1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.awt;
  28 import sun.misc.Unsafe;
  30 import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
  31 import java.awt.*;
  32 import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
  33 import java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager;
  34 import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
  35 import java.awt.event.InvocationEvent;
  36 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
  37 import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
  38 import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
  39 import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer;
  41 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
  42 import java.security.AccessControlContext;
  44 import java.io.File;
  45 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
  46 import java.util.Vector;
  48 /**
  49  * The AWTAccessor utility class.
  50  * The main purpose of this class is to enable accessing
  51  * private and package-private fields of classes from
  52  * different classes/packages. See sun.misc.SharedSecretes
  53  * for another example.
  54  */
  55 public final class AWTAccessor {
  57     private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
  59     /*
  60      * We don't need any objects of this class.
  61      * It's rather a collection of static methods
  62      * and interfaces.
  63      */
  64     private AWTAccessor() {
  65     }
  67     /*
  68      * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.Component class.
  69      */
  70     public interface ComponentAccessor {
  71         /*
  72          * Sets whether the native background erase for a component
  73          * has been disabled via SunToolkit.disableBackgroundErase().
  74          */
  75         void setBackgroundEraseDisabled(Component comp, boolean disabled);
  76         /*
  77          * Indicates whether the native background erase for a
  78          * component has been disabled via
  79          * SunToolkit.disableBackgroundErase().
  80          */
  81         boolean getBackgroundEraseDisabled(Component comp);
  82         /*
  83          *
  84          * Gets the bounds of this component in the form of a
  85          * <code>Rectangle</code> object. The bounds specify this
  86          * component's width, height, and location relative to
  87          * its parent.
  88          */
  89         Rectangle getBounds(Component comp);
  90         /*
  91          * Sets the shape of a lw component to cut out from hw components.
  92          *
  93          * See 6797587, 6776743, 6768307, and 6768332 for details
  94          */
  95         void setMixingCutoutShape(Component comp, Shape shape);
  97         /**
  98          * Sets GraphicsConfiguration value for the component.
  99          */
 100         void setGraphicsConfiguration(Component comp, GraphicsConfiguration gc);
 101         /*
 102          * Requests focus to the component.
 103          */
 104         boolean requestFocus(Component comp, CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause);
 105         /*
 106          * Determines if the component can gain focus.
 107          */
 108         boolean canBeFocusOwner(Component comp);
 110         /**
 111          * Returns whether the component is visible without invoking
 112          * any client code.
 113          */
 114         boolean isVisible(Component comp);
 116         /**
 117          * Sets the RequestFocusController.
 118          */
 119         void setRequestFocusController(RequestFocusController requestController);
 121         /**
 122          * Returns the appContext of the component.
 123          */
 124         AppContext getAppContext(Component comp);
 126         /**
 127          * Sets the appContext of the component.
 128          */
 129         void setAppContext(Component comp, AppContext appContext);
 131         /**
 132          * Returns the parent of the component.
 133          */
 134         Container getParent(Component comp);
 136         /**
 137          * Sets the parent of the component to the specified parent.
 138          */
 139         void setParent(Component comp, Container parent);
 141         /**
 142          * Resizes the component to the specified width and height.
 143          */
 144         void setSize(Component comp, int width, int height);
 146         /**
 147          * Returns the location of the component.
 148          */
 149         Point getLocation(Component comp);
 151         /**
 152          * Moves the component to the new location.
 153          */
 154         void setLocation(Component comp, int x, int y);
 156         /**
 157          * Determines whether this component is enabled.
 158          */
 159         boolean isEnabled(Component comp);
 161         /**
 162          * Determines whether this component is displayable.
 163          */
 164         boolean isDisplayable(Component comp);
 166         /**
 167          * Gets the cursor set in the component.
 168          */
 169         Cursor getCursor(Component comp);
 171         /**
 172          * Returns the peer of the component.
 173          */
 174         ComponentPeer getPeer(Component comp);
 176         /**
 177          * Sets the peer of the component to the specified peer.
 178          */
 179         void setPeer(Component comp, ComponentPeer peer);
 181         /**
 182          * Determines whether this component is lightweight.
 183          */
 184         boolean isLightweight(Component comp);
 186         /**
 187          * Returns whether or not paint messages received from
 188          * the operating system should be ignored.
 189          */
 190         boolean getIgnoreRepaint(Component comp);
 192         /**
 193          * Returns the width of the component.
