1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.lwawt.macosx;
  29 import java.awt.*;
  30 import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
  31 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
  32 import java.awt.print.*;
  33 import java.security.AccessController;
  34 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  36 import javax.print.*;
  37 import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
  38 import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet;
  39 import javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies;
  40 import javax.print.attribute.standard.Media;
  41 import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaPrintableArea;
  42 import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSize;
  43 import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSizeName;
  44 import javax.print.attribute.standard.PageRanges;
  46 import sun.java2d.*;
  47 import sun.print.*;
  49 public final class CPrinterJob extends RasterPrinterJob {
  50     // NOTE: This uses RasterPrinterJob as a base, but it doesn't use
  51     // all of the RasterPrinterJob functions. RasterPrinterJob will
  52     // break down printing to pieces that aren't necessary under MacOSX
  53     // printing, such as controlling the # of copies and collating. These
  54     // are handled by the native printing. RasterPrinterJob is kept for
  55     // future compatibility and the state keeping that it handles.
  57     private static String sShouldNotReachHere = "Should not reach here.";
  59     private volatile SecondaryLoop printingLoop;
  61     private boolean noDefaultPrinter = false;
  63     private static Font defaultFont;
  65     // This is the NSPrintInfo for this PrinterJob. Protect multi thread
  66     //  access to it. It is used by the pageDialog, jobDialog, and printLoop.
  67     //  This way the state of these items is shared across these calls.
  68     //  PageFormat data is passed in and set on the fNSPrintInfo on a per call
  69     //  basis.
  70     private long fNSPrintInfo = -1;
  71     private Object fNSPrintInfoLock = new Object();
  73     static {
  74         // AWT has to be initialized for the native code to function correctly.
  75         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
  76     }
  78     /**
  79      * Presents a dialog to the user for changing the properties of
  80      * the print job.
  81      * This method will display a native dialog if a native print
  82      * service is selected, and user choice of printers will be restricted
  83      * to these native print services.
  84      * To present the cross platform print dialog for all services,
  85      * including native ones instead use
  86      * {@code printDialog(PrintRequestAttributeSet)}.
  87      * <p>
  88      * PrinterJob implementations which can use PrintService's will update
  89      * the PrintService for this PrinterJob to reflect the new service
  90      * selected by the user.
  91      * @return {@code true} if the user does not cancel the dialog;
  92      * {@code false} otherwise.
  93      * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
  94      * returns true.
  95      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
  96      */
  97     @Override
  98     public boolean printDialog() throws HeadlessException {
  99         if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
 100             throw new HeadlessException();
 101         }
 103         if (noDefaultPrinter) {
 104             return false;
 105         }
 107         if (attributes == null) {
 108             attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
 109         }
 111         if (getPrintService() instanceof StreamPrintService) {
 112             return super.printDialog(attributes);
 113         }
 115         return jobSetup(getPageable(), checkAllowedToPrintToFile());
 116     }
 118     /**
 119      * Displays a dialog that allows modification of a
 120      * {@code PageFormat} instance.
 121      * The {@code page} argument is used to initialize controls
 122      * in the page setup dialog.
 123      * If the user cancels the dialog then this method returns the
 124      * original {@code page} object unmodified.
 125      * If the user okays the dialog then this method returns a new
 126      * {@code PageFormat} object with the indicated changes.
 127      * In either case, the original {@code page} object is
 128      * not modified.
 129      * @param page the default {@code PageFormat} presented to the
 130      *            user for modification
 131      * @return    the original {@code page} object if the dialog
 132      *            is cancelled; a new {@code PageFormat} object
 133      *          containing the format indicated by the user if the
 134      *          dialog is acknowledged.
 135      * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
 136      * returns true.
 137      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 138      * @since     1.2
 139      */
 140     @Override
 141     public PageFormat pageDialog(PageFormat page) throws HeadlessException {
 142         if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
 143             throw new HeadlessException();
 144         }
 146         if (noDefaultPrinter) {
 147             return page;
 148         }
 150         if (getPrintService() instanceof StreamPrintService) {
 151             return super.pageDialog(page);
 152         }
 154         PageFormat pageClone = (PageFormat) page.clone();
 155         boolean doIt = pageSetup(pageClone, null);
 156         return doIt ? pageClone : page;
 157     }
 159     /**
 160      * Clones the {@code PageFormat} argument and alters the
 161      * clone to describe a default page size and orientation.
