1 /****************************************************************************
   2  *
   3  * ftimage.h
   4  *
   5  *   FreeType glyph image formats and default raster interface
   6  *   (specification).
   7  *
   8  * Copyright (C) 1996-2019 by
   9  * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
  10  *
  11  * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
  12  * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
  13  * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
  14  * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
  15  * understand and accept it fully.
  16  *
  17  */
  19   /**************************************************************************
  20    *
  21    * Note: A 'raster' is simply a scan-line converter, used to render
  22    *       FT_Outlines into FT_Bitmaps.
  23    *
  24    */
  27 #ifndef FTIMAGE_H_
  28 #define FTIMAGE_H_
  31   /* STANDALONE_ is from ftgrays.c */
  32 #ifndef STANDALONE_
  33 #include <ft2build.h>
  34 #endif
  40   /**************************************************************************
  41    *
  42    * @section:
  43    *   basic_types
  44    *
  45    */
  48   /**************************************************************************
  49    *
  50    * @type:
  51    *   FT_Pos
  52    *
  53    * @description:
  54    *   The type FT_Pos is used to store vectorial coordinates.  Depending on
  55    *   the context, these can represent distances in integer font units, or
  56    *   16.16, or 26.6 fixed-point pixel coordinates.
  57    */
  58   typedef signed long  FT_Pos;
  61   /**************************************************************************
  62    *
  63    * @struct:
  64    *   FT_Vector
  65    *
  66    * @description:
  67    *   A simple structure used to store a 2D vector; coordinates are of the
  68    *   FT_Pos type.
  69    *
  70    * @fields:
  71    *   x ::
  72    *     The horizontal coordinate.
  73    *   y ::
  74    *     The vertical coordinate.
  75    */
  76   typedef struct  FT_Vector_
  77   {
  78     FT_Pos  x;
  79     FT_Pos  y;
  81   } FT_Vector;
  84   /**************************************************************************
  85    *
  86    * @struct:
  87    *   FT_BBox
  88    *
  89    * @description:
  90    *   A structure used to hold an outline's bounding box, i.e., the
  91    *   coordinates of its extrema in the horizontal and vertical directions.
  92    *
  93    * @fields:
  94    *   xMin ::
  95    *     The horizontal minimum (left-most).
  96    *
  97    *   yMin ::
  98    *     The vertical minimum (bottom-most).
  99    *
 100    *   xMax ::
 101    *     The horizontal maximum (right-most).
 102    *
 103    *   yMax ::
 104    *     The vertical maximum (top-most).
 105    *
 106    * @note:
 107    *   The bounding box is specified with the coordinates of the lower left
 108    *   and the upper right corner.  In PostScript, those values are often
 109    *   called (llx,lly) and (urx,ury), respectively.
 110    *
 111    *   If `yMin` is negative, this value gives the glyph's descender.
 112    *   Otherwise, the glyph doesn't descend below the baseline.  Similarly,
 113    *   if `ymax` is positive, this value gives the glyph's ascender.
 114    *
 115    *   `xMin` gives the horizontal distance from the glyph's origin to the
 116    *   left edge of the glyph's bounding box.  If `xMin` is negative, the
 117    *   glyph extends to the left of the origin.
 118    */
 119   typedef struct  FT_BBox_
 120   {
 121     FT_Pos  xMin, yMin;
 122     FT_Pos  xMax, yMax;
 124   } FT_BBox;
 127   /**************************************************************************
 128    *
 129    * @enum:
 130    *   FT_Pixel_Mode
 131    *
 132    * @description:
 133    *   An enumeration type used to describe the format of pixels in a given
 134    *   bitmap.  Note that additional formats may be added in the future.
 135    *
 136    * @values:
 137    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_NONE ::
 138    *     Value~0 is reserved.
 139    *
 140    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO ::
 141    *     A monochrome bitmap, using 1~bit per pixel.  Note that pixels are
 142    *     stored in most-significant order (MSB), which means that the
 143    *     left-most pixel in a byte has value 128.
 144    *
 145    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY ::
 146    *     An 8-bit bitmap, generally used to represent anti-aliased glyph
 147    *     images.  Each pixel is stored in one byte.  Note that the number of
 148    *     'gray' levels is stored in the `num_grays` field of the @FT_Bitmap
 149    *     structure (it generally is 256).
 150    *
 151    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY2 ::
 152    *     A 2-bit per pixel bitmap, used to represent embedded anti-aliased
 153    *     bitmaps in font files according to the OpenType specification.  We
 154    *     haven't found a single font using this format, however.
 155    *
 156    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY4 ::
 157    *     A 4-bit per pixel bitmap, representing embedded anti-aliased bitmaps
 158    *     in font files according to the OpenType specification.  We haven't
 159    *     found a single font using this format, however.
 160    *
 161    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD ::
 162    *     An 8-bit bitmap, representing RGB or BGR decimated glyph images used
 163    *     for display on LCD displays; the bitmap is three times wider than
 164    *     the original glyph image.  See also @FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD.
 165    *
 166    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V ::
 167    *     An 8-bit bitmap, representing RGB or BGR decimated glyph images used
 168    *     for display on rotated LCD displays; the bitmap is three times
 169    *     taller than the original glyph image.  See also
 170    *     @FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V.
