1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
  22  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
  23  * have any questions.
  24  */
  26 package build.tools.charsetmapping;
  28 import java.io.*;
  29 import java.util.Arrays;
  30 import java.util.ArrayList;
  31 import java.util.Scanner;
  32 import java.util.Formatter;
  33 import java.util.regex.*;
  34 import java.nio.charset.*;
  35 import static build.tools.charsetmapping.CharsetMapping.*;
  37 public class GenerateSBCS {
  39     public static void genSBCS(String args[]) throws Exception {
  41         Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(args[0], args[2]));
  42         while (s.hasNextLine()) {
  43             String line = s.nextLine();
  44             if (line.startsWith("#") || line.length() == 0)
  45                 continue;
  46             String[] fields = line.split("\\s+");
  47             if (fields.length < 5) {
  48                 System.err.println("Misconfiged sbcs line <" + line + ">?");
  49                 continue;
  50             }
  51             String clzName = fields[0];
  52             String csName  = fields[1];
  53             String hisName = fields[2];
  54             boolean isASCII = Boolean.valueOf(fields[3]);
  55             String pkgName  = fields[4];
  56             System.out.printf("%s,%s,%s,%b,%s%n", clzName, csName, hisName, isASCII, pkgName);
  58             genClass(args[0], args[1], "SingleByte-X.java.template",
  59                      clzName, csName, hisName, pkgName, isASCII);
  60         }
  61     }
  63     private static void toString(char[] sb, int off, int end,
  64                                  Formatter out, String closure,
  65                                  boolean comment) {
  66         while (off < end) {
  67             out.format("        \"");
  68             for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  69                 if (off == end)
  70                     break;
  71                 char c = sb[off++];
  72                 switch (c) {
  73                 case '\b':
  74                     out.format("\\b"); break;
  75                 case '\t':
  76                     out.format("\\t"); break;
  77                 case '\n':
  78                     out.format("\\n"); break;
  79                 case '\f':
  80                     out.format("\\f"); break;
  81                 case '\r':
  82                     out.format("\\r"); break;
  83                 case '\"':
  84                     out.format("\\\""); break;
  85                 case '\'':
  86                     out.format("\\'"); break;
  87                 case '\\':
  88                     out.format("\\\\"); break;
  89                 default:
  90                     out.format("\\u%04X", c & 0xffff);
  91                 }
  92             }
  93             if (comment) {
  94                 if (off == end)
  95                     out.format("\" %s      // 0x%02x - 0x%02x%n",
  96                                closure, off-8, off-1);
  97                 else
  98                     out.format("\" +      // 0x%02x - 0x%02x%n",
  99                                off-8, off-1);
 100             } else {
 101                 if (off == end)
 102                     out.format("\"%s%n", closure);
 103                 else
 104                     out.format("\" +%n");
 105             }
 106         }
 107     }
 109     static Pattern sbmap = Pattern.compile("0x(\\p{XDigit}++)\\s++U\\+(\\p{XDigit}++)(\\s++#.*)?");
 111     private static void genClass(String srcDir, String dstDir,
 112                                  String template,
 113                                  String clzName,
 114                                  String csName,
 115                                  String hisName,
 116                                  String pkgName,
 117                                  boolean isASCII)
 118         throws Exception
 119     {
 120         StringBuilder b2cSB = new StringBuilder();
 121         StringBuilder b2cNRSB = new StringBuilder();
 122         StringBuilder c2bNRSB = new StringBuilder();
 124         char[] sb = new char[0x100];
 125         char[] c2bIndex = new char[0x100];
 126         int    c2bOff = 0;
 127         Arrays.fill(sb, UNMAPPABLE_DECODING);
 128         Arrays.fill(c2bIndex, UNMAPPABLE_DECODING);
 130         // (1)read in .map to parse all b->c entries
 131         FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(
 132                                  new File(srcDir, clzName + ".map"));
 133         Parser p = new Parser(in, sbmap);
 134         Entry  e = null;
 136         while ((e = p.next()) != null) {
 137             sb[e.bs] = (char)e.cp;
 138             if (c2bIndex[e.cp>>8] == UNMAPPABLE_DECODING) {
 139                 c2bOff += 0x100;
 140                 c2bIndex[e.cp>>8] = 1;
 141             }
 142         }
 144         Formatter fm = new Formatter(b2cSB);
 145         fm.format("%n");
 147         // vm -server shows cc[byte + 128] access is much faster than
 148         // cc[byte&0xff] so we output the upper segment first
 149         toString(sb, 0x80, 0x100, fm, "+", true);
 150         toString(sb, 0x00, 0x80,  fm, ";", true);