 194          */
 195         int getWidth(Component comp);
 197         /**
 198          * Returns the height of the component.
 199          */
 200         int getHeight(Component comp);
 202         /**
 203          * Returns the x coordinate of the component.
 204          */
 205         int getX(Component comp);
 207         /**
 208          * Returns the y coordinate of the component.
 209          */
 210         int getY(Component comp);
 212         /**
 213          * Gets the foreground color of this component.
 214          */
 215         Color getForeground(Component comp);
 217         /**
 218          * Gets the background color of this component.
 219          */
 220         Color getBackground(Component comp);
 222         /**
 223          * Sets the background of this component to the specified color.
 224          */
 225         void setBackground(Component comp, Color background);
 227         /**
 228          * Gets the font of the component.
 229          */
 230         Font getFont(Component comp);
 232         /**
 233          * Processes events occurring on this component.
 234          */
 235         void processEvent(Component comp, AWTEvent e);
 238         /*
 239          * Returns the acc this component was constructed with.
 240          */
 241         AccessControlContext getAccessControlContext(Component comp);
 243         /**
 244          * Revalidates the component synchronously.
 245          */
 246         void revalidateSynchronously(Component comp);
 248         /**
 249          * Creates a new strategy for multi-buffering on this component.
 250          */
 251         void createBufferStrategy(Component comp, int numBuffers,
 252                 BufferCapabilities caps) throws AWTException;
 254         /**
 255          * returns the buffer strategy used by this component.
 256          */
 257         BufferStrategy getBufferStrategy(Component comp);
 258     }
 260     /*
 261      * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.Container class.
 262      */
 263     public interface ContainerAccessor {
 264         /**
 265          * Validates the container unconditionally.
 266          */
 267         void validateUnconditionally(Container cont);
 269         /**
 270          *
 271          * Access to the private version of findComponentAt method which has
 272          * a controllable behavior. Setting 'ignoreEnabled' to 'false'
 273          * bypasses disabled Components during the search.
 274          */
 275         Component findComponentAt(Container cont, int x, int y, boolean ignoreEnabled);
 277         /**
 278          * Starts LW Modal.
 279          */
 280         void startLWModal(Container cont);
 282         /**
 283          * Starts LW Modal.
 284          */
 285         void stopLWModal(Container cont);
 286     }
 288     /*
 289      * An interface of accessor for java.awt.Window class.
 290      */
 291     public interface WindowAccessor {
 292         /*
 293          * Get opacity level of the given window.
 294          */
 295         float getOpacity(Window window);
 296         /*
 297          * Set opacity level to the given window.
 298          */
 299         void setOpacity(Window window, float opacity);
 300         /*
 301          * Get a shape assigned to the given window.
 302          */
 303         Shape getShape(Window window);
 304         /*
 305          * Set a shape to the given window.
 306          */
 307         void setShape(Window window, Shape shape);
 308         /*
 309          * Set the opaque preoperty to the given window.
 310          */
 311         void setOpaque(Window window, boolean isOpaque);
 312         /*
 313          * Update the image of a non-opaque (translucent) window.
 314          */
 315         void updateWindow(Window window);
 317         /** Get the size of the security warning.
 318          */
 319         Dimension getSecurityWarningSize(Window w);
 321         /**
 322          * Set the size of the security warning.
 323          */
 324         void setSecurityWarningSize(Window w, int width, int height);
 326         /** Set the position of the security warning.
 327          */
 328         void setSecurityWarningPosition(Window w, Point2D point,
 329                 float alignmentX, float alignmentY);
 331         /** Request to recalculate the new position of the security warning for
 332          * the given window size/location as reported by the native system.
 333          */
 334         Point2D calculateSecurityWarningPosition(Window window,
 335                 double x, double y, double w, double h);
 337         /** Sets the synchronous status of focus requests on lightweight
 338          * components in the specified window to the specified value.
 339          */
 340         void setLWRequestStatus(Window changed, boolean status);
 342         /**
 343          * Indicates whether this window should receive focus on subsequently
 344          * being shown, or being moved to the front.
 345          */
 346         boolean isAutoRequestFocus(Window w);
 348         /**
 349          * Indicates whether the specified window is an utility window for TrayIcon.
 350          */
 351         boolean isTrayIconWindow(Window w);
 353         /**
 354          * Marks the specified window as an utility window for TrayIcon.
