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2342      * list. When multiple items are selected, it is simply the value for the
2343      * smallest selected index. Returns {@code null} if there is no selection.
2344      * <p>
2345      * This is a convenience method that simply returns the model value for
2346      * {@code getMinSelectionIndex}.
2347      *
2348      * @return the first selected value
2349      * @see #getMinSelectionIndex
2350      * @see #getModel
2351      * @see #addListSelectionListener
2352      */
2353     @BeanProperty(bound = false)
2354     public E getSelectedValue() {
2355         int i = getMinSelectionIndex();
2356         return (i == -1) ? null : getModel().getElementAt(i);
2357     }
2360     /**
2361      * Selects the specified object from the list.

2362      *
2363      * @param anObject      the object to select
2364      * @param shouldScroll  {@code true} if the list should scroll to display
2365      *                      the selected object, if one exists; otherwise {@code false}
2366      */
2367     public void setSelectedValue(Object anObject,boolean shouldScroll) {
2368         if(anObject == null)
2369             setSelectedIndex(-1);
2370         else if(!anObject.equals(getSelectedValue())) {

2371             int i,c;
2372             ListModel<E> dm = getModel();
2373             for(i=0,c=dm.getSize();i<c;i++)
2374                 if(anObject.equals(dm.getElementAt(i))){

2375                     setSelectedIndex(i);
2376                     if(shouldScroll)
2377                         ensureIndexIsVisible(i);
2378                     repaint();  /** FIX-ME setSelectedIndex does not redraw all the time with the basic l&f**/
2379                     return;
2380                 }
2381             setSelectedIndex(-1);

2382         }
2383         repaint(); /** FIX-ME setSelectedIndex does not redraw all the time with the basic l&f**/
2384     }
2388     /**
2389      * --- The Scrollable Implementation ---
2390      */
2392     private void checkScrollableParameters(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation) {
2393         if (visibleRect == null) {
2394             throw new IllegalArgumentException("visibleRect must be non-null");
2395         }
2396         switch (orientation) {
2397         case SwingConstants.VERTICAL:
2398         case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL:
2399             break;
2400         default:
2401             throw new IllegalArgumentException("orientation must be one of: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL");

2342      * list. When multiple items are selected, it is simply the value for the
2343      * smallest selected index. Returns {@code null} if there is no selection.
2344      * <p>
2345      * This is a convenience method that simply returns the model value for
2346      * {@code getMinSelectionIndex}.
2347      *
2348      * @return the first selected value
2349      * @see #getMinSelectionIndex
2350      * @see #getModel
2351      * @see #addListSelectionListener
2352      */
2353     @BeanProperty(bound = false)
2354     public E getSelectedValue() {
2355         int i = getMinSelectionIndex();
2356         return (i == -1) ? null : getModel().getElementAt(i);
2357     }
2360     /**
2361      * Selects the specified object from the list.
2362      * If the object passed is not present in the list, the selection is
2363      * cleared.
2364      *
2365      * @param anObject      the object to select
2366      * @param shouldScroll  {@code true} if the list should scroll to display
2367      *                      the selected object, if one exists; otherwise {@code false}
2368      */
2369     public void setSelectedValue(Object anObject,boolean shouldScroll) {
2370         E selectedValue = getSelectedValue();
2371         //This will be true if both anObject and selectedObject are either
2372         // null or point to objects which return true on calling equals
2373         if((anObject == selectedValue) ||
2374                 (anObject != null && anObject.equals(selectedValue))) {
2375             return;
2376         } else {
2377             int i,c;
2378             ListModel<E> dm = getModel();
2379             for(i=0,c=dm.getSize();i<c;i++) {
2380                 Object object  = dm.getElementAt(i);
2381                 //Either both should be null or reference to objects which
2382                 // return true with equals method
2383                 if ((anObject == object) ||
2384                         anObject!= null && anObject.equals(object)) {
2385                     setSelectedIndex(i);
2386                     if (shouldScroll)
2387                         ensureIndexIsVisible(i);
2388                     repaint();  /** FIX-ME setSelectedIndex does not redraw all the time with the basic l&f**/
2389                     return;
2390                 }
2391             }
2392             clearSelection();
2393         }
2394         repaint(); /** FIX-ME setSelectedIndex does not redraw all the time with the basic l&f**/
2395     }
2399     /**
2400      * --- The Scrollable Implementation ---
2401      */
2403     private void checkScrollableParameters(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation) {
2404         if (visibleRect == null) {
2405             throw new IllegalArgumentException("visibleRect must be non-null");
2406         }
2407         switch (orientation) {
2408         case SwingConstants.VERTICAL:
2409         case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL:
2410             break;
2411         default:
2412             throw new IllegalArgumentException("orientation must be one of: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL");

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