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   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *

  57       tty->cr();
  58     }
  59     assert(_canonical->type()->tag() == x->type()->tag(), "types must match");
  60     _canonical = x;
  61   }
  62 }
  65 void Canonicalizer::move_const_to_right(Op2* x) {
  66   if (x->x()->type()->is_constant() && x->is_commutative()) x->swap_operands();
  67 }
  70 void Canonicalizer::do_Op2(Op2* x) {
  71   if (x->x() == x->y()) {
  72     switch (x->op()) {
  73     case Bytecodes::_isub: set_constant(0); return;
  74     case Bytecodes::_lsub: set_constant(jlong_cast(0)); return;
  75     case Bytecodes::_iand: // fall through
  76     case Bytecodes::_land: // fall through
  77     case Bytecodes::_ior:  // fall through
  78     case Bytecodes::_lor : set_canonical(x->x()); return;
  79     case Bytecodes::_ixor: set_constant(0); return;
  80     case Bytecodes::_lxor: set_constant(jlong_cast(0)); return;

  81     }
  82   }
  84   if (x->x()->type()->is_constant() && x->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
  85     // do constant folding for selected operations
  86     switch (x->type()->tag()) {
  87       case intTag:
  88         { jint a = x->x()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value();
  89           jint b = x->y()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value();
  90           switch (x->op()) {
  91             case Bytecodes::_iadd: set_constant(a + b); return;
  92             case Bytecodes::_isub: set_constant(a - b); return;
  93             case Bytecodes::_imul: set_constant(a * b); return;
  94             case Bytecodes::_idiv:
  95               if (b != 0) {
  96                 if (a == min_jint && b == -1) {
  97                   set_constant(min_jint);
  98                 } else {
  99                   set_constant(a / b);
 100                 }
 101                 return;
 102               }
 103               break;
 104             case Bytecodes::_irem:
 105               if (b != 0) {
 106                 if (a == min_jint && b == -1) {
 107                   set_constant(0);
 108                 } else {
 109                   set_constant(a % b);
 110                 }
 111                 return;
 112               }
 113               break;
 114             case Bytecodes::_iand: set_constant(a & b); return;
 115             case Bytecodes::_ior : set_constant(a | b); return;
 116             case Bytecodes::_ixor: set_constant(a ^ b); return;

 117           }
 118         }
 119         break;
 120       case longTag:
 121         { jlong a = x->x()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 122           jlong b = x->y()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 123           switch (x->op()) {
 124             case Bytecodes::_ladd: set_constant(a + b); return;
 125             case Bytecodes::_lsub: set_constant(a - b); return;
 126             case Bytecodes::_lmul: set_constant(a * b); return;
 127             case Bytecodes::_ldiv:
 128               if (b != 0) {
 129                 set_constant(SharedRuntime::ldiv(b, a));
 130                 return;
 131               }
 132               break;
 133             case Bytecodes::_lrem:
 134               if (b != 0) {
 135                 set_constant(SharedRuntime::lrem(b, a));
 136                 return;
 137               }
 138               break;
 139             case Bytecodes::_land: set_constant(a & b); return;
 140             case Bytecodes::_lor : set_constant(a | b); return;
 141             case Bytecodes::_lxor: set_constant(a ^ b); return;

 142           }
 143         }
 144         break;

 145       // other cases not implemented (must be extremely careful with floats & doubles!)

 146     }
 147   }
 148   // make sure constant is on the right side, if any
 149   move_const_to_right(x);
 151   if (x->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
 152     // do constant folding for selected operations
 153     switch (x->type()->tag()) {
 154       case intTag:
 155         if (x->y()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0) {
 156           switch (x->op()) {
 157             case Bytecodes::_iadd: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 158             case Bytecodes::_isub: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 159             case Bytecodes::_imul: set_constant(0); return;
 160               // Note: for div and rem, make sure that C semantics
 161               //       corresponds to Java semantics!
 162             case Bytecodes::_iand: set_constant(0); return;
 163             case Bytecodes::_ior : set_canonical(x->x()); return;

 164           }
 165         }
 166         break;
 167       case longTag:
 168         if (x->y()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0) {
 169           switch (x->op()) {
 170             case Bytecodes::_ladd: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 171             case Bytecodes::_lsub: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 172             case Bytecodes::_lmul: set_constant((jlong)0); return;
 173               // Note: for div and rem, make sure that C semantics
 174               //       corresponds to Java semantics!
 175             case Bytecodes::_land: set_constant((jlong)0); return;
 176             case Bytecodes::_lor : set_canonical(x->x()); return;

 177           }
 178         }
 179         break;

 180     }
 181   }
 182 }
 185 void Canonicalizer::do_Phi            (Phi*             x) {}
 186 void Canonicalizer::do_Constant       (Constant*        x) {}
 187 void Canonicalizer::do_Local          (Local*           x) {}
 188 void Canonicalizer::do_LoadField      (LoadField*       x) {}
 190 // checks if v is in the block that is currently processed by
 191 // GraphBuilder. This is the only block that has not BlockEnd yet.
 192 static bool in_current_block(Value v) {
 193   int max_distance = 4;
 194   while (max_distance > 0 && v != NULL && v->as_BlockEnd() == NULL) {
 195     v = v->next();
 196     max_distance--;
 197   }
 198   return v == NULL;
 199 }
 201 void Canonicalizer::do_StoreField     (StoreField*      x) {
 202   // If a value is going to be stored into a field or array some of
 203   // the conversions emitted by javac are unneeded because the fields
 204   // are packed to their natural size.
 205   Convert* conv = x->value()->as_Convert();
 206   if (conv) {
 207     Value value = NULL;
 208     BasicType type = x->field()->type()->basic_type();
 209     switch (conv->op()) {
 210     case Bytecodes::_i2b: if (type == T_BYTE)  value = conv->value(); break;
 211     case Bytecodes::_i2s: if (type == T_SHORT || type == T_BYTE) value = conv->value(); break;
 212     case Bytecodes::_i2c: if (type == T_CHAR  || type == T_BYTE)  value = conv->value(); break;