 171    *
 172    *   FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA ::
 173    *     [Since 2.5] An image with four 8-bit channels per pixel,
 174    *     representing a color image (such as emoticons) with alpha channel.
 175    *     For each pixel, the format is BGRA, which means, the blue channel
 176    *     comes first in memory.  The color channels are pre-multiplied and in
 177    *     the sRGB colorspace.  For example, full red at half-translucent
 178    *     opacity will be represented as '00,00,80,80', not '00,00,FF,80'.
 179    *     See also @FT_LOAD_COLOR.
 180    */
 181   typedef enum  FT_Pixel_Mode_
 182   {
 183     FT_PIXEL_MODE_NONE = 0,
 192     FT_PIXEL_MODE_MAX      /* do not remove */
 194   } FT_Pixel_Mode;
 197   /* these constants are deprecated; use the corresponding `FT_Pixel_Mode` */
 198   /* values instead.                                                       */
 199 #define ft_pixel_mode_none   FT_PIXEL_MODE_NONE
 200 #define ft_pixel_mode_mono   FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO
 201 #define ft_pixel_mode_grays  FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY
 202 #define ft_pixel_mode_pal2   FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY2
 203 #define ft_pixel_mode_pal4   FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY4
 206   /**************************************************************************
 207    *
 208    * @struct:
 209    *   FT_Bitmap
 210    *
 211    * @description:
 212    *   A structure used to describe a bitmap or pixmap to the raster.  Note
 213    *   that we now manage pixmaps of various depths through the `pixel_mode`
 214    *   field.
 215    *
 216    * @fields:
 217    *   rows ::
 218    *     The number of bitmap rows.
 219    *
 220    *   width ::
 221    *     The number of pixels in bitmap row.
 222    *
 223    *   pitch ::
 224    *     The pitch's absolute value is the number of bytes taken by one
 225    *     bitmap row, including padding.  However, the pitch is positive when
 226    *     the bitmap has a 'down' flow, and negative when it has an 'up' flow.
 227    *     In all cases, the pitch is an offset to add to a bitmap pointer in
 228    *     order to go down one row.
 229    *
 230    *     Note that 'padding' means the alignment of a bitmap to a byte
 231    *     border, and FreeType functions normally align to the smallest
 232    *     possible integer value.
 233    *
 234    *     For the B/W rasterizer, `pitch` is always an even number.
 235    *
 236    *     To change the pitch of a bitmap (say, to make it a multiple of 4),
 237    *     use @FT_Bitmap_Convert.  Alternatively, you might use callback
 238    *     functions to directly render to the application's surface; see the
 239    *     file `example2.cpp` in the tutorial for a demonstration.
 240    *
 241    *   buffer ::
 242    *     A typeless pointer to the bitmap buffer.  This value should be
 243    *     aligned on 32-bit boundaries in most cases.
 244    *
 245    *   num_grays ::
 246    *     This field is only used with @FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY; it gives the
 247    *     number of gray levels used in the bitmap.
 248    *
 249    *   pixel_mode ::
 250    *     The pixel mode, i.e., how pixel bits are stored.  See @FT_Pixel_Mode
 251    *     for possible values.
 252    *
 253    *   palette_mode ::
 254    *     This field is intended for paletted pixel modes; it indicates how
 255    *     the palette is stored.  Not used currently.
 256    *
 257    *   palette ::
 258    *     A typeless pointer to the bitmap palette; this field is intended for
 259    *     paletted pixel modes.  Not used currently.
 260    */
 261   typedef struct  FT_Bitmap_
 262   {
 263     unsigned int    rows;
 264     unsigned int    width;
 265     int             pitch;
 266     unsigned char*  buffer;
 267     unsigned short  num_grays;
 268     unsigned char   pixel_mode;
 269     unsigned char   palette_mode;
 270     void*           palette;
 272   } FT_Bitmap;
 275   /**************************************************************************
 276    *
 277    * @section:
 278    *   outline_processing
 279    *
 280    */
 283   /**************************************************************************
 284    *
 285    * @struct:
 286    *   FT_Outline
 287    *
 288    * @description:
 289    *   This structure is used to describe an outline to the scan-line
 290    *   converter.
 291    *
 292    * @fields:
 293    *   n_contours ::
 294    *     The number of contours in the outline.
 295    *
 296    *   n_points ::
 297    *     The number of points in the outline.
 298    *
 299    *   points ::
 300    *     A pointer to an array of `n_points` @FT_Vector elements, giving the
 301    *     outline's point coordinates.
 302    *
 303    *   tags ::
 304    *     A pointer to an array of `n_points` chars, giving each outline
 305    *     point's type.
 306    *
 307    *     If bit~0 is unset, the point is 'off' the curve, i.e., a Bezier
 308    *     control point, while it is 'on' if set.
 309    *
 310    *     Bit~1 is meaningful for 'off' points only.  If set, it indicates a
 311    *     third-order Bezier arc control point; and a second-order control
 312    *     point if unset.
 313    *
 314    *     If bit~2 is set, bits 5-7 contain the drop-out mode (as defined in
 315    *     the OpenType specification; the value is the same as the argument to
 316    *     the 'SCANMODE' instruction).
