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rev 10195 : 8048267: Replace uses of 'new Long()' with appropriate alternative across core classes
Reviewed-by: chegar, psandoz
Contributed-by: Otavio Santana <>

 198             in.readInt();       // Timestamp of this record
 199             // Length of record: readInt() will return negative value for record
 200             // length >2GB.  so store 32bit value in long to keep it unsigned.
 201             long length = in.readInt() & 0xffffffffL;
 202             if (debugLevel > 0) {
 203                 System.out.println("Read record type " + type
 204                                    + ", length " + length
 205                                    + " at position " + toHex(currPos));
 206             }
 207             if (length < 0) {
 208                 throw new IOException("Bad record length of " + length
 209                                       + " at byte " + toHex(currPos+5)
 210                                       + " of file.");
 211             }
 212             currPos += 9 + length;
 213             switch (type) {
 214                 case HPROF_UTF8: {
 215                     long id = readID();
 216                     byte[] chars = new byte[(int)length - identifierSize];
 217                     in.readFully(chars);
 218                     names.put(new Long(id), new String(chars));
 219                     break;
 220                 }
 221                 case HPROF_LOAD_CLASS: {
 222                     int serialNo = in.readInt();        // Not used
 223                     long classID = readID();
 224                     int stackTraceSerialNo = in.readInt();
 225                     long classNameID = readID();
 226                     Long classIdI = new Long(classID);
 227                     String nm = getNameFromID(classNameID).replace('/', '.');
 228                     classNameFromObjectID.put(classIdI, nm);
 229                     if (classNameFromSerialNo != null) {
 230                         classNameFromSerialNo.put(new Integer(serialNo), nm);
 231                     }
 232                     break;
 233                 }
 235                 case HPROF_HEAP_DUMP: {
 236                     if (dumpsToSkip <= 0) {
 237                         try {
 238                             readHeapDump(length, currPos);
 239                         } catch (EOFException exp) {
 240                             handleEOF(exp, snapshot);
 241                         }
 242                         if (debugLevel > 0) {
 243                             System.out.println("    Finished processing instances in heap dump.");
 244                         }
 245                         return snapshot;
 246                     } else {

 286                         skipBytes(length);
 287                     }
 288                     break;
 289                 }
 291                 case HPROF_FRAME: {
 292                     if (stackFrames == null) {
 293                         skipBytes(length);
 294                     } else {
 295                         long id = readID();
 296                         String methodName = getNameFromID(readID());
 297                         String methodSig = getNameFromID(readID());
 298                         String sourceFile = getNameFromID(readID());
 299                         int classSer = in.readInt();
 300                         String className = classNameFromSerialNo.get(new Integer(classSer));
 301                         int lineNumber = in.readInt();
 302                         if (lineNumber < StackFrame.LINE_NUMBER_NATIVE) {
 303                             warn("Weird stack frame line number:  " + lineNumber);
 304                             lineNumber = StackFrame.LINE_NUMBER_UNKNOWN;
 305                         }
 306                         stackFrames.put(new Long(id),
 307                                         new StackFrame(methodName, methodSig,
 308                                                        className, sourceFile,
 309                                                        lineNumber));
 310                     }
 311                     break;
 312                 }
 313                 case HPROF_TRACE: {
 314                     if (stackTraces == null) {
 315                         skipBytes(length);
 316                     } else {
 317                         int serialNo = in.readInt();
 318                         int threadSeq = in.readInt();   // Not used
 319                         StackFrame[] frames = new StackFrame[in.readInt()];
 320                         for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
 321                             long fid = readID();
 322                             frames[i] = stackFrames.get(new Long(fid));
 323                             if (frames[i] == null) {
 324                                 throw new IOException("Stack frame " + toHex(fid) + " not found");
 325                             }
 326                         }
 327                         stackTraces.put(new Integer(serialNo),
 328                                         new StackTrace(frames));
 329                     }
 330                     break;
 331                 }
 332                 case HPROF_UNLOAD_CLASS:
 333                 case HPROF_ALLOC_SITES:
 334                 case HPROF_START_THREAD:
 335                 case HPROF_END_THREAD:
 336                 case HPROF_HEAP_SUMMARY:
 337                 case HPROF_CPU_SAMPLES:
 338                 case HPROF_CONTROL_SETTINGS:
 339                 case HPROF_LOCKSTATS_WAIT_TIME:
 340                 case HPROF_LOCKSTATS_HOLD_TIME:
 341                 {
 342                     // Ignore these record types