 213     }
 214     // limit this optimization to current block
 215     if (value != NULL && in_current_block(conv)) {
 216       set_canonical(new StoreField(x->obj(), x->offset(), x->field(), value, x->is_static(),
 217                                    x->state_before(), x->needs_patching()));
 218       return;
 219     }
 220   }
 222 }
 224 void Canonicalizer::do_ArrayLength    (ArrayLength*     x) {
 225   NewArray*  na;
 226   Constant*  ct;
 227   LoadField* lf;
 229   if ((na = x->array()->as_NewArray()) != NULL) {
 230     // New arrays might have the known length.
 231     // Do not use the Constant itself, but create a new Constant
 232     // with same value Otherwise a Constant is live over multiple

 286         assert(dimension == 1, "sanity");
 287         value = as_ValueType(field_val);
 288       }
 289       set_canonical(new Constant(value));
 290     }
 291   }
 292 }
 294 void Canonicalizer::do_StoreIndexed   (StoreIndexed*    x) {
 295   // If a value is going to be stored into a field or array some of
 296   // the conversions emitted by javac are unneeded because the fields
 297   // are packed to their natural size.
 298   Convert* conv = x->value()->as_Convert();
 299   if (conv) {
 300     Value value = NULL;
 301     BasicType type = x->elt_type();
 302     switch (conv->op()) {
 303     case Bytecodes::_i2b: if (type == T_BYTE)  value = conv->value(); break;
 304     case Bytecodes::_i2s: if (type == T_SHORT || type == T_BYTE) value = conv->value(); break;
 305     case Bytecodes::_i2c: if (type == T_CHAR  || type == T_BYTE) value = conv->value(); break;

 306     }
 307     // limit this optimization to current block
 308     if (value != NULL && in_current_block(conv)) {
 309       set_canonical(new StoreIndexed(x->array(), x->index(), x->length(),
 310                                      x->elt_type(), value, x->state_before(),
 311                                      x->check_boolean()));
 312       return;
 313     }
 314   }
 315 }
 318 void Canonicalizer::do_NegateOp(NegateOp* x) {
 319   ValueType* t = x->x()->type();
 320   if (t->is_constant()) {
 321     switch (t->tag()) {
 322       case intTag   : set_constant(-t->as_IntConstant   ()->value()); return;
 323       case longTag  : set_constant(-t->as_LongConstant  ()->value()); return;
 324       case floatTag : set_constant(-t->as_FloatConstant ()->value()); return;
 325       case doubleTag: set_constant(-t->as_DoubleConstant()->value()); return;

 335 void Canonicalizer::do_ShiftOp        (ShiftOp*         x) {
 336   ValueType* t = x->x()->type();
 337   ValueType* t2 = x->y()->type();
 338   if (t->is_constant()) {
 339     switch (t->tag()) {
 340     case intTag   : if (t->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)         { set_constant(0); return; } break;
 341     case longTag  : if (t->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0) { set_constant(jlong_cast(0)); return; } break;
 342     default       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 343     }
 344     if (t2->is_constant()) {
 345       if (t->tag() == intTag) {
 346         int value = t->as_IntConstant()->value();
 347         int shift = t2->as_IntConstant()->value() & 31;
 348         jint mask = ~(~0 << (32 - shift));
 349         if (shift == 0) mask = ~0;
 350         switch (x->op()) {
 351           case Bytecodes::_ishl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 352           case Bytecodes::_ishr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 353           case Bytecodes::_iushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;

 354         }
 355       } else if (t->tag() == longTag) {
 356         jlong value = t->as_LongConstant()->value();
 357         int shift = t2->as_IntConstant()->value() & 63;
 358         jlong mask = ~(~jlong_cast(0) << (64 - shift));
 359         if (shift == 0) mask = ~jlong_cast(0);
 360         switch (x->op()) {
 361           case Bytecodes::_lshl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 362           case Bytecodes::_lshr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 363           case Bytecodes::_lushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;

 364         }
 365       }
 366     }
 367   }
 368   if (t2->is_constant()) {
 369     switch (t2->tag()) {
 370       case intTag   : if (t2->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 371       case longTag  : if (t2->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 372       default       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 373     }
 374   }
 375 }
 378 void Canonicalizer::do_LogicOp        (LogicOp*         x) { do_Op2(x); }
 379 void Canonicalizer::do_CompareOp      (CompareOp*       x) {
 380   if (x->x() == x->y()) {
 381     switch (x->x()->type()->tag()) {
 382       case longTag: set_constant(0); break;
 383       case floatTag: {
 384         FloatConstant* fc = x->x()->type()->as_FloatConstant();
 385         if (fc) {
 386           if (g_isnan(fc->value())) {
 387             set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_fcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 388           } else {
 389             set_constant(0);
 390           }
 391         }
 392         break;
 393       }
 394       case doubleTag: {
 395         DoubleConstant* dc = x->x()->type()->as_DoubleConstant();
 396         if (dc) {
 397           if (g_isnan(dc->value())) {
 398             set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_dcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 399           } else {
 400             set_constant(0);
 401           }
 402         }
 403         break;
 404       }