 317    *
 318    *     Bits 3 and~4 are reserved for internal purposes.
 319    *
 320    *   contours ::
 321    *     An array of `n_contours` shorts, giving the end point of each
 322    *     contour within the outline.  For example, the first contour is
 323    *     defined by the points '0' to `contours[0]`, the second one is
 324    *     defined by the points `contours[0]+1` to `contours[1]`, etc.
 325    *
 326    *   flags ::
 327    *     A set of bit flags used to characterize the outline and give hints
 328    *     to the scan-converter and hinter on how to convert/grid-fit it.  See
 329    *     @FT_OUTLINE_XXX.
 330    *
 331    * @note:
 332    *   The B/W rasterizer only checks bit~2 in the `tags` array for the first
 333    *   point of each contour.  The drop-out mode as given with
 335    *   @FT_OUTLINE_INCLUDE_STUBS in `flags` is then overridden.
 336    */
 337   typedef struct  FT_Outline_
 338   {
 339     short       n_contours;      /* number of contours in glyph        */
 340     short       n_points;        /* number of points in the glyph      */
 342     FT_Vector*  points;          /* the outline's points               */
 343     char*       tags;            /* the points flags                   */
 344     short*      contours;        /* the contour end points             */
 346     int         flags;           /* outline masks                      */
 348   } FT_Outline;
 350   /* */
 352   /* Following limits must be consistent with */
 353   /* FT_Outline.{n_contours,n_points}         */
 358   /**************************************************************************
 359    *
 360    * @enum:
 361    *   FT_OUTLINE_XXX
 362    *
 363    * @description:
 364    *   A list of bit-field constants used for the flags in an outline's
 365    *   `flags` field.
 366    *
 367    * @values:
 368    *   FT_OUTLINE_NONE ::
 369    *     Value~0 is reserved.
 370    *
 371    *   FT_OUTLINE_OWNER ::
 372    *     If set, this flag indicates that the outline's field arrays (i.e.,
 373    *     `points`, `flags`, and `contours`) are 'owned' by the outline
 374    *     object, and should thus be freed when it is destroyed.
 375    *
 377    *     By default, outlines are filled using the non-zero winding rule.  If
 378    *     set to 1, the outline will be filled using the even-odd fill rule
 379    *     (only works with the smooth rasterizer).
 380    *
 382    *     By default, outside contours of an outline are oriented in
 383    *     clock-wise direction, as defined in the TrueType specification.
 384    *     This flag is set if the outline uses the opposite direction
 385    *     (typically for Type~1 fonts).  This flag is ignored by the scan
 386    *     converter.
 387    *
 389    *     By default, the scan converter will try to detect drop-outs in an
 390    *     outline and correct the glyph bitmap to ensure consistent shape
 391    *     continuity.  If set, this flag hints the scan-line converter to
 392    *     ignore such cases.  See below for more information.
 393    *
 395    *     Select smart dropout control.  If unset, use simple dropout control.
 396    *     Ignored if @FT_OUTLINE_IGNORE_DROPOUTS is set.  See below for more
 397    *     information.
 398    *
 400    *     If set, turn pixels on for 'stubs', otherwise exclude them.  Ignored
 401    *     if @FT_OUTLINE_IGNORE_DROPOUTS is set.  See below for more
 402    *     information.
 403    *
 405    *     This flag indicates that the scan-line converter should try to
 406    *     convert this outline to bitmaps with the highest possible quality.
 407    *     It is typically set for small character sizes.  Note that this is
 408    *     only a hint that might be completely ignored by a given
 409    *     scan-converter.
 410    *
 412    *     This flag is set to force a given scan-converter to only use a
 413    *     single pass over the outline to render a bitmap glyph image.
 414    *     Normally, it is set for very large character sizes.  It is only a
 415    *     hint that might be completely ignored by a given scan-converter.
 416    *
 417    * @note:
 419    *   @FT_OUTLINE_INCLUDE_STUBS are ignored by the smooth rasterizer.
 420    *
 421    *   There exists a second mechanism to pass the drop-out mode to the B/W
 422    *   rasterizer; see the `tags` field in @FT_Outline.
 423    *
 424    *   Please refer to the description of the 'SCANTYPE' instruction in the
 425    *   OpenType specification (in file `ttinst1.doc`) how simple drop-outs,
 426    *   smart drop-outs, and stubs are defined.
