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   1 /***************************************************************************/
   2 /*                                                                         */
   3 /*  pshints.c                                                              */
   4 /*                                                                         */
   5 /*    Adobe's code for handling CFF hints (body).                          */
   6 /*                                                                         */
   7 /*  Copyright 2007-2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated.                        */
   8 /*                                                                         */
   9 /*  This software, and all works of authorship, whether in source or       */
  10 /*  object code form as indicated by the copyright notice(s) included      */
  11 /*  herein (collectively, the "Work") is made available, and may only be   */
  12 /*  used, modified, and distributed under the FreeType Project License,    */
  13 /*  LICENSE.TXT.  Additionally, subject to the terms and conditions of the */
  14 /*  FreeType Project License, each contributor to the Work hereby grants   */
  15 /*  to any individual or legal entity exercising permissions granted by    */
  16 /*  the FreeType Project License and this section (hereafter, "You" or     */
  17 /*  "Your") a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,              */
  18 /*  royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent    */
  19 /*  license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and      */
  20 /*  otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those  */
  21 /*  patent claims licensable by such contributor that are necessarily      */
  22 /*  infringed by their contribution(s) alone or by combination of their    */
  23 /*  contribution(s) with the Work to which such contribution(s) was        */
  24 /*  submitted.  If You institute patent litigation against any entity      */
  25 /*  (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that   */
  26 /*  the Work or a contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes    */
  27 /*  direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses   */
  28 /*  granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of  */
  29 /*  the date such litigation is filed.                                     */
  30 /*                                                                         */
  31 /*  By using, modifying, or distributing the Work you indicate that you    */
  32 /*  have read and understood the terms and conditions of the               */
  33 /*  FreeType Project License as well as those provided in this section,    */
  34 /*  and you accept them fully.                                             */
  35 /*                                                                         */
  36 /***************************************************************************/
  39 #include "psft.h"
  40 #include FT_INTERNAL_DEBUG_H
  42 #include "psglue.h"
  43 #include "psfont.h"
  44 #include "pshints.h"
  45 #include "psintrp.h"
  48   /*************************************************************************/
  49   /*                                                                       */
  50   /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
  51   /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
  52   /* messages during execution.                                            */
  53   /*                                                                       */
  54 #undef  FT_COMPONENT
  55 #define FT_COMPONENT  trace_cf2hints
  58   typedef struct  CF2_HintMoveRec_
  59   {
  60     size_t     j;          /* index of upper hint map edge   */
  61     CF2_Fixed  moveUp;     /* adjustment to optimum position */
  63   } CF2_HintMoveRec, *CF2_HintMove;
  66   /* Compute angular momentum for winding order detection.  It is called */
  67   /* for all lines and curves, but not necessarily in element order.     */
  68   static CF2_Int
  69   cf2_getWindingMomentum( CF2_Fixed  x1,
  70                           CF2_Fixed  y1,
  71                           CF2_Fixed  x2,
  72                           CF2_Fixed  y2 )
  73   {
  74     /* cross product of pt1 position from origin with pt2 position from  */
  75     /* pt1; we reduce the precision so that the result fits into 32 bits */

 200         hint->dsCoord = stemHint->minDS;
 202       cf2_hint_lock( hint );
 203     }
 204     else
 205       hint->dsCoord = FT_MulFix( hint->csCoord, scale );
 206   }
 209   /* initialize an invalid hint map element */
 210   static void
 211   cf2_hint_initZero( CF2_Hint  hint )
 212   {
 213     FT_ZERO( hint );
 214   }
 217   FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Bool )
 218   cf2_hint_isValid( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 219   {
 220     return (FT_Bool)( hint->flags != 0 );
 221   }
 224   static FT_Bool
 225   cf2_hint_isPair( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 226   {
 227     return (FT_Bool)( ( hint->flags                      &
 228                         ( CF2_PairBottom | CF2_PairTop ) ) != 0 );
 229   }
 232   static FT_Bool
 233   cf2_hint_isPairTop( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 234   {
 235     return (FT_Bool)( ( hint->flags & CF2_PairTop ) != 0 );
 236   }
 239   FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Bool )
 240   cf2_hint_isTop( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 241   {
 242     return (FT_Bool)( ( hint->flags                    &
 243                         ( CF2_PairTop | CF2_GhostTop ) ) != 0 );
 244   }
 247   FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Bool )
 248   cf2_hint_isBottom( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 249   {
 250     return (FT_Bool)( ( hint->flags                          &
 251                         ( CF2_PairBottom | CF2_GhostBottom ) ) != 0 );
 252   }
 255   static FT_Bool
 256   cf2_hint_isLocked( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 257   {
 258     return (FT_Bool)( ( hint->flags & CF2_Locked ) != 0 );
 259   }
 262   static FT_Bool
 263   cf2_hint_isSynthetic( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 264   {
 265     return (FT_Bool)( ( hint->flags & CF2_Synthetic ) != 0 );
 266   }
 269   FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
 270   cf2_hint_lock( CF2_Hint  hint )
 271   {
 272     hint->flags |= CF2_Locked;
 273   }
 276   FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
 277   cf2_hintmap_init( CF2_HintMap   hintmap,
 278                     CF2_Font      font,
 279                     CF2_HintMap   initialMap,
 280                     CF2_ArrStack  hintMoves,
 281                     CF2_Fixed     scale )
 282   {
 283     FT_ZERO( hintmap );
 285     /* copy parameters from font instance */