 405     }
 406   } else if (x->x()->type()->is_constant() && x->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
 407     switch (x->x()->type()->tag()) {
 408       case longTag: {
 409         jlong vx = x->x()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 410         jlong vy = x->y()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 411         if (vx == vy)
 412           set_constant(0);
 413         else if (vx < vy)
 414           set_constant(-1);
 415         else
 416           set_constant(1);
 417         break;
 418       }
 420       case floatTag: {
 421         float vx = x->x()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value();
 422         float vy = x->y()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value();
 423         if (g_isnan(vx) || g_isnan(vy))
 424           set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_fcmpl ? -1 : 1);

 427         else if (vx < vy)
 428           set_constant(-1);
 429         else
 430           set_constant(1);
 431         break;
 432       }
 434       case doubleTag: {
 435         double vx = x->x()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value();
 436         double vy = x->y()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value();
 437         if (g_isnan(vx) || g_isnan(vy))
 438           set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_dcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 439         else if (vx == vy)
 440           set_constant(0);
 441         else if (vx < vy)
 442           set_constant(-1);
 443         else
 444           set_constant(1);
 445         break;
 446       }
 447     }

 449   }
 450 }
 453 void Canonicalizer::do_IfInstanceOf(IfInstanceOf*    x) {}
 455 void Canonicalizer::do_IfOp(IfOp* x) {
 456   // Caution: do not use do_Op2(x) here for now since
 457   //          we map the condition to the op for now!
 458   move_const_to_right(x);
 459 }
 462 void Canonicalizer::do_Intrinsic      (Intrinsic*       x) {
 463   switch (x->id()) {
 464   case vmIntrinsics::_floatToRawIntBits   : {
 465     FloatConstant* c = x->argument_at(0)->type()->as_FloatConstant();
 466     if (c != NULL) {
 467       JavaValue v;
 468       v.set_jfloat(c->value());

 513         do_InstanceOf(i);
 514       } else {
 515         assert(t->is_primitive_type(), "should be a primitive type");
 516         // cls.isInstance(obj) always returns false for primitive classes
 517         set_constant(0);
 518       }
 519     }
 520     break;
 521   }
 522   case vmIntrinsics::_isPrimitive        : {
 523     assert(x->number_of_arguments() == 1, "wrong type");
 525     // Class.isPrimitive is known on constant classes:
 526     InstanceConstant* c = x->argument_at(0)->type()->as_InstanceConstant();
 527     if (c != NULL && !c->value()->is_null_object()) {
 528       ciType* t = c->value()->java_mirror_type();
 529       set_constant(t->is_primitive_type());
 530     }
 531     break;
 532   }

 533   }
 534 }
 536 void Canonicalizer::do_Convert        (Convert*         x) {
 537   if (x->value()->type()->is_constant()) {
 538     switch (x->op()) {
 539     case Bytecodes::_i2b:  set_constant((int)((x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() << 24) >> 24)); break;
 540     case Bytecodes::_i2s:  set_constant((int)((x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() << 16) >> 16)); break;
 541     case Bytecodes::_i2c:  set_constant((int)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() & ((1<<16)-1))); break;
 542     case Bytecodes::_i2l:  set_constant((jlong)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value()));             break;
 543     case Bytecodes::_i2f:  set_constant((float)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value()));             break;
 544     case Bytecodes::_i2d:  set_constant((double)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value()));            break;
 545     case Bytecodes::_l2i:  set_constant((int)(x->value()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value()));              break;
 546     case Bytecodes::_l2f:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::l2f(x->value()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value())); break;
 547     case Bytecodes::_l2d:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::l2d(x->value()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value())); break;
 548     case Bytecodes::_f2d:  set_constant((double)(x->value()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value()));          break;
 549     case Bytecodes::_f2i:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::f2i(x->value()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value())); break;
 550     case Bytecodes::_f2l:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::f2l(x->value()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value())); break;
 551     case Bytecodes::_d2f:  set_constant((float)(x->value()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value()));          break;
 552     case Bytecodes::_d2i:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::d2i(x->value()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value())); break;

 555       ShouldNotReachHere();
 556     }
 557   }
 559   Value value = x->value();
 560   BasicType type = T_ILLEGAL;
 561   LoadField* lf = value->as_LoadField();
 562   if (lf) {
 563     type = lf->field_type();
 564   } else {
 565     LoadIndexed* li = value->as_LoadIndexed();
 566     if (li) {
 567       type = li->elt_type();
 568     } else {
 569       Convert* conv = value->as_Convert();
 570       if (conv) {
 571         switch (conv->op()) {
 572           case Bytecodes::_i2b: type = T_BYTE;  break;
 573           case Bytecodes::_i2s: type = T_SHORT; break;
 574           case Bytecodes::_i2c: type = T_CHAR;  break;

 575         }
 576       }
 577     }
 578   }
 579   if (type != T_ILLEGAL) {
 580     switch (x->op()) {
 581       case Bytecodes::_i2b: if (type == T_BYTE)                    set_canonical(x->value()); break;
 582       case Bytecodes::_i2s: if (type == T_SHORT || type == T_BYTE) set_canonical(x->value()); break;
 583       case Bytecodes::_i2c: if (type == T_CHAR)                    set_canonical(x->value()); break;

 584     }
 585   } else {
 586     Op2* op2 = x->value()->as_Op2();
 587     if (op2 && op2->op() == Bytecodes::_iand && op2->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
 588       jint safebits = 0;
 589       jint mask = op2->y()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value();
 590       switch (x->op()) {
 591         case Bytecodes::_i2b: safebits = 0x7f;   break;
 592         case Bytecodes::_i2s: safebits = 0x7fff; break;
 593         case Bytecodes::_i2c: safebits = 0xffff; break;