 427    */
 428 #define FT_OUTLINE_NONE             0x0
 429 #define FT_OUTLINE_OWNER            0x1
 430 #define FT_OUTLINE_EVEN_ODD_FILL    0x2
 431 #define FT_OUTLINE_REVERSE_FILL     0x4
 433 #define FT_OUTLINE_SMART_DROPOUTS   0x10
 434 #define FT_OUTLINE_INCLUDE_STUBS    0x20
 436 #define FT_OUTLINE_HIGH_PRECISION   0x100
 437 #define FT_OUTLINE_SINGLE_PASS      0x200
 440   /* these constants are deprecated; use the corresponding */
 441   /* `FT_OUTLINE_XXX` values instead                       */
 442 #define ft_outline_none             FT_OUTLINE_NONE
 443 #define ft_outline_owner            FT_OUTLINE_OWNER
 444 #define ft_outline_even_odd_fill    FT_OUTLINE_EVEN_ODD_FILL
 445 #define ft_outline_reverse_fill     FT_OUTLINE_REVERSE_FILL
 446 #define ft_outline_ignore_dropouts  FT_OUTLINE_IGNORE_DROPOUTS
 447 #define ft_outline_high_precision   FT_OUTLINE_HIGH_PRECISION
 448 #define ft_outline_single_pass      FT_OUTLINE_SINGLE_PASS
 450   /* */
 452 #define FT_CURVE_TAG( flag )  ( flag & 0x03 )
 454   /* see the `tags` field in `FT_Outline` for a description of the values */
 455 #define FT_CURVE_TAG_ON            0x01
 456 #define FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC         0x00
 457 #define FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC         0x02
 459 #define FT_CURVE_TAG_HAS_SCANMODE  0x04
 461 #define FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_X       0x08  /* reserved for TrueType hinter */
 462 #define FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_Y       0x10  /* reserved for TrueType hinter */
 465                                      FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_Y )
 466   /* values 0x20, 0x40, and 0x80 are reserved */
 469   /* these constants are deprecated; use the corresponding */
 470   /* `FT_CURVE_TAG_XXX` values instead                     */
 471 #define FT_Curve_Tag_On       FT_CURVE_TAG_ON
 472 #define FT_Curve_Tag_Conic    FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC
 473 #define FT_Curve_Tag_Cubic    FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC
 474 #define FT_Curve_Tag_Touch_X  FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_X
 475 #define FT_Curve_Tag_Touch_Y  FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_Y
 478   /**************************************************************************
 479    *
 480    * @functype:
 481    *   FT_Outline_MoveToFunc
 482    *
 483    * @description:
 484    *   A function pointer type used to describe the signature of a 'move to'
 485    *   function during outline walking/decomposition.
 486    *
 487    *   A 'move to' is emitted to start a new contour in an outline.
 488    *
 489    * @input:
 490    *   to ::
 491    *     A pointer to the target point of the 'move to'.
 492    *
 493    *   user ::
 494    *     A typeless pointer, which is passed from the caller of the
 495    *     decomposition function.
 496    *
 497    * @return:
 498    *   Error code.  0~means success.
 499    */
 500   typedef int
 501   (*FT_Outline_MoveToFunc)( const FT_Vector*  to,
 502                             void*             user );
 504 #define FT_Outline_MoveTo_Func  FT_Outline_MoveToFunc
 507   /**************************************************************************
 508    *
 509    * @functype:
 510    *   FT_Outline_LineToFunc
 511    *
 512    * @description:
 513    *   A function pointer type used to describe the signature of a 'line to'
 514    *   function during outline walking/decomposition.
 515    *
 516    *   A 'line to' is emitted to indicate a segment in the outline.
 517    *
 518    * @input:
 519    *   to ::
 520    *     A pointer to the target point of the 'line to'.
 521    *
 522    *   user ::
 523    *     A typeless pointer, which is passed from the caller of the
 524    *     decomposition function.
 525    *
 526    * @return:
 527    *   Error code.  0~means success.
 528    */
 529   typedef int
 530   (*FT_Outline_LineToFunc)( const FT_Vector*  to,
 531                             void*             user );
 533 #define FT_Outline_LineTo_Func  FT_Outline_LineToFunc
 536   /**************************************************************************
 537    *
 538    * @functype:
 539    *   FT_Outline_ConicToFunc
 540    *
 541    * @description:
 542    *   A function pointer type used to describe the signature of a 'conic to'
 543    *   function during outline walking or decomposition.
 544    *
 545    *   A 'conic to' is emitted to indicate a second-order Bezier arc in the
 546    *   outline.
 547    *
 548    * @input:
 549    *   control ::
 550    *     An intermediate control point between the last position and the new
 551    *     target in `to`.
 552    *
 553    *   to ::
 554    *     A pointer to the target end point of the conic arc.
 555    *
 556    *   user ::
 557    *     A typeless pointer, which is passed from the caller of the
 558    *     decomposition function.
 559    *
 560    * @return:
 561    *   Error code.  0~means success.
 562    */
 563   typedef int
 564   (*FT_Outline_ConicToFunc)( const FT_Vector*  control,
 565                              const FT_Vector*  to,
 566                              void*             user );
 568 #define FT_Outline_ConicTo_Func  FT_Outline_ConicToFunc
 571   /**************************************************************************
 572    *
 573    * @functype:
 574    *   FT_Outline_CubicToFunc
 575    *
 576    * @description:
 577    *   A function pointer type used to describe the signature of a 'cubic to'
 578    *   function during outline walking or decomposition.
 579    *
 580    *   A 'cubic to' is emitted to indicate a third-order Bezier arc.
 581    *
 582    * @input:
 583    *   control1 ::
 584    *     A pointer to the first Bezier control point.
 585    *
 586    *   control2 ::
 587    *     A pointer to the second Bezier control point.
 588    *
 589    *   to ::
 590    *     A pointer to the target end point.
 591    *
 592    *   user ::
 593    *     A typeless pointer, which is passed from the caller of the
 594    *     decomposition function.
 595    *
 596    * @return:
 597    *   Error code.  0~means success.
