/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package javafx.embed.swing; import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds; import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform; import com.sun.javafx.jmx.MXNodeAlgorithm; import com.sun.javafx.jmx.MXNodeAlgorithmContext; import com.sun.javafx.scene.DirtyBits; import com.sun.javafx.sg.prism.NGExternalNode; import com.sun.javafx.sg.prism.NGNode; import com.sun.javafx.stage.FocusUngrabEvent; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.Observable; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Point2D; import javafx.scene.*; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.stage.Window; import sun.awt.UngrabEvent; import sun.swing.JLightweightFrame; import sun.swing.LightweightContent; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * This class is used to embed a Swing content into a JavaFX application. * The content to be displayed is specified with the {@link #setContent} method * that accepts an instance of Swing {@code JComponent}. The hierarchy of components * contained in the {@code JComponent} instance should not contain any heavyweight * components, otherwise {@code SwingNode} may fail to paint it. The content gets * repainted automatically. All the input and focus events are forwarded to the * {@code JComponent} instance transparently to the developer. *

* Here is a typical pattern which demonstrates how {@code SwingNode} can be used: *

 *     public class SwingFx extends Application {
 *         private SwingNode swingNode;
 *         @Override
 *         public void start(Stage stage) {
 *             swingNode = new SwingNode();
 *             createAndSetSwingContent();
 *             StackPane pane = new StackPane();
 *             pane.getChildren().add(swingNode);
 *             stage.setScene(new Scene(pane, 100, 50));
 *             stage.show();
 *         }
 *         private void createAndSetSwingContent() {
 *             SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 *                 @Override
 *                 public void run() {
 *                     swingNode.setContent(new JButton("Click me!"));
 *                 }
 *             });
 *         }
 *     }
* @since JavaFX 8.0 */ public class SwingNode extends Node { private double width; private double height; private double prefWidth; private double prefHeight; private double maxWidth; private double maxHeight; private double minWidth; private double minHeight; private volatile JComponent content; private volatile JLightweightFrame lwFrame; private volatile NGExternalNode peer; private final ReentrantLock paintLock = new ReentrantLock(); private boolean skipBackwardUnrgabNotification; private boolean grabbed; // lwframe initiated grab /** * Constructs a new instance of {@code SwingNode}. */ public SwingNode() { setFocusTraversable(true); setEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, new SwingMouseEventHandler()); setEventHandler(KeyEvent.ANY, new SwingKeyEventHandler()); focusedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Boolean oldValue, final Boolean newValue) { activateLwFrame(newValue); } }); } /** * Attaches a {@code JComponent} instance to display in this {@code SwingNode}. *

* The method can be called either on the JavaFX Application thread or the Swing thread. * Note however, that access to a Swing component must occur from the Swing thread according * to the Swing threading restrictions. * * @param content a Swing component to display in this {@code SwingNode} * * @see java.awt.EventQueue#isDispatchThread() * @see javafx.application.Platform#isFxApplicationThread() */ public void setContent(final JComponent content) { this.content = content; invokeOnEDT(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setContentImpl(content); } }); } /** * Returns the {@code JComponent} instance attached to this {@code SwingNode}. *

* The method can be called either on the JavaFX Application thread or the Swing thread. * Note however, that access to a Swing component must occur from the Swing thread according * to the Swing threading restrictions. * * @see java.awt.EventQueue#isDispatchThread() * @see javafx.application.Platform#isFxApplicationThread() * * @return the Swing component attached to this {@code SwingNode} */ public JComponent getContent() { return content; } /* * Called on Swing thread */ private void setContentImpl(JComponent content) { if (lwFrame != null) { lwFrame.dispose(); lwFrame = null; } if (content != null) { lwFrame = new JLightweightFrame(); lwFrame.addWindowFocusListener(new WindowFocusListener() { @Override