 594       }
 595       // When casting a masked integer to a smaller signed type, if
 596       // the mask doesn't include the sign bit the cast isn't needed.
 597       if (safebits && (mask & ~safebits) == 0) {
 598         set_canonical(x->value());
 599       }
 600     }
 601   }
 603 }
 605 void Canonicalizer::do_NullCheck      (NullCheck*       x) {
 606   if (x->obj()->as_NewArray() != NULL || x->obj()->as_NewInstance() != NULL) {
 607     set_canonical(x->obj());
 608   } else {
 609     Constant* con = x->obj()->as_Constant();
 610     if (con) {
 611       ObjectType* c = con->type()->as_ObjectType();
 612       if (c && c->is_loaded()) {
 613         ObjectConstant* oc = c->as_ObjectConstant();

 652     if (obj->as_Constant() && obj->type()->as_ObjectType()->constant_value()->is_null_object()) {
 653       set_constant(0);
 654     }
 655   }
 657 }
 658 void Canonicalizer::do_MonitorEnter   (MonitorEnter*    x) {}
 659 void Canonicalizer::do_MonitorExit    (MonitorExit*     x) {}
 660 void Canonicalizer::do_BlockBegin     (BlockBegin*      x) {}
 661 void Canonicalizer::do_Goto           (Goto*            x) {}
 664 static bool is_true(jlong x, If::Condition cond, jlong y) {
 665   switch (cond) {
 666     case If::eql: return x == y;
 667     case If::neq: return x != y;
 668     case If::lss: return x <  y;
 669     case If::leq: return x <= y;
 670     case If::gtr: return x >  y;
 671     case If::geq: return x >= y;
 672   }
 673   ShouldNotReachHere();
 674   return false;

 675 }
 677 static bool is_safepoint(BlockEnd* x, BlockBegin* sux) {
 678   // An Instruction with multiple successors, x, is replaced by a Goto
 679   // to a single successor, sux. Is a safepoint check needed = was the
 680   // instruction being replaced a safepoint and the single remaining
 681   // successor a back branch?
 682   return x->is_safepoint() && (sux->bci() < x->state_before()->bci());
 683 }
 685 void Canonicalizer::do_If(If* x) {
 686   // move const to right
 687   if (x->x()->type()->is_constant()) x->swap_operands();
 688   // simplify
 689   const Value l = x->x(); ValueType* lt = l->type();
 690   const Value r = x->y(); ValueType* rt = r->type();
 692   if (l == r && !lt->is_float_kind()) {
 693     // pattern: If (a cond a) => simplify to Goto
 694     BlockBegin* sux = NULL;

 739         // determine new condition & successors
 740         If::Condition cond = If::eql;
 741         BlockBegin* tsux = NULL;
 742         BlockBegin* fsux = NULL;
 743              if (lss_sux == eql_sux) { cond = If::leq; tsux = lss_sux; fsux = gtr_sux; }
 744         else if (lss_sux == gtr_sux) { cond = If::neq; tsux = lss_sux; fsux = eql_sux; }
 745         else if (eql_sux == gtr_sux) { cond = If::geq; tsux = eql_sux; fsux = lss_sux; }
 746         else                         { ShouldNotReachHere();                           }
 747         If* canon = new If(cmp->x(), cond, nan_sux == tsux, cmp->y(), tsux, fsux, cmp->state_before(), x->is_safepoint());
 748         if (cmp->x() == cmp->y()) {
 749           do_If(canon);
 750         } else {
 751           if (compilation()->profile_branches()) {
 752             // TODO: If profiling, leave floating point comparisons unoptimized.
 753             // We currently do not support profiling of the unordered case.
 754             switch(cmp->op()) {
 755               case Bytecodes::_fcmpl: case Bytecodes::_fcmpg:
 756               case Bytecodes::_dcmpl: case Bytecodes::_dcmpg:
 757                 set_canonical(x);
 758                 return;

 759             }
 760           }
 761           set_bci(cmp->state_before()->bci());
 762           set_canonical(canon);
 763         }
 764       }
 765     } else if (l->as_InstanceOf() != NULL) {
 766       // NOTE: Code permanently disabled for now since it leaves the old InstanceOf
 767       //       instruction in the graph (it is pinned). Need to fix this at some point.
 768       //       It should also be left in the graph when generating a profiled method version or Goto
 769       //       has to know that it was an InstanceOf.
 770       return;
 771       // pattern: If ((obj instanceof klass) cond rc) => simplify to: IfInstanceOf or: Goto
 772       InstanceOf* inst = l->as_InstanceOf();
 773       BlockBegin* is_inst_sux = x->sux_for(is_true(1, x->cond(), rc)); // successor for instanceof == 1
 774       BlockBegin* no_inst_sux = x->sux_for(is_true(0, x->cond(), rc)); // successor for instanceof == 0
 775       if (is_inst_sux == no_inst_sux && inst->is_loaded()) {
 776         // both successors identical and klass is loaded => simplify to: Goto
 777         set_canonical(new Goto(is_inst_sux, x->state_before(), x->is_safepoint()));
 778       } else {

