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*** 28,47 **** include $(SPEC) include MakeBase.gmk include JavaCompilation.gmk - JAVAC_JARS ?= -Xbootclasspath/p:$(LANGTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/bootstrap/lib/javac.jar \ - -jar $(LANGTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/bootstrap/lib/javac.jar DISABLE_JAXWS_WARNINGS:=-Xlint:all,-varargs,-rawtypes,-deprecation,-unchecked,-serial,-dep-ann,-cast,-fallthrough,-static # The generate new bytecode uses the new compiler for to generate bytecode # for the new jdk that is being built. The code compiled by this setup # cannot necessarily be run with the boot jdk. $(eval $(call SetupJavaCompiler,GENERATE_NEWBYTECODE_DEBUG,\ JVM:=$(JAVA),\ ! JAVAC:=$(JAVAC_JARS),\ FLAGS:=-XDignore.symbol.file=true $(DISABLE_JAXWS_WARNINGS) -g,\ SERVER_DIR:=$(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR),\ SERVER_JVM:=$(SJAVAC_SERVER_JAVA))) # Dummy here is needed to trigger copying of META-INF --- 28,45 ---- include $(SPEC) include MakeBase.gmk include JavaCompilation.gmk DISABLE_JAXWS_WARNINGS:=-Xlint:all,-varargs,-rawtypes,-deprecation,-unchecked,-serial,-dep-ann,-cast,-fallthrough,-static # The generate new bytecode uses the new compiler for to generate bytecode # for the new jdk that is being built. The code compiled by this setup # cannot necessarily be run with the boot jdk. $(eval $(call SetupJavaCompiler,GENERATE_NEWBYTECODE_DEBUG,\ JVM:=$(JAVA),\ ! JAVAC:=$(NEW_JAVAC),\ FLAGS:=-XDignore.symbol.file=true $(DISABLE_JAXWS_WARNINGS) -g,\ SERVER_DIR:=$(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR),\ SERVER_JVM:=$(SJAVAC_SERVER_JAVA))) # Dummy here is needed to trigger copying of META-INF