 151         fm.close();
 153         // (2)now the .nr file which includes "b->c" non-roundtrip entries
 154         File f = new File(srcDir, clzName + ".nr");
 155         if (f.exists()) {
 156             in = new FileInputStream(f);
 157             fm = new Formatter(b2cNRSB);
 158             p = new Parser(in, sbmap);
 159             e = null;
 161             fm.format("// remove non-roundtrip entries%n");
 162             fm.format("        b2cMap = b2cTable.toCharArray();%n");
 163             while ((e = p.next()) != null) {
 164                 fm.format("        b2cMap[%d] = UNMAPPABLE_DECODING;%n",
 165                           (e.bs>=0x80)?(e.bs-0x80):(e.bs+0x80));
 166             }
 167             fm.close();
 168         }
 170         // (3)finally the .c2b file which includes c->b non-roundtrip entries
 171         f = new File(srcDir, clzName + ".c2b");
 172         if (f.exists()) {
 173             in = new FileInputStream(f);
 174             fm = new Formatter(c2bNRSB);
 175             p = new Parser(in, sbmap);
 176             e = null;
 177             ArrayList<Entry> es = new ArrayList<Entry>();
 178             while ((e = p.next()) != null) {
 179                 if (c2bIndex[e.cp>>8] == UNMAPPABLE_DECODING) {
 180                     c2bOff += 0x100;
 181                     c2bIndex[e.cp>>8] = 1;
 182                 }
 183                 es.add(e);
 184             }
 185             fm.format("// non-roundtrip c2b only entries%n");
 186             if (es.size() < 100) {
 187                 fm.format("        c2bNR = new char[%d];%n", es.size() * 2);
 188                 int i = 0;
 189                 for (Entry entry: es) {
 190                     fm.format("        c2bNR[%d] = 0x%x; c2bNR[%d] = 0x%x;%n",
 191                               i++, entry.bs, i++, entry.cp);
 192                 }
 193             } else {
 194                 char[] cc = new char[es.size() * 2];
 195                 int i = 0;
 196                 for (Entry entry: es) {
 197                     cc[i++] = (char)entry.bs;
 198                     cc[i++] = (char)entry.cp;
 199                 }
 200                 fm.format("        c2bNR = (%n");
 201                 toString(cc, 0, i,  fm, ").toCharArray();", false);
 202             }
 203             fm.close();
 204         }
 206         // (4)it's time to generate the source file
 207         String b2c = b2cSB.toString();
 208         String b2cNR = b2cNRSB.toString();
 209         String c2bNR = c2bNRSB.toString();
 211         Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(srcDir, template));
 212         PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(
 213                               new File(dstDir, clzName + ".java")));
 215         while (s.hasNextLine()) {
 216             String line = s.nextLine();
 217             int i = line.indexOf("$");
 218             if (i == -1) {
 219                 out.println(line);
 220                 continue;
 221             }
 222             if (line.indexOf("$PACKAGE$", i) != -1) {
 223                 line = line.replace("$PACKAGE$", pkgName);
 224             }
 225             if (line.indexOf("$NAME_CLZ$", i) != -1) {
 226                 line = line.replace("$NAME_CLZ$", clzName);
 227             }
 228             if (line.indexOf("$NAME_CS$", i) != -1) {
 229                 line = line.replace("$NAME_CS$", csName);
 230             }
 231             if (line.indexOf("$NAME_ALIASES$", i) != -1) {
 232                 if ("sun.nio.cs".equals(pkgName))
 233                     line = line.replace("$NAME_ALIASES$",
 234                                         "StandardCharsets.aliases_" + clzName);
 235                 else
 236                     line = line.replace("$NAME_ALIASES$",
 237                                         "ExtendedCharsets.aliasesFor(\"" + csName + "\")");
 238             }
 239             if (line.indexOf("$NAME_HIS$", i) != -1) {
 240                 line = line.replace("$NAME_HIS$", hisName);
 241             }
 242             if (line.indexOf("$CONTAINS$", i) != -1) {
 243                 if (isASCII)
 244                     line = "        return ((cs.name().equals(\"US-ASCII\")) || (cs instanceof " + clzName + "));";
 245                 else
 246                     line = "        return (cs instanceof " + clzName + ");";
 247             }
 248             if (line.indexOf("$B2CTABLE$") != -1) {
 249                 line = line.replace("$B2CTABLE$", b2c);
 250             }
 251             if (line.indexOf("$C2BLENGTH$") != -1) {
 252                 line = line.replace("$C2BLENGTH$", "0x" + Integer.toString(c2bOff, 16));
 253             }
 254             if (line.indexOf("$NONROUNDTRIP_B2C$") != -1) {
 255                 if (b2cNR.length() == 0)
 256                     continue;
 257                 line = line.replace("$NONROUNDTRIP_B2C$", b2cNR);
 258             }
 260             if (line.indexOf("$NONROUNDTRIP_C2B$") != -1) {
 261                 if (c2bNR.length() == 0)
 262                     continue;
 263                 line = line.replace("$NONROUNDTRIP_C2B$", c2bNR);
 264             }
 265             out.println(line);
 266         }
 267         out.close();
 268     }
 269 }