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *

  57       tty->cr();
  58     }
  59     assert(_canonical->type()->tag() == x->type()->tag(), "types must match");
  60     _canonical = x;
  61   }
  62 }
  65 void Canonicalizer::move_const_to_right(Op2* x) {
  66   if (x->x()->type()->is_constant() && x->is_commutative()) x->swap_operands();
  67 }
  70 void Canonicalizer::do_Op2(Op2* x) {
  71   if (x->x() == x->y()) {
  72     switch (x->op()) {
  73     case Bytecodes::_isub: set_constant(0); return;
  74     case Bytecodes::_lsub: set_constant(jlong_cast(0)); return;
  75     case Bytecodes::_iand: // fall through
  76     case Bytecodes::_land: // fall through
  77     case Bytecodes::_ior : // fall through
  78     case Bytecodes::_lor : set_canonical(x->x()); return;
  79     case Bytecodes::_ixor: set_constant(0); return;
  80     case Bytecodes::_lxor: set_constant(jlong_cast(0)); return;
  81     default              : break;
  82     }
  83   }
  85   if (x->x()->type()->is_constant() && x->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
  86     // do constant folding for selected operations
  87     switch (x->type()->tag()) {
  88       case intTag:
  89         { jint a = x->x()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value();
  90           jint b = x->y()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value();
  91           switch (x->op()) {
  92             case Bytecodes::_iadd: set_constant(a + b); return;
  93             case Bytecodes::_isub: set_constant(a - b); return;
  94             case Bytecodes::_imul: set_constant(a * b); return;
  95             case Bytecodes::_idiv:
  96               if (b != 0) {
  97                 if (a == min_jint && b == -1) {
  98                   set_constant(min_jint);
  99                 } else {
 100                   set_constant(a / b);
 101                 }
 102                 return;
 103               }
 104               break;
 105             case Bytecodes::_irem:
 106               if (b != 0) {
 107                 if (a == min_jint && b == -1) {
 108                   set_constant(0);
 109                 } else {
 110                   set_constant(a % b);
 111                 }
 112                 return;
 113               }
 114               break;
 115             case Bytecodes::_iand: set_constant(a & b); return;
 116             case Bytecodes::_ior : set_constant(a | b); return;
 117             case Bytecodes::_ixor: set_constant(a ^ b); return;
 118             default              : break;
 119           }
 120         }
 121         break;
 122       case longTag:
 123         { jlong a = x->x()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 124           jlong b = x->y()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 125           switch (x->op()) {
 126             case Bytecodes::_ladd: set_constant(a + b); return;
 127             case Bytecodes::_lsub: set_constant(a - b); return;
 128             case Bytecodes::_lmul: set_constant(a * b); return;
 129             case Bytecodes::_ldiv:
 130               if (b != 0) {
 131                 set_constant(SharedRuntime::ldiv(b, a));
 132                 return;
 133               }
 134               break;
 135             case Bytecodes::_lrem:
 136               if (b != 0) {
 137                 set_constant(SharedRuntime::lrem(b, a));
 138                 return;
 139               }
 140               break;
 141             case Bytecodes::_land: set_constant(a & b); return;
 142             case Bytecodes::_lor : set_constant(a | b); return;
 143             case Bytecodes::_lxor: set_constant(a ^ b); return;
 144             default              : break;
 145           }
 146         }
 147         break;
 148       default:
 149         // other cases not implemented (must be extremely careful with floats & doubles!)
 150         break;
 151     }
 152   }
 153   // make sure constant is on the right side, if any
 154   move_const_to_right(x);
 156   if (x->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
 157     // do constant folding for selected operations
 158     switch (x->type()->tag()) {
 159       case intTag:
 160         if (x->y()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0) {
 161           switch (x->op()) {
 162             case Bytecodes::_iadd: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 163             case Bytecodes::_isub: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 164             case Bytecodes::_imul: set_constant(0); return;
 165               // Note: for div and rem, make sure that C semantics
 166               //       corresponds to Java semantics!
 167             case Bytecodes::_iand: set_constant(0); return;
 168             case Bytecodes::_ior : set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 169             default              : break;
 170           }
 171         }
 172         break;
 173       case longTag:
 174         if (x->y()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0) {
 175           switch (x->op()) {
 176             case Bytecodes::_ladd: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 177             case Bytecodes::_lsub: set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 178             case Bytecodes::_lmul: set_constant((jlong)0); return;
 179               // Note: for div and rem, make sure that C semantics
 180               //       corresponds to Java semantics!
 181             case Bytecodes::_land: set_constant((jlong)0); return;
 182             case Bytecodes::_lor : set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 183             default              : break;
 184           }
 185         }
 186         break;
 187       default:
 188         break;
 189     }
 190   }
 191 }
 194 void Canonicalizer::do_Phi            (Phi*             x) {}
 195 void Canonicalizer::do_Constant       (Constant*        x) {}
 196 void Canonicalizer::do_Local          (Local*           x) {}
 197 void Canonicalizer::do_LoadField      (LoadField*       x) {}
 199 // checks if v is in the block that is currently processed by
 200 // GraphBuilder. This is the only block that has not BlockEnd yet.
 201 static bool in_current_block(Value v) {
 202   int max_distance = 4;
 203   while (max_distance > 0 && v != NULL && v->as_BlockEnd() == NULL) {
 204     v = v->next();
 205     max_distance--;
 206   }
 207   return v == NULL;
 208 }
 210 void Canonicalizer::do_StoreField     (StoreField*      x) {
 211   // If a value is going to be stored into a field or array some of
 212   // the conversions emitted by javac are unneeded because the fields
 213   // are packed to their natural size.
 214   Convert* conv = x->value()->as_Convert();
 215   if (conv) {
 216     Value value = NULL;
 217     BasicType type = x->field()->type()->basic_type();
 218     switch (conv->op()) {
 219     case Bytecodes::_i2b: if (type == T_BYTE)  value = conv->value(); break;
 220     case Bytecodes::_i2s: if (type == T_SHORT || type == T_BYTE) value = conv->value(); break;
 221     case Bytecodes::_i2c: if (type == T_CHAR  || type == T_BYTE)  value = conv->value(); break;
 222     default             : break;
 223     }
 224     // limit this optimization to current block
 225     if (value != NULL && in_current_block(conv)) {
 226       set_canonical(new StoreField(x->obj(), x->offset(), x->field(), value, x->is_static(),
 227                                    x->state_before(), x->needs_patching()));
 228       return;
 229     }
 230   }
 232 }
 234 void Canonicalizer::do_ArrayLength    (ArrayLength*     x) {
 235   NewArray*  na;
 236   Constant*  ct;
 237   LoadField* lf;
 239   if ((na = x->array()->as_NewArray()) != NULL) {
 240     // New arrays might have the known length.
 241     // Do not use the Constant itself, but create a new Constant
 242     // with same value Otherwise a Constant is live over multiple