 355          */
 356         void setTrayIconWindow(Window w, boolean isTrayIconWindow);
 357     }
 359     /**
 360      * An accessor for the AWTEvent class.
 361      */
 362     public interface AWTEventAccessor {
 363         /**
 364          * Marks the event as posted.
 365          */
 366         void setPosted(AWTEvent ev);
 368         /**
 369          * Sets the flag on this AWTEvent indicating that it was
 370          * generated by the system.
 371          */
 372         void setSystemGenerated(AWTEvent ev);
 374         /**
 375          * Indicates whether this AWTEvent was generated by the system.
 376          */
 377         boolean isSystemGenerated(AWTEvent ev);
 379         /**
 380          * Returns the acc this event was constructed with.
 381          */
 382         AccessControlContext getAccessControlContext(AWTEvent ev);
 384         /**
 385          * Returns binary data associated with this event;
 386          */
 387         byte[] getBData(AWTEvent ev);
 389         /**
 390          * Associates binary data with this event;
 391          */
 392         void setBData(AWTEvent ev, byte[] bdata);
 393     }
 395     public interface InputEventAccessor {
 396         /*
 397          * Accessor for InputEvent.getButtonDownMasks()
 398          */
 399         int[] getButtonDownMasks();
 401         /*
 402          * Accessor for InputEvent.canAccessSystemClipboard field
 403          */
 404         boolean canAccessSystemClipboard(InputEvent event);
 405     }
 407     /*
 408      * An accessor for the java.awt.Frame class.
 409      */
 410     public interface FrameAccessor {
 411         /*
 412          * Sets the state of this frame.
 413          */
 414         void setExtendedState(Frame frame, int state);
 415         /*
 416          * Gets the state of this frame.
 417          */
 418        int getExtendedState(Frame frame);
 419         /*
 420          * Gets the maximized bounds of this frame.
 421          */
 422        Rectangle getMaximizedBounds(Frame frame);
 423     }
 425     /**
 426      * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class.
 427      */
 428     public interface KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor {
 429         /**
 430          * Indicates whether the native implementation should
 431          * proceed with a pending focus request for the heavyweight.
 432          */
 433         int shouldNativelyFocusHeavyweight(Component heavyweight,
 434                                            Component descendant,
 435                                            boolean temporary,
 436                                            boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed,
 437                                            long time,
 438                                            CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause);
 439         /**
 440          * Delivers focus for the lightweight descendant of the heavyweight
 441          * synchronously.
 442          */
 443         boolean processSynchronousLightweightTransfer(Component heavyweight,
 444                                                       Component descendant,
 445                                                       boolean temporary,
 446                                                       boolean focusedWindowChangeAllowed,
 447                                                       long time);
 448         /**
 449          * Removes the last focus request for the heavyweight from the queue.
 450          */
 451         void removeLastFocusRequest(Component heavyweight);
 453         /**
 454          * Sets the most recent focus owner in the window.
 455          */
 456         void setMostRecentFocusOwner(Window window, Component component);
 458         /**
 459          * Returns current KFM of the specified AppContext.
 460          */
 461         KeyboardFocusManager getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(AppContext ctx);
 463         /**
 464          * Return the current focus cycle root
 465          */
 466         Container getCurrentFocusCycleRoot();
 467     }
 469     /**
 470      * An accessor for the MenuComponent class.
 471      */
 472     public interface MenuComponentAccessor {
 473         /**
 474          * Returns the appContext of the menu component.
 475          */
 476         AppContext getAppContext(MenuComponent menuComp);
 478         /**
 479          * Sets the appContext of the menu component.
 480          */
 481         void setAppContext(MenuComponent menuComp, AppContext appContext);
 483         /**
 484          * Returns the menu container of the menu component
 485          */
 486         MenuContainer getParent(MenuComponent menuComp);
 488         /**
 489          * Gets the font used for this menu component.
 490          */
 491         Font getFont_NoClientCode(MenuComponent menuComp);
 492     }
 494     /**
 495      * An accessor for the EventQueue class
 496      */
 497     public interface EventQueueAccessor {
 498         /**
 499          * Gets the event dispatch thread.
 500          */
 501         Thread getDispatchThread(EventQueue eventQueue);
 503         /**
 504          * Checks if the current thread is EDT for the given EQ.
 505          */
 506         public boolean isDispatchThreadImpl(EventQueue eventQueue);
 508         /**
 509          * Removes any pending events for the specified source object.
