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1175   inline void store(P* addr, T value) {
1176     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1177     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1178     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1179     DecayedT decayed_value = value;
1180     // If a volatile address is passed in but no memory ordering decorator,
1181     // set the memory ordering to MO_VOLATILE by default.
1182     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1183       (IsVolatile<P>::value && !HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1184       (MO_VOLATILE | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1185     store_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr), decayed_value);
1186   }
1188   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1189   inline void store_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T value) {
1190     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1191     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1192     DecayedT decayed_value = value;
1193     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators |
1194                                              (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1195                                               INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : INTERNAL_EMPTY)>::value;
1196     PreRuntimeDispatch::store_at<expanded_decorators>(base, offset, decayed_value);
1197   }
1199   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
1200   inline T load(P* addr) {
1201     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1202     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1203     typedef typename Conditional<HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value,
1204                                  typename OopOrNarrowOop<T>::type,
1205                                  typename Decay<T>::type>::type DecayedT;
1206     // If a volatile address is passed in but no memory ordering decorator,
1207     // set the memory ordering to MO_VOLATILE by default.
1208     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1209       (IsVolatile<P>::value && !HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1210       (MO_VOLATILE | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1211     return load_reduce_types<expanded_decorators, DecayedT>(const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr));
1212   }
1214   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1215   inline T load_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
1216     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1217     typedef typename Conditional<HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value,
1218                                  typename OopOrNarrowOop<T>::type,
1219                                  typename Decay<T>::type>::type DecayedT;
1220     // Expand the decorators (figure out sensible defaults)
1221     // Potentially remember if we need compressed oop awareness
1222     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators |
1223                                              (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1224                                               INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : INTERNAL_EMPTY)>::value;
1225     return PreRuntimeDispatch::load_at<expanded_decorators, DecayedT>(base, offset);
1226   }
1228   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
1229   inline T atomic_cmpxchg(T new_value, P* addr, T compare_value) {
1230     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1231     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1232     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1233     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1234     DecayedT compare_decayed_value = compare_value;
1235     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1236       (!HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1237       (MO_SEQ_CST | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1238     return atomic_cmpxchg_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(new_decayed_value,
1239                                                             const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr),
1240                                                             compare_decayed_value);
1241   }
1243   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1244   inline T atomic_cmpxchg_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T compare_value) {
1245     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1246     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1247     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1248     DecayedT compare_decayed_value = compare_value;
1249     // Determine default memory ordering
1250     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1251       (!HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1252       (MO_SEQ_CST | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1253     // Potentially remember that we need compressed oop awareness
1254     const DecoratorSet final_decorators = expanded_decorators |
1255                                           (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1256                                            INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : INTERNAL_EMPTY);
1257     return PreRuntimeDispatch::atomic_cmpxchg_at<final_decorators>(new_decayed_value, base,
1258                                                                    offset, compare_decayed_value);
1259   }
1261   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
1262   inline T atomic_xchg(T new_value, P* addr) {
1263     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1264     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1265     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1266     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1267     // atomic_xchg is only available in SEQ_CST flavour.
1268     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators | MO_SEQ_CST>::value;
1269     return atomic_xchg_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(new_decayed_value,
1270                                                          const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr));
1271   }
1273   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1274   inline T atomic_xchg_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
1275     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1276     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1277     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1278     // atomic_xchg is only available in SEQ_CST flavour.
1279     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators | MO_SEQ_CST |
1280                                              (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1281                                               INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : INTERNAL_EMPTY)>::value;
1282     return PreRuntimeDispatch::atomic_xchg_at<expanded_decorators>(new_decayed_value, base, offset);
1283   }
1285   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1286   inline bool arraycopy(arrayOop src_obj, size_t src_offset_in_bytes, const T* src_raw,
1287                         arrayOop dst_obj, size_t dst_offset_in_bytes, T* dst_raw,
1288                         size_t length) {
1289     STATIC_ASSERT((HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ||
1290                    (IsSame<T, void>::value || IsIntegral<T>::value) ||
1291                     IsFloatingPoint<T>::value)); // arraycopy allows type erased void elements
1292     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1293     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators | IS_ARRAY | IN_HEAP>::value;
1294     return arraycopy_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(src_obj, src_offset_in_bytes, const_cast<DecayedT*>(src_raw),
1295                                                        dst_obj, dst_offset_in_bytes, const_cast<DecayedT*>(dst_raw),
1296                                                        length);
1297   }
1299   template <DecoratorSet decorators>
1300   inline void clone(oop src, oop dst, size_t size) {
1301     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators>::value;

1175   inline void store(P* addr, T value) {
1176     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1177     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1178     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1179     DecayedT decayed_value = value;
1180     // If a volatile address is passed in but no memory ordering decorator,
1181     // set the memory ordering to MO_VOLATILE by default.