 317                   hint->index,
 318                   hint->csCoord / 65536.0,
 319                   hint->dsCoord / ( hint->scale * 1.0 ),
 320                   hint->scale,
 321                   ( cf2_hint_isPair( hint ) ? "p" : "g" ),
 322                   ( cf2_hint_isTop( hint ) ? "t" : "b" ),
 323                   ( cf2_hint_isLocked( hint ) ? "L" : ""),
 324                   ( cf2_hint_isSynthetic( hint ) ? "S" : "" ) ));
 325     }
 326 #else
 327     FT_UNUSED( hintmap );
 328 #endif
 329   }
 332   /* transform character space coordinate to device space using hint map */
 333   static CF2_Fixed
 334   cf2_hintmap_map( CF2_HintMap  hintmap,
 335                    CF2_Fixed    csCoord )
 336   {
 337     if ( hintmap->count == 0 || ! hintmap->hinted )
 338     {
 339       /* there are no hints; use uniform scale and zero offset */
 340       return FT_MulFix( csCoord, hintmap->scale );
 341     }
 342     else
 343     {
 344       /* start linear search from last hit */
 345       CF2_UInt  i = hintmap->lastIndex;
 348       FT_ASSERT( hintmap->lastIndex < CF2_MAX_HINT_EDGES );
 350       /* search up */
 351       while ( i < hintmap->count - 1                  &&
 352               csCoord >= hintmap->edge[i + 1].csCoord )
 353         i += 1;
 355       /* search down */
 356       while ( i > 0 && csCoord < hintmap->edge[i].csCoord )
 357         i -= 1;

 480                hintmap->edge[i - 1].dsCoord <=
 481                  ADD_INT32( hintmap->edge[i].dsCoord,
 482                             moveDown - downMinCounter ) )
 483           {
 484             /* move smaller absolute amount */
 485             move = ( -moveDown < moveUp ) ? moveDown : moveUp;  /* optimum */
 486           }
 487           else
 488             move = moveUp;
 489         }
 490         else
 491         {
 492           /* is there room to move down? */
 493           if ( i == 0                                   ||
 494                hintmap->edge[i - 1].dsCoord <=
 495                  ADD_INT32( hintmap->edge[i].dsCoord,
 496                             moveDown - downMinCounter ) )
 497           {
 498             move     = moveDown;
 499             /* true if non-optimum move */
 500             saveEdge = (FT_Bool)( moveUp < -moveDown );
 501           }
 502           else
 503           {
 504             /* no room to move either way without overlapping or reducing */
 505             /* the counter too much                                       */
 506             move     = 0;
 507             saveEdge = TRUE;
 508           }
 509         }
 511         /* Identify non-moves and moves down that aren't optimal, and save */
 512         /* them for second pass.                                           */
 513         /* Do this only if there is an unlocked edge above (which could    */
 514         /* possibly move).                                                 */
 515         if ( saveEdge                                    &&
 516              j < hintmap->count - 1                      &&
 517              !cf2_hint_isLocked( &hintmap->edge[j + 1] ) )
 518         {
 519           CF2_HintMoveRec  savedMove;

