/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.awt.windows; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.Transparency; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.font.GlyphVector; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel; import java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import sun.awt.image.ByteComponentRaster; import sun.awt.image.BytePackedRaster; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.awt.print.PrinterJob; import java.util.Arrays; import sun.font.CharToGlyphMapper; import sun.font.CompositeFont; import sun.font.Font2D; import sun.font.FontUtilities; import sun.font.PhysicalFont; import sun.font.TrueTypeFont; import sun.print.PathGraphics; import sun.print.ProxyGraphics2D; final class WPathGraphics extends PathGraphics { /** * For a drawing application the initial user space * resolution is 72dpi. */ private static final int DEFAULT_USER_RES = 72; private static final float MIN_DEVICE_LINEWIDTH = 1.2f; private static final float MAX_THINLINE_INCHES = 0.014f; /* Note that preferGDITextLayout implies useGDITextLayout. * "prefer" is used to override cases where would otherwise * choose not to use it. Note that non-layout factors may * still mean that GDI cannot be used. */ private static boolean useGDITextLayout = true; private static boolean preferGDITextLayout = false; static { String textLayoutStr = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction( "sun.java2d.print.enableGDITextLayout")); if (textLayoutStr != null) { useGDITextLayout = Boolean.getBoolean(textLayoutStr); if (!useGDITextLayout) { if (textLayoutStr.equalsIgnoreCase("prefer")) { useGDITextLayout = true; preferGDITextLayout = true; } } } } WPathGraphics(Graphics2D graphics, PrinterJob printerJob, Printable painter, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex, boolean canRedraw) { super(graphics, printerJob, painter, pageFormat, pageIndex, canRedraw); } /** * Creates a new {@code Graphics} object that is * a copy of this {@code Graphics} object. * @return a new graphics context that is a copy of * this graphics context. * @since 1.0 */ @Override public Graphics create() { return new WPathGraphics((Graphics2D) getDelegate().create(), getPrinterJob(), getPrintable(), getPageFormat(), getPageIndex(), canDoRedraws()); } /** * Strokes the outline of a Shape using the settings of the current * graphics state. The rendering attributes applied include the * clip, transform, paint or color, composite and stroke attributes. * @param s The shape to be drawn. * @see #setStroke * @see #setPaint * @see java.awt.Graphics#setColor * @see #transform * @see #setTransform * @see #clip * @see #setClip * @see #setComposite */ @Override public void draw(Shape s) { Stroke stroke = getStroke(); /* If the line being drawn is thinner than can be * rendered, then change the line width, stroke * the shape, and then set the line width back. * We can only do this for BasicStroke's. */ if (stroke instanceof BasicStroke) { BasicStroke lineStroke; BasicStroke minLineStroke = null; float deviceLineWidth; float lineWidth; AffineTransform deviceTransform; Point2D.Float penSize; /* Get the requested line width in user space. */ lineStroke = (BasicStroke) stroke; lineWidth = lineStroke.getLineWidth(); penSize = new Point2D.Float(lineWidth, lineWidth); /* Compute the line width in device coordinates. * Work on a point in case there is asymetric scaling * between user and device space. * Take the absolute value in case there is negative * scaling in effect. */ deviceTransform = getTransform(); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(penSize, penSize); deviceLineWidth = Math.min(Math.abs(penSize.x), Math.abs(penSize.y)); /* If the requested line is too thin then map our * minimum line width back to user space and set * a new BasicStroke. */ if (deviceLineWidth < MIN_DEVICE_LINEWIDTH) { Point2D.Float minPenSize = new Point2D.Float( MIN_DEVICE_LINEWIDTH, MIN_DEVICE_LINEWIDTH); try { AffineTransform inverse; float minLineWidth; /* Convert the minimum line width from device * space to user space. */ inverse = deviceTransform.createInverse(); inverse.deltaTransform(minPenSize, minPenSize); minLineWidth = Math.max(Math.abs(minPenSize.x), Math.abs(minPenSize.y)); /* Use all of the parameters from the current * stroke but change the line width to our * calculated minimum. */ minLineStroke = new BasicStroke(minLineWidth, lineStroke.getEndCap(), lineStroke.getLineJoin(), lineStroke.getMiterLimit(), lineStroke.getDashArray(), lineStroke.getDashPhase()); setStroke(minLineStroke); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { /* If we can't invert the matrix there is something * very wrong so don't worry