1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @library /java/text/testlib
  27  * @summary test Dummy Collation
  28  */
  30 import java.text.Collator;
  31 import java.text.RuleBasedCollator;
  33 /*
  34 (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
  35 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
  37   The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted and
  38 owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These materials are
  39 provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This
  40 technology is protected by multiple US and International patents. This notice and
  41 attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  42   Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  43 */
  45 public class DummyTest extends CollatorTest {
  47     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  48         new DummyTest().run(args);
  49     }
  51     private static final String DEFAULTRULES =
  52         "='\u200B'=\u200C=\u200D=\u200E=\u200F"
  53         // Control Characters
  54         + "=\u0000 =\u0001 =\u0002 =\u0003 =\u0004" //null, .. eot
  55         + "=\u0005 =\u0006 =\u0007 =\u0008 ='\u0009'" //enq, ...
  56         + "='\u000b' =\u000e" //vt,, so
  57         + "=\u000f ='\u0010' =\u0011 =\u0012 =\u0013" //si, dle, dc1, dc2, dc3
  58         + "=\u0014 =\u0015 =\u0016 =\u0017 =\u0018" //dc4, nak, syn, etb, can
  59         + "=\u0019 =\u001a =\u001b =\u001c =\u001d" //em, sub, esc, fs, gs
  60         + "=\u001e =\u001f =\u007f"                   //rs, us, del
  61         //....then the C1 Latin 1 reserved control codes
  62         + "=\u0080 =\u0081 =\u0082 =\u0083 =\u0084 =\u0085"
  63         + "=\u0086 =\u0087 =\u0088 =\u0089 =\u008a =\u008b"
  64         + "=\u008c =\u008d =\u008e =\u008f =\u0090 =\u0091"
  65         + "=\u0092 =\u0093 =\u0094 =\u0095 =\u0096 =\u0097"
  66         + "=\u0098 =\u0099 =\u009a =\u009b =\u009c =\u009d"
  67         + "=\u009e =\u009f"
  68         // IGNORE except for secondary, tertiary difference
  69         // Spaces
  70         + ";'\u0020';'\u00A0'"                  // spaces
  71         + ";'\u2000';'\u2001';'\u2002';'\u2003';'\u2004'"  // spaces
  72         + ";'\u2005';'\u2006';'\u2007';'\u2008';'\u2009'"  // spaces
  73         + ";'\u200A';'\u3000';'\uFEFF'"                // spaces
  74         + ";'\r' ;'\t' ;'\n';'\f';'\u000b'"  // whitespace
  76         // Non-spacing accents
  78         + ";\u0301"          // non-spacing acute accent
  79         + ";\u0300"          // non-spacing grave accent
  80         + ";\u0306"          // non-spacing breve accent
  81         + ";\u0302"          // non-spacing circumflex accent
  82         + ";\u030c"          // non-spacing caron/hacek accent
  83         + ";\u030a"          // non-spacing ring above accent
  84         + ";\u030d"          // non-spacing vertical line above
  85         + ";\u0308"          // non-spacing diaeresis accent
  86         + ";\u030b"          // non-spacing double acute accent
  87         + ";\u0303"          // non-spacing tilde accent
  88         + ";\u0307"          // non-spacing dot above/overdot accent
  89         + ";\u0304"          // non-spacing macron accent
  90         + ";\u0337"          // non-spacing short slash overlay (overstruck diacritic)
  91         + ";\u0327"          // non-spacing cedilla accent
  92         + ";\u0328"          // non-spacing ogonek accent
  93         + ";\u0323"          // non-spacing dot-below/underdot accent
  94         + ";\u0332"          // non-spacing underscore/underline accent
  95         // with the rest of the general diacritical marks in binary order
  96         + ";\u0305"          // non-spacing overscore/overline
  97         + ";\u0309"          // non-spacing hook above
  98         + ";\u030e"          // non-spacing double vertical line above
  99         + ";\u030f"          // non-spacing double grave
 100         + ";\u0310"          // non-spacing chandrabindu
