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 377     /** Bound property name for <code>value</code>. */
 378     public static final String      VALUE_PROPERTY = "value";
 379     /** Bound property name for <code>option</code>. */
 380     public static final String      OPTIONS_PROPERTY = "options";
 381     /** Bound property name for <code>initialValue</code>. */
 382     public static final String      INITIAL_VALUE_PROPERTY = "initialValue";
 383     /** Bound property name for <code>type</code>. */
 384     public static final String      MESSAGE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "messageType";
 385     /** Bound property name for <code>optionType</code>. */
 386     public static final String      OPTION_TYPE_PROPERTY = "optionType";
 387     /** Bound property name for <code>selectionValues</code>. */
 388     public static final String      SELECTION_VALUES_PROPERTY = "selectionValues";
 389     /** Bound property name for <code>initialSelectionValue</code>. */
 390     public static final String      INITIAL_SELECTION_VALUE_PROPERTY = "initialSelectionValue";
 391     /** Bound property name for <code>inputValue</code>. */
 392     public static final String      INPUT_VALUE_PROPERTY = "inputValue";
 393     /** Bound property name for <code>wantsInput</code>. */
 394     public static final String      WANTS_INPUT_PROPERTY = "wantsInput";
 396     /** Icon used in pane. */
 397     transient protected Icon                  icon;
 398     /** Message to display. */
 399     transient protected Object                message;
 400     /** Options to display to the user. */
 401     transient protected Object[]              options;
 402     /** Value that should be initially selected in <code>options</code>. */
 403     transient protected Object                initialValue;
 404     /** Message type. */
 405     protected int                   messageType;
 406     /**
 407      * Option type, one of <code>DEFAULT_OPTION</code>,
 408      * <code>YES_NO_OPTION</code>,
 409      * <code>YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION</code> or
 410      * <code>OK_CANCEL_OPTION</code>.
 411      */
 412     protected int                   optionType;
 413     /** Currently selected value, will be a valid option, or
 414      * <code>UNINITIALIZED_VALUE</code> or <code>null</code>. */
 415     transient protected Object                value;
 416     /** Array of values the user can choose from. Look and feel will
 417      * provide the UI component to choose this from. */
 418     protected transient Object[]              selectionValues;
 419     /** Value the user has input. */
 420     protected transient Object                inputValue;
 421     /** Initial value to select in <code>selectionValues</code>. */
 422     protected transient Object                initialSelectionValue;
 423     /** If true, a UI widget will be provided to the user to get input. */
 424     protected boolean                         wantsInput;
 427     /**
 428      * Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user. The
 429      * dialog uses the default frame, which usually means it is centered on
 430      * the screen.
 431      *
 432      * @param message the <code>Object</code> to display
 433      * @exception HeadlessException if
 434      *   <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code> returns
 435      *   <code>true</code>

 377     /** Bound property name for <code>value</code>. */
 378     public static final String      VALUE_PROPERTY = "value";
 379     /** Bound property name for <code>option</code>. */
 380     public static final String      OPTIONS_PROPERTY = "options";
 381     /** Bound property name for <code>initialValue</code>. */
 382     public static final String      INITIAL_VALUE_PROPERTY = "initialValue";
 383     /** Bound property name for <code>type</code>. */
 384     public static final String      MESSAGE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "messageType";
 385     /** Bound property name for <code>optionType</code>. */
 386     public static final String      OPTION_TYPE_PROPERTY = "optionType";
 387     /** Bound property name for <code>selectionValues</code>. */
 388     public static final String      SELECTION_VALUES_PROPERTY = "selectionValues";
 389     /** Bound property name for <code>initialSelectionValue</code>. */
 390     public static final String      INITIAL_SELECTION_VALUE_PROPERTY = "initialSelectionValue";
 391     /** Bound property name for <code>inputValue</code>. */
 392     public static final String      INPUT_VALUE_PROPERTY = "inputValue";
 393     /** Bound property name for <code>wantsInput</code>. */
 394     public static final String      WANTS_INPUT_PROPERTY = "wantsInput";
 396     /** Icon used in pane. */
 397     protected transient Icon                  icon;
 398     /** Message to display. */
 399     protected transient Object                message;
 400     /** Options to display to the user. */
 401     protected transient Object[]              options;
 402     /** Value that should be initially selected in <code>options</code>. */
 403     protected transient Object                initialValue;
 404     /** Message type. */
 405     protected int                   messageType;
 406     /**
 407      * Option type, one of <code>DEFAULT_OPTION</code>,
 408      * <code>YES_NO_OPTION</code>,
 409      * <code>YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION</code> or
 410      * <code>OK_CANCEL_OPTION</code>.
 411      */
 412     protected int                   optionType;
 413     /** Currently selected value, will be a valid option, or
 414      * <code>UNINITIALIZED_VALUE</code> or <code>null</code>. */
 415     protected transient Object                value;
 416     /** Array of values the user can choose from. Look and feel will
 417      * provide the UI component to choose this from. */
 418     protected transient Object[]              selectionValues;
 419     /** Value the user has input. */
 420     protected transient Object                inputValue;
 421     /** Initial value to select in <code>selectionValues</code>. */
 422     protected transient Object                initialSelectionValue;
 423     /** If true, a UI widget will be provided to the user to get input. */
 424     protected boolean                         wantsInput;
 427     /**
 428      * Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user. The
 429      * dialog uses the default frame, which usually means it is centered on
 430      * the screen.
 431      *
 432      * @param message the <code>Object</code> to display
 433      * @exception HeadlessException if
 434      *   <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code> returns
 435      *   <code>true</code>