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2242                                                                             \
2243   diagnostic(bool, VerifySilently, false,                                   \
2244           "Do not print the verification progress")                         \
2245                                                                             \
2246   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringStartup, false,                              \
2247           "Verify memory system before executing any Java code "            \
2248           "during VM initialization")                                       \
2249                                                                             \
2250   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeExit, trueInDebug,                           \
2251           "Verify system before exiting")                                   \
2252                                                                             \
2253   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeGC, false,                                   \
2254           "Verify memory system before GC")                                 \
2255                                                                             \
2256   diagnostic(bool, VerifyAfterGC, false,                                    \
2257           "Verify memory system after GC")                                  \
2258                                                                             \
2259   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringGC, false,                                   \
2260           "Verify memory system during GC (between phases)")                \
2261                                                                             \

2262   diagnostic(bool, GCParallelVerificationEnabled, true,                     \
2263           "Enable parallel memory system verification")                     \
2264                                                                             \
2265   diagnostic(bool, DeferInitialCardMark, false,                             \
2266           "When +ReduceInitialCardMarks, explicitly defer any that "        \
2267           "may arise from new_pre_store_barrier")                           \
2268                                                                             \
2269   diagnostic(bool, VerifyRememberedSets, false,                             \
2270           "Verify GC remembered sets")                                      \
2271                                                                             \
2272   diagnostic(bool, VerifyObjectStartArray, true,                            \
2273           "Verify GC object start array if verify before/after")            \
2274                                                                             \
2275   product(bool, DisableExplicitGC, false,                                   \
2276           "Ignore calls to System.gc()")                                    \
2277                                                                             \
2278   notproduct(bool, CheckMemoryInitialization, false,                        \
2279           "Check memory initialization")                                    \
2280                                                                             \
2281   product(bool, CollectGen0First, false,                                    \

2242                                                                             \
2243   diagnostic(bool, VerifySilently, false,                                   \
2244           "Do not print the verification progress")                         \
2245                                                                             \
2246   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringStartup, false,                              \
2247           "Verify memory system before executing any Java code "            \
2248           "during VM initialization")                                       \
2249                                                                             \
2250   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeExit, trueInDebug,                           \
2251           "Verify system before exiting")                                   \
2252                                                                             \
2253   diagnostic(bool, VerifyBeforeGC, false,                                   \
2254           "Verify memory system before GC")                                 \
2255                                                                             \
2256   diagnostic(bool, VerifyAfterGC, false,                                    \
2257           "Verify memory system after GC")                                  \
2258                                                                             \
2259   diagnostic(bool, VerifyDuringGC, false,                                   \
2260           "Verify memory system during GC (between phases)")                \
2261                                                                             \
2262   diagnostic(ccstrlist, VerifySubSet, "",                                   \
2263           "Memory sub-systems to verify when Verify*GC flag(s) "            \
2264           "are enabled. One or more sub-systems can be specified "          \
2265           "in a comma separated string. Sub-systems are: "                  \
2266           "threads, heap, symbol_table, string_table, codecache, "          \
2267           "dictionary, classloader_data_graph, metaspace, jni_handles, "    \
2268           "c-heap, codecache_oops")                                         \
2269                                                                             \
2270   diagnostic(bool, GCParallelVerificationEnabled, true,                     \
2271           "Enable parallel memory system verification")                     \
2272                                                                             \
2273   diagnostic(bool, DeferInitialCardMark, false,                             \
2274           "When +ReduceInitialCardMarks, explicitly defer any that "        \
2275           "may arise from new_pre_store_barrier")                           \
2276                                                                             \
2277   diagnostic(bool, VerifyRememberedSets, false,                             \
2278           "Verify GC remembered sets")                                      \
2279                                                                             \
2280   diagnostic(bool, VerifyObjectStartArray, true,                            \
2281           "Verify GC object start array if verify before/after")            \
2282                                                                             \
2283   product(bool, DisableExplicitGC, false,                                   \
2284           "Ignore calls to System.gc()")                                    \
2285                                                                             \
2286   notproduct(bool, CheckMemoryInitialization, false,                        \
2287           "Check memory initialization")                                    \
2288                                                                             \
2289   product(bool, CollectGen0First, false,                                    \