 602                 }
 603                 return 8;
 604             }
 605             default: {
 606                 throw new IOException("Bad value signature:  " + type);
 607             }
 608         }
 609     }
 611     private ThreadObject getThreadObjectFromSequence(int threadSeq)
 612             throws IOException {
 613         ThreadObject to = threadObjects.get(new Integer(threadSeq));
 614         if (to == null) {
 615             throw new IOException("Thread " + threadSeq +
 616                                   " not found for JNI local ref");
 617         }
 618         return to;
 619     }
 621     private String getNameFromID(long id) throws IOException {
 622         return getNameFromID(new Long(id));
 623     }
 625     private String getNameFromID(Long id) throws IOException {
 626         if (id.longValue() == 0L) {
 627             return "";
 628         }
 629         String result = names.get(id);
 630         if (result == null) {
 631             warn("Name not found at " + toHex(id.longValue()));
 632             return "unresolved name " + toHex(id.longValue());
 633         }
 634         return result;
 635     }
 637     private StackTrace getStackTraceFromSerial(int ser) throws IOException {
 638         if (stackTraces == null) {
 639             return null;
 640         }
 641         StackTrace result = stackTraces.get(new Integer(ser));
 642         if (result == null) {

 686             String signature = "" + ((char) type);
 687             JavaField f = new JavaField(fieldName, signature);
 688             statics[i] = new JavaStatic(f, valueBin[0]);
 689         }
 691         int numFields = in.readUnsignedShort();
 692         bytesRead += 2;
 693         JavaField[] fields = new JavaField[numFields];
 694         for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
 695             long nameId = readID();
 696             bytesRead += identifierSize;
 697             byte type = in.readByte();
 698             bytesRead++;
 699             String fieldName = getNameFromID(nameId);
 700             if (version >= VERSION_JDK12BETA4) {
 701                 type = signatureFromTypeId(type);
 702             }
 703             String signature = "" + ((char) type);
 704             fields[i] = new JavaField(fieldName, signature);
 705         }
 706         String name = classNameFromObjectID.get(new Long(id));
 707         if (name == null) {
 708             warn("Class name not found for " + toHex(id));
 709             name = "unknown-name@" + toHex(id);
 710         }
 711         JavaClass c = new JavaClass(id, name, superId, classLoaderId, signersId,
 712                                     protDomainId, fields, statics,
 713                                     instanceSize);
 714         snapshot.addClass(id, c);
 715         snapshot.setSiteTrace(c, stackTrace);
 717         return bytesRead;
 718     }
 720     private String toHex(long addr) {
 721         return;
 722     }
 724     //
 725     // Handle a HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP
 726     // Return number of bytes read

 198             in.readInt();       // Timestamp of this record
 199             // Length of record: readInt() will return negative value for record
 200             // length >2GB.  so store 32bit value in long to keep it unsigned.
 201             long length = in.readInt() & 0xffffffffL;
 202             if (debugLevel > 0) {
 203                 System.out.println("Read record type " + type
 204                                    + ", length " + length
 205                                    + " at position " + toHex(currPos));
 206             }
 207             if (length < 0) {
 208                 throw new IOException("Bad record length of " + length
 209                                       + " at byte " + toHex(currPos+5)
 210                                       + " of file.");
 211             }
 212             currPos += 9 + length;
 213             switch (type) {
 214                 case HPROF_UTF8: {
 215                     long id = readID();
 216                     byte[] chars = new byte[(int)length - identifierSize];
 217                     in.readFully(chars);
 218                     names.put(id, new String(chars));
 219                     break;
 220                 }
 221                 case HPROF_LOAD_CLASS: {
 222                     int serialNo = in.readInt();        // Not used
 223                     long classID = readID();
 224                     int stackTraceSerialNo = in.readInt();
 225                     long classNameID = readID();
 226                     Long classIdI = classID;
 227                     String nm = getNameFromID(classNameID).replace('/', '.');
 228                     classNameFromObjectID.put(classIdI, nm);
 229                     if (classNameFromSerialNo != null) {
 230                         classNameFromSerialNo.put(new Integer(serialNo), nm);
 231                     }
 232                     break;
 233                 }
 235                 case HPROF_HEAP_DUMP: {
 236                     if (dumpsToSkip <= 0) {
 237                         try {
 238                             readHeapDump(length, currPos);
 239                         } catch (EOFException exp) {
 240                             handleEOF(exp, snapshot);
 241                         }
 242                         if (debugLevel > 0) {
 243                             System.out.println("    Finished processing instances in heap dump.");
 244                         }
 245                         return snapshot;
 246                     } else {