 598    */
 599   typedef int
 600   (*FT_Outline_CubicToFunc)( const FT_Vector*  control1,
 601                              const FT_Vector*  control2,
 602                              const FT_Vector*  to,
 603                              void*             user );
 605 #define FT_Outline_CubicTo_Func  FT_Outline_CubicToFunc
 608   /**************************************************************************
 609    *
 610    * @struct:
 611    *   FT_Outline_Funcs
 612    *
 613    * @description:
 614    *   A structure to hold various function pointers used during outline
 615    *   decomposition in order to emit segments, conic, and cubic Beziers.
 616    *
 617    * @fields:
 618    *   move_to ::
 619    *     The 'move to' emitter.
 620    *
 621    *   line_to ::
 622    *     The segment emitter.
 623    *
 624    *   conic_to ::
 625    *     The second-order Bezier arc emitter.
 626    *
 627    *   cubic_to ::
 628    *     The third-order Bezier arc emitter.
 629    *
 630    *   shift ::
 631    *     The shift that is applied to coordinates before they are sent to the
 632    *     emitter.
 633    *
 634    *   delta ::
 635    *     The delta that is applied to coordinates before they are sent to the
 636    *     emitter, but after the shift.
 637    *
 638    * @note:
 639    *   The point coordinates sent to the emitters are the transformed version
 640    *   of the original coordinates (this is important for high accuracy
 641    *   during scan-conversion).  The transformation is simple:
 642    *
 643    *   ```
 644    *     x' = (x << shift) - delta
 645    *     y' = (y << shift) - delta
 646    *   ```
 647    *
 648    *   Set the values of `shift` and `delta` to~0 to get the original point
 649    *   coordinates.
 650    */
 651   typedef struct  FT_Outline_Funcs_
 652   {
 653     FT_Outline_MoveToFunc   move_to;
 654     FT_Outline_LineToFunc   line_to;
 655     FT_Outline_ConicToFunc  conic_to;
 656     FT_Outline_CubicToFunc  cubic_to;
 658     int                     shift;
 659     FT_Pos                  delta;
 661   } FT_Outline_Funcs;
 664   /**************************************************************************
 665    *
 666    * @section:
 667    *   basic_types
 668    *
 669    */
 672   /**************************************************************************
 673    *
 674    * @macro:
 675    *   FT_IMAGE_TAG
 676    *
 677    * @description:
 678    *   This macro converts four-letter tags to an unsigned long type.
 679    *
 680    * @note:
 681    *   Since many 16-bit compilers don't like 32-bit enumerations, you should
 682    *   redefine this macro in case of problems to something like this:
 683    *
 684    *   ```
 685    *     #define FT_IMAGE_TAG( value, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4 )  value
 686    *   ```
 687    *
 688    *   to get a simple enumeration without assigning special numbers.
 689    */
 690 #ifndef FT_IMAGE_TAG
 691 #define FT_IMAGE_TAG( value, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4 )  \
 692           value = ( ( (unsigned long)_x1 << 24 ) | \
 693                     ( (unsigned long)_x2 << 16 ) | \
 694                     ( (unsigned long)_x3 << 8  ) | \
 695                       (unsigned long)_x4         )
 696 #endif /* FT_IMAGE_TAG */
 699   /**************************************************************************
 700    *
 701    * @enum:
 702    *   FT_Glyph_Format
 703    *
 704    * @description:
 705    *   An enumeration type used to describe the format of a given glyph
 706    *   image.  Note that this version of FreeType only supports two image
 707    *   formats, even though future font drivers will be able to register
 708    *   their own format.
 709    *
 710    * @values:
 711    *   FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_NONE ::
 712    *     The value~0 is reserved.
 713    *
 715    *     The glyph image is a composite of several other images.  This format
 716    *     is _only_ used with @FT_LOAD_NO_RECURSE, and is used to report
 717    *     compound glyphs (like accented characters).
 718    *
 720    *     The glyph image is a bitmap, and can be described as an @FT_Bitmap.
 721    *     You generally need to access the `bitmap` field of the
 722    *     @FT_GlyphSlotRec structure to read it.
 723    *
 725    *     The glyph image is a vectorial outline made of line segments and
 726    *     Bezier arcs; it can be described as an @FT_Outline; you generally
 727    *     want to access the `outline` field of the @FT_GlyphSlotRec structure
 728    *     to read it.
 729    *
 731    *     The glyph image is a vectorial path with no inside and outside
 732    *     contours.  Some Type~1 fonts, like those in the Hershey family,
 733    *     contain glyphs in this format.  These are described as @FT_Outline,
 734    *     but FreeType isn't currently capable of rendering them correctly.
