1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /* @test
  25  * @bug 4927640
  26  * @summary Tests the SCTP protocol implementation
  27  * @author chegar
  28  */
  30 import java.io.IOException;
  31 import java.util.Set;
  32 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
  33 import java.net.SocketAddress;
  34 import java.util.List;
  35 import java.util.Arrays;
  36 import java.util.Iterator;
  37 import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
  38 import com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpChannel;
  39 import com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpServerChannel;
  40 import com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpSocketOption;
  41 import java.security.AccessController;
  42 import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
  43 import static com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOption.*;
  44 import static java.lang.System.out;
  46 public class SocketOptionTests {
  47     final String osName = AccessController.doPrivileged(
  48                     new GetPropertyAction("os.name"));
  50     <T> void checkOption(SctpChannel sc, SctpSocketOption<T> name,
  51             T expectedValue) throws IOException {
  52         T value = sc.getOption(name);
  53         check(value.equals(expectedValue), name + ": value (" + value +
  54                 ") not as expected (" + expectedValue + ")");
  55        }
  57     <T> void optionalSupport(SctpChannel sc, SctpSocketOption<T> name,
  58             T value) {
  59         try {
  60             sc.setOption(name, value);
  61             checkOption(sc, name, value);
  62         } catch (IOException e) {
  63             /* Informational only, not all options have native support */
  64             out.println(name + " not supported. " + e);
  65         }
  66     }
  68     void test(String[] args) {
  69         if (!Util.isSCTPSupported()) {
  70             out.println("SCTP protocol is not supported");
  71             out.println("Test cannot be run");
  72             return;
  73         }
  75         try {
  76             SctpChannel sc = SctpChannel.open();
  78             /* check supported options */
  79             Set<SctpSocketOption<?>> options = sc.supportedOptions();
  80             List<? extends SctpSocketOption<?>> expected = Arrays.<SctpSocketOption<?>>asList(
  84                     SO_SNDBUF, SO_RCVBUF, SO_LINGER);
  86             for (SctpSocketOption opt: expected) {
  87                 if (!options.contains(opt))
  88                     fail(opt.name() + " should be supported");
  89             }
  91             InitMaxStreams streams = InitMaxStreams.create(1024, 1024);
  92             sc.setOption(SCTP_INIT_MAXSTREAMS, streams);
  93             checkOption(sc, SCTP_INIT_MAXSTREAMS, streams);
  94             streams = sc.getOption(SCTP_INIT_MAXSTREAMS);
  95             check(streams.maxInStreams() == 1024, "Max in streams: value: "
  96                     + streams.maxInStreams() + ", expected 1024 ");
  97             check(streams.maxOutStreams() == 1024, "Max out streams: value: "
  98                     + streams.maxOutStreams() + ", expected 1024 ");
 100             optionalSupport(sc, SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS, true);
 101             optionalSupport(sc, SCTP_EXPLICIT_COMPLETE, true);
 102             optionalSupport(sc, SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE, 1);
 104             sc.setOption(SCTP_NODELAY, true);
 105             checkOption(sc, SCTP_NODELAY, true);
 106             sc.setOption(SO_SNDBUF, 16*1024);
 107             checkOption(sc, SO_SNDBUF, 16*1024);
 108             sc.setOption(SO_RCVBUF, 16*1024);
 109             checkOption(sc, SO_RCVBUF, 16*1024);
 110             checkOption(sc, SO_LINGER, -1);  /* default should be negative */
 111             sc.setOption(SO_LINGER, 2000);
 112             checkOption(sc, SO_LINGER, 2000);
 114             /* SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR */
 115             sctpPrimaryAddr();
 117             /* NullPointerException */
 118             try {
 119                 sc.setOption(null, "value");
 120                 fail("NullPointerException not thrown for setOption");
 121             } catch (NullPointerException unused) {
 122                 pass();
 123             }
 124             try {
 125                sc.getOption(null);
 126                fail("NullPointerException not thrown for getOption");
 127             } catch (NullPointerException unused) {
 128                pass();
 129             }
 131             /* ClosedChannelException */
 132             sc.close();
 133             try {
 134                sc.setOption(SCTP_INIT_MAXSTREAMS, streams);
 135                fail("ClosedChannelException not thrown");
 136             } catch (ClosedChannelException unused) {