1008                          i,
1009                          font,
1010                          hintOrigin,
1011                          hintmap->scale,
1012                          FALSE /* top */ );
1014           cf2_hintmap_insertHint( hintmap, &bottomHintEdge, &topHintEdge );
1015         }
1017         if ( ( i & 7 ) == 7 )
1018         {
1019           /* move to next mask byte */
1020           maskPtr++;
1021           maskByte = 0x80;
1022         }
1023         else
1024           maskByte >>= 1;
1025       }
1026     }
1028     FT_TRACE6(( initialMap ? "flags: [p]air [g]host [t]op "
1029                              "[b]ottom [L]ocked [S]ynthetic\n"
1030                              "Initial hintmap\n"
1031                            : "Hints:\n" ));
1032     cf2_hintmap_dump( hintmap );
1034     /*
1035      * Note: The following line is a convenient place to break when
1036      *       debugging hinting.  Examine `hintmap->edge' for the list of
1037      *       enabled hints, then step over the call to see the effect of
1038      *       adjustment.  We stop here first on the recursive call that
1039      *       creates the initial map, and then on each counter group and
1040      *       hint zone.
1041      */
1043     /* adjust positions of hint edges that are not locked to blue zones */
1044     cf2_hintmap_adjustHints( hintmap );
1046     FT_TRACE6(( "(adjusted)\n" ));
1047     cf2_hintmap_dump( hintmap );
1049     /* save the position of all hints that were used in this hint map; */
1050     /* if we use them again, we'll locate them in the same position    */
1051     if ( !initialMap )

1198    *
1199    */
1200   static FT_Bool
1201   cf2_glyphpath_computeIntersection( CF2_GlyphPath     glyphpath,
1202                                      const FT_Vector*  u1,
1203                                      const FT_Vector*  u2,
1204                                      const FT_Vector*  v1,
1205                                      const FT_Vector*  v2,
1206                                      FT_Vector*        intersection )
1207   {
1208     /*
1209      * Let `u' be a zero-based vector from the first segment, `v' from the
1210      * second segment.
1211      * Let `w 'be the zero-based vector from `u1' to `v1'.
1212      * `perp' is the `perpendicular dot product'; see
1213      * https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PerpDotProduct.html.
1214      * `s' is the parameter for the parametric line for the first segment
1215      * (`u').
1216      *
1217      * See notation in
1218      * http://softsurfer.com/Archive/algorithm_0104/algorithm_0104B.htm.
1219      * Calculations are done in 16.16, but must handle the squaring of
1220      * line lengths in character space.  We scale all vectors by 1/32 to
1221      * avoid overflow.  This allows values up to 4095 to be squared.  The
1222      * scale factor cancels in the divide.
1223      *
1224      * TODO: the scale factor could be computed from UnitsPerEm.
1225      *
1226      */
1228 #define cf2_perp( a, b )                                    \
1229           ( FT_MulFix( a.x, b.y ) - FT_MulFix( a.y, b.x ) )
1231   /* round and divide by 32 */
1232 #define CF2_CS_SCALE( x )         \
1233           ( ( (x) + 0x10 ) >> 5 )
1235     FT_Vector  u, v, w;      /* scaled vectors */
1236     CF2_Fixed  denominator, s;

   1 /****************************************************************************
   2  *
   3  * pshints.c
   4  *
   5  *   Adobe's code for handling CFF hints (body).
   6  *
   7  * Copyright 2007-2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
   8  *
   9  * This software, and all works of authorship, whether in source or
  10  * object code form as indicated by the copyright notice(s) included
  11  * herein (collectively, the "Work") is made available, and may only be
  12  * used, modified, and distributed under the FreeType Project License,
  13  * LICENSE.TXT.  Additionally, subject to the terms and conditions of the
  14  * FreeType Project License, each contributor to the Work hereby grants
  15  * to any individual or legal entity exercising permissions granted by
  16  * the FreeType Project License and this section (hereafter, "You" or
  17  * "Your") a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,
  18  * royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent
  19  * license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and
  20  * otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those
  21  * patent claims licensable by such contributor that are necessarily
  22  * infringed by their contribution(s) alone or by combination of their
  23  * contribution(s) with the Work to which such contribution(s) was
  24  * submitted.  If You institute patent litigation against any entity
  25  * (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
  26  * the Work or a contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes
  27  * direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
  28  * granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of
  29  * the date such litigation is filed.
  30  *
  31  * By using, modifying, or distributing the Work you indicate that you
  32  * have read and understood the terms and conditions of the
  33  * FreeType Project License as well as those provided in this section,
  34  * and you accept them fully.
  35  *
  36  */
  39 #include "psft.h"
  40 #include FT_INTERNAL_DEBUG_H
  42 #include "psglue.h"
  43 #include "psfont.h"
  44 #include "pshints.h"
  45 #include "psintrp.h"
  48   /**************************************************************************
  49    *
  50    * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
  51    * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
  52    * messages during execution.
  53    */
  54 #undef  FT_COMPONENT
  55 #define FT_COMPONENT  cf2hints
  58   typedef struct  CF2_HintMoveRec_
  59   {
  60     size_t     j;          /* index of upper hint map edge   */
  61     CF2_Fixed  moveUp;     /* adjustment to optimum position */
  63   } CF2_HintMoveRec, *CF2_HintMove;
  66   /* Compute angular momentum for winding order detection.  It is called */
  67   /* for all lines and curves, but not necessarily in element order.     */
  68   static CF2_Int
  69   cf2_getWindingMomentum( CF2_Fixed  x1,
  70                           CF2_Fixed  y1,
  71                           CF2_Fixed  x2,
  72                           CF2_Fixed  y2 )
  73   {
  74     /* cross product of pt1 position from origin with pt2 position from  */
  75     /* pt1; we reduce the precision so that the result fits into 32 bits */