 162      * @param page the {@code PageFormat} to be cloned and altered
 163      * @return clone of {@code page}, altered to describe a default
 164      *                      {@code PageFormat}.
 165      */
 166     @Override
 167     public PageFormat defaultPage(PageFormat page) {
 168         PageFormat newPage = (PageFormat)page.clone();
 169         getDefaultPage(newPage);
 170         return newPage;
 171     }
 173     @Override
 174     protected void setAttributes(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws PrinterException {
 175         super.setAttributes(attributes);
 177         if (attributes == null) {
 178             return;
 179         }
 181         // See if this has an NSPrintInfo in it.
 182         NSPrintInfo nsPrintInfo = (NSPrintInfo)attributes.get(NSPrintInfo.class);
 183         if (nsPrintInfo != null) {
 184             fNSPrintInfo = nsPrintInfo.getValue();
 185         }
 187         PageRanges pageRangesAttr =  (PageRanges)attributes.get(PageRanges.class);
 188         if (isSupportedValue(pageRangesAttr, attributes)) {
 189             SunPageSelection rangeSelect = (SunPageSelection)attributes.get(SunPageSelection.class);
 190             // If rangeSelect is not null, we are using AWT's print dialog that has
 191             // All, Selection, and Range radio buttons
 192             if (rangeSelect == null || rangeSelect == SunPageSelection.RANGE) {
 193                 int[][] range = pageRangesAttr.getMembers();
 194                 // setPageRange will set firstPage and lastPage as called in getFirstPage
 195                 // and getLastPage
 196                 setPageRange(range[0][0] - 1, range[0][1] - 1);
 197             } else {
 198                 // if rangeSelect is SunPageSelection.ALL
 199                 // then setPageRange appropriately
 200                 setPageRange(-1, -1);
 201             }
 202         }
 203     }
 205     private void setPageRangeAttribute(int from, int to, boolean isRangeSet) {
 206         if (attributes != null) {
 207             // since native Print use zero-based page indices,
 208             // we need to store in 1-based format in attributes set
 209             // but setPageRange again uses zero-based indices so it should be
 210             // 1 less than pageRanges attribute
 211             if (isRangeSet) {
 212                 attributes.add(new PageRanges(from+1, to+1));
 213                 attributes.add(SunPageSelection.RANGE);
 214                 setPageRange(from, to);
 215             } else {
 216                 attributes.add(SunPageSelection.ALL);
 217             }
 218         }
 219     }
 221     private void setCopiesAttribute(int copies) {
 222         if (attributes != null) {
 223             attributes.add(new Copies(copies));
 224             super.setCopies(copies);
 225         }
 226     }
 228     volatile boolean onEventThread;
 230     @Override
 231     protected void cancelDoc() throws PrinterAbortException {
 232         super.cancelDoc();
 233         if (printingLoop != null) {
 234             printingLoop.exit();
 235         }
 236     }
 238     private void completePrintLoop() {
 239         Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() {
 240             synchronized(this) {
 241                 performingPrinting = false;
 242             }
 243             if (printingLoop != null) {
 244                 printingLoop.exit();
 245             }
 246         }};
 248         if (onEventThread) {
 249             try { EventQueue.invokeAndWait(r); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
 250         } else {
 251             r.run();
 252         }
 253     }
 255     @Override
 256     public void print(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes) throws PrinterException {
 257         // NOTE: Some of this code is copied from RasterPrinterJob.
 260         // this code uses javax.print APIs
 261         // this will make it print directly to the printer
 262         // this will not work if the user clicks on the "Preview" button
 263         // However if the printer is a StreamPrintService, its the right path.
 264         PrintService psvc = getPrintService();
 266         if (psvc == null) {
 267             throw new PrinterException("No print service found.");
 268         }
 270         if (psvc instanceof StreamPrintService) {
 271             spoolToService(psvc, attributes);
 272             return;
 273         }
 276         setAttributes(attributes);
 277         // throw exception for invalid destination
 278         if (destinationAttr != null) {
 279             validateDestination(destinationAttr);
 280         }
 282         /* Get the range of pages we are to print. If the
 283          * last page to print is unknown, then we print to
 284          * the end of the document. Note that firstPage
 285          * and lastPage are 0 based page indices.