about the minor matter * of a minimum line width. */ } } super.draw(s); /* If we changed the stroke, put back the old * stroke in order to maintain a minimum line * width. */ if (minLineStroke != null) { setStroke(lineStroke); } /* The stroke in effect was not a BasicStroke so we * will not try to enforce a minimum line width. */ } else { super.draw(s); } } /** * Draws the text given by the specified string, using this * graphics context's current font and color. The baseline of the * first character is at position (xy) in this * graphics context's coordinate system. * @param str the string to be drawn. * @param x the x coordinate. * @param y the y coordinate. * @see java.awt.Graphics#drawBytes * @see java.awt.Graphics#drawChars * @since 1.0 */ @Override public void drawString(String str, int x, int y) { drawString(str, (float) x, (float) y); } @Override public void drawString(String str, float x, float y) { drawString(str, x, y, getFont(), getFontRenderContext(), 0f); } /* A return value of 0 would mean font not available to GDI, or the * it can't be used for this string. * A return of 1 means it is suitable, including for composites. * We check that the transform in effect is doable with GDI, and that * this is a composite font AWT can handle, or a physical font GDI * can handle directly. Its possible that some strings may ultimately * fail the more stringent tests in drawString but this is rare and * also that method will always succeed, as if the font isn't available * it will use outlines via a superclass call. Also it is only called for * the default render context (as canDrawStringToWidth() will return * false. That is why it ignores the frc and width arguments. */ @Override protected int platformFontCount(Font font, String str) { AffineTransform deviceTransform = getTransform(); AffineTransform fontTransform = new AffineTransform(deviceTransform); fontTransform.concatenate(getFont().getTransform()); int transformType = fontTransform.getType(); /* Test if GDI can handle the transform */ boolean directToGDI = ((transformType != AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM) && ((transformType & AffineTransform.TYPE_FLIP) == 0)); if (!directToGDI) { return 0; } /* Since all windows fonts are available, and the JRE fonts * are also registered. Only the Font.createFont() case is presently * unknown to GDI. Those can be registered too, although that * code does not exist yet, it can be added too, so we should not * fail that case. Just do a quick check whether its a TrueTypeFont * - ie not a Type1 font etc, and let drawString() resolve the rest. */ Font2D font2D = FontUtilities.getFont2D(font); if (font2D instanceof CompositeFont || font2D instanceof TrueTypeFont) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } private static boolean isXP() { String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version"); if (osVersion != null) { Float version = Float.valueOf(osVersion); return (version.floatValue() >= 5.1f); } else { return false; } } /* In case GDI doesn't handle shaping or BIDI consistently with * 2D's TextLayout, we can detect these cases and redelegate up to * be drawn via TextLayout, which in is rendered as runs of * GlyphVectors, to which we can assign positions for each glyph. */ private boolean strNeedsTextLayout(String str, Font font) { char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); boolean isComplex = FontUtilities.isComplexText(chars, 0, chars.length); if (!isComplex) { return false; } else if (!useGDITextLayout) { return true; } else { if (preferGDITextLayout || (isXP() && FontUtilities.textLayoutIsCompatible(font))) { return false; } else { return true; } } } private int getAngle(Point2D.Double pt) { /* Get the rotation in 1/10'ths degree (as needed by Windows) * so that GDI can draw the text rotated. * This calculation is only valid for a uniform scale, no shearing. */ double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(pt.y, pt.x)); if (angle < 0.0) { angle+= 360.0; } /* Windows specifies the rotation anti-clockwise from the x-axis * of the device, 2D specifies +ve rotation towards the y-axis * Since the 2D y-axis runs from top-to-bottom, windows angle of * rotation here is opposite than 2D's, so the rotation needed * needs to be recalculated in the opposite direction. */ if (angle != 0.0) { angle = 360.0 - angle; } return (int)Math.round(angle * 10.0); } private float getAwScale(double scaleFactorX, double scaleFactorY) { float awScale = (float)(scaleFactorX/scaleFactorY); /* don't let rounding errors be interpreted as non-uniform scale */ if (awScale > 0.999f && awScale < 1.001f) { awScale = 1.0f; } return awScale; } /** * Renders the text specified by the