 200         hint->dsCoord = stemHint->minDS;
 202       cf2_hint_lock( hint );
 203     }
 204     else
 205       hint->dsCoord = FT_MulFix( hint->csCoord, scale );
 206   }
 209   /* initialize an invalid hint map element */
 210   static void
 211   cf2_hint_initZero( CF2_Hint  hint )
 212   {
 213     FT_ZERO( hint );
 214   }
 217   FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Bool )
 218   cf2_hint_isValid( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 219   {
 220     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags );
 221   }
 224   static FT_Bool
 225   cf2_hint_isPair( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 226   {
 227     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags & ( CF2_PairBottom | CF2_PairTop ) );

 228   }
 231   static FT_Bool
 232   cf2_hint_isPairTop( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 233   {
 234     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags & CF2_PairTop );
 235   }
 238   FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Bool )
 239   cf2_hint_isTop( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 240   {
 241     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags & ( CF2_PairTop | CF2_GhostTop ) );

 242   }
 245   FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Bool )
 246   cf2_hint_isBottom( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 247   {
 248     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags & ( CF2_PairBottom | CF2_GhostBottom ) );

 249   }
 252   static FT_Bool
 253   cf2_hint_isLocked( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 254   {
 255     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags & CF2_Locked );
 256   }
 259   static FT_Bool
 260   cf2_hint_isSynthetic( const CF2_Hint  hint )
 261   {
 262     return FT_BOOL( hint->flags & CF2_Synthetic );
 263   }
 266   FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
 267   cf2_hint_lock( CF2_Hint  hint )
 268   {
 269     hint->flags |= CF2_Locked;
 270   }
 273   FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
 274   cf2_hintmap_init( CF2_HintMap   hintmap,
 275                     CF2_Font      font,
 276                     CF2_HintMap   initialMap,
 277                     CF2_ArrStack  hintMoves,
 278                     CF2_Fixed     scale )
 279   {
 280     FT_ZERO( hintmap );
 282     /* copy parameters from font instance */

 314                   hint->index,
 315                   hint->csCoord / 65536.0,
 316                   hint->dsCoord / ( hint->scale * 1.0 ),
 317                   hint->scale,
 318                   ( cf2_hint_isPair( hint ) ? "p" : "g" ),
 319                   ( cf2_hint_isTop( hint ) ? "t" : "b" ),
 320                   ( cf2_hint_isLocked( hint ) ? "L" : ""),
 321                   ( cf2_hint_isSynthetic( hint ) ? "S" : "" ) ));
 322     }
 323 #else
 324     FT_UNUSED( hintmap );
 325 #endif
 326   }
 329   /* transform character space coordinate to device space using hint map */
 330   static CF2_Fixed
 331   cf2_hintmap_map( CF2_HintMap  hintmap,
 332                    CF2_Fixed    csCoord )
 333   {
 334     if ( hintmap->count == 0 || !hintmap->hinted )
 335     {
 336       /* there are no hints; use uniform scale and zero offset */
 337       return FT_MulFix( csCoord, hintmap->scale );
 338     }
 339     else
 340     {
 341       /* start linear search from last hit */
 342       CF2_UInt  i = hintmap->lastIndex;
 345       FT_ASSERT( hintmap->lastIndex < CF2_MAX_HINT_EDGES );
 347       /* search up */
 348       while ( i < hintmap->count - 1                  &&
 349               csCoord >= hintmap->edge[i + 1].csCoord )
 350         i += 1;
 352       /* search down */
 353       while ( i > 0 && csCoord < hintmap->edge[i].csCoord )
 354         i -= 1;