 286          */
 288         int firstPage = getFirstPage();
 289         int lastPage = getLastPage();
 290         if(lastPage == Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES) {
 291             int totalPages = mDocument.getNumberOfPages();
 292             if (totalPages != Pageable.UNKNOWN_NUMBER_OF_PAGES) {
 293                 lastPage = mDocument.getNumberOfPages() - 1;
 294             }
 295         }
 297         try {
 298             synchronized (this) {
 299                 performingPrinting = true;
 300                 userCancelled = false;
 301             }
 303             //Add support for PageRange
 304             PageRanges pr = (attributes == null) ?  null
 305                                                  : (PageRanges)attributes.get(PageRanges.class);
 306             int[][] prMembers = (pr == null) ? new int[0][0] : pr.getMembers();
 307             int loopi = 0;
 308             do {
 309                 if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
 310                     // This is an AWT EventQueue, and this print rendering loop needs to block it.
 312                     onEventThread = true;
 314                     printingLoop = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<SecondaryLoop>() {
 315                         @Override
 316                         public SecondaryLoop run() {
 317                             return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
 318                                     .getSystemEventQueue()
 319                                     .createSecondaryLoop();
 320                         }
 321                     });
 323                     try {
 324                         // Fire off the print rendering loop on the AppKit thread, and don't have
 325                         //  it wait and block this thread.
 326                         if (printLoop(false, firstPage, lastPage)) {
 327                             // Start a secondary loop on EDT until printing operation is finished or cancelled
 328                             printingLoop.enter();
 329                         }
 330                     } catch (Exception e) {
 331                         e.printStackTrace();
 332                     }
 333               } else {
 334                     // Fire off the print rendering loop on the AppKit, and block this thread
 335                     //  until it is done.
 336                     // But don't actually block... we need to come back here!
 337                     onEventThread = false;
 339                     try {
 340                         printLoop(true, firstPage, lastPage);
 341                     } catch (Exception e) {
 342                         e.printStackTrace();
 343                     }
 344                 }
 345                 if (++loopi < prMembers.length) {
 346                      firstPage = prMembers[loopi][0]-1;
 347                      lastPage = prMembers[loopi][1] -1;
 348                 }
 349             }  while (loopi < prMembers.length);
 350         } finally {
 351             synchronized (this) {
 352                 // NOTE: Native code shouldn't allow exceptions out while
 353                 // printing. They should cancel the print loop.
 354                 performingPrinting = false;
 355                 notify();
 356             }
 357             if (printingLoop != null) {
 358                 printingLoop.exit();
 359             }
 360         }
 362         // Normalize the collated, # copies, numPages, first/last pages. Need to
 363         //  make note of pageRangesAttr.
 365         // Set up NSPrintInfo with the java settings (PageFormat & Paper).
 367         // Create an NSView for printing. Have knowsPageRange return YES, and give the correct
 368         //  range, or MAX? if unknown. Have rectForPage do a peekGraphics check before returning
 369         //  the rectangle. Have drawRect do the real render of the page. Have printJobTitle do
 370         //  the right thing.
 372         // Call NSPrintOperation, it will call NSView.drawRect: for each page.
 374         // NSView.drawRect: will create a CPrinterGraphics with the current CGContextRef, and then
 375         //  pass this Graphics onto the Printable with the appropriate PageFormat and index.
 377         // Need to be able to cancel the NSPrintOperation (using code from RasterPrinterJob, be
 378         //  sure to initialize userCancelled and performingPrinting member variables).
 380         // Extensions available from AppKit: Print to PDF or EPS file!
 381     }
 383     /**
 384      * Returns the resolution in dots per inch across the width
 385      * of the page.
 386      */
 387     @Override
 388     protected double getXRes() {
 389         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 390         return 0;
 391     }
 393     /**
 394      * Returns the resolution in dots per inch down the height
 395      * of the page.
 396      */
 397     @Override
 398     protected double getYRes() {
 399         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 400         return 0;
 401     }
 403     /**
 404      * Must be obtained from the current printer.
 405      * Value is in device pixels.
 406      * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
 407      */
 408     @Override
 409     protected double getPhysicalPrintableX(Paper p) {
 410         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 411         return 0;
 412     }
 414     /**
 415      * Must be obtained from the current printer.
 416      * Value is in device pixels.
 417      * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
 418      */
 419     @Override
 420     protected double getPhysicalPrintableY(Paper p) {
 421         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 422         return 0;
 423     }
 425     /**
 426      * Must be obtained from the current printer.