 286                         skipBytes(length);
 287                     }
 288                     break;
 289                 }
 291                 case HPROF_FRAME: {
 292                     if (stackFrames == null) {
 293                         skipBytes(length);
 294                     } else {
 295                         long id = readID();
 296                         String methodName = getNameFromID(readID());
 297                         String methodSig = getNameFromID(readID());
 298                         String sourceFile = getNameFromID(readID());
 299                         int classSer = in.readInt();
 300                         String className = classNameFromSerialNo.get(new Integer(classSer));
 301                         int lineNumber = in.readInt();
 302                         if (lineNumber < StackFrame.LINE_NUMBER_NATIVE) {
 303                             warn("Weird stack frame line number:  " + lineNumber);
 304                             lineNumber = StackFrame.LINE_NUMBER_UNKNOWN;
 305                         }
 306                         stackFrames.put(id,
 307                                         new StackFrame(methodName, methodSig,
 308                                                        className, sourceFile,
 309                                                        lineNumber));
 310                     }
 311                     break;
 312                 }
 313                 case HPROF_TRACE: {
 314                     if (stackTraces == null) {
 315                         skipBytes(length);
 316                     } else {
 317                         int serialNo = in.readInt();
 318                         int threadSeq = in.readInt();   // Not used
 319                         StackFrame[] frames = new StackFrame[in.readInt()];
 320                         for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
 321                             long fid = readID();
 322                             frames[i] = stackFrames.get(fid);
 323                             if (frames[i] == null) {
 324                                 throw new IOException("Stack frame " + toHex(fid) + " not found");
 325                             }
 326                         }
 327                         stackTraces.put(new Integer(serialNo),
 328                                         new StackTrace(frames));
 329                     }
 330                     break;
 331                 }
 332                 case HPROF_UNLOAD_CLASS:
 333                 case HPROF_ALLOC_SITES:
 334                 case HPROF_START_THREAD:
 335                 case HPROF_END_THREAD:
 336                 case HPROF_HEAP_SUMMARY:
 337                 case HPROF_CPU_SAMPLES:
 338                 case HPROF_CONTROL_SETTINGS:
 339                 case HPROF_LOCKSTATS_WAIT_TIME:
 340                 case HPROF_LOCKSTATS_HOLD_TIME:
 341                 {
 342                     // Ignore these record types

 602                 }
 603                 return 8;
 604             }
 605             default: {
 606                 throw new IOException("Bad value signature:  " + type);
 607             }
 608         }
 609     }
 611     private ThreadObject getThreadObjectFromSequence(int threadSeq)
 612             throws IOException {
 613         ThreadObject to = threadObjects.get(new Integer(threadSeq));
 614         if (to == null) {
 615             throw new IOException("Thread " + threadSeq +
 616                                   " not found for JNI local ref");
 617         }
 618         return to;
 619     }
 621     private String getNameFromID(long id) throws IOException {
 622         return getNameFromID(id);
 623     }
 625     private String getNameFromID(Long id) throws IOException {
 626         if (id.longValue() == 0L) {
 627             return "";
 628         }
 629         String result = names.get(id);
 630         if (result == null) {
 631             warn("Name not found at " + toHex(id.longValue()));
 632             return "unresolved name " + toHex(id.longValue());
 633         }
 634         return result;
 635     }
 637     private StackTrace getStackTraceFromSerial(int ser) throws IOException {
 638         if (stackTraces == null) {
 639             return null;
 640         }
 641         StackTrace result = stackTraces.get(new Integer(ser));
 642         if (result == null) {

 686             String signature = "" + ((char) type);
 687             JavaField f = new JavaField(fieldName, signature);
 688             statics[i] = new JavaStatic(f, valueBin[0]);
 689         }
 691         int numFields = in.readUnsignedShort();
 692         bytesRead += 2;
 693         JavaField[] fields = new JavaField[numFields];
 694         for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
 695             long nameId = readID();
 696             bytesRead += identifierSize;
 697             byte type = in.readByte();
 698             bytesRead++;
 699             String fieldName = getNameFromID(nameId);
 700             if (version >= VERSION_JDK12BETA4) {
 701                 type = signatureFromTypeId(type);
 702             }
 703             String signature = "" + ((char) type);
 704             fields[i] = new JavaField(fieldName, signature);
 705         }
 706         String name = classNameFromObjectID.get(id);
 707         if (name == null) {
 708             warn("Class name not found for " + toHex(id));
 709             name = "unknown-name@" + toHex(id);
 710         }
 711         JavaClass c = new JavaClass(id, name, superId, classLoaderId, signersId,
 712                                     protDomainId, fields, statics,
 713                                     instanceSize);
 714         snapshot.addClass(id, c);
 715         snapshot.setSiteTrace(c, stackTrace);
 717         return bytesRead;
 718     }
 720     private String toHex(long addr) {
 721         return;
 722     }
 724     //
 725     // Handle a HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP
 726     // Return number of bytes read