/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "gc/z/zForwardingTable.inline.hpp" #include "unittest.hpp" using namespace testing; #define CAPTURE_DELIM "\n" #define CAPTURE1(expression) #expression << " evaluates to " << expression #define CAPTURE2(e0, e1) CAPTURE1(e0) << CAPTURE_DELIM << CAPTURE1(e1) #define CAPTURE(expression) CAPTURE1(expression) class ZForwardingTableTest : public Test { public: // Helper functions static bool is_power_of_2(size_t value) { return ::is_power_of_2((intptr_t)value); } class SequenceToFromIndex : AllStatic { public: static uintptr_t even(uint32_t sequence_number) { return sequence_number * 2; } static uintptr_t odd(uint32_t sequence_number) { return even(sequence_number) + 1; } static uintptr_t one_to_one(uint32_t sequence_number) { return sequence_number; } }; // Test functions static void setup(ZForwardingTable& table) { EXPECT_PRED1(is_power_of_2, table._size) << CAPTURE(table._size); } static void find_empty(ZForwardingTable& table) { size_t size = table._size; size_t entries_to_check = size * 2; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries_to_check; i++) { uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::one_to_one(i); EXPECT_TRUE(table.find(from_index).is_empty()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size); } EXPECT_TRUE(table.find(uintptr_t(-1)).is_empty()) << CAPTURE(size); } static void find_full(ZForwardingTable& table) { size_t size = table._size; size_t entries_to_populate = size; // Populate for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) { uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::one_to_one(i); ZForwardingTableCursor cursor; ZForwardingTableEntry entry = table.find(from_index, &cursor); ASSERT_TRUE(entry.is_empty()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size); table.insert(from_index, from_index, &cursor); } // Verify for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) { uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::one_to_one(i); ZForwardingTableEntry entry = table.find(from_index); ASSERT_FALSE(entry.is_empty()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size); ASSERT_EQ(entry.from_index(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size); ASSERT_EQ(entry.to_offset(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size); } } static void find_every_other(ZForwardingTable& table) { size_t size = table._size; size_t entries_to_populate = size / 2; // Populate even from indices for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) { uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::even(i); ZForwardingTableCursor cursor; ZForwardingTableEntry entry = table.find(from_index, &cursor); ASSERT_TRUE(entry.is_empty()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size); table.insert(from_index, from_index, &cursor); } // Verify populated even indices for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) { uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::even(i); ZForwardingTableCursor cursor; ZForwardingTableEntry entry = table.find(from_index, &cursor); ASSERT_FALSE(entry.is_empty()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size); ASSERT_EQ(entry.from_index(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size); ASSERT_EQ(entry.to_offset(), from_index) << CAPTURE(size); } // Verify empty odd indices // // This check could be done on a larger range of sequence numbers, // but currently entries_to_populate is used. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entries_to_populate; i++) { uintptr_t from_index = SequenceToFromIndex::odd(i); ZForwardingTableEntry entry = table.find(from_index); ASSERT_TRUE(entry.is_empty()) << CAPTURE2(from_index, size); } } static void test(void (*function)(ZForwardingTable&), uint32_t size) { // Setup ZForwardingTable table; table.setup(size); ASSERT_FALSE(table.is_null()); // Actual test function (*function)(table); // Teardown table.reset(); ASSERT_TRUE(table.is_null()); } // Run the given function with a few different input values. static void test(void (*function)(ZForwardingTable&)) { test(function, 1); test(function, 2); test(function, 3); test(function, 4); test(function, 7); test(function, 8); test(function, 1023); test(function, 1024); test(function, 1025); } }; TEST_F(ZForwardingTableTest, setup) { test(&ZForwardingTableTest::setup); } TEST_F(ZForwardingTableTest, find_empty) { test(&ZForwardingTableTest::find_empty); } TEST_F(ZForwardingTableTest, find_full) { test(&ZForwardingTableTest::find_full); } TEST_F(ZForwardingTableTest, find_every_other) { test(&ZForwardingTableTest::find_every_other); }