 427      * Value is in device pixels.
 428      * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
 429      */
 430     @Override
 431     protected double getPhysicalPrintableWidth(Paper p) {
 432         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 433         return 0;
 434     }
 436     /**
 437      * Must be obtained from the current printer.
 438      * Value is in device pixels.
 439      * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
 440      */
 441     @Override
 442     protected double getPhysicalPrintableHeight(Paper p) {
 443         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 444         return 0;
 445     }
 447     /**
 448      * Must be obtained from the current printer.
 449      * Value is in device pixels.
 450      * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
 451      */
 452     @Override
 453     protected double getPhysicalPageWidth(Paper p) {
 454         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 455         return 0;
 456     }
 458     /**
 459      * Must be obtained from the current printer.
 460      * Value is in device pixels.
 461      * Not adjusted for orientation of the paper.
 462      */
 463     @Override
 464     protected double getPhysicalPageHeight(Paper p) {
 465         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 466         return 0;
 467     }
 469     /**
 470      * Begin a new page. This call's Window's
 471      * StartPage routine.
 472      */
 473     protected void startPage(PageFormat format, Printable painter, int index) throws PrinterException {
 474         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 475         throw new PrinterException(sShouldNotReachHere);
 476     }
 478     /**
 479      * End a page.
 480      */
 481     @Override
 482     protected void endPage(PageFormat format, Printable painter, int index) throws PrinterException {
 483         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 484         throw new PrinterException(sShouldNotReachHere);
 485     }
 487     /**
 488      * Prints the contents of the array of ints, 'data'
 489      * to the current page. The band is placed at the
 490      * location (x, y) in device coordinates on the
 491      * page. The width and height of the band is
 492      * specified by the caller.
 493      */
 494     @Override
 495     protected void printBand(byte[] data, int x, int y, int width, int height) throws PrinterException {
 496         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 497         throw new PrinterException(sShouldNotReachHere);
 498     }
 500     /**
 501      * Called by the print() method at the start of
 502      * a print job.
 503      */
 504     @Override
 505     protected void startDoc() throws PrinterException {
 506         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 507         throw new PrinterException(sShouldNotReachHere);
 508     }
 510     /**
 511      * Called by the print() method at the end of
 512      * a print job.
 513      */
 514     @Override
 515     protected void endDoc() throws PrinterException {
 516         // NOTE: This is not used in the CPrinterJob code path.
 517         throw new PrinterException(sShouldNotReachHere);
 518     }
 520     /* Called by cancelDoc */
 521     @Override
 522     protected native void abortDoc();
 524     /**
 525      * Displays the page setup dialog placing the user's
 526      * settings into 'page'.
 527      */
 528     public boolean pageSetup(PageFormat page, Printable painter) {
 529         CPrinterDialog printerDialog = new CPrinterPageDialog(null, this, page, painter);
 530         printerDialog.setVisible(true);
 531         boolean result = printerDialog.getRetVal();
 532         printerDialog.dispose();
 533         return result;
 534     }
 536     /**
 537      * Displays the print dialog and records the user's settings
 538      * into this object. Return false if the user cancels the
 539      * dialog.
 540      * If the dialog is to use a set of attributes, useAttributes is true.
 541      */
 542     private boolean jobSetup(Pageable doc, boolean allowPrintToFile) {
 543         CPrinterDialog printerDialog = new CPrinterJobDialog(null, this, doc, allowPrintToFile);
 544         printerDialog.setVisible(true);
 545         boolean result = printerDialog.getRetVal();
 546         printerDialog.dispose();
 547         return result;
 548     }
 550     /**
 551      * Alters the orientation and Paper to match defaults obtained
 552      * from a printer.
 553      */
 554     private native void getDefaultPage(PageFormat page);
 556     /**
 557      * validate the paper size against the current printer.
 558      */
 559     @Override
 560     protected native void validatePaper(Paper origPaper, Paper newPaper );
 562     // The following methods are CPrinterJob specific.
 564     @Override
 565     protected void finalize() {
 566         if (fNSPrintInfo != -1) {
 567             dispose(fNSPrintInfo);
 568         }
 569     }
 571     private native long createNSPrintInfo();
 572     private native void dispose(long printInfo);
 574     private long getNSPrintInfo() {
 575         // This is called from the native side.