 510          */
 511         void removeSourceEvents(EventQueue eventQueue, Object source, boolean removeAllEvents);
 513         /**
 514          * Returns whether an event is pending on any of the separate Queues.
 515          */
 516         boolean noEvents(EventQueue eventQueue);
 518         /**
 519          * Called from PostEventQueue.postEvent to notify that a new event
 520          * appeared.
 521          */
 522         void wakeup(EventQueue eventQueue, boolean isShutdown);
 524         /**
 525          * Static in EventQueue
 526          */
 527         void invokeAndWait(Object source, Runnable r)
 528             throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException;
 530         /**
 531          * Sets the delegate for the EventQueue used by FX/AWT single threaded mode
 532          */
 533         public void setFwDispatcher(EventQueue eventQueue, FwDispatcher dispatcher);
 534     }
 536     /*
 537      * An accessor for the PopupMenu class
 538      */
 539     public interface PopupMenuAccessor {
 540         /*
 541          * Returns whether the popup menu is attached to a tray
 542          */
 543         boolean isTrayIconPopup(PopupMenu popupMenu);
 544     }
 546     /*
 547      * An accessor for the FileDialog class
 548      */
 549     public interface FileDialogAccessor {
 550         /*
 551          * Sets the files the user selects
 552          */
 553         void setFiles(FileDialog fileDialog, File files[]);
 555         /*
 556          * Sets the file the user selects
 557          */
 558         void setFile(FileDialog fileDialog, String file);
 560         /*
 561          * Sets the directory the user selects
 562          */
 563         void setDirectory(FileDialog fileDialog, String directory);
 565         /*
 566          * Returns whether the file dialog allows the multiple file selection.
 567          */
 568         boolean isMultipleMode(FileDialog fileDialog);
 569     }
 571     /*
 572      * An accessor for the ScrollPaneAdjustable class.
 573      */
 574     public interface ScrollPaneAdjustableAccessor {
 575         /*
 576          * Sets the value of this scrollbar to the specified value.
 577          */
 578         void setTypedValue(final ScrollPaneAdjustable adj, final int v,
 579                            final int type);
 580     }
 582     /**
 583      * An accessor for the CheckboxMenuItem class
 584      */
 585     public interface CheckboxMenuItemAccessor {
 586         /**
 587          * Returns whether menu item is checked
 588          */
 589         boolean getState(CheckboxMenuItem cmi);
 590     }
 592     /**
 593      * An accessor for the Cursor class
 594      */
 595     public interface CursorAccessor {
 596         /**
 597          * Returns pData of the Cursor class
 598          */
 599         long getPData(Cursor cursor);
 601         /**
 602          * Sets pData to the Cursor class
 603          */
 604         void setPData(Cursor cursor, long pData);
 606         /**
 607          * Return type of the Cursor class
 608          */
 609         int getType(Cursor cursor);
 610     }
 612     /**
 613      * An accessor for the MenuBar class
 614      */
 615     public interface MenuBarAccessor {
 616         /**
 617          * Returns help menu
 618          */
 619         Menu getHelpMenu(MenuBar menuBar);
 621         /**
 622          * Returns menus
 623          */
 624         Vector<Menu> getMenus(MenuBar menuBar);
 625     }
 627     /**
 628      * An accessor for the MenuItem class
 629      */
 630     public interface MenuItemAccessor {
 631         /**
 632          * Returns whether menu item is enabled
 633          */
 634         boolean isEnabled(MenuItem item);
 636         /**
 637          * Gets the command name of the action event that is fired
 638          * by this menu item.