specified {@code String}, * using the current {@code Font} and {@code Paint} attributes * in the {@code Graphics2D} context. * The baseline of the first character is at position * (xy) in the User Space. * The rendering attributes applied include the {@code Clip}, * {@code Transform}, {@code Paint}, {@code Font} and * {@code Composite} attributes. For characters in script systems * such as Hebrew and Arabic, the glyphs can be rendered from right to * left, in which case the coordinate supplied is the location of the * leftmost character on the baseline. * @param str the {@code String} to be rendered * @param x, y the coordinates where the {@code String} * should be rendered * @see #setPaint * @see java.awt.Graphics#setColor * @see java.awt.Graphics#setFont * @see #setTransform * @see #setComposite * @see #setClip */ @Override public void drawString(String str, float x, float y, Font font, FontRenderContext frc, float targetW) { if (str.length() == 0) { return; } if (WPrinterJob.shapeTextProp) { super.drawString(str, x, y, font, frc, targetW); return; } /* If the Font has layout attributes we need to delegate to TextLayout. * TextLayout renders text as GlyphVectors. We try to print those * using printer fonts - ie using Postscript text operators so * we may be reinvoked. In that case the "!printingGlyphVector" test * prevents us recursing and instead sends us into the body of the * method where we can safely ignore layout attributes as those * are already handled by TextLayout. * Similarly if layout is needed based on the text, then we * delegate to TextLayout if possible, or failing that we delegate * upwards to filled shapes. */ boolean layoutNeeded = strNeedsTextLayout(str, font); if ((font.hasLayoutAttributes() || layoutNeeded) && !printingGlyphVector) { TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(str, font, frc); layout.draw(this, x, y); return; } else if (layoutNeeded) { super.drawString(str, x, y, font, frc, targetW); return; } AffineTransform deviceTransform = getTransform(); AffineTransform fontTransform = new AffineTransform(deviceTransform); fontTransform.concatenate(font.getTransform()); int transformType = fontTransform.getType(); /* Use GDI for the text if the graphics transform is something * for which we can obtain a suitable GDI font. * A flip or shearing transform on the graphics or a transform * on the font force us to decompose the text into a shape. */ boolean directToGDI = ((transformType != AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM) && ((transformType & AffineTransform.TYPE_FLIP) == 0)); WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); try { wPrinterJob.setTextColor((Color)getPaint()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // peek should detect such paints. directToGDI = false; } if (!directToGDI) { super.drawString(str, x, y, font, frc, targetW); return; } /* Now we have checked everything is OK to go through GDI as text * with the exception of testing GDI can find and use the font. That * is handled in the textOut() call. */ /* Compute the starting position of the string in * device space. */ Point2D.Float userpos = new Point2D.Float(x, y); Point2D.Float devpos = new Point2D.Float(); /* Already have the translate from the deviceTransform, * but the font may have a translation component too. */ if (font.isTransformed()) { AffineTransform fontTx = font.getTransform(); float translateX = (float)(fontTx.getTranslateX()); float translateY = (float)(fontTx.getTranslateY()); if (Math.abs(translateX) < 0.00001) translateX = 0f; if (Math.abs(translateY) < 0.00001) translateY = 0f; userpos.x += translateX; userpos.y += translateY; } deviceTransform.transform(userpos, devpos); if (getClip() != null) { deviceClip(getClip().getPathIterator(deviceTransform)); } /* Get the font size in device coordinates. * The size needed is the font height scaled to device space. * Although we have already tested that there is no shear, * there may be a non-uniform scale, so the width of the font * does not scale equally with the height. That is handled * by specifying an 'average width' scale to GDI. */ float fontSize = font.getSize2D(); double devResX = wPrinterJob.getXRes(); double devResY = wPrinterJob.getYRes(); double fontDevScaleY = devResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES; int orient = getPageFormat().getOrientation(); if (orient == PageFormat.LANDSCAPE || orient == PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) { double tmp = devResX; devResX = devResY; devResY = tmp; } double devScaleX = devResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES; double devScaleY = devResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES; fontTransform.scale(1.0/devScaleX, 