 576         synchronized (fNSPrintInfoLock) {
 577             if (fNSPrintInfo == -1) {
 578                 fNSPrintInfo = createNSPrintInfo();
 579             }
 580             return fNSPrintInfo;
 581         }
 582     }
 584     private native boolean printLoop(boolean waitUntilDone, int firstPage, int lastPage) throws PrinterException;
 586     private PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageIndex) {
 587         // This is called from the native side.
 588         PageFormat page;
 589         try {
 590             page = getPageable().getPageFormat(pageIndex);
 591         } catch (Exception e) {
 592             return null;
 593         }
 594         return page;
 595     }
 597     private Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex) {
 598         // This is called from the native side.
 599         Printable painter;
 600         try {
 601             painter = getPageable().getPrintable(pageIndex);
 602         } catch (Exception e) {
 603             return null;
 604         }
 605         return painter;
 606     }
 608     private String getPrinterName(){
 609         // This is called from the native side.
 610         PrintService service = getPrintService();
 611         if (service == null) return null;
 612         return service.getName();
 613     }
 615     private void setPrinterServiceFromNative(String printerName) {
 616         // This is called from the native side.
 617         PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE, null);
 619         for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
 620             PrintService service = services[i];
 622             if (printerName.equals(service.getName())) {
 623                 try {
 624                     setPrintService(service);
 625                 } catch (PrinterException e) {
 626                     // ignored
 627                 }
 628                 return;
 629             }
 630         }
 631     }
 633     private Rectangle2D getPageFormatArea(PageFormat page) {
 634         Rectangle2D.Double pageFormatArea =
 635             new Rectangle2D.Double(page.getImageableX(),
 636                     page.getImageableY(),
 637                     page.getImageableWidth(),
 638                     page.getImageableHeight());
 639         return pageFormatArea;
 640     }
 642     private boolean cancelCheck() {
 643         // This is called from the native side.
 645         // This is used to avoid deadlock
 646         // We would like to just call if isCancelled(),
 647         // but that will block the AppKit thread against whomever is holding the synchronized lock
 648         boolean cancelled = (performingPrinting && userCancelled);
 649         if (cancelled) {
 650             try {
 651                 LWCToolkit.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() {
 652                     try {
 653                     cancelDoc();
 654                     } catch (PrinterAbortException pae) {
 655                         // no-op, let the native side handle it
 656                     }
 657                 }}, null);
 658             } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) {}
 659         }
 660         return cancelled;
 661     }
 663     private PeekGraphics createFirstPassGraphics(PrinterJob printerJob, PageFormat page) {
 664         // This is called from the native side.
 665         BufferedImage bimg = new BufferedImage((int)Math.round(page.getWidth()), (int)Math.round(page.getHeight()), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
 666         PeekGraphics peekGraphics = createPeekGraphics(bimg.createGraphics(), printerJob);
 667         Rectangle2D pageFormatArea = getPageFormatArea(page);
 668         initPrinterGraphics(peekGraphics, pageFormatArea);
 669         return peekGraphics;
 670     }
 672     private void printToPathGraphics(    final PeekGraphics graphics, // Always an actual PeekGraphics
 673                                         final PrinterJob printerJob, // Always an actual CPrinterJob
 674                                         final Printable painter, // Client class
 675                                         final PageFormat page, // Client class
 676                                         final int pageIndex,
 677                                         final long context) throws PrinterException {
 678         // This is called from the native side.