 639          */
 640         String getActionCommandImpl(MenuItem item);
 642         /**
 643          * Returns true if the item and all its ancestors are
 644          * enabled, false otherwise
 645          */
 646         boolean isItemEnabled(MenuItem item);
 648         /**
 649          * Returns label
 650          */
 651         String getLabel(MenuItem item);
 653         /**
 654          * Returns shortcut
 655          */
 656         MenuShortcut getShortcut(MenuItem item);
 657     }
 659     /**
 660      * An accessor for the Menu class
 661      */
 662     public interface MenuAccessor {
 663         /**
 664          * Returns vector of the items that are part of the Menu
 665          */
 666         Vector<MenuItem> getItems(Menu menu);
 667     }
 669     /**
 670      * An accessor for the KeyEvent class
 671      */
 672     public interface KeyEventAccessor {
 673         /**
 674          * Sets rawCode field for KeyEvent
 675          */
 676         void setRawCode(KeyEvent ev, long rawCode);
 678         /**
 679          * Sets primaryLevelUnicode field for KeyEvent
 680          */
 681         void setPrimaryLevelUnicode(KeyEvent ev, long primaryLevelUnicode);
 683         /**
 684          * Sets extendedKeyCode field for KeyEvent
 685          */
 686         void setExtendedKeyCode(KeyEvent ev, long extendedKeyCode);
 688         /**
 689          * Gets original source for KeyEvent
 690          */
 691         Component getOriginalSource(KeyEvent ev);
 692     }
 694     /**
 695      * An accessor for the ClientPropertyKey class
 696      */
 697     public interface ClientPropertyKeyAccessor {
 698         /**
 699          * Retrieves JComponent_TRANSFER_HANDLER enum object
 700          */
 701         Object getJComponent_TRANSFER_HANDLER();
 702     }
 704     /**
 705      * An accessor for the SystemTray class
 706      */
 707     public interface SystemTrayAccessor {
 708         /**
 709          * Support for reporting bound property changes for Object properties.
 710          */
 711         void firePropertyChange(SystemTray tray, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue);
 712     }
 714     /**
 715      * An accessor for the TrayIcon class
 716      */
 717     public interface TrayIconAccessor {
 718         void addNotify(TrayIcon trayIcon) throws AWTException;
 719         void removeNotify(TrayIcon trayIcon);
 720     }
 722     /**
 723      * An accessor for the DefaultKeyboardFocusManager class
 724      */
 725     public interface DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor {
 726         public void consumeNextKeyTyped(DefaultKeyboardFocusManager dkfm, KeyEvent e);
 727     }
 729     /*
 730      * An accessor for the SequencedEventAccessor class
 731      */
 732     public interface SequencedEventAccessor {
 733         /*
 734          * Returns the nested event.
 735          */
 736         AWTEvent getNested(AWTEvent sequencedEvent);
 738         /*
 739          * Returns true if the event is an instances of SequencedEvent.
 740          */
 741         boolean isSequencedEvent(AWTEvent event);
 742     }
 744     /*
 745      * An accessor for the Toolkit class
 746      */
 747     public interface ToolkitAccessor {
 748         void setPlatformResources(ResourceBundle bundle);
 749     }
 751     /*
 752      * An accessor object for the InvocationEvent class
 753      */
 754     public interface InvocationEventAccessor {
 755         void dispose(InvocationEvent event);
 756     }
 758     /*
 759      * An accessor object for the SystemColor class
 760      */
 761     public interface SystemColorAccessor {
 762         void updateSystemColors();
 763     }
 765     /*
 766      * An accessor object for the AccessibleContext class
 767      */
 768     public interface AccessibleContextAccessor {
 769         void setAppContext(AccessibleContext accessibleContext, AppContext appContext);
 770         AppContext getAppContext(AccessibleContext accessibleContext);
 771     }
 773     /*
 774      * Accessor instances are initialized in the static initializers of
 775      * corresponding AWT classes by using setters defined below.
 776      */
 777     private static ComponentAccessor componentAccessor;
 778     private static ContainerAccessor containerAccessor;
 779     private static WindowAccessor windowAccessor;
 780     private static AWTEventAccessor awtEventAccessor;
 781     private static InputEventAccessor inputEventAccessor;
 782     private static FrameAccessor frameAccessor;
 783     private static KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor kfmAccessor;
 784     private static MenuComponentAccessor menuComponentAccessor;
 785     private static EventQueueAccessor eventQueueAccessor;
 786     private static PopupMenuAccessor popupMenuAccessor;
 787     private static FileDialogAccessor fileDialogAccessor;
 788     private static ScrollPaneAdjustableAccessor scrollPaneAdjustableAccessor;
 789     private static CheckboxMenuItemAccessor checkboxMenuItemAccessor;
 790     private static CursorAccessor cursorAccessor;
 791     private static MenuBarAccessor menuBarAccessor;
 792     private static MenuItemAccessor menuItemAccessor;
 793     private static MenuAccessor menuAccessor;
 794     private static KeyEventAccessor keyEventAccessor;
 795     private static ClientPropertyKeyAccessor clientPropertyKeyAccessor;
 796     private static SystemTrayAccessor systemTrayAccessor;
 797     private static TrayIconAccessor trayIconAccessor;
 798     private static DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor defaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor;
 799     private static SequencedEventAccessor sequencedEventAccessor;
 800     private static ToolkitAccessor toolkitAccessor;
 801     private static InvocationEventAccessor invocationEventAccessor;
 802     private static SystemColorAccessor systemColorAccessor;
 803     private static AccessibleContextAccessor accessibleContextAccessor;
 805     /*
 806      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Component class.