 296         assert(dimension == 1, "sanity");
 297         value = as_ValueType(field_val);
 298       }
 299       set_canonical(new Constant(value));
 300     }
 301   }
 302 }
 304 void Canonicalizer::do_StoreIndexed   (StoreIndexed*    x) {
 305   // If a value is going to be stored into a field or array some of
 306   // the conversions emitted by javac are unneeded because the fields
 307   // are packed to their natural size.
 308   Convert* conv = x->value()->as_Convert();
 309   if (conv) {
 310     Value value = NULL;
 311     BasicType type = x->elt_type();
 312     switch (conv->op()) {
 313     case Bytecodes::_i2b: if (type == T_BYTE)  value = conv->value(); break;
 314     case Bytecodes::_i2s: if (type == T_SHORT || type == T_BYTE) value = conv->value(); break;
 315     case Bytecodes::_i2c: if (type == T_CHAR  || type == T_BYTE) value = conv->value(); break;
 316     default             : break;
 317     }
 318     // limit this optimization to current block
 319     if (value != NULL && in_current_block(conv)) {
 320       set_canonical(new StoreIndexed(x->array(), x->index(), x->length(),
 321                                      x->elt_type(), value, x->state_before(),
 322                                      x->check_boolean()));
 323       return;
 324     }
 325   }
 326 }
 329 void Canonicalizer::do_NegateOp(NegateOp* x) {
 330   ValueType* t = x->x()->type();
 331   if (t->is_constant()) {
 332     switch (t->tag()) {
 333       case intTag   : set_constant(-t->as_IntConstant   ()->value()); return;
 334       case longTag  : set_constant(-t->as_LongConstant  ()->value()); return;
 335       case floatTag : set_constant(-t->as_FloatConstant ()->value()); return;
 336       case doubleTag: set_constant(-t->as_DoubleConstant()->value()); return;

 346 void Canonicalizer::do_ShiftOp        (ShiftOp*         x) {
 347   ValueType* t = x->x()->type();
 348   ValueType* t2 = x->y()->type();
 349   if (t->is_constant()) {
 350     switch (t->tag()) {
 351     case intTag   : if (t->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)         { set_constant(0); return; } break;
 352     case longTag  : if (t->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0) { set_constant(jlong_cast(0)); return; } break;
 353     default       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 354     }
 355     if (t2->is_constant()) {
 356       if (t->tag() == intTag) {
 357         int value = t->as_IntConstant()->value();
 358         int shift = t2->as_IntConstant()->value() & 31;
 359         jint mask = ~(~0 << (32 - shift));
 360         if (shift == 0) mask = ~0;
 361         switch (x->op()) {
 362           case Bytecodes::_ishl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 363           case Bytecodes::_ishr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 364           case Bytecodes::_iushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;
 365           default:                break;
 366         }
 367       } else if (t->tag() == longTag) {
 368         jlong value = t->as_LongConstant()->value();
 369         int shift = t2->as_IntConstant()->value() & 63;
 370         jlong mask = ~(~jlong_cast(0) << (64 - shift));
 371         if (shift == 0) mask = ~jlong_cast(0);
 372         switch (x->op()) {
 373           case Bytecodes::_lshl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 374           case Bytecodes::_lshr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 375           case Bytecodes::_lushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;
 376           default:                break;
 377         }
 378       }
 379     }
 380   }
 381   if (t2->is_constant()) {
 382     switch (t2->tag()) {
 383       case intTag   : if (t2->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 384       case longTag  : if (t2->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 385       default       : ShouldNotReachHere(); return;
 386     }
 387   }
 388 }
 391 void Canonicalizer::do_LogicOp        (LogicOp*         x) { do_Op2(x); }
 392 void Canonicalizer::do_CompareOp      (CompareOp*       x) {
 393   if (x->x() == x->y()) {
 394     switch (x->x()->type()->tag()) {
 395       case longTag: set_constant(0); break;
 396       case floatTag: {
 397         FloatConstant* fc = x->x()->type()->as_FloatConstant();
 398         if (fc) {
 399           if (g_isnan(fc->value())) {
 400             set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_fcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 401           } else {
 402             set_constant(0);
 403           }
 404         }
 405         break;
 406       }
 407       case doubleTag: {
 408         DoubleConstant* dc = x->x()->type()->as_DoubleConstant();
 409         if (dc) {
 410           if (g_isnan(dc->value())) {
 411             set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_dcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 412           } else {
 413             set_constant(0);
 414           }
 415         }
 416         break;
 417       }
 418       default:
 419         break;
 420     }
 421   } else if (x->x()->type()->is_constant() && x->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
 422     switch (x->x()->type()->tag()) {
 423       case longTag: {
 424         jlong vx = x->x()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 425         jlong vy = x->y()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value();
 426         if (vx == vy)
 427           set_constant(0);
 428         else if (vx < vy)
 429           set_constant(-1);
 430         else
 431           set_constant(1);
 432         break;
 433       }
 435       case floatTag: {
 436         float vx = x->x()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value();
 437         float vy = x->y()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value();
 438         if (g_isnan(vx) || g_isnan(vy))
 439           set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_fcmpl ? -1 : 1);