1.0/devScaleY); Point2D.Double pty = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 1.0); fontTransform.deltaTransform(pty, pty); double scaleFactorY = Math.sqrt(pty.x*pty.x+pty.y*pty.y); float scaledFontSizeY = (float)(fontSize * scaleFactorY * fontDevScaleY); Point2D.Double ptx = new Point2D.Double(1.0, 0.0); fontTransform.deltaTransform(ptx, ptx); double scaleFactorX = Math.sqrt(ptx.x*ptx.x+ptx.y*ptx.y); float awScale = getAwScale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY); int iangle = getAngle(ptx); ptx = new Point2D.Double(1.0, 0.0); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(ptx, ptx); double advanceScaleX = Math.sqrt(ptx.x*ptx.x+ptx.y*ptx.y); pty = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 1.0); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(pty, pty); double advanceScaleY = Math.sqrt(pty.x*pty.x+pty.y*pty.y); Font2D font2D = FontUtilities.getFont2D(font); if (font2D instanceof TrueTypeFont) { textOut(str, font, (TrueTypeFont)font2D, frc, scaledFontSizeY, iangle, awScale, advanceScaleX, advanceScaleY, x, y, devpos.x, devpos.y, targetW); } else if (font2D instanceof CompositeFont) { /* Composite fonts are made up of multiple fonts and each * substring that uses a particular component font needs to * be separately sent to GDI. * This works for standard composite fonts, alternate ones, * Fonts that are a physical font backed by a standard composite, * and with fallback fonts. */ CompositeFont compFont = (CompositeFont)font2D; float userx = x, usery = y; float devx = devpos.x, devy = devpos.y; char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); int len = chars.length; int[] glyphs = new int[len]; compFont.getMapper().charsToGlyphs(len, chars, glyphs); int startChar = 0, endChar = 0, slot = 0; while (endChar < len) { startChar = endChar; slot = glyphs[startChar] >>> 24; while (endChar < len && ((glyphs[endChar] >>> 24) == slot)) { endChar++; } String substr = new String(chars, startChar,endChar-startChar); PhysicalFont slotFont = compFont.getSlotFont(slot); textOut(substr, font, slotFont, frc, scaledFontSizeY, iangle, awScale, advanceScaleX, advanceScaleY, userx, usery, devx, devy, 0f); Rectangle2D bds = font.getStringBounds(substr, frc); float xAdvance = (float)bds.getWidth(); userx += xAdvance; userpos.x += xAdvance; deviceTransform.transform(userpos, devpos); devx = devpos.x; devy = devpos.y; } } else { super.drawString(str, x, y, font, frc, targetW); } } /** return true if the Graphics instance can directly print * this glyphvector */ @Override protected boolean printGlyphVector(GlyphVector gv, float x, float y) { /* We don't want to try to handle per-glyph transforms. GDI can't * handle per-glyph rotations, etc. There's no way to express it * in a single call, so just bail for this uncommon case. */ if ((gv.getLayoutFlags() & GlyphVector.FLAG_HAS_TRANSFORMS) != 0) { return false; } if (gv.getNumGlyphs() == 0) { return true; // nothing to do. } AffineTransform deviceTransform = getTransform(); AffineTransform fontTransform = new AffineTransform(deviceTransform); Font font = gv.getFont(); fontTransform.concatenate(font.getTransform()); int transformType = fontTransform.getType(); /* Use GDI for the text if the graphics transform is something * for which we can obtain a suitable GDI font. * A flip or shearing transform on the graphics or a transform * on the font force us to decompose the text into a shape. */ boolean directToGDI = ((transformType != AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM) && ((transformType & AffineTransform.TYPE_FLIP) == 0)); WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); try { wPrinterJob.setTextColor((Color)getPaint()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // peek should detect such paints. directToGDI = false; } if (WPrinterJob.shapeTextProp || !directToGDI) { return false; } /* Compute the starting position of the string in * device space. */ Point2D.Float userpos = new Point2D.Float(x, y); /* Add the position of the first glyph - its not always 0,0 */ Point2D g0pos = gv.getGlyphPosition(0); userpos.x += (float)g0pos.getX(); userpos.y += (float)g0pos.getY(); Point2D.Float devpos = new Point2D.Float(); /* Already have the translate from the deviceTransform, * but the font may have a translation component too. */ if (font.isTransformed()) { AffineTransform fontTx = font.getTransform(); float translateX = (float)(fontTx.getTranslateX()); float translateY = (float)(fontTx.getTranslateY()); if (Math.abs(translateX) < 0.00001) translateX = 0f; if (Math.abs(translateY) < 0.00001) translateY = 0f; userpos.x += translateX; userpos.y += translateY; } deviceTransform.transform(userpos, devpos); if (getClip() != null) { deviceClip(getClip().getPathIterator(deviceTransform)); } /* Get the font size in device coordinates. * The size needed is the font height scaled to device space. * Although we have already tested that there is no shear, * there may be a non-uniform scale, so the width of the font * does not scale equally with the height. That is handled * by specifying an 'average width' scale to GDI. */ float fontSize = font.getSize2D(); double devResX = wPrinterJob.getXRes(); double devResY = wPrinterJob.getYRes(); double fontDevScaleY = devResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES; int orient = getPageFormat().getOrientation(); if (orient == PageFormat.LANDSCAPE || orient == PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) { double tmp = devResX; devResX = devResY; devResY = tmp; } double devScaleX = devResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES; double devScaleY = devResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES; fontTransform.scale(1.0/devScaleX, 1.0/devScaleY); Point2D.Double pty = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 1.0); fontTransform.deltaTransform(pty, pty); double scaleFactorY = Math.sqrt(pty.x*pty.x+pty.y*pty.y); float scaledFontSizeY = (float)(fontSize * scaleFactorY * fontDevScaleY); Point2D.Double ptx = new Point2D.Double(1.0, 0.0); fontTransform.deltaTransform(ptx, ptx); double scaleFactorX = Math.sqrt(ptx.x*ptx.x+ptx.y*ptx.y); float awScale = getAwScale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY); int iangle = getAngle(ptx); ptx = new Point2D.Double(1.0, 0.0); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(ptx, ptx); double advanceScaleX = Math.sqrt(ptx.x*ptx.x+ptx.y*ptx.y); pty = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 1.0); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(pty, pty); double advanceScaleY = Math.sqrt(pty.x*pty.x+pty.y*pty.y); int numGlyphs = gv.getNumGlyphs(); int[] glyphCodes = gv.getGlyphCodes(0, numGlyphs, null); float[] glyphPos = gv.getGlyphPositions(0, numGlyphs, null); /* layout replaces glyphs which have been combined away * with 0xfffe or 0xffff. These are supposed to be invisible * and we need to handle this here as GDI will interpret it * as a missing glyph. We'll do it here by compacting the * glyph codes array, but we have to do it in conjunction with * compacting the positions/advances arrays too AND updating * the number of glyphs .. * Note that since the slot number for composites is in the * significant byte we need to mask out that for comparison of * the invisible glyph. */ int invisibleGlyphCnt = 0; for (int gc=0; gc= CharToGlyphMapper.INVISIBLE_GLYPHS) { invisibleGlyphCnt++; } } if (invisibleGlyphCnt > 0) { int visibleGlyphCnt = numGlyphs - invisibleGlyphCnt; int[] visibleGlyphCodes = new int[visibleGlyphCnt]; float[] visiblePositions = new float[visibleGlyphCnt*2]; int index = 0; for (int i=0; i>> 24; while (end < numGlyphs && ((glyphCodes[end] >>> 24) == slot)) { end++; } /* If we can't get the font, bail to outlines. * But we should always be able to get all fonts for * Composites, so this is unlikely, so any overstriking * if only one slot is unavailable is not worth worrying * about. */ PhysicalFont slotFont = compFont.getSlotFont(slot); if (!(slotFont instanceof TrueTypeFont)) { return false; } String family = slotFont.getFamilyName(null); int style = font.getStyle() | slotFont.getStyle(); if (!wPrinterJob.setFont(family, scaledFontSizeY, style, iangle, awScale)) { return false; } int[] glyphs = Arrays.copyOfRange(glyphCodes, start, end); float[] posns = Arrays.copyOfRange(glyphAdvPos, start*2, end*2); if (start != 0) { Point2D.Float p = new Point2D.Float(x+glyphPos[start*2], y+glyphPos[start*2+1]); deviceTransform.transform(p, p); devx = p.x; devy = p.y; } wPrinterJob.glyphsOut(glyphs, devx, devy, posns); } } else { return false; } return true; } private void textOut(String str, Font font, PhysicalFont font2D, FontRenderContext frc, float deviceSize, int rotation, float awScale, double scaleFactorX, double scaleFactorY, float userx, float usery, float devx, float devy, float targetW) { String family = font2D.getFamilyName(null); int style = font.getStyle() | font2D.getStyle(); WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob)getPrinterJob(); boolean setFont = wPrinterJob.setFont(family, deviceSize, style, rotation, awScale); if (!setFont) { super.drawString(str, userx, usery, font, frc, targetW); return; } float[] glyphPos = null; if (!okGDIMetrics(str, font, frc, scaleFactorX)) { /* If there is a 1:1 char->glyph mapping then char positions * are the same as glyph positions and we can tell GDI * where to place the glyphs. * On drawing we remove