 807      */
 808     public static void setComponentAccessor(ComponentAccessor ca) {
 809         componentAccessor = ca;
 810     }
 812     /*
 813      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Component class.
 814      */
 815     public static ComponentAccessor getComponentAccessor() {
 816         if (componentAccessor == null) {
 817             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Component.class);
 818         }
 820         return componentAccessor;
 821     }
 823     /*
 824      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Container class.
 825      */
 826     public static void setContainerAccessor(ContainerAccessor ca) {
 827         containerAccessor = ca;
 828     }
 830     /*
 831      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Container class.
 832      */
 833     public static ContainerAccessor getContainerAccessor() {
 834         if (containerAccessor == null) {
 835             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Container.class);
 836         }
 838         return containerAccessor;
 839     }
 841     /*
 842      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Window class.
 843      */
 844     public static void setWindowAccessor(WindowAccessor wa) {
 845         windowAccessor = wa;
 846     }
 848     /*
 849      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Window class.
 850      */
 851     public static WindowAccessor getWindowAccessor() {
 852         if (windowAccessor == null) {
 853             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Window.class);
 854         }
 855         return windowAccessor;
 856     }
 858     /*
 859      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.AWTEvent class.
 860      */
 861     public static void setAWTEventAccessor(AWTEventAccessor aea) {
 862         awtEventAccessor = aea;
 863     }
 865     /*
 866      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.AWTEvent class.
 867      */
 868     public static AWTEventAccessor getAWTEventAccessor() {
 869         if (awtEventAccessor == null) {
 870             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(AWTEvent.class);
 871         }
 872         return awtEventAccessor;
 873     }
 875     /*
 876      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.event.InputEvent class.
 877      */
 878     public static void setInputEventAccessor(InputEventAccessor iea) {
 879         inputEventAccessor = iea;
 880     }
 882     /*
 883      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.event.InputEvent class.
 884      */
 885     public static InputEventAccessor getInputEventAccessor() {
 886         if (inputEventAccessor == null) {
 887             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(InputEvent.class);
 888         }
 889         return inputEventAccessor;
 890     }
 892     /*
 893      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Frame class.
 894      */
 895     public static void setFrameAccessor(FrameAccessor fa) {
 896         frameAccessor = fa;
 897     }
 899     /*
 900      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Frame class.
 901      */
 902     public static FrameAccessor getFrameAccessor() {
 903         if (frameAccessor == null) {
 904             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Frame.class);
 905         }
 906         return frameAccessor;
 907     }
 909     /*
 910      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class.
 911      */
 912     public static void setKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor(KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor kfma) {
 913         kfmAccessor = kfma;
 914     }
 916     /*
 917      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class.
 918      */
 919     public static KeyboardFocusManagerAccessor getKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor() {
 920         if (kfmAccessor == null) {
 921             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(KeyboardFocusManager.class);
 922         }
 923         return kfmAccessor;
 924     }
 926     /*
 927      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuComponent class.
 928      */
 929     public static void setMenuComponentAccessor(MenuComponentAccessor mca) {
 930         menuComponentAccessor = mca;
 931     }
 933     /*
 934      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuComponent class.
 935      */
 936     public static MenuComponentAccessor getMenuComponentAccessor() {
 937         if (menuComponentAccessor == null) {
 938             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(MenuComponent.class);
 939         }
 940         return menuComponentAccessor;
 941     }
 943     /*
 944      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.EventQueue class.
 945      */
 946     public static void setEventQueueAccessor(EventQueueAccessor eqa) {
 947         eventQueueAccessor = eqa;
 948     }
 950     /*
 951      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.EventQueue class.
 952      */
 953     public static EventQueueAccessor getEventQueueAccessor() {
 954         if (eventQueueAccessor == null) {
 955             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(EventQueue.class);
 956         }
 957         return eventQueueAccessor;
 958     }
 960     /*
 961      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.PopupMenu class.