 735    */
 736   typedef enum  FT_Glyph_Format_
 737   {
 738     FT_IMAGE_TAG( FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
 740     FT_IMAGE_TAG( FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE, 'c', 'o', 'm', 'p' ),
 741     FT_IMAGE_TAG( FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP,    'b', 'i', 't', 's' ),
 742     FT_IMAGE_TAG( FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE,   'o', 'u', 't', 'l' ),
 743     FT_IMAGE_TAG( FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_PLOTTER,   'p', 'l', 'o', 't' )
 745   } FT_Glyph_Format;
 748   /* these constants are deprecated; use the corresponding */
 749   /* `FT_Glyph_Format` values instead.                     */
 750 #define ft_glyph_format_none       FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_NONE
 751 #define ft_glyph_format_composite  FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE
 752 #define ft_glyph_format_bitmap     FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP
 753 #define ft_glyph_format_outline    FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE
 754 #define ft_glyph_format_plotter    FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_PLOTTER
 757   /*************************************************************************/
 758   /*************************************************************************/
 759   /*************************************************************************/
 760   /*****                                                               *****/
 761   /*****            R A S T E R   D E F I N I T I O N S                *****/
 762   /*****                                                               *****/
 763   /*************************************************************************/
 764   /*************************************************************************/
 765   /*************************************************************************/
 768   /**************************************************************************
 769    *
 770    * A raster is a scan converter, in charge of rendering an outline into a
 771    * bitmap.  This section contains the public API for rasters.
 772    *
 773    * Note that in FreeType 2, all rasters are now encapsulated within
 774    * specific modules called 'renderers'.  See `ftrender.h` for more details
 775    * on renderers.
 776    *
 777    */
 780   /**************************************************************************
 781    *
 782    * @section:
 783    *   raster
 784    *
 785    * @title:
 786    *   Scanline Converter
 787    *
 788    * @abstract:
 789    *   How vectorial outlines are converted into bitmaps and pixmaps.
 790    *
 791    * @description:
 792    *   This section contains technical definitions.
 793    *
 794    * @order:
 795    *   FT_Raster
 796    *   FT_Span
 797    *   FT_SpanFunc
 798    *
 799    *   FT_Raster_Params
 800    *   FT_RASTER_FLAG_XXX
 801    *
 802    *   FT_Raster_NewFunc
 803    *   FT_Raster_DoneFunc
 804    *   FT_Raster_ResetFunc
 805    *   FT_Raster_SetModeFunc
 806    *   FT_Raster_RenderFunc
 807    *   FT_Raster_Funcs
 808    *
 809    */
 812   /**************************************************************************
 813    *
 814    * @type:
 815    *   FT_Raster
 816    *
 817    * @description:
 818    *   An opaque handle (pointer) to a raster object.  Each object can be
 819    *   used independently to convert an outline into a bitmap or pixmap.
 820    */
 821   typedef struct FT_RasterRec_*  FT_Raster;
 824   /**************************************************************************
 825    *
 826    * @struct:
 827    *   FT_Span
 828    *
 829    * @description:
 830    *   A structure used to model a single span of gray pixels when rendering
 831    *   an anti-aliased bitmap.
 832    *
 833    * @fields:
 834    *   x ::
 835    *     The span's horizontal start position.
 836    *
 837    *   len ::
 838    *     The span's length in pixels.
 839    *
 840    *   coverage ::
 841    *     The span color/coverage, ranging from 0 (background) to 255
 842    *     (foreground).
 843    *
 844    * @note:
 845    *   This structure is used by the span drawing callback type named
 846    *   @FT_SpanFunc that takes the y~coordinate of the span as a parameter.
 847    *
 848    *   The coverage value is always between 0 and 255.  If you want less gray
 849    *   values, the callback function has to reduce them.
 850    */
 851   typedef struct  FT_Span_
 852   {
 853     short           x;
 854     unsigned short  len;
 855     unsigned char   coverage;
 857   } FT_Span;
 860   /**************************************************************************
 861    *
 862    * @functype:
 863    *   FT_SpanFunc
 864    *
 865    * @description:
 866    *   A function used as a call-back by the anti-aliased renderer in order
 867    *   to let client applications draw themselves the gray pixel spans on
 868    *   each scan line.
 869    *
 870    * @input:
 871    *   y ::
 872    *     The scanline's y~coordinate.
 873    *
 874    *   count ::
 875    *     The number of spans to draw on this scanline.
 876    *
 877    *   spans ::
 878    *     A table of `count` spans to draw on the scanline.
 879    *
 880    *   user ::
 881    *     User-supplied data that is passed to the callback.
 882    *
 883    * @note:
 884    *   This callback allows client applications to directly render the gray
 885    *   spans of the anti-aliased bitmap to any kind of surfaces.
 886    *
 887    *   This can be used to write anti-aliased outlines directly to a given
 888    *   background bitmap, and even perform translucency.
 889    */
 890   typedef void
 891   (*FT_SpanFunc)( int             y,
 892                   int             count,
 893                   const FT_Span*  spans,
 894                   void*           user );
 896 #define FT_Raster_Span_Func  FT_SpanFunc
 899   /**************************************************************************
 900    *
 901    * @functype:
 902    *   FT_Raster_BitTest_Func
 903    *
 904    * @description:
 905    *   Deprecated, unimplemented.
 906    */
 907   typedef int
 908   (*FT_Raster_BitTest_Func)( int    y,
 909                              int    x,
 910                              void*  user );
 913   /**************************************************************************
 914    *
 915    * @functype:
 916    *   FT_Raster_BitSet_Func
 917    *
 918    * @description:
 919    *   Deprecated, unimplemented.
