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1581     protected transient ChangeEvent changeEvent = null;
1583     // package-private to avoid inner classes private member
1584     // access bug
1585     JTextComponent component;
1587     int updatePolicy = UPDATE_WHEN_ON_EDT;
1588     boolean visible;
1589     boolean active;
1590     int dot;
1591     int mark;
1592     Object selectionTag;
1593     boolean selectionVisible;
1594     Timer flasher;
1595     Point magicCaretPosition;
1596     transient Position.Bias dotBias;
1597     transient Position.Bias markBias;
1598     boolean dotLTR;
1599     boolean markLTR;
1600     transient Handler handler = new Handler();
1601     transient private int[] flagXPoints = new int[3];
1602     transient private int[] flagYPoints = new int[3];
1603     private transient NavigationFilter.FilterBypass filterBypass;
1604     static private transient Action selectWord = null;
1605     static private transient Action selectLine = null;
1606     /**
1607      * This is used to indicate if the caret currently owns the selection.
1608      * This is always false if the system does not support the system
1609      * clipboard.
1610      */
1611     private boolean ownsSelection;
1613     /**
1614      * If this is true, the location of the dot is updated regardless of
1615      * the current location. This is set in the DocumentListener
1616      * such that even if the model location of dot hasn't changed (perhaps do
1617      * to a forward delete) the visual location is updated.
1618      */
1619     private boolean forceCaretPositionChange;
1621     /**
1622      * Whether or not mouseReleased should adjust the caret and focus.
1623      * This flag is set by mousePressed if it wanted to adjust the caret
1624      * and focus but couldn't because of a possible DnD operation.
1625      */

1581     protected transient ChangeEvent changeEvent = null;
1583     // package-private to avoid inner classes private member
1584     // access bug
1585     JTextComponent component;
1587     int updatePolicy = UPDATE_WHEN_ON_EDT;
1588     boolean visible;
1589     boolean active;
1590     int dot;
1591     int mark;
1592     Object selectionTag;
1593     boolean selectionVisible;
1594     Timer flasher;
1595     Point magicCaretPosition;
1596     transient Position.Bias dotBias;
1597     transient Position.Bias markBias;
1598     boolean dotLTR;
1599     boolean markLTR;
1600     transient Handler handler = new Handler();
1601     private transient int[] flagXPoints = new int[3];
1602     private transient int[] flagYPoints = new int[3];
1603     private transient NavigationFilter.FilterBypass filterBypass;
1604     private static transient Action selectWord = null;
1605     private static transient Action selectLine = null;
1606     /**
1607      * This is used to indicate if the caret currently owns the selection.
1608      * This is always false if the system does not support the system
1609      * clipboard.
1610      */
1611     private boolean ownsSelection;
1613     /**
1614      * If this is true, the location of the dot is updated regardless of
1615      * the current location. This is set in the DocumentListener
1616      * such that even if the model location of dot hasn't changed (perhaps do
1617      * to a forward delete) the visual location is updated.
1618      */
1619     private boolean forceCaretPositionChange;
1621     /**
1622      * Whether or not mouseReleased should adjust the caret and focus.
1623      * This flag is set by mousePressed if it wanted to adjust the caret
1624      * and focus but couldn't because of a possible DnD operation.
1625      */