 962      */
 963     public static void setPopupMenuAccessor(PopupMenuAccessor pma) {
 964         popupMenuAccessor = pma;
 965     }
 967     /*
 968      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.PopupMenu class.
 969      */
 970     public static PopupMenuAccessor getPopupMenuAccessor() {
 971         if (popupMenuAccessor == null) {
 972             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(PopupMenu.class);
 973         }
 974         return popupMenuAccessor;
 975     }
 977     /*
 978      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.FileDialog class.
 979      */
 980     public static void setFileDialogAccessor(FileDialogAccessor fda) {
 981         fileDialogAccessor = fda;
 982     }
 984     /*
 985      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.FileDialog class.
 986      */
 987     public static FileDialogAccessor getFileDialogAccessor() {
 988         if (fileDialogAccessor == null) {
 989             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(FileDialog.class);
 990         }
 991         return fileDialogAccessor;
 992     }
 994     /*
 995      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable class.
 996      */
 997     public static void setScrollPaneAdjustableAccessor(ScrollPaneAdjustableAccessor adj) {
 998         scrollPaneAdjustableAccessor = adj;
 999     }
1001     /*
1002      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
1003      * class.
1004      */
1005     public static ScrollPaneAdjustableAccessor getScrollPaneAdjustableAccessor() {
1006         if (scrollPaneAdjustableAccessor == null) {
1007             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(ScrollPaneAdjustable.class);
1008         }
1009         return scrollPaneAdjustableAccessor;
1010     }
1012     /**
1013      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem class.
1014      */
1015     public static void setCheckboxMenuItemAccessor(CheckboxMenuItemAccessor cmia) {
1016         checkboxMenuItemAccessor = cmia;
1017     }
1019     /**
1020      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem class.
1021      */
1022     public static CheckboxMenuItemAccessor getCheckboxMenuItemAccessor() {
1023         if (checkboxMenuItemAccessor == null) {
1024             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(CheckboxMenuItemAccessor.class);
1025         }
1026         return checkboxMenuItemAccessor;
1027     }
1029     /**
1030      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Cursor class.
1031      */
1032     public static void setCursorAccessor(CursorAccessor ca) {
1033         cursorAccessor = ca;
1034     }
1036     /**
1037      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Cursor class.
1038      */
1039     public static CursorAccessor getCursorAccessor() {
1040         if (cursorAccessor == null) {
1041             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(CursorAccessor.class);
1042         }
1043         return cursorAccessor;
1044     }
1046     /**
1047      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuBar class.
1048      */
1049     public static void setMenuBarAccessor(MenuBarAccessor mba) {
1050         menuBarAccessor = mba;
1051     }
1053     /**
1054      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuBar class.
1055      */
1056     public static MenuBarAccessor getMenuBarAccessor() {
1057         if (menuBarAccessor == null) {
1058             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(MenuBarAccessor.class);
1059         }
1060         return menuBarAccessor;
1061     }
1063     /**
1064      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuItem class.
1065      */
1066     public static void setMenuItemAccessor(MenuItemAccessor mia) {
1067         menuItemAccessor = mia;
1068     }
1070     /**
1071      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuItem class.
1072      */
1073     public static MenuItemAccessor getMenuItemAccessor() {
1074         if (menuItemAccessor == null) {
1075             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(MenuItemAccessor.class);
1076         }
1077         return menuItemAccessor;
1078     }
1080     /**
1081      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Menu class.
1082      */
1083     public static void setMenuAccessor(MenuAccessor ma) {
1084         menuAccessor = ma;
1085     }
1087     /**
1088      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Menu class.
1089      */
1090     public static MenuAccessor getMenuAccessor() {
1091         if (menuAccessor == null) {
1092             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(MenuAccessor.class);
1093         }
1094         return menuAccessor;
1095     }
1097     /**
1098      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.event.KeyEvent class.
1099      */
1100     public static void setKeyEventAccessor(KeyEventAccessor kea) {
1101         keyEventAccessor = kea;
1102     }
1104     /**
1105      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.event.KeyEvent class.
1106      */
1107     public static KeyEventAccessor getKeyEventAccessor() {
1108         if (keyEventAccessor == null) {
1109             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(KeyEventAccessor.class);
1110         }
1111         return keyEventAccessor;
1112     }
1114     /**
1115      * Set an accessor object for the javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey class.
1116      */
1117     public static void setClientPropertyKeyAccessor(ClientPropertyKeyAccessor cpka) {
1118         clientPropertyKeyAccessor = cpka;
1119     }
1121     /**
1122      * Retrieve the accessor object for the javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey class.