 101         + ";\u0311"          // non-spacing inverted breve
 102         + ";\u0312"          // non-spacing turned comma above/cedilla above
 103         + ";\u0313"          // non-spacing comma above
 104         + ";\u0314"          // non-spacing reversed comma above
 105         + ";\u0315"          // non-spacing comma above right
 106         + ";\u0316"          // non-spacing grave below
 107         + ";\u0317"          // non-spacing acute below
 108         + ";\u0318"          // non-spacing left tack below
 109         + ";\u0319"          // non-spacing tack below
 110         + ";\u031a"          // non-spacing left angle above
 111         + ";\u031b"          // non-spacing horn
 112         + ";\u031c"          // non-spacing left half ring below
 113         + ";\u031d"          // non-spacing up tack below
 114         + ";\u031e"          // non-spacing down tack below
 115         + ";\u031f"          // non-spacing plus sign below
 116         + ";\u0320"          // non-spacing minus sign below
 117         + ";\u0321"          // non-spacing palatalized hook below
 118         + ";\u0322"          // non-spacing retroflex hook below
 119         + ";\u0324"          // non-spacing double dot below
 120         + ";\u0325"          // non-spacing ring below
 121         + ";\u0326"          // non-spacing comma below
 122         + ";\u0329"          // non-spacing vertical line below
 123         + ";\u032a"          // non-spacing bridge below
 124         + ";\u032b"          // non-spacing inverted double arch below
 125         + ";\u032c"          // non-spacing hacek below
 126         + ";\u032d"          // non-spacing circumflex below
 127         + ";\u032e"          // non-spacing breve below
 128         + ";\u032f"          // non-spacing inverted breve below
 129         + ";\u0330"          // non-spacing tilde below
 130         + ";\u0331"          // non-spacing macron below
 131         + ";\u0333"          // non-spacing double underscore
 132         + ";\u0334"          // non-spacing tilde overlay
 133         + ";\u0335"          // non-spacing short bar overlay
 134         + ";\u0336"          // non-spacing long bar overlay
 135         + ";\u0338"          // non-spacing long slash overlay
 136         + ";\u0339"          // non-spacing right half ring below
 137         + ";\u033a"          // non-spacing inverted bridge below
 138         + ";\u033b"          // non-spacing square below
 139         + ";\u033c"          // non-spacing seagull below
 140         + ";\u033d"          // non-spacing x above
 141         + ";\u033e"          // non-spacing vertical tilde
 142         + ";\u033f"          // non-spacing double overscore
 143         + ";\u0340"          // non-spacing grave tone mark
 144         + ";\u0341"          // non-spacing acute tone mark
 145         + ";\u0342;\u0343;\u0344;\u0345;\u0360;\u0361"    // newer
 146         + ";\u0483;\u0484;\u0485;\u0486"    // Cyrillic accents
 148         + ";\u20D0;\u20D1;\u20D2"           // symbol accents
 149         + ";\u20D3;\u20D4;\u20D5"           // symbol accents
 150         + ";\u20D6;\u20D7;\u20D8"           // symbol accents
 151         + ";\u20D9;\u20DA;\u20DB"           // symbol accents
 152         + ";\u20DC;\u20DD;\u20DE"           // symbol accents
 153         + ";\u20DF;\u20E0;\u20E1"           // symbol accents
 155         + ",'\u002D';\u00AD"                // dashes
 156         + ";\u2010;\u2011;\u2012"           // dashes
 157         + ";\u2013;\u2014;\u2015"           // dashes
 158         + ";\u2212"                         // dashes
 160         // other punctuation
 162         + "<'\u005f'"        // underline/underscore (spacing)
 163         + "<\u00af"          // overline or macron (spacing)
 164 //        + "<\u00ad"        // syllable hyphen (SHY) or soft hyphen
 165         + "<'\u002c'"        // comma (spacing)
 166         + "<'\u003b'"        // semicolon
 167         + "<'\u003a'"        // colon
 168         + "<'\u0021'"        // exclamation point
