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rev 6069 : 8029075: String deduplication in G1
Implementation of JEP 192,

  49 extern Monitor* SystemDictionary_lock;           // a lock on the system dictionary
  50 extern Mutex*   PackageTable_lock;               // a lock on the class loader package table
  51 extern Mutex*   CompiledIC_lock;                 // a lock used to guard compiled IC patching and access
  52 extern Mutex*   InlineCacheBuffer_lock;          // a lock used to guard the InlineCacheBuffer
  53 extern Mutex*   VMStatistic_lock;                // a lock used to guard statistics count increment
  54 extern Mutex*   JNIGlobalHandle_lock;            // a lock on creating JNI global handles
  55 extern Mutex*   JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock;     // a lock on the JNI handle block free list
  56 extern Mutex*   MemberNameTable_lock;            // a lock on the MemberNameTable updates
  57 extern Mutex*   JmethodIdCreation_lock;          // a lock on creating JNI method identifiers
  58 extern Mutex*   JfieldIdCreation_lock;           // a lock on creating JNI static field identifiers
  59 extern Monitor* JNICritical_lock;                // a lock used while entering and exiting JNI critical regions, allows GC to sometimes get in
  60 extern Mutex*   JvmtiThreadState_lock;           // a lock on modification of JVMTI thread data
  61 extern Monitor* JvmtiPendingEvent_lock;          // a lock on the JVMTI pending events list
  62 extern Monitor* Heap_lock;                       // a lock on the heap
  63 extern Mutex*   ExpandHeap_lock;                 // a lock on expanding the heap
  64 extern Mutex*   AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock;      // a lock on the AdapterHandlerLibrary
  65 extern Mutex*   SignatureHandlerLibrary_lock;    // a lock on the SignatureHandlerLibrary
  66 extern Mutex*   VtableStubs_lock;                // a lock on the VtableStubs
  67 extern Mutex*   SymbolTable_lock;                // a lock on the symbol table
  68 extern Mutex*   StringTable_lock;                // a lock on the interned string table

  69 extern Mutex*   CodeCache_lock;                  // a lock on the CodeCache, rank is special, use MutexLockerEx
  70 extern Mutex*   MethodData_lock;                 // a lock on installation of method data
  71 extern Mutex*   RetData_lock;                    // a lock on installation of RetData inside method data
  72 extern Mutex*   DerivedPointerTableGC_lock;      // a lock to protect the derived pointer table
  73 extern Monitor* VMOperationQueue_lock;           // a lock on queue of vm_operations waiting to execute
  74 extern Monitor* VMOperationRequest_lock;         // a lock on Threads waiting for a vm_operation to terminate
  75 extern Monitor* Safepoint_lock;                  // a lock used by the safepoint abstraction
  76 extern Monitor* Threads_lock;                    // a lock on the Threads table of active Java threads
  77                                                  // (also used by Safepoints too to block threads creation/destruction)
  78 extern Monitor* CGC_lock;                        // used for coordination between
  79                                                  // fore- & background GC threads.
  80 extern Mutex*   STS_init_lock;                   // coordinate initialization of SuspendibleThreadSets.
  81 extern Monitor* SLT_lock;                        // used in CMS GC for acquiring PLL
  82 extern Monitor* iCMS_lock;                       // CMS incremental mode start/stop notification
  83 extern Monitor* FullGCCount_lock;                // in support of "concurrent" full gc
  84 extern Monitor* CMark_lock;                      // used for concurrent mark thread coordination
  85 extern Mutex*   CMRegionStack_lock;              // used for protecting accesses to the CM region stack
  86 extern Mutex*   SATB_Q_FL_lock;                  // Protects SATB Q
  87                                                  // buffer free list.
  88 extern Monitor* SATB_Q_CBL_mon;                  // Protects SATB Q

  49 extern Monitor* SystemDictionary_lock;           // a lock on the system dictionary
  50 extern Mutex*   PackageTable_lock;               // a lock on the class loader package table
  51 extern Mutex*   CompiledIC_lock;                 // a lock used to guard compiled IC patching and access
  52 extern Mutex*   InlineCacheBuffer_lock;          // a lock used to guard the InlineCacheBuffer
  53 extern Mutex*   VMStatistic_lock;                // a lock used to guard statistics count increment
  54 extern Mutex*   JNIGlobalHandle_lock;            // a lock on creating JNI global handles
  55 extern Mutex*   JNIHandleBlockFreeList_lock;     // a lock on the JNI handle block free list
  56 extern Mutex*   MemberNameTable_lock;            // a lock on the MemberNameTable updates
  57 extern Mutex*   JmethodIdCreation_lock;          // a lock on creating JNI method identifiers
  58 extern Mutex*   JfieldIdCreation_lock;           // a lock on creating JNI static field identifiers
  59 extern Monitor* JNICritical_lock;                // a lock used while entering and exiting JNI critical regions, allows GC to sometimes get in
  60 extern Mutex*   JvmtiThreadState_lock;           // a lock on modification of JVMTI thread data
  61 extern Monitor* JvmtiPendingEvent_lock;          // a lock on the JVMTI pending events list
  62 extern Monitor* Heap_lock;                       // a lock on the heap
  63 extern Mutex*   ExpandHeap_lock;                 // a lock on expanding the heap
  64 extern Mutex*   AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock;      // a lock on the AdapterHandlerLibrary
  65 extern Mutex*   SignatureHandlerLibrary_lock;    // a lock on the SignatureHandlerLibrary
  66 extern Mutex*   VtableStubs_lock;                // a lock on the VtableStubs
  67 extern Mutex*   SymbolTable_lock;                // a lock on the symbol table
  68 extern Mutex*   StringTable_lock;                // a lock on the interned string table
  69 extern Monitor* StringDedupQueue_lock;           // a lock on the string deduplication queue
  70 extern Mutex*   StringDedupTable_lock;           // a lock on the string deduplication table
  71 extern Mutex*   CodeCache_lock;                  // a lock on the CodeCache, rank is special, use MutexLockerEx
  72 extern Mutex*   MethodData_lock;                 // a lock on installation of method data
  73 extern Mutex*   RetData_lock;                    // a lock on installation of RetData inside method data
  74 extern Mutex*   DerivedPointerTableGC_lock;      // a lock to protect the derived pointer table
  75 extern Monitor* VMOperationQueue_lock;           // a lock on queue of vm_operations waiting to execute
  76 extern Monitor* VMOperationRequest_lock;         // a lock on Threads waiting for a vm_operation to terminate
  77 extern Monitor* Safepoint_lock;                  // a lock used by the safepoint abstraction
  78 extern Monitor* Threads_lock;                    // a lock on the Threads table of active Java threads
  79                                                  // (also used by Safepoints too to block threads creation/destruction)
  80 extern Monitor* CGC_lock;                        // used for coordination between
  81                                                  // fore- & background GC threads.
  82 extern Mutex*   STS_init_lock;                   // coordinate initialization of SuspendibleThreadSets.
  83 extern Monitor* SLT_lock;                        // used in CMS GC for acquiring PLL
  84 extern Monitor* iCMS_lock;                       // CMS incremental mode start/stop notification
  85 extern Monitor* FullGCCount_lock;                // in support of "concurrent" full gc
  86 extern Monitor* CMark_lock;                      // used for concurrent mark thread coordination
  87 extern Mutex*   CMRegionStack_lock;              // used for protecting accesses to the CM region stack
  88 extern Mutex*   SATB_Q_FL_lock;                  // Protects SATB Q
  89                                                  // buffer free list.
  90 extern Monitor* SATB_Q_CBL_mon;                  // Protects SATB Q