 920    */
 921   typedef void
 922   (*FT_Raster_BitSet_Func)( int    y,
 923                             int    x,
 924                             void*  user );
 927   /**************************************************************************
 928    *
 929    * @enum:
 930    *   FT_RASTER_FLAG_XXX
 931    *
 932    * @description:
 933    *   A list of bit flag constants as used in the `flags` field of a
 934    *   @FT_Raster_Params structure.
 935    *
 936    * @values:
 938    *     This value is 0.
 939    *
 940    *   FT_RASTER_FLAG_AA ::
 941    *     This flag is set to indicate that an anti-aliased glyph image should
 942    *     be generated.  Otherwise, it will be monochrome (1-bit).
 943    *
 944    *   FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT ::
 945    *     This flag is set to indicate direct rendering.  In this mode, client
 946    *     applications must provide their own span callback.  This lets them
 947    *     directly draw or compose over an existing bitmap.  If this bit is
 948    *     not set, the target pixmap's buffer _must_ be zeroed before
 949    *     rendering.
 950    *
 951    *     Direct rendering is only possible with anti-aliased glyphs.
 952    *
 953    *   FT_RASTER_FLAG_CLIP ::
 954    *     This flag is only used in direct rendering mode.  If set, the output
 955    *     will be clipped to a box specified in the `clip_box` field of the
 956    *     @FT_Raster_Params structure.
 957    *
 958    *     Note that by default, the glyph bitmap is clipped to the target
 959    *     pixmap, except in direct rendering mode where all spans are
 960    *     generated if no clipping box is set.
 961    */
 962 #define FT_RASTER_FLAG_DEFAULT  0x0
 963 #define FT_RASTER_FLAG_AA       0x1
 964 #define FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT   0x2
 965 #define FT_RASTER_FLAG_CLIP     0x4
 967   /* these constants are deprecated; use the corresponding */
 968   /* `FT_RASTER_FLAG_XXX` values instead                   */
 969 #define ft_raster_flag_default  FT_RASTER_FLAG_DEFAULT
 970 #define ft_raster_flag_aa       FT_RASTER_FLAG_AA
 971 #define ft_raster_flag_direct   FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT
 972 #define ft_raster_flag_clip     FT_RASTER_FLAG_CLIP
 975   /**************************************************************************
 976    *
 977    * @struct:
 978    *   FT_Raster_Params
 979    *
 980    * @description:
 981    *   A structure to hold the arguments used by a raster's render function.
 982    *
 983    * @fields:
 984    *   target ::
 985    *     The target bitmap.
 986    *
 987    *   source ::
 988    *     A pointer to the source glyph image (e.g., an @FT_Outline).
 989    *
 990    *   flags ::
 991    *     The rendering flags.
 992    *
 993    *   gray_spans ::
 994    *     The gray span drawing callback.
 995    *
 996    *   black_spans ::
 997    *     Unused.
 998    *
 999    *   bit_test ::
1000    *     Unused.
1001    *
1002    *   bit_set ::
1003    *     Unused.
1004    *
1005    *   user ::
1006    *     User-supplied data that is passed to each drawing callback.
1007    *
1008    *   clip_box ::
1009    *     An optional clipping box.  It is only used in direct rendering mode.
1010    *     Note that coordinates here should be expressed in _integer_ pixels
1011    *     (and not in 26.6 fixed-point units).
1012    *
1013    * @note:
1014    *   An anti-aliased glyph bitmap is drawn if the @FT_RASTER_FLAG_AA bit
1015    *   flag is set in the `flags` field, otherwise a monochrome bitmap is
1016    *   generated.
1017    *
1018    *   If the @FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT bit flag is set in `flags`, the raster
1019    *   will call the `gray_spans` callback to draw gray pixel spans.  This
1020    *   allows direct composition over a pre-existing bitmap through
1021    *   user-provided callbacks to perform the span drawing and composition.
1022    *   Not supported by the monochrome rasterizer.
1023    */
1024   typedef struct  FT_Raster_Params_
1025   {
1026     const FT_Bitmap*        target;
1027     const void*             source;
1028     int                     flags;
1029     FT_SpanFunc             gray_spans;
1030     FT_SpanFunc             black_spans;  /* unused */
1031     FT_Raster_BitTest_Func  bit_test;     /* unused */
1032     FT_Raster_BitSet_Func   bit_set;      /* unused */
1033     void*                   user;
1034     FT_BBox                 clip_box;
1036   } FT_Raster_Params;
1039   /**************************************************************************
1040    *
1041    * @functype:
1042    *   FT_Raster_NewFunc
1043    *
1044    * @description:
1045    *   A function used to create a new raster object.
1046    *
1047    * @input:
1048    *   memory ::
1049    *     A handle to the memory allocator.
1050    *
1051    * @output:
1052    *   raster ::
1053    *     A handle to the new raster object.
1054    *
1055    * @return:
1056    *   Error code.  0~means success.
1057    *
1058    * @note:
1059    *   The `memory` parameter is a typeless pointer in order to avoid
1060    *   un-wanted dependencies on the rest of the FreeType code.  In practice,
1061    *   it is an @FT_Memory object, i.e., a handle to the standard FreeType
1062    *   memory allocator.  However, this field can be completely ignored by a
1063    *   given raster implementation.