 169         + "<\u00a1"          // inverted exclamation point
 170         + "<'\u003f'"        // question mark
 171         + "<\u00bf"          // inverted question mark
 172         + "<'\u002f'"        // slash
 173         + "<'\u002e'"        // period/full stop
 174         + "<\u00b4"          // acute accent (spacing)
 175         + "<'\u0060'"        // grave accent (spacing)
 176         + "<'\u005e'"        // circumflex accent (spacing)
 177         + "<\u00a8"          // diaresis/umlaut accent (spacing)
 178         + "<'\u007e'"        // tilde accent (spacing)
 179         + "<\u00b7"          // middle dot (spacing)
 180         + "<\u00b8"          // cedilla accent (spacing)
 181         + "<'\u0027'"        // apostrophe
 182         + "<'\"'"            // quotation marks
 183         + "<\u00ab"          // left angle quotes
 184         + "<\u00bb"          // right angle quotes
 185         + "<'\u0028'"        // left parenthesis
 186         + "<'\u0029'"        // right parenthesis
 187         + "<'\u005b'"        // left bracket
 188         + "<'\u005d'"        // right bracket
 189         + "<'\u007b'"        // left brace
 190         + "<'\u007d'"        // right brace
 191         + "<\u00a7"          // section symbol
 192         + "<\u00b6"          // paragraph symbol
 193         + "<\u00a9"          // copyright symbol
 194         + "<\u00ae"          // registered trademark symbol
 195         + "<'\u0040'"          // at sign
 196         + "<\u00a4"          // international currency symbol
 197         + "<\u00a2"          // cent sign
 198         + "<'\u0024'"        // dollar sign
 199         + "<\u00a3"          // pound-sterling sign
 200         + "<\u00a5"          // yen sign
 201         + "<'\u002a'"        // asterisk
 202         + "<'\\u005c'"       // backslash
 203         + "<'\u0026'"        // ampersand
 204         + "<'\u0023'"        // number sign
 205         + "<'\u0025'"        // percent sign
 206         + "<'\u002b'"        // plus sign
 207 //        + "<\u002d"        // hyphen or minus sign
 208         + "<\u00b1"          // plus-or-minus sign
 209         + "<\u00f7"          // divide sign
 210         + "<\u00d7"          // multiply sign
 211         + "<'\u003c'"        // less-than sign
 212         + "<'\u003d'"        // equal sign
 213         + "<'\u003e'"        // greater-than sign
 214         + "<\u00ac"          // end of line symbol/logical NOT symbol
 215         + "<'\u007c'"          // vertical line/logical OR symbol
 216         + "<\u00a6"          // broken vertical line
 217         + "<\u00b0"          // degree symbol
 218         + "<\u00b5"          // micro symbol
 220         // NUMERICS
 222         + "<0<1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9"
 223         + "<\u00bc<\u00bd<\u00be"   // 1/4,1/2,3/4 fractions
 225         // NON-IGNORABLES
 226         + "<a,A"
 227         + "<b,B"
 228         + "<c,C"
 229         + "<d,D"
 230         + "<\u00F0,\u00D0"                  // eth
 231         + "<e,E"
 232         + "<f,F"
 233         + "<g,G"
 234         + "<h,H"
 235         + "<i,I"
 236         + "<j,J"
 237         + "<k,K"
 238         + "<l,L"
 239         + "<m,M"
 240         + "<n,N"
 241         + "<o,O"
 242         + "<p,P"
 243         + "<q,Q"
 244         + "<r,R"
 245         + "<s, S & SS,\u00DF"             // s-zet
 246         + "<t,T"
 247         + "&th, \u00FE & TH, \u00DE"           // thorn
 248         + "<u,U"
 249         + "<v,V"
 250         + "<w,W"
 251         + "<x,X"
 252         + "<y,Y"
 253         + "<z,Z"
 254         + "&AE,\u00C6"                    // ae & AE ligature
 255         + "&AE,\u00E6"
 256         + "&OE,\u0152"                    // oe & OE ligature
 257         + "&OE,\u0153";
 259     /*
 260      * Data for TestPrimary()
 261      */
 262     private static final String[] primarySourceData = {
 263         "p\u00EAche",
 264         "abc",
 265         "abc",