 442         else if (vx < vy)
 443           set_constant(-1);
 444         else
 445           set_constant(1);
 446         break;
 447       }
 449       case doubleTag: {
 450         double vx = x->x()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value();
 451         double vy = x->y()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value();
 452         if (g_isnan(vx) || g_isnan(vy))
 453           set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_dcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 454         else if (vx == vy)
 455           set_constant(0);
 456         else if (vx < vy)
 457           set_constant(-1);
 458         else
 459           set_constant(1);
 460         break;
 461       }

 463       default:
 464         break;
 465     }
 466   }
 467 }
 470 void Canonicalizer::do_IfInstanceOf(IfInstanceOf*    x) {}
 472 void Canonicalizer::do_IfOp(IfOp* x) {
 473   // Caution: do not use do_Op2(x) here for now since
 474   //          we map the condition to the op for now!
 475   move_const_to_right(x);
 476 }
 479 void Canonicalizer::do_Intrinsic      (Intrinsic*       x) {
 480   switch (x->id()) {
 481   case vmIntrinsics::_floatToRawIntBits   : {
 482     FloatConstant* c = x->argument_at(0)->type()->as_FloatConstant();
 483     if (c != NULL) {
 484       JavaValue v;
 485       v.set_jfloat(c->value());

 530         do_InstanceOf(i);
 531       } else {
 532         assert(t->is_primitive_type(), "should be a primitive type");
 533         // cls.isInstance(obj) always returns false for primitive classes
 534         set_constant(0);
 535       }
 536     }
 537     break;
 538   }
 539   case vmIntrinsics::_isPrimitive        : {
 540     assert(x->number_of_arguments() == 1, "wrong type");
 542     // Class.isPrimitive is known on constant classes:
 543     InstanceConstant* c = x->argument_at(0)->type()->as_InstanceConstant();
 544     if (c != NULL && !c->value()->is_null_object()) {
 545       ciType* t = c->value()->java_mirror_type();
 546       set_constant(t->is_primitive_type());
 547     }
 548     break;
 549   }
 550   default:
 551     break;
 552   }
 553 }
 555 void Canonicalizer::do_Convert        (Convert*         x) {
 556   if (x->value()->type()->is_constant()) {
 557     switch (x->op()) {
 558     case Bytecodes::_i2b:  set_constant((int)((x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() << 24) >> 24)); break;
 559     case Bytecodes::_i2s:  set_constant((int)((x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() << 16) >> 16)); break;
 560     case Bytecodes::_i2c:  set_constant((int)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value() & ((1<<16)-1))); break;
 561     case Bytecodes::_i2l:  set_constant((jlong)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value()));             break;
 562     case Bytecodes::_i2f:  set_constant((float)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value()));             break;
 563     case Bytecodes::_i2d:  set_constant((double)(x->value()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value()));            break;
 564     case Bytecodes::_l2i:  set_constant((int)(x->value()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value()));              break;
 565     case Bytecodes::_l2f:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::l2f(x->value()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value())); break;
 566     case Bytecodes::_l2d:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::l2d(x->value()->type()->as_LongConstant()->value())); break;
 567     case Bytecodes::_f2d:  set_constant((double)(x->value()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value()));          break;
 568     case Bytecodes::_f2i:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::f2i(x->value()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value())); break;
 569     case Bytecodes::_f2l:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::f2l(x->value()->type()->as_FloatConstant()->value())); break;
 570     case Bytecodes::_d2f:  set_constant((float)(x->value()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value()));          break;
 571     case Bytecodes::_d2i:  set_constant(SharedRuntime::d2i(x->value()->type()->as_DoubleConstant()->value())); break;

 574       ShouldNotReachHere();
 575     }
 576   }
 578   Value value = x->value();
 579   BasicType type = T_ILLEGAL;
 580   LoadField* lf = value->as_LoadField();
 581   if (lf) {
 582     type = lf->field_type();
 583   } else {
 584     LoadIndexed* li = value->as_LoadIndexed();
 585     if (li) {
 586       type = li->elt_type();
 587     } else {
 588       Convert* conv = value->as_Convert();
 589       if (conv) {
 590         switch (conv->op()) {
 591           case Bytecodes::_i2b: type = T_BYTE;  break;
 592           case Bytecodes::_i2s: type = T_SHORT; break;
 593           case Bytecodes::_i2c: type = T_CHAR;  break;
 594           default             :                 break;
 595         }
 596       }
 597     }
 598   }
 599   if (type != T_ILLEGAL) {
 600     switch (x->op()) {
 601       case Bytecodes::_i2b: if (type == T_BYTE)                    set_canonical(x->value()); break;
 602       case Bytecodes::_i2s: if (type == T_SHORT || type == T_BYTE) set_canonical(x->value()); break;
 603       case Bytecodes::_i2c: if (type == T_CHAR)                    set_canonical(x->value()); break;
 604       default             :                                                                   break;
 605     }
 606   } else {
 607     Op2* op2 = x->value()->as_Op2();
 608     if (op2 && op2->op() == Bytecodes::_iand && op2->y()->type()->is_constant()) {
 609       jint safebits = 0;
 610       jint mask = op2->y()->type()->as_IntConstant()->value();
 611       switch (x->op()) {
 612         case Bytecodes::_i2b: safebits = 0x7f;   break;
 613         case Bytecodes::_i2s: safebits = 0x7fff; break;
 614         case Bytecodes::_i2c: safebits = 0xffff; break;
 615         default             :                    break;
 616       }
 617       // When casting a masked integer to a smaller signed type, if
 618       // the mask doesn't include the sign bit the cast isn't needed.
 619       if (safebits && (mask & ~safebits) == 0) {
 620         set_canonical(x->value());
 621       }
 622     }
 623   }
 625 }
 627 void Canonicalizer::do_NullCheck      (NullCheck*       x) {
 628   if (x->obj()->as_NewArray() != NULL || x->obj()->as_NewInstance() != NULL) {
 629     set_canonical(x->obj());
 630   } else {
 631     Constant* con = x->obj()->as_Constant();
 632     if (con) {
 633       ObjectType* c = con->type()->as_ObjectType();
 634       if (c && c->is_loaded()) {
 635         ObjectConstant* oc = c->as_ObjectConstant();