1123      */
1124     public static ClientPropertyKeyAccessor getClientPropertyKeyAccessor() {
1125         if (clientPropertyKeyAccessor == null) {
1126             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(ClientPropertyKeyAccessor.class);
1127         }
1128         return clientPropertyKeyAccessor;
1129     }
1131     /**
1132      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.SystemTray class.
1133      */
1134     public static void setSystemTrayAccessor(SystemTrayAccessor sta) {
1135         systemTrayAccessor = sta;
1136     }
1138     /**
1139      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.SystemTray class.
1140      */
1141     public static SystemTrayAccessor getSystemTrayAccessor() {
1142         if (systemTrayAccessor == null) {
1143             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(SystemTrayAccessor.class);
1144         }
1145         return systemTrayAccessor;
1146     }
1148     /**
1149      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.TrayIcon class.
1150      */
1151     public static void setTrayIconAccessor(TrayIconAccessor tia) {
1152         trayIconAccessor = tia;
1153     }
1155     /**
1156      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.TrayIcon class.
1157      */
1158     public static TrayIconAccessor getTrayIconAccessor() {
1159         if (trayIconAccessor == null) {
1160             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(TrayIconAccessor.class);
1161         }
1162         return trayIconAccessor;
1163     }
1165     /**
1166      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager class.
1167      */
1168     public static void setDefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor(DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor dkfma) {
1169         defaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor = dkfma;
1170     }
1172     /**
1173      * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager class.
1174      */
1175     public static DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor getDefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor() {
1176         if (defaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor == null) {
1177             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor.class);
1178         }
1179         return defaultKeyboardFocusManagerAccessor;
1180     }
1181     /*
1182      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.SequencedEvent class.
1183      */
1184     public static void setSequencedEventAccessor(SequencedEventAccessor sea) {
1185         sequencedEventAccessor = sea;
1186     }
1188     /*
1189      * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.SequencedEvent class.
1190      */
1191     public static SequencedEventAccessor getSequencedEventAccessor() {
1192         // The class is not public. So we can't ensure it's initialized.
1193         // Null returned value means it's not initialized
1194         // (so not a single instance of the event has been created).
1195         return sequencedEventAccessor;
1196     }
1198     /*
1199      * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Toolkit class.
1200      */
1201     public static void setToolkitAccessor(ToolkitAccessor ta) {
1202         toolkitAccessor = ta;
1203     }
1205     /*
1206      * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.Toolkit class.
1207      */
1208     public static ToolkitAccessor getToolkitAccessor() {
1209         if (toolkitAccessor == null) {
1210             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Toolkit.class);
1211         }
1213         return toolkitAccessor;
1214     }
1216     /*
1217      * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.event.InvocationEvent class.
1218      */
1219     public static void setInvocationEventAccessor(InvocationEventAccessor invocationEventAccessor) {
1220         AWTAccessor.invocationEventAccessor = invocationEventAccessor;
1221     }
1223     /*
1224      * Set the accessor object for the java.awt.event.InvocationEvent class.
1225      */
1226     public static InvocationEventAccessor getInvocationEventAccessor() {
1227         return invocationEventAccessor;
1228     }
1230     /*
1231      * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.SystemColor class.
1232      */
1233     public static SystemColorAccessor getSystemColorAccessor() {
1234         if (systemColorAccessor == null) {
1235             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(SystemColor.class);
1236         }
1238         return systemColorAccessor;
1239     }
1241      /*
1242      * Set the accessor object for the java.awt.SystemColor class.
1243      */
1244      public static void setSystemColorAccessor(SystemColorAccessor systemColorAccessor) {
1245          AWTAccessor.systemColorAccessor = systemColorAccessor;
1246      }
1248     /*
1249      * Get the accessor object for the javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext class.
1250      */
1251     public static AccessibleContextAccessor getAccessibleContextAccessor() {
1252         if (accessibleContextAccessor == null) {
1253             unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(AccessibleContext.class);
1254         }
1255         return accessibleContextAccessor;
1256     }
1258    /*
1259     * Set the accessor object for the javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext class.
1260     */
1261     public static void setAccessibleContextAccessor(AccessibleContextAccessor accessor) {
1262         AWTAccessor.accessibleContextAccessor = accessor;
1263     }
1264 }