 137                 pass();
 138             }
 139         } catch (IOException ioe) {
 140             unexpected(ioe);
 141         }
 142     }
 144     /* SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR */
 145     void sctpPrimaryAddr() throws IOException {
 146         SocketAddress addrToSet = null;;
 148         System.out.println("TESTING SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR");
 149         SctpChannel sc = SctpChannel.open();
 150         SctpServerChannel ssc = SctpServerChannel.open().bind(null);
 151         Set<SocketAddress> addrs = ssc.getAllLocalAddresses();
 152         if (addrs.isEmpty())
 153             debug("addrs should not be empty");
 154         debug("Listening on " + addrs);
 156         InetSocketAddress serverAddr = (InetSocketAddress) addrs.iterator().next();
 157         debug("connecting to " + serverAddr);
 158         sc.connect(serverAddr);
 159         SctpChannel peerChannel = ssc.accept();
 160         ssc.close();
 161         Set<SocketAddress> peerAddrs = peerChannel.getAllLocalAddresses();
 162         debug("Peer local Addresses: ");
 163         for (Iterator<SocketAddress> it = peerAddrs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
 164             InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress)it.next();
 165             debug("\t" + addr);
 166             addrToSet = addr;   // any of the peer addresses will do!
 167         }
 169         /* retrieval of SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR is not supported on Solaris */
 170         if ("SunOS".equals(osName)) {
 171             /* For now do not set this option. There is a bug on Solaris 10 pre Update 5
 172              * where setting this option returns Invalid argument */
 173             //debug("Set SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR with " + addrToSet);
 174             //sc.setOption(SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR, addrToSet);
 175             return;
 176         } else { /* Linux */
 177             SocketAddress primaryAddr = sc.getOption(SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR);
 178             System.out.println("SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR returned: " + primaryAddr);
 179             /* Verify that this is one of the peer addresses */
 180             boolean found = false;
 181             addrToSet = primaryAddr; // may not have more than one addr
 182             for (Iterator<SocketAddress> it = peerAddrs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
 183                 InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress)it.next();
 184                 if (addr.equals(primaryAddr)) {
 185                     found = true;
 186                 }
 187                 addrToSet = addr;
 188             }
 189             check(found, "SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR returned bogus address!");
 191             System.out.println("SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR try set to: " + addrToSet);
 192             sc.setOption(SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR, addrToSet);
 193             System.out.println("SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR set to: " + addrToSet);
 194             primaryAddr = sc.getOption(SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR);
 195             System.out.println("SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR returned: " + primaryAddr);
 196             check(addrToSet.equals(primaryAddr),"SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR not set correctly");
 197         }
 198     }
 199             //--------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
 200     boolean debug = true;
 201     volatile int passed = 0, failed = 0;
 202     void pass() {passed++;}
 203     void fail() {failed++; Thread.dumpStack();}
 204     void fail(String msg) {System.err.println(msg); fail();}
 205     void unexpected(Throwable t) {failed++; t.printStackTrace();}
 206     void check(boolean cond) {if (cond) pass(); else fail();}
 207     void check(boolean cond, String failMessage) {if (cond) pass(); else fail(failMessage);}
 208     void debug(String message) {if(debug) { System.out.println(message); }  }
 209     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 210         Class<?> k = new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingClass();
 211         try {k.getMethod("instanceMain",String[].class)
 212                 .invoke( k.newInstance(), (Object) args);}
 213         catch (Throwable e) {throw e.getCause();}}
 214     public void instanceMain(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 215         try {test(args);} catch (Throwable t) {unexpected(t);}
 216         System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
 217         if (failed > 0) throw new AssertionError("Some tests failed");}
 218 }