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  82      * to determine whether a Reference instance requires special treatment: If
  83      * the next field is null then the instance is active; if it is non-null,
  84      * then the collector should treat the instance normally.
  85      *
  86      * To ensure that a concurrent collector can discover active Reference
  87      * objects without interfering with application threads that may apply
  88      * the enqueue() method to those objects, collectors should link
  89      * discovered objects through the discovered field. The discovered
  90      * field is also used for linking Reference objects in the pending list.
  91      */
  93     private T referent;         /* Treated specially by GC */
  95     volatile ReferenceQueue<? super T> queue;
  97     /* When active:   NULL
  98      *     pending:   this
  99      *    Enqueued:   next reference in queue (or this if last)
 100      *    Inactive:   this
 101      */
 102     @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 103     Reference next;
 105     /* When active:   next element in a discovered reference list maintained by GC (or this if last)
 106      *     pending:   next element in the pending list (or null if last)
 107      *   otherwise:   NULL
 108      */
 109     transient private Reference<T> discovered;  /* used by VM */
 112     /* Object used to synchronize with the garbage collector.  The collector
 113      * must acquire this lock at the beginning of each collection cycle.  It is
 114      * therefore critical that any code holding this lock complete as quickly
 115      * as possible, allocate no new objects, and avoid calling user code.
 116      */
 117     static private class Lock { }
 118     private static Lock lock = new Lock();
 121     /* List of References waiting to be enqueued.  The collector adds
 122      * References to this list, while the Reference-handler thread removes
 123      * them.  This list is protected by the above lock object. The
 124      * list uses the discovered field to link its elements.
 125      */
 126     private static Reference<Object> pending = null;
 128     /* High-priority thread to enqueue pending References

 129      */

 130     private static class ReferenceHandler extends ManagedLocalsThread {
 132         private static void ensureClassInitialized(Class<?> clazz) {
 133             try {
 134                 Class.forName(clazz.getName(), true, clazz.getClassLoader());
 135             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 136                 throw (Error) new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
 137             }
 138         }
 140         static {
 141             // pre-load and initialize InterruptedException and Cleaner classes
 142             // so that we don't get into trouble later in the run loop if there's
 143             // memory shortage while loading/initializing them lazily.
 144             ensureClassInitialized(InterruptedException.class);
 145             ensureClassInitialized(Cleaner.class);
 146         }
 148         ReferenceHandler(ThreadGroup g, String name) {
 149             super(g, name);
 150         }
 152         public void run() {

 153             while (true) {
 154                 tryHandlePending(true);

 155             }
 156         }
 157     }
 159     /**
 160      * Try handle pending {@link Reference} if there is one.<p>
 161      * Return {@code true} as a hint that there might be another
 162      * {@link Reference} pending or {@code false} when there are no more pending
 163      * {@link Reference}s at the moment and the program can do some other
 164      * useful work instead of looping.
 165      *
 166      * @param waitForNotify if {@code true} and there was no pending
 167      *                      {@link Reference}, wait until notified from VM
 168      *                      or interrupted; if {@code false}, return immediately
 169      *                      when there is no pending {@link Reference}.
 170      * @return {@code true} if there was a {@link Reference} pending and it
 171      *         was processed, or we waited for notification and either got it
 172      *         or thread was interrupted before being notified;
 173      *         {@code false} otherwise.
 174      */
 175     static boolean tryHandlePending(boolean waitForNotify) {
 176         Reference<Object> r;
 177         Cleaner c;
 178         try {
 179             synchronized (lock) {
 180                 if (pending != null) {
 181                     r = pending;
 182                     // 'instanceof' might throw OutOfMemoryError sometimes
 183                     // so do this before un-linking 'r' from the 'pending' chain...
 184                     c = r instanceof Cleaner ? (Cleaner) r : null;
 185                     // unlink 'r' from 'pending' chain
 186                     pending = r.discovered;

 187                     r.discovered = null;
 188                 } else {
 189                     // The waiting on the lock may cause an OutOfMemoryError
 190                     // because it may try to allocate exception objects.
 191                     if (waitForNotify) {
 192                         lock.wait();
 193                     }
 194                     // retry if waited
 195                     return waitForNotify;
 196                 }