 679         Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() {
 680             try {
 681                 SurfaceData sd = CPrinterSurfaceData.createData(page, context); // Just stores page into an ivar
 682                 if (defaultFont == null) {
 683                     defaultFont = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
 684                 }
 685                 Graphics2D delegate = new SunGraphics2D(sd, Color.black, Color.white, defaultFont);
 687                 Graphics2D pathGraphics = new CPrinterGraphics(delegate, printerJob); // Just stores delegate into an ivar
 688                 Rectangle2D pageFormatArea = getPageFormatArea(page);
 689                 initPrinterGraphics(pathGraphics, pageFormatArea);
 690                 painter.print(pathGraphics, page, pageIndex);
 691                 delegate.dispose();
 692                 delegate = null;
 693         } catch (PrinterException pe) { throw new java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException(pe); }
 694         }};
 696         if (onEventThread) {
 697             try { EventQueue.invokeAndWait(r);
 698             } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) {
 699                 Throwable te = ite.getTargetException();
 700                 if (te instanceof PrinterException) throw (PrinterException)te;
 701                 else te.printStackTrace();
 702             } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
 703         } else {
 704             r.run();
 705         }
 707     }
 709     // Returns either 1. an array of 3 object (PageFormat, Printable, PeekGraphics) or 2. null
 710     private Object[] getPageformatPrintablePeekgraphics(final int pageIndex) {
 711         final Object[] ret = new Object[3];
 712         final PrinterJob printerJob = this;
 714         Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized(ret) {
 715             try {
 716                 Pageable pageable = getPageable();
 717                 PageFormat pageFormat = pageable.getPageFormat(pageIndex);
 718                 if (pageFormat != null) {
 719                     Printable printable = pageable.getPrintable(pageIndex);
 720                     if (printable != null) {
 721                         BufferedImage bimg =
 722                               new BufferedImage(
 723                                   (int)Math.round(pageFormat.getWidth()),
 724                                   (int)Math.round(pageFormat.getHeight()),
 725                                   BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
 726                         PeekGraphics peekGraphics =
 727                          createPeekGraphics(bimg.createGraphics(), printerJob);
 728                         Rectangle2D pageFormatArea =
 729                              getPageFormatArea(pageFormat);
 730                         initPrinterGraphics(peekGraphics, pageFormatArea);
 732                         // Do the assignment here!
 733                         ret[0] = pageFormat;
 734                         ret[1] = printable;
 735                         ret[2] = peekGraphics;
 736                     }
 737                 }
 738             } catch (Exception e) {} // Original code bailed on any exception
 739         }}};
 741         if (onEventThread) {
 742             try { EventQueue.invokeAndWait(r); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
 743         } else {
 744             r.run();
 745         }
 747         synchronized(ret) {
 748             if (ret[2] != null)
 749                 return ret;
 750             return null;
 751         }
 752     }
 754     private Rectangle2D printAndGetPageFormatArea(final Printable printable, final Graphics graphics, final PageFormat pageFormat, final int pageIndex) {
 755         final Rectangle2D[] ret = new Rectangle2D[1];
 757         Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized(ret) {
 758             try {
 759                 int pageResult = printable.print(graphics, pageFormat, pageIndex);
 760                 if (pageResult != Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE) {
 761                     ret[0] = getPageFormatArea(pageFormat);
 762                 }
 763             } catch (Exception e) {} // Original code bailed on any exception
 764         }}};
 766         if (onEventThread) {
 767             try { EventQueue.invokeAndWait(r); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
 768         } else {
 769             r.run();
 770         }
 772         synchronized(ret) { return ret[0]; }
 773     }
 775     // upcall from native
 776     private static void detachPrintLoop(final long target, final long arg) {
 777         new Thread(null, () -> _safePrintLoop(target, arg),
 778                    "PrintLoop", 0, false).start();
 779     }
 780     private static native void _safePrintLoop(long target, long arg);
 782     @Override
 783     protected void startPage(PageFormat arg0, Printable arg1, int arg2, boolean arg3) throws PrinterException {
 784         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
 785     }
 787     @Override
 788     protected MediaSize getMediaSize(Media media, PrintService service,
 789             PageFormat page) {
 790         if (media == null || !(media instanceof MediaSizeName)) {
 791             return getDefaultMediaSize(page);
 792         }
 793         MediaSize size = MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName((MediaSizeName) media);
 794         return size != null ? size : getDefaultMediaSize(page);
 795     }
 797     private MediaSize getDefaultMediaSize(PageFormat page){
 798             final int inch = 72;
 799             Paper paper = page.getPaper();
 800             float width = (float) (paper.getWidth() / inch);
 801             float height = (float) (paper.getHeight() / inch);
 802             return new MediaSize(width, height, MediaSize.INCH);
 803     }
 805     @Override
 806     protected MediaPrintableArea getDefaultPrintableArea(PageFormat page, double w, double h) {
 807         final float dpi = 72.0f;
 808         Paper paper = page.getPaper();
 809         return new MediaPrintableArea(
 810                 (float) (paper.getImageableX() / dpi),
 811                 (float) (paper.getImageableY() / dpi),
 812                 (float) (paper.getImageableWidth() / dpi),
 813                 (float) (paper.getImageableHeight() / dpi),
 814                 MediaPrintableArea.INCH);
 815     }
 816 }