control chars so these need to be * removed now so the string and positions are the same length. * For other cases we need to pass glyph codes to GDI. */ str = wPrinterJob.removeControlChars(str); char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); int len = chars.length; GlyphVector gv = null; if (!FontUtilities.isComplexText(chars, 0, len)) { gv = font.createGlyphVector(frc, str); } if (gv == null) { super.drawString(str, userx, usery, font, frc, targetW); return; } glyphPos = gv.getGlyphPositions(0, len, null); Point2D gvAdvPt = gv.getGlyphPosition(gv.getNumGlyphs()); /* GDI advances must not include device space rotation. * See earlier comment in printGlyphVector() for details. */ AffineTransform advanceTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY); float[] glyphAdvPos = new float[glyphPos.length]; advanceTransform.transform(glyphPos, 0, //source glyphAdvPos, 0, //destination glyphPos.length/2); //num points glyphPos = glyphAdvPos; } wPrinterJob.textOut(str, devx, devy, glyphPos); } /* If 2D and GDI agree on the advance of the string we do not * need to explicitly assign glyph positions. * If we are to use the GDI advance, require it to agree with * JDK to a precision of <= 1.0% - ie 1 pixel in 100 * discrepancy after rounding the 2D advance to the * nearest pixel and is greater than one pixel in total. * ie strings < 100 pixels in length will be OK so long * as they differ by only 1 pixel even though that is > 1% * The bounds from 2D are in user space so need to * be scaled to device space for comparison with GDI. * scaleX is the scale from user space to device space needed for this. */ private boolean okGDIMetrics(String str, Font font, FontRenderContext frc, double scaleX) { Rectangle2D bds = font.getStringBounds(str, frc); double jdkAdvance = bds.getWidth(); jdkAdvance = Math.round(jdkAdvance*scaleX); int gdiAdvance = ((WPrinterJob)getPrinterJob()).getGDIAdvance(str); if (jdkAdvance > 0 && gdiAdvance > 0) { double diff = Math.abs(gdiAdvance-jdkAdvance); double ratio = gdiAdvance/jdkAdvance; if (ratio < 1) { ratio = 1/ratio; } return diff <= 1 || ratio < 1.01; } return true; } /** * The various {@code drawImage()} methods for * {@code WPathGraphics} are all decomposed * into an invocation of {@code drawImageToPlatform}. * The portion of the passed in image defined by * {@code srcX, srcY, srcWidth, and srcHeight} * is transformed by the supplied AffineTransform and * drawn using GDI to the printer context. * * @param image The image to be drawn. * @param xform Used to transform the image before drawing. * This can be null. * @param bgcolor This color is drawn where the image has transparent * pixels. If this parameter is null then the * pixels already in the destination should show * through. * @param srcX With srcY this defines the upper-left corner * of the portion of the image to be drawn. * * @param srcY With srcX this defines the upper-left corner * of the portion of the image to be drawn. * @param srcWidth The width of the portion of the image to * be drawn. * @param srcHeight The height of the portion of the image to * be drawn. * @param handlingTransparency if being recursively called to * print opaque region of transparent image */ @Override protected boolean drawImageToPlatform(Image image, AffineTransform xform, Color bgcolor, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, boolean handlingTransparency) { BufferedImage img = getBufferedImage(image); if (img == null) { return true; } WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); /* The full transform to be applied to the image is the * caller's transform concatenated on to the transform * from user space to device space. If the caller didn't * supply a transform then we just act as if they passed * in the identify transform. */ AffineTransform fullTransform = getTransform(); if (xform == null) { xform = new AffineTransform(); } fullTransform.concatenate(xform); /* Split the full transform into a pair of * transforms. The first transform holds effects * that GDI (under Win95) can not perform such * as rotation and shearing. The second transform * is setup to hold only the scaling effects. * These transforms are created such that a point, * p, in user space, when transformed by 'fullTransform' * lands in the same place as when it is transformed * by 'rotTransform' and then 'scaleTransform'. * * The entire image transformation is not in Java in order * to minimize the amount of memory needed in the VM. By * dividing the transform in two, we rotate and shear * the source image in its own space and only go to * the, usually, larger, device space when we ask * GDI to perform the final scaling. * Clamp this to the device scale for