1182     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1183       (IsVolatile<P>::value && !HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1184       (MO_VOLATILE | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1185     store_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr), decayed_value);
1186   }
1188   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1189   inline void store_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T value) {
1190     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1191     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1192     DecayedT decayed_value = value;
1193     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators |
1194                                              (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1195                                               INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : DECORATORS_NONE)>::value;
1196     PreRuntimeDispatch::store_at<expanded_decorators>(base, offset, decayed_value);
1197   }
1199   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
1200   inline T load(P* addr) {
1201     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1202     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1203     typedef typename Conditional<HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value,
1204                                  typename OopOrNarrowOop<T>::type,
1205                                  typename Decay<T>::type>::type DecayedT;
1206     // If a volatile address is passed in but no memory ordering decorator,
1207     // set the memory ordering to MO_VOLATILE by default.
1208     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1209       (IsVolatile<P>::value && !HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1210       (MO_VOLATILE | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1211     return load_reduce_types<expanded_decorators, DecayedT>(const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr));
1212   }
1214   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1215   inline T load_at(oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
1216     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1217     typedef typename Conditional<HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value,
1218                                  typename OopOrNarrowOop<T>::type,
1219                                  typename Decay<T>::type>::type DecayedT;
1220     // Expand the decorators (figure out sensible defaults)
1221     // Potentially remember if we need compressed oop awareness
1222     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators |
1223                                              (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1224                                               INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : DECORATORS_NONE)>::value;
1225     return PreRuntimeDispatch::load_at<expanded_decorators, DecayedT>(base, offset);
1226   }
1228   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
1229   inline T atomic_cmpxchg(T new_value, P* addr, T compare_value) {
1230     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1231     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1232     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1233     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1234     DecayedT compare_decayed_value = compare_value;
1235     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1236       (!HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1237       (MO_SEQ_CST | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1238     return atomic_cmpxchg_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(new_decayed_value,
1239                                                             const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr),
1240                                                             compare_decayed_value);
1241   }
1243   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1244   inline T atomic_cmpxchg_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset, T compare_value) {
1245     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1246     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1247     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1248     DecayedT compare_decayed_value = compare_value;
1249     // Determine default memory ordering
1250     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<
1251       (!HasDecorator<decorators, MO_DECORATOR_MASK>::value) ?
1252       (MO_SEQ_CST | decorators) : decorators>::value;
1253     // Potentially remember that we need compressed oop awareness
1254     const DecoratorSet final_decorators = expanded_decorators |
1255                                           (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1256                                            INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : DECORATORS_NONE);
1257     return PreRuntimeDispatch::atomic_cmpxchg_at<final_decorators>(new_decayed_value, base,
1258                                                                    offset, compare_decayed_value);
1259   }
1261   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename P, typename T>
1262   inline T atomic_xchg(T new_value, P* addr) {
1263     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1264     typedef typename Decay<P>::type DecayedP;
1265     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1266     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1267     // atomic_xchg is only available in SEQ_CST flavour.
1268     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators | MO_SEQ_CST>::value;
1269     return atomic_xchg_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(new_decayed_value,
1270                                                          const_cast<DecayedP*>(addr));
1271   }
1273   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1274   inline T atomic_xchg_at(T new_value, oop base, ptrdiff_t offset) {
1275     verify_types<decorators, T>();
1276     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1277     DecayedT new_decayed_value = new_value;
1278     // atomic_xchg is only available in SEQ_CST flavour.
1279     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators | MO_SEQ_CST |
1280                                              (HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ?
1281                                               INTERNAL_CONVERT_COMPRESSED_OOP : DECORATORS_NONE)>::value;
1282     return PreRuntimeDispatch::atomic_xchg_at<expanded_decorators>(new_decayed_value, base, offset);
1283   }
1285   template <DecoratorSet decorators, typename T>
1286   inline bool arraycopy(arrayOop src_obj, size_t src_offset_in_bytes, const T* src_raw,
1287                         arrayOop dst_obj, size_t dst_offset_in_bytes, T* dst_raw,
1288                         size_t length) {
1289     STATIC_ASSERT((HasDecorator<decorators, INTERNAL_VALUE_IS_OOP>::value ||
1290                    (IsSame<T, void>::value || IsIntegral<T>::value) ||
1291                     IsFloatingPoint<T>::value)); // arraycopy allows type erased void elements
1292     typedef typename Decay<T>::type DecayedT;
1293     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators | IS_ARRAY | IN_HEAP>::value;
1294     return arraycopy_reduce_types<expanded_decorators>(src_obj, src_offset_in_bytes, const_cast<DecayedT*>(src_raw),
1295                                                        dst_obj, dst_offset_in_bytes, const_cast<DecayedT*>(dst_raw),
1296                                                        length);
1297   }
1299   template <DecoratorSet decorators>
1300   inline void clone(oop src, oop dst, size_t size) {
1301     const DecoratorSet expanded_decorators = DecoratorFixup<decorators>::value;

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