 266         "abc",
 267         "abc",
 268         "abc",
 269         "a\u00E6c",
 270         "acHc",
 271         "black"
 272     };
 274     private static final String[] primaryTargetData = {
 275         "p\u00E9ch\u00E9",
 276         "abc",
 277         "aBC",
 278         "abch",
 279         "abd",
 280         "\u00E4bc",
 281         "a\u00C6c",
 282         "aCHc",
 283         "black-bird"
 284     };
 286     private static final int[] primaryResults = {
 287          0,  0,  0, -1, -1,  0,  0,  0, -1
 288     };
 290     /*
 291      * Data for TestSecondary()
 292      */
 293     private static final String[] secondarySourceData = {
 294         "four",
 295         "five",
 296         "1",
 297         "abc",
 298         "abc",
 299         "abcH",
 300         "abc",
 301         "acHc"
 302     };
 304     private static final String[] secondaryTargetData = {
 306         "4",
 307         "5",
 308         "one",
 309         "abc",
 310         "aBc",
 311         "abch",
 312         "abd",
 313         "aCHc"
 314     };
 316     private static final int[] secondaryResults = {
 317          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1,  0
 318     };
 320     /*
 321      * Data for TestTertiary()
 322      */
 323     private static final String[] tertiarySourceData = {
 324         "ab'c",
 325         "co-op",
 326         "ab",
 327         "ampersad",
 328         "all",
 329         "four",
 330         "five",
 331         "1",
 332         "1",
 333         "1",
 334         "2",
 335         "2",
 336         "Hello",
 337         "a<b",
 338         "a<b",
 339         "acc",
 340         "acHc"
 341     };
 343     private static final String[] tertiaryTargetData = {
 344         "abc",
 345         "COOP",
 346         "abc",
 347         "&",
 348         "&",
 349         "4",
 350         "5",
 351         "one",
 352         "nne",
 353         "pne",
 354         "two",
 355         "uwo",
 356         "hellO",
 357         "a<=b",
 358         "abc",
 359         "aCHc",
 360         "aCHc"
 361     };
 363     private static final int[] tertiaryResults = {
 364         -1,  1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  1, -1,
 365          1, -1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1
 366     };
 369     private static final String[] testData = {
 370         "a",
 371         "A",
 372         "\u00e4",
 373         "\u00c4",
 374         "ae",
 375         "aE",
 376         "Ae",
 377         "AE",
 378         "\u00e6",
 379         "\u00c6",
 380         "b",
 381         "c",
 382         "z"
 383     };
 385     public void TestPrimary() {
 386         doTest(getCollator(), Collator.PRIMARY,
 387                primarySourceData, primaryTargetData, primaryResults);
 388     }
 390     public void TestSecondary() {
 391         doTest(getCollator(), Collator.SECONDARY,
 392                secondarySourceData, secondaryTargetData, secondaryResults);
 393     }
 395     public void TestTertiary() {
 396         Collator col = getCollator();
 398         doTest(col, Collator.TERTIARY,
 399                tertiarySourceData, tertiaryTargetData, tertiaryResults);
 401         for (int i = 0; i < testData.length-1; i++) {
 402             for (int j = i+1; j < testData.length; j++) {
 403                 doTest(col, testData[i], testData[j], -1);
 404             }
 405         }
 406     }
 408     private RuleBasedCollator myCollation = null;
 409     private Collator getCollator() {
 410         if (myCollation == null) {
 411             try {
 412                 myCollation = new RuleBasedCollator
 413                     (DEFAULTRULES + "& C < ch, cH, Ch, CH & Five, 5 & Four, 4 & one, 1 & Ampersand; '&' & Two, 2 ");
 414             } catch (Exception foo) {
 415                 errln("Collator creation failed.");
 416                 myCollation = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance();
 417             }
 418         }
 419         return myCollation;
 420     }
 421 }