 197             }
 198         } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) {
 199             // Give other threads CPU time so they hopefully drop some live references
 200             // and GC reclaims some space.
 201             // Also prevent CPU intensive spinning in case 'r instanceof Cleaner' above
 202             // persistently throws OOME for some time...
 203             Thread.yield();
 204             // retry
 205             return true;
 206         } catch (InterruptedException x) {
 207             // retry
 208             return true;
 209         }
 211         // Fast path for cleaners
 212         if (c != null) {
 213             c.clean();
 214             return true;
 215         }
 217         ReferenceQueue<? super Object> q = r.queue;
 218         if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL) q.enqueue(r);
 219         return true;
 220     }
 222     static {
 223         ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
 224         for (ThreadGroup tgn = tg;
 225              tgn != null;
 226              tg = tgn, tgn = tg.getParent());
 227         Thread handler = new ReferenceHandler(tg, "Reference Handler");
 228         /* If there were a special system-only priority greater than
 229          * MAX_PRIORITY, it would be used here

 230          */
 231         handler.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);
 232         handler.setDaemon(true);
 233         handler.start();
 235         // provide access in SharedSecrets
 236         SharedSecrets.setJavaLangRefAccess(new JavaLangRefAccess() {
 237             @Override
 238             public boolean tryHandlePendingReference() {
 239                 return tryHandlePending(false);

 240             }
 241         });
 242     }
 244     /* -- Referent accessor and setters -- */
 246     /**
 247      * Returns this reference object's referent.  If this reference object has
 248      * been cleared, either by the program or by the garbage collector, then
 249      * this method returns <code>null</code>.
 250      *
 251      * @return   The object to which this reference refers, or
 252      *           <code>null</code> if this reference object has been cleared
 253      */
 254     public T get() {
 255         return this.referent;
 256     }
 258     /**
 259      * Clears this reference object.  Invoking this method will not cause this
 260      * object to be enqueued.
 261      *

 292      * @return   <code>true</code> if this reference object was successfully
 293      *           enqueued; <code>false</code> if it was already enqueued or if
 294      *           it was not registered with a queue when it was created
 295      */
 296     public boolean enqueue() {
 297         return this.queue.enqueue(this);
 298     }
 301     /* -- Constructors -- */
 303     Reference(T referent) {
 304         this(referent, null);
 305     }
 307     Reference(T referent, ReferenceQueue<? super T> queue) {
 308         this.referent = referent;
 309         this.queue = (queue == null) ? ReferenceQueue.NULL : queue;
 310     }

 312 }

  82      * to determine whether a Reference instance requires special treatment: If
  83      * the next field is null then the instance is active; if it is non-null,
  84      * then the collector should treat the instance normally.
  85      *
  86      * To ensure that a concurrent collector can discover active Reference
  87      * objects without interfering with application threads that may apply
  88      * the enqueue() method to those objects, collectors should link
  89      * discovered objects through the discovered field. The discovered
  90      * field is also used for linking Reference objects in the pending list.
  91      */
  93     private T referent;         /* Treated specially by GC */
  95     volatile ReferenceQueue<? super T> queue;
  97     /* When active:   NULL
  98      *     pending:   this
  99      *    Enqueued:   next reference in queue (or this if last)
 100      *    Inactive:   this
 101      */
 102     Reference<?> next;