public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e) { } @Override public void windowLostFocus(WindowEvent e) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ungrabFocus(true); } }); } }); lwFrame.setContent(new SwingNodeContent(content)); lwFrame.setVisible(true); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { locateLwFrame(); // initialize location if (focusedProperty().get()) { activateLwFrame(true); } } }); } } private List peerRequests = new ArrayList<>(); /* * Called on Swing thread */ void setImageBuffer(final int[] data, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final int linestride) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { peer.setImageBuffer(IntBuffer.wrap(data), x, y, w, h, linestride); } }; if (peer != null) { Platform.runLater(r); } else { peerRequests.clear(); peerRequests.add(r); } } /* * Called on Swing thread */ void setImageBounds(final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { peer.setImageBounds(x, y, w, h); } }; if (peer != null) { Platform.runLater(r); } else { peerRequests.add(r); } } /* * Called on Swing thread */ void repaintDirtyRegion(final int dirtyX, final int dirtyY, final int dirtyWidth, final int dirtyHeight) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { peer.repaintDirtyRegion(dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight); impl_markDirty(DirtyBits.NODE_CONTENTS); } }; if (peer != null) { Platform.runLater(r); } else { peerRequests.add(r); } } @Override public boolean isResizable() { return true; } /** * Invoked by the {@code SwingNode}'s parent during layout to set the {@code SwingNode}'s * width and height. Applications should not invoke this method directly. * If an application needs to directly set the size of the {@code SwingNode}, it should * set the Swing component's minimum/preferred/maximum size constraints which will * be propagated correspondingly to the {@code SwingNode} and it's parent will honor those * settings during layout. * * @param width the target layout bounds width * @param height the target layout bounds height */ @Override public void resize(final double width, final double height) { super.resize(width, height); if (width != this.width || height != this.height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; impl_geomChanged(); impl_markDirty(DirtyBits.NODE_GEOMETRY); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (lwFrame != null) { lwFrame.setSize((int)width, (int)height); } } }); } } /** * Returns the {@code SwingNode}'s preferred width for use in layout calculations. * This value corresponds to the preferred width of the Swing component. * * @return the preferred width that the node should be resized to during layout */ @Override public double prefWidth(double height) { return prefWidth; } /** * Returns the {@code SwingNode}'s preferred height for use in layout calculations. * This value corresponds to the preferred height of the Swing component. * * @return the preferred height that the node should be resized to during layout */ @Override public double prefHeight(double width) { return prefHeight; } /** * Returns the {@code SwingNode}'s maximum width for use in layout calculations. * This value corresponds to the maximum width of the Swing component. * * @return the maximum width that the node should be resized to during layout */ @Override public double maxWidth(double height) { return maxWidth; } /** * Returns the {@code SwingNode}'s maximum height for use in layout calculations. * This value corresponds to the maximum height of the Swing component. * * @return the maximum height that the node should be resized to during layout */ @Override public double maxHeight(double width) { return maxHeight; } /** * Returns the {@code SwingNode}'s minimum width for use in layout calculations. * This value corresponds to the minimum width of the Swing component. * * @return the minimum width that the node should be resized to during layout */ @Override public double minWidth(double height) { return minWidth; } /** * Returns the {@code SwingNode}'s minimum height for use in layout calculations. * This value corresponds to the minimum height of the Swing component. * * @return the minimum height that the node should be resized to during layout */ @Override public double minHeight(double width) { return minHeight; } @Override protected boolean impl_computeContains(double localX, double localY) { return true; } private InvalidationListener locationListener = new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable observable) { locateLwFrame(); } }; private EventHandler ungrabHandler = new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(FocusUngrabEvent event) { if (!skipBackwardUnrgabNotification) { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PostEventAction(new UngrabEvent(lwFrame))); } } }; private ChangeListener windowVisibleListener = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) { if (!newValue) { disposeLwFrame(); } else { setContent(content); } } }; private void removeListeners(Scene scene) { Window window = scene.getWindow(); if (window != null) { window.xProperty().removeListener(locationListener); window.yProperty().removeListener(locationListener); window.removeEventHandler(FocusUngrabEvent.FOCUS_UNGRAB, ungrabHandler); window.showingProperty().removeListener(windowVisibleListener); } } private void addListeners(Scene scene) { Window window = scene.getWindow(); if (window != null) { window.xProperty().addListener(locationListener); window.yProperty().addListener(locationListener); window.addEventHandler(FocusUngrabEvent.FOCUS_UNGRAB, ungrabHandler); window.showingProperty().addListener(windowVisibleListener); } } @Override protected NGNode impl_createPeer() { peer = new NGExternalNode(); peer.setLock(paintLock); for (Runnable request : peerRequests) { request.run(); } peerRequests = null; if (content != null) { setContent(content); // in case the Node is re-added to Scene } addListeners(getScene()); sceneProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Scene oldValue, Scene newValue) { // Removed from scene, or added to another scene. // The lwFrame will be recreated from impl_createPGNode(). removeListeners(oldValue); disposeLwFrame(); } }); impl_treeVisibleProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) { setLwFrameVisible(newValue); } }); return peer; } @Override public void impl_updatePeer() { super.impl_updatePeer(); if (impl_isDirty(DirtyBits.NODE_VISIBLE) || impl_isDirty(DirtyBits.NODE_BOUNDS)) { locateLwFrame(); // initialize location } if (impl_isDirty(DirtyBits.NODE_CONTENTS)) { peer.markContentDirty(); } } private void locateLwFrame() { if (getScene() == null || lwFrame == null || getScene().getWindow() == null || !getScene().getWindow().isShowing()) { // Not initialized yet. Skip the update to set the real values later return; } final Point2D loc = localToScene(0, 0); final int windowX = (int)getScene().getWindow().getX(); final int windowY = (int)getScene().getWindow().getY(); final int sceneX = (int)getScene().getX(); final int sceneY = (int)getScene().getY(); invokeOnEDT(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (lwFrame != null) { lwFrame.setLocation(windowX + sceneX + (int)loc.getX(), windowY + sceneY + (int)loc.getY()); } } }); } private void activateLwFrame(final boolean activate) { if (lwFrame == null) { return; } invokeOnEDT(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (lwFrame != null) { lwFrame.emulateActivation(activate); } } }); } private void disposeLwFrame() { if (lwFrame == null) { return; } invokeOnEDT(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (lwFrame != null) { lwFrame.dispose(); lwFrame = null; } } }); } private void setLwFrameVisible(final boolean visible) { if (lwFrame == null) { return; } invokeOnEDT(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (lwFrame != null) { lwFrame.setVisible(visible); } } }); } @Override public BaseBounds impl_computeGeomBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx) { bounds.deriveWithNewBounds(0, 0, 0, (float)width, (float)height, 0); tx.transform(bounds, bounds); return bounds; } @Override public Object impl_processMXNode(MXNodeAlgorithm alg, MXNodeAlgorithmContext ctx) { return alg.processLeafNode(this, ctx); } private class SwingNodeContent implements LightweightContent { private JComponent comp; public SwingNodeContent(JComponent comp) { this.comp = comp; } @Override public JComponent getComponent() { return comp; } @Override public void paintLock() { paintLock.lock(); } @Override public void paintUnlock() { paintLock.unlock(); } @Override public void imageBufferReset(int[] data, int x, int y, int width, int height, int linestride) { SwingNode.this.setImageBuffer(data, x, y, width, height, linestride); } @Override public void imageReshaped(int x, int y, int width, int height) { SwingNode.this.setImageBounds(x, y, width, height); } @Override public void imageUpdated(int dirtyX, int dirtyY, int dirtyWidth, int dirtyHeight) { SwingNode.this.repaintDirtyRegion(dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight); } @Override public void focusGrabbed() { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (getScene() != null && getScene().getWindow() != null && getScene().getWindow().impl_getPeer() != null) { getScene().getWindow().impl_getPeer().grabFocus(); grabbed = true; } } }); } @Override public void focusUngrabbed() { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ungrabFocus(false); } }); } @Override public void preferredSizeChanged(final int width, final int height) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SwingNode.this.prefWidth = width; SwingNode.this.prefHeight = height; SwingNode.this.impl_notifyLayoutBoundsChanged(); } }); } @Override public void maximumSizeChanged(final int width, final int height) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SwingNode.this.maxWidth = width; SwingNode.this.maxHeight = height; SwingNode.this.impl_notifyLayoutBoundsChanged(); } }); } @Override public void minimumSizeChanged(final int width, final int height) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SwingNode.this.minWidth = width; SwingNode.this.minHeight = height; SwingNode.this.impl_notifyLayoutBoundsChanged(); } }); } @Override public void invokeOnContentsThread(Runnable runnable) { Platform.runLater(runnable); } } private void ungrabFocus(boolean postUngrabEvent) { if (grabbed && getScene() != null && getScene().getWindow() != null && getScene().getWindow().impl_getPeer() != null) { skipBackwardUnrgabNotification = !postUngrabEvent; getScene().getWindow().impl_getPeer().ungrabFocus(); skipBackwardUnrgabNotification = false; grabbed = false; } } private class PostEventAction implements PrivilegedAction { private AWTEvent event; public PostEventAction(AWTEvent event) { this.event = event; } @Override public Void run() { EventQueue eq = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue(); eq.postEvent(event); return null; } } private class SwingMouseEventHandler implements EventHandler { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // Disable the FX cursor updates when mouse enters SwingNode and enable bask when exits if (event.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED) { getScene().getWindow().impl_getPeer().setUpdatesCursor(false); } else if (event.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED) { getScene().getWindow().impl_getPeer().setUpdatesCursor(true); } else if (event.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED && !SwingNode.this.isFocused() && SwingNode.this.isFocusTraversable()) { SwingNode.this.requestFocus(); } JLightweightFrame frame = lwFrame; if (frame == null) { return; } int swingID = SwingEvents.fxMouseEventTypeToMouseID(event); if (swingID < 0) { return; } int swingModifiers = SwingEvents.fxMouseModsToMouseMods(event); // TODO: popupTrigger boolean swingPopupTrigger = event.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY; int swingButton = SwingEvents.fxMouseButtonToMouseButton(event); long swingWhen = System.currentTimeMillis(); java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent = new java.awt.event.MouseEvent( frame, swingID, swingWhen, swingModifiers, (int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY(), (int)event.getScreenX(), (int)event.getSceneY(), event.getClickCount(), swingPopupTrigger, swingButton); AccessController.doPrivileged(new PostEventAction(mouseEvent)); } } private class SwingKeyEventHandler implements EventHandler { @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { JLightweightFrame frame = lwFrame; if (frame == null) { return; } if (event.getCharacter().isEmpty()) { // TODO: should we post an "empty" character? return; } // Don't let Arrows, Tab, Shift+Tab traverse focus out. if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.LEFT || event.getCode() == KeyCode.RIGHT || event.getCode() == KeyCode.TAB) { event.consume(); } int swingID = SwingEvents.fxKeyEventTypeToKeyID(event); if (swingID < 0) { return; } int swingModifiers = SwingEvents.fxKeyModsToKeyMods(event); int swingKeyCode = event.getCode().impl_getCode(); char swingChar = event.getCharacter().charAt(0); // A workaround. Some swing L&F's process mnemonics on KEY_PRESSED, // for which swing provides a keychar. Extracting it from the text. if (event.getEventType() == javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { String text = event.getText(); if (text.length() == 1) { swingChar = text.charAt(0); } } long swingWhen = System.currentTimeMillis(); java.awt.event.KeyEvent keyEvent = new java.awt.event.KeyEvent( frame, swingID, swingWhen, swingModifiers, swingKeyCode, swingChar); AccessController.doPrivileged(new PostEventAction(keyEvent)); } } private static void invokeOnEDT(final Runnable r) { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { r.run(); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { r.run(); } }); } } }