class.
 376     public static
 377     Object add(Object prevFixups,
 378                byte[] bytes, int loc, int fmt,
 379                Entry e) {
 380         Fixups f;
 381         if (prevFixups == null) {
 382             if (loc == SPECIAL_LOC && fmt == SPECIAL_FMT) {
 383                 // Special convention:  If the attribute has a
 384                 // U2 relocation at position zero, store the Entry
 385                 // rather than building a Fixups structure.
 386                 return e;
 387             }
 388             f = new Fixups(bytes);
 389         } else if (!(prevFixups instanceof Fixups)) {
 390             // Recognize the special convention:
 391             Entry firstEntry = (Entry) prevFixups;
 392             f = new Fixups(bytes);
 393             f.add(SPECIAL_LOC, SPECIAL_FMT, firstEntry);
 394         } else {
 395             f = (Fixups) prevFixups;
 396             assert(f.bytes == bytes);
 397         }
 398         f.add(loc, fmt, e);
 399         return f;
 400     }
 402     public static
 403     void setBytes(Object fixups, byte[] bytes) {
 404         if (fixups instanceof Fixups) {
 405             Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups;
 406             f.setBytes(bytes);
 407         }
 408     }
 410     public static
 411     Object trimToSize(Object fixups) {
 412         if (fixups instanceof Fixups) {
 413             Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups;
 414             f.trimToSize();
 415             if (f.size() == 0)
 416                 fixups = null;
 417         }
 418         return fixups;
 419     }
 421     // Iterate over all the references in this set of fixups.
 422     public static
 423     void visitRefs(Object fixups, Collection refs) {
 424         if (fixups == null) {
 425         } else if (!(fixups instanceof Fixups)) {
 426             // Special convention; see above.
 427             refs.add((Entry) fixups);
 428         } else {
 429             Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups;
 430             f.visitRefs(refs);
 431         }
 432     }
 434     // Clear out this set of fixups by replacing each reference
 435     // by a hardcoded coding of its reference, drawn from ix.
 436     public static
 437     void finishRefs(Object fixups, byte[] bytes, ConstantPool.Index ix) {
 438         if (fixups == null)
 439             return;
 440         if (!(fixups instanceof Fixups)) {
 441             // Special convention; see above.
 442             int index = ix.indexOf((Entry) fixups);
 443             storeIndex(bytes, SPECIAL_LOC, SPECIAL_FMT, index);
 444             return;
 445         }
 446         Fixups f = (Fixups) fixups;
 447         assert(f.bytes == bytes);
 448         f.finishRefs(ix);
 449     }
 451     void finishRefs(ConstantPool.Index ix) {
 452         if (isEmpty())
 453             return;
 454         for (Iterator i = iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 455             Fixup fx = (Fixup) i.next();
 456             int index = ix.indexOf(fx.entry);
 457             //System.out.println("finish "+fx+" = "+index);
 458             // Note that the iterator has already fetched the
 459             // bytes we are about to overwrite.
 460             storeIndex(fx.location(), fx.format(), index);
 461         }
 462         // Further iterations should do nothing:
 463         bytes = null;  // do not clean them
 464         clear();
 465     }
 467 /*
 468     /// Testing.
 469     public static void main(String[] av) {
 470         byte[] bytes = new byte[1 << 20];
 471         ConstantPool cp = new ConstantPool();
 472         Fixups f = new Fixups(bytes);
 473         boolean isU1 = false;
 474         int span = 3;
 475         int nextLoc = 0;
 476         int[] locs = new int[100];
 477         final int[] indexes = new int[100];
 478         int iptr = 1;
 479         for (int loc = 0; loc < bytes.length; loc++) {
 480             if (loc == nextLoc && loc+1 < bytes.length) {
 481                 int fmt = (isU1 ? U1_FORMAT : U2_FORMAT);
 482                 Entry e = ConstantPool.getUtf8Entry("L"+loc);
 483                 f.add(loc, fmt, e);
 484                 isU1 ^= true;
 485                 if (iptr < 10) {
 486                     // Make it close in.
 487                     nextLoc += fmtLen(fmt) + (iptr < 5 ? 0 : 1);
 488                 } else {
 489                     nextLoc += span;
 490                     span = (int)(span * 1.77);
 491                 }
 492                 // Here are the bytes that would have gone here:
 493                 locs[iptr] = loc;
 494                 if (fmt == U1_FORMAT) {
 495                     indexes[iptr++] = (loc & 0xFF);
 496                 } else {
 497                     indexes[iptr++] = ((loc & 0xFF) << 8) | ((loc+1) & 0xFF);
 498                     ++loc;  // skip a byte
 499                 }
 500                 continue;
 501             }
 502             bytes[loc] = (byte)loc;
 503         }
 504         System.out.println("size="+f.size()
 505                            +" overflow="+(f.bigDescs[BIGSIZE]-1));
 506         System.out.println("Fixups: "+f);
 507         // Test collection contents.
 508         assert(iptr == 1+f.size());
 509         List l = new ArrayList(f);
 510         Collections.sort(l);  // should not change the order
 511         if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f)))  System.out.println("** disordered");
 512         f.setBytes(null);
 513         if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f)))  System.out.println("** bad set 1");
 514         f.setBytes(bytes);
 515         if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f)))  System.out.println("** bad set 2");
 516         Fixups f3 = new Fixups(f);
 517         if (!l.equals(new ArrayList(f3))) System.out.println("** bad set 3");
 518         Iterator fi = f.iterator();
 519         for (int i = 1; i < iptr; i++) {
 520             Fixup fx = (Fixup) fi.next();
 521             if (fx.location() != locs[i]) {
 522                 System.out.println("** "+fx+" != "+locs[i]);
 523             }
 524             if (fx.format() == U1_FORMAT)
 525                 System.out.println(fx+" -> "+bytes[locs[i]]);
 526             else
 527                 System.out.println(fx+" -> "+bytes[locs[i]]+" "+bytes[locs[i]+1]);
 528         }
 529         assert(!fi.hasNext());
 530         indexes[0] = 1;  // like iptr
 531         Index ix = new Index("ix") {
 532             public int indexOf(Entry e) {
 533                 return indexes[indexes[0]++];
 534             }
 535         };
 536         f.finishRefs(ix);
 537         for (int loc = 0; loc < bytes.length; loc++) {
 538             if (bytes[loc] != (byte)loc) {
 539                 System.out.println("** ["+loc+"] = "+bytes[loc]+" != "+(byte)loc);
 540             }
 541         }
 542     }
 543 //*/
 544 }