 104     /* When active:   next element in a discovered reference list maintained by GC (or this if last)
 105      *     pending:   next element in the pending list (or null if last)
 106      *   otherwise:   NULL
 107      */
 108     transient private Reference<?> discovered;  /* used by VM */
 111     /* Object used to synchronize with the garbage collector.  The collector
 112      * must acquire this lock at the beginning of each collection cycle.  It is
 113      * therefore critical that any code holding this lock complete as quickly
 114      * as possible, allocate no new objects, and avoid calling user code.
 115      */
 116     static private class Lock { }
 117     private static final Lock lock = new Lock();
 120     /* List of References waiting to be enqueued.  The collector adds
 121      * References to this list, while the Reference-handler thread removes
 122      * them.  This list is protected by the above lock object. The
 123      * list uses the discovered field to link its elements.
 124      */
 125     private static Reference<Object> pending = null;
 127     /* Max. number of Reference(s) to unhook from pending chain in one chunk
 128      * before releasing the lock, handling them and grabbing the
 129      * lock again.
 130      */
 131     private static final int UNHOOK_CHUNK_SIZE = 32768;
 133     /* Max. number of Finalizer(s) to execute in one ForkJoinTask
 134      */
 135     private static final int FINALIZE_CHUNK_SIZE = 256;
 137     /* Max. number of Reference(s) to enqueue in one chunk
 138      */
 139     private static final int ENQUEUE_CHUNK_SIZE = 256;
 141     private static class ReferenceHandler extends ManagedLocalsThread {
 143         private static void ensureClassInitialized(Class<?> clazz) {
 144             try {
 145                 Class.forName(clazz.getName(), true, clazz.getClassLoader());
 146             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 147                 throw (Error) new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
 148             }
 149         }
 151         static {
 152             // pre-load and initialize InterruptedException and Cleaner classes
 153             // so that we don't get into trouble later in the run loop if there's
 154             // memory shortage while loading/initializing them lazily.
 155             ensureClassInitialized(InterruptedException.class);
 156             ensureClassInitialized(Cleaner.class);
 157         }
 159         ReferenceHandler(ThreadGroup g, String name) {
 160             super(g, name);
 161         }
 163         public void run() {
 164             // wait for VM to boot-up before starting reference handling
 165             // ForkJoinPool since it needs access to some system properties
 166             // and Finalizer needs access to SharedSecrets.
 167             while (true) {
 168                 try {
 169                     sun.misc.VM.awaitBooted();
 170                     break;
 171                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 172                     // ignore;
 173                 }
 174             }
 175             // start reference handling ForkJoinPool
 176             ReferenceHandling.start();
 177             // enter endless loop
 178             boolean[] morePending = new boolean[1];
 179             while (true) {
 180                 Reference<?> chunk = null;
 181                 try {
 182                     synchronized (lock) {
 183                         chunk = Reference.unhookPendingChunk(UNHOOK_CHUNK_SIZE, morePending);
 184                         if (chunk == null) {
 185                             // waiting on notification can throw InterruptedException
 186                             // if the thread is interrupted, but also OutOfMemoryError
 187                             // if the InterruptedException can not be allocated.
 188                             lock.wait();
 189                             // since we have already re-obtained the lock, we can
 190                             // re-try poll and will typically get a non-null chunk.
 191                             chunk = Reference.unhookPendingChunk(UNHOOK_CHUNK_SIZE, morePending);
 192                         }
 193                     }
 194                 } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 195                     // give other threads some time so they hopefully release some
 196                     // references and GC reclaims some space, then retry...
 197                     Thread.yield();
 198                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 199                     // ignore
 200                 }
 201                 if (chunk != null) {
 202                     if (morePending[0]) {
 203                         // submit a handling task and return for next chunk
 204                         new ReferenceHandling.PendingChunkHandler(chunk).submit();
 205                     } else {
 206                         // no more pending, so we can handle the chunk directly
 207                         Reference.handlePendingChunk(chunk);
 208                     }
 209                 }
 210             }
 211         }
 212     }
 214     /**
 215      * Try handle a chunk of pending {@link Reference}s if there are any.<p>
 216      * Return {@code true} as a hint that there are more
 217      * {@link Reference}s pending or {@code false} when there are no more pending
 218      * {@link Reference}s at the moment and the program can do some other
 219      * useful work instead of looping.
 220      *
 221      * @return {@code true} if there is be more {@link Reference}s pending.
 222      */
 223     static boolean tryHandlePending() {
 224         Reference<?> r;
 225         synchronized (lock) {
 226             r = unhookPendingChunk(UNHOOK_CHUNK_SIZE, null);
 227         }
 228         if (r == null) return false;
 229         handlePendingChunk(r);