1064    */
1065   typedef int
1066   (*FT_Raster_NewFunc)( void*       memory,
1067                         FT_Raster*  raster );
1069 #define FT_Raster_New_Func  FT_Raster_NewFunc
1072   /**************************************************************************
1073    *
1074    * @functype:
1075    *   FT_Raster_DoneFunc
1076    *
1077    * @description:
1078    *   A function used to destroy a given raster object.
1079    *
1080    * @input:
1081    *   raster ::
1082    *     A handle to the raster object.
1083    */
1084   typedef void
1085   (*FT_Raster_DoneFunc)( FT_Raster  raster );
1087 #define FT_Raster_Done_Func  FT_Raster_DoneFunc
1090   /**************************************************************************
1091    *
1092    * @functype:
1093    *   FT_Raster_ResetFunc
1094    *
1095    * @description:
1096    *   FreeType used to provide an area of memory called the 'render pool'
1097    *   available to all registered rasterizers.  This was not thread safe,
1098    *   however, and now FreeType never allocates this pool.
1099    *
1100    *   This function is called after a new raster object is created.
1101    *
1102    * @input:
1103    *   raster ::
1104    *     A handle to the new raster object.
1105    *
1106    *   pool_base ::
1107    *     Previously, the address in memory of the render pool.  Set this to
1108    *     `NULL`.
1109    *
1110    *   pool_size ::
1111    *     Previously, the size in bytes of the render pool.  Set this to 0.
1112    *
1113    * @note:
1114    *   Rasterizers should rely on dynamic or stack allocation if they want to
1115    *   (a handle to the memory allocator is passed to the rasterizer
1116    *   constructor).
1117    */
1118   typedef void
1119   (*FT_Raster_ResetFunc)( FT_Raster       raster,
1120                           unsigned char*  pool_base,
1121                           unsigned long   pool_size );
1123 #define FT_Raster_Reset_Func  FT_Raster_ResetFunc
1126   /**************************************************************************
1127    *
1128    * @functype:
1129    *   FT_Raster_SetModeFunc
1130    *
1131    * @description:
1132    *   This function is a generic facility to change modes or attributes in a
1133    *   given raster.  This can be used for debugging purposes, or simply to
1134    *   allow implementation-specific 'features' in a given raster module.
1135    *
1136    * @input:
1137    *   raster ::
1138    *     A handle to the new raster object.
1139    *
1140    *   mode ::
1141    *     A 4-byte tag used to name the mode or property.
1142    *
1143    *   args ::
1144    *     A pointer to the new mode/property to use.
1145    */
1146   typedef int
1147   (*FT_Raster_SetModeFunc)( FT_Raster      raster,
1148                             unsigned long  mode,
1149                             void*          args );
1151 #define FT_Raster_Set_Mode_Func  FT_Raster_SetModeFunc
1154   /**************************************************************************
1155    *
1156    * @functype:
1157    *   FT_Raster_RenderFunc
1158    *
1159    * @description:
1160    *   Invoke a given raster to scan-convert a given glyph image into a
1161    *   target bitmap.
1162    *
1163    * @input:
1164    *   raster ::
1165    *     A handle to the raster object.
1166    *
1167    *   params ::
1168    *     A pointer to an @FT_Raster_Params structure used to store the
1169    *     rendering parameters.
1170    *
1171    * @return:
1172    *   Error code.  0~means success.
1173    *
1174    * @note:
1175    *   The exact format of the source image depends on the raster's glyph
1176    *   format defined in its @FT_Raster_Funcs structure.  It can be an
1177    *   @FT_Outline or anything else in order to support a large array of
1178    *   glyph formats.
1179    *
1180    *   Note also that the render function can fail and return a
1181    *   `FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature` error code if the raster used does not
1182    *   support direct composition.
1183    */
1184   typedef int
1185   (*FT_Raster_RenderFunc)( FT_Raster                raster,
1186                            const FT_Raster_Params*  params );
1188 #define FT_Raster_Render_Func  FT_Raster_RenderFunc
1191   /**************************************************************************
1192    *
1193    * @struct:
1194    *   FT_Raster_Funcs
1195    *
1196    * @description:
1197    *  A structure used to describe a given raster class to the library.
1198    *
1199    * @fields:
1200    *   glyph_format ::
1201    *     The supported glyph format for this raster.
1202    *
1203    *   raster_new ::
1204    *     The raster constructor.
1205    *
1206    *   raster_reset ::
1207    *     Used to reset the render pool within the raster.
1208    *
1209    *   raster_render ::
1210    *     A function to render a glyph into a given bitmap.
1211    *
1212    *   raster_done ::
1213    *     The raster destructor.
1214    */
1215   typedef struct  FT_Raster_Funcs_
1216   {
1217     FT_Glyph_Format        glyph_format;
1219     FT_Raster_NewFunc      raster_new;
1220     FT_Raster_ResetFunc    raster_reset;
1221     FT_Raster_SetModeFunc  raster_set_mode;
1222     FT_Raster_RenderFunc   raster_render;
1223     FT_Raster_DoneFunc     raster_done;
1225   } FT_Raster_Funcs;
1227   /* */
1232 #endif /* FTIMAGE_H_ */
1235 /* END */
1238 /* Local Variables: */
1239 /* coding: utf-8    */
1240 /* End:             */