 674     if (obj->as_Constant() && obj->type()->as_ObjectType()->constant_value()->is_null_object()) {
 675       set_constant(0);
 676     }
 677   }
 679 }
 680 void Canonicalizer::do_MonitorEnter   (MonitorEnter*    x) {}
 681 void Canonicalizer::do_MonitorExit    (MonitorExit*     x) {}
 682 void Canonicalizer::do_BlockBegin     (BlockBegin*      x) {}
 683 void Canonicalizer::do_Goto           (Goto*            x) {}
 686 static bool is_true(jlong x, If::Condition cond, jlong y) {
 687   switch (cond) {
 688     case If::eql: return x == y;
 689     case If::neq: return x != y;
 690     case If::lss: return x <  y;
 691     case If::leq: return x <= y;
 692     case If::gtr: return x >  y;
 693     case If::geq: return x >= y;
 694     default:
 695       ShouldNotReachHere();
 696       return false;
 697   }
 698 }
 700 static bool is_safepoint(BlockEnd* x, BlockBegin* sux) {
 701   // An Instruction with multiple successors, x, is replaced by a Goto
 702   // to a single successor, sux. Is a safepoint check needed = was the
 703   // instruction being replaced a safepoint and the single remaining
 704   // successor a back branch?
 705   return x->is_safepoint() && (sux->bci() < x->state_before()->bci());
 706 }
 708 void Canonicalizer::do_If(If* x) {
 709   // move const to right
 710   if (x->x()->type()->is_constant()) x->swap_operands();
 711   // simplify
 712   const Value l = x->x(); ValueType* lt = l->type();
 713   const Value r = x->y(); ValueType* rt = r->type();
 715   if (l == r && !lt->is_float_kind()) {
 716     // pattern: If (a cond a) => simplify to Goto
 717     BlockBegin* sux = NULL;

 762         // determine new condition & successors
 763         If::Condition cond = If::eql;
 764         BlockBegin* tsux = NULL;
 765         BlockBegin* fsux = NULL;
 766              if (lss_sux == eql_sux) { cond = If::leq; tsux = lss_sux; fsux = gtr_sux; }
 767         else if (lss_sux == gtr_sux) { cond = If::neq; tsux = lss_sux; fsux = eql_sux; }
 768         else if (eql_sux == gtr_sux) { cond = If::geq; tsux = eql_sux; fsux = lss_sux; }
 769         else                         { ShouldNotReachHere();                           }
 770         If* canon = new If(cmp->x(), cond, nan_sux == tsux, cmp->y(), tsux, fsux, cmp->state_before(), x->is_safepoint());
 771         if (cmp->x() == cmp->y()) {
 772           do_If(canon);
 773         } else {
 774           if (compilation()->profile_branches()) {
 775             // TODO: If profiling, leave floating point comparisons unoptimized.
 776             // We currently do not support profiling of the unordered case.
 777             switch(cmp->op()) {
 778               case Bytecodes::_fcmpl: case Bytecodes::_fcmpg:
 779               case Bytecodes::_dcmpl: case Bytecodes::_dcmpg:
 780                 set_canonical(x);
 781                 return;
 782               default:
 783                 break;
 784             }
 785           }
 786           set_bci(cmp->state_before()->bci());
 787           set_canonical(canon);
 788         }
 789       }
 790     } else if (l->as_InstanceOf() != NULL) {
 791       // NOTE: Code permanently disabled for now since it leaves the old InstanceOf
 792       //       instruction in the graph (it is pinned). Need to fix this at some point.
 793       //       It should also be left in the graph when generating a profiled method version or Goto
 794       //       has to know that it was an InstanceOf.
 795       return;
 796       // pattern: If ((obj instanceof klass) cond rc) => simplify to: IfInstanceOf or: Goto
 797       InstanceOf* inst = l->as_InstanceOf();
 798       BlockBegin* is_inst_sux = x->sux_for(is_true(1, x->cond(), rc)); // successor for instanceof == 1
 799       BlockBegin* no_inst_sux = x->sux_for(is_true(0, x->cond(), rc)); // successor for instanceof == 0
 800       if (is_inst_sux == no_inst_sux && inst->is_loaded()) {
 801         // both successors identical and klass is loaded => simplify to: Goto
 802         set_canonical(new Goto(is_inst_sux, x->state_before(), x->is_safepoint()));
 803       } else {

< prev index next >