 230         synchronized (lock) {
 231             return pending != null;
 232         }
 233     }
 235     /**
 236      * Unhooks a chunk of max. {@code chunkSize} references from pending chain and
 237      * returns the head of the chunk; elements of the chunk can be reached using
 238      * {@link #next} links; the last in chunk is linked to itself.
 239      *
 240      * @param chunkSize max. number of references to unhook from the pending chain
 241      * @param morePending   if non null, it should be a boolean array with length 1
 242      *                      to hold the additional result - a flag indicating that
 243      *                      there are more pending references waiting after a chunk
 244      *                      of them has been returned.
 245      * @return the head of the chunk of max. {@code chunkSize} pending references or
 246      * null if there are none pending.
 247      */
 248     private static Reference<?> unhookPendingChunk(int chunkSize, boolean[] morePending) {
 249         // assert Thread.holdsLock(lock);
 250         Reference<?> r;
 251         if ((r = pending) != null) {
 252             // pending state invariant established by VM:
 253             // assert r.next == r;
 254             // move a chunk of pending/discovered references to a
 255             // temporary local r/next chain
 256             Reference<?> rd = r.discovered;
 257             for (int i = 0; rd != null; rd = r.discovered) {
 258                 r.discovered = null;
 259                 if (++i >= chunkSize) {
 260                     break;

 261                 }
 262                 rd.next = r;
 263                 r = rd;
 264             }
 265             pending = (Reference) rd;
 266             if (morePending != null) morePending[0] = (rd != null);
 267         } else {
 268             if (morePending != null) morePending[0] = false;
 269         }
 270         return r;

 271     }
 273     /**
 274      * Handles a non-null chunk of pending references
 275      * (obtained using {@link #unhookPendingChunk}) and handles
 276      * them as following:
 277      * <ul>
 278      *     <li>Cleaner(s) are executed immediately</li>
 279      *     <li>Finalizer(s) are submitted as ForkJoinTask(s)</li>
 280      *     <li>all other Reference(s) are enqueued in their respected queues</li>
 281      * </ul>
 282      * @param chunk the head of a chunk of pending references
 283      */
 284     static void handlePendingChunk(Reference<?> chunk) {
 285         // batch finaliz(ato|e)rs and Finalizators
 286         Reference<?> finalizrs = null;
 287         int finalizrsCount = 0;
 288         // batch consecutive references with same queue into chunks
 289         Reference<?> referencesHead = null, referencesTail = null;
 290         int referencesCount = 0;
 291         ReferenceQueue<?> referenceQueue = null;
 292         // dispatch references to appropriate targets
 293         for (Reference<?> r = chunk, rn = r.next; ; r = rn, rn = r.next) {
 294             if (r instanceof Cleaner) {            // Fast path for cleaners
 295                 // take 'r' off the chain
 296                 r.next = r;
 297                 ((Cleaner) r).clean();
 298             } else if (r instanceof Finalizer ||
 299                        r instanceof Finalizator) { // Submit task(s) for finaliz(ato|e)rs
 300                 // hook onto the finalizers chain
 301                 r.next = (finalizrs == null) ? r : finalizrs;
 302                 finalizrs = r;
 303                 if (++finalizrsCount >= FINALIZE_CHUNK_SIZE) {
 304                     // when chunk of finaliz(ato|e)rs is full, submit a task
 305                     new ReferenceHandling.FinalizrHandler(finalizrs).submit();
 306                     finalizrs = null;
 307                     finalizrsCount = 0;
 308                 }
 309             } else {                               // Enqueue all other references
 310                 // take 'r' off the chain
 311                 r.next = r;
 312                 ReferenceQueue<?> q = r.queue;
 313                 if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL && q.markEnqueued(r)) { // markEnqueued is atomic
 314                     if (referenceQueue == null || referenceQueue == q) {
 315                         // no queue or same queue -> hook onto the references[Head|Tail] chain
 316                         if (referencesHead == null) {
 317                             // assert referencesTail == null && referenceQueue == null &&
 318                             //        referencesCount == 0 && r.next == r;
 319                             referenceQueue = q;
 320                             referencesHead = referencesTail = r;
 321                         } else {
 322                             // assert referencesTail != null && referenceQueue == q &&
 323                             //        referencesCount > 0;
 324                             r.next = referencesHead;
 325                             referencesHead = r;
 326                         }
 327                         if (++referencesCount >= ENQUEUE_CHUNK_SIZE) {
 328                             // when a chunk of references is full, add them to queue
 329                             referenceQueue.addChunk(referencesHead, referencesTail);
 330                             referencesHead = referencesTail = null;
 331                             referenceQueue = null;
 332                             referencesCount = 0;
 333                         }
 334                     } else {
 335                         // when a different queue is encountered,
 336                         // add collected chunk to it's queue and start collecting
 337                         // into new queue...
 338                         // assert referenceQueue != null && referenceQueue != q &&
 339                         //        referencesHead != null && referencesTail != null &&
 340                         //        referencesCount > 0 && r.next == r;
 341                         referenceQueue.addChunk(referencesHead, referencesTail);
 342                         referenceQueue = q;
 343                         referencesHead = referencesTail = r;
 344                         referencesCount = 1;
 345                     }
 346                 }
 347             }
 348             if (rn == r) { // last in chain
 349                 break;
 350             }
 351         }
 352         // any finalizers left?
 353         if (finalizrs != null) {
 354             new ReferenceHandling.FinalizrHandler(finalizrs).submit();
 355             finalizrs = null;
 356             finalizrsCount = 0;
 357         }
 358         // any references left to enqueue?
 359         if (referenceQueue != null) {
 360             // assert referencesHead != null && referencesTail != null && referencesCount > 0;
 361             referenceQueue.addChunk(referencesHead, referencesTail);
 362             referencesHead = referencesTail = null;
 363             referenceQueue = null;
 364             referencesCount = 0;
 365         }