 477                hintmap->edge[i - 1].dsCoord <=
 478                  ADD_INT32( hintmap->edge[i].dsCoord,
 479                             moveDown - downMinCounter ) )
 480           {
 481             /* move smaller absolute amount */
 482             move = ( -moveDown < moveUp ) ? moveDown : moveUp;  /* optimum */
 483           }
 484           else
 485             move = moveUp;
 486         }
 487         else
 488         {
 489           /* is there room to move down? */
 490           if ( i == 0                                   ||
 491                hintmap->edge[i - 1].dsCoord <=
 492                  ADD_INT32( hintmap->edge[i].dsCoord,
 493                             moveDown - downMinCounter ) )
 494           {
 495             move     = moveDown;
 496             /* true if non-optimum move */
 497             saveEdge = FT_BOOL( moveUp < -moveDown );
 498           }
 499           else
 500           {
 501             /* no room to move either way without overlapping or reducing */
 502             /* the counter too much                                       */
 503             move     = 0;
 504             saveEdge = TRUE;
 505           }
 506         }
 508         /* Identify non-moves and moves down that aren't optimal, and save */
 509         /* them for second pass.                                           */
 510         /* Do this only if there is an unlocked edge above (which could    */
 511         /* possibly move).                                                 */
 512         if ( saveEdge                                    &&
 513              j < hintmap->count - 1                      &&
 514              !cf2_hint_isLocked( &hintmap->edge[j + 1] ) )
 515         {
 516           CF2_HintMoveRec  savedMove;

1005                          i,
1006                          font,
1007                          hintOrigin,
1008                          hintmap->scale,
1009                          FALSE /* top */ );
1011           cf2_hintmap_insertHint( hintmap, &bottomHintEdge, &topHintEdge );
1012         }
1014         if ( ( i & 7 ) == 7 )
1015         {
1016           /* move to next mask byte */
1017           maskPtr++;
1018           maskByte = 0x80;
1019         }
1020         else
1021           maskByte >>= 1;
1022       }
1023     }
1025     FT_TRACE6(( "%s\n", initialMap ? "flags: [p]air [g]host [t]op"
1026                                      " [b]ottom [L]ocked [S]ynthetic\n"
1027                                      "Initial hintmap"
1028                                    : "Hints:" ));
1029     cf2_hintmap_dump( hintmap );
1031     /*
1032      * Note: The following line is a convenient place to break when
1033      *       debugging hinting.  Examine `hintmap->edge' for the list of
1034      *       enabled hints, then step over the call to see the effect of
1035      *       adjustment.  We stop here first on the recursive call that
1036      *       creates the initial map, and then on each counter group and
1037      *       hint zone.
1038      */
1040     /* adjust positions of hint edges that are not locked to blue zones */
1041     cf2_hintmap_adjustHints( hintmap );
1043     FT_TRACE6(( "(adjusted)\n" ));
1044     cf2_hintmap_dump( hintmap );
1046     /* save the position of all hints that were used in this hint map; */
1047     /* if we use them again, we'll locate them in the same position    */
1048     if ( !initialMap )

1195    *
1196    */
1197   static FT_Bool
1198   cf2_glyphpath_computeIntersection( CF2_GlyphPath     glyphpath,
1199                                      const FT_Vector*  u1,
1200                                      const FT_Vector*  u2,
1201                                      const FT_Vector*  v1,
1202                                      const FT_Vector*  v2,
1203                                      FT_Vector*        intersection )
1204   {
1205     /*
1206      * Let `u' be a zero-based vector from the first segment, `v' from the
1207      * second segment.
1208      * Let `w 'be the zero-based vector from `u1' to `v1'.
1209      * `perp' is the `perpendicular dot product'; see
1210      * https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PerpDotProduct.html.
1211      * `s' is the parameter for the parametric line for the first segment
1212      * (`u').
1213      *
1214      * See notation in
1215      * http://geomalgorithms.com/a05-_intersect-1.html.
1216      * Calculations are done in 16.16, but must handle the squaring of
1217      * line lengths in character space.  We scale all vectors by 1/32 to
1218      * avoid overflow.  This allows values up to 4095 to be squared.  The
1219      * scale factor cancels in the divide.
1220      *
1221      * TODO: the scale factor could be computed from UnitsPerEm.
1222      *
1223      */
1225 #define cf2_perp( a, b )                                    \
1226           ( FT_MulFix( a.x, b.y ) - FT_MulFix( a.y, b.x ) )
1228   /* round and divide by 32 */
1229 #define CF2_CS_SCALE( x )         \
1230           ( ( (x) + 0x10 ) >> 5 )
1232     FT_Vector  u, v, w;      /* scaled vectors */
1233     CF2_Fixed  denominator, s;

< prev index next >