 366     }
 368     /* -- Referent accessor and setters -- */
 370     /**
 371      * Returns this reference object's referent.  If this reference object has
 372      * been cleared, either by the program or by the garbage collector, then
 373      * this method returns <code>null</code>.
 374      *
 375      * @return   The object to which this reference refers, or
 376      *           <code>null</code> if this reference object has been cleared
 377      */
 378     public T get() {
 379         return this.referent;
 380     }
 382     /**
 383      * Clears this reference object.  Invoking this method will not cause this
 384      * object to be enqueued.
 385      *

 416      * @return   <code>true</code> if this reference object was successfully
 417      *           enqueued; <code>false</code> if it was already enqueued or if
 418      *           it was not registered with a queue when it was created
 419      */
 420     public boolean enqueue() {
 421         return this.queue.enqueue(this);
 422     }
 425     /* -- Constructors -- */
 427     Reference(T referent) {
 428         this(referent, null);
 429     }
 431     Reference(T referent, ReferenceQueue<? super T> queue) {
 432         this.referent = referent;
 433         this.queue = (queue == null) ? ReferenceQueue.NULL : queue;
 434     }
 436     // Unsafe machinery
 438     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 439     T getReferentVolatile() {
 440         return (T) UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(this, referentOffset);
 441     }
 443     boolean casReferent(T cmp, T val) {
 444         return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, referentOffset, cmp, val);
 445     }
 447     void lazySetQueue(ReferenceQueue<? super T> val) {
 448         UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(this, queueOffset, val);
 449     }
 451     boolean casQueue(ReferenceQueue<?> cmp, ReferenceQueue<? super T> val) {
 452         return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, queueOffset, cmp, val);
 453     }
 455     private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE;
 456     private static final long referentOffset;
 457     private static final long queueOffset;
 459     static {
 460         try {
 461             UNSAFE = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
 462             Class<Reference> rc = Reference.class;
 463             referentOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(rc.getDeclaredField("referent"));
 464             queueOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(rc.getDeclaredField("queue"));
 465         } catch (Exception e) {
 466             throw new Error(e);
 467         }
 469         ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
 470         for (ThreadGroup tgn = tg;
 471              tgn != null;
 472              tg = tgn, tgn = tg.getParent());
 473         Thread handler = new ReferenceHandler(tg, "Reference Handler");
 474         /* If there were a special system-only priority greater than
 475          * MAX_PRIORITY, it would be used here
 476          */
 477         handler.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);
 478         handler.setDaemon(true);
 479         handler.start();
 481         // provide access in SharedSecrets
 482         SharedSecrets.setJavaLangRefAccess(new JavaLangRefAccess() {
 483             @Override
 484             public boolean tryHandlePendingReference() {
 485                 return tryHandlePending();
 486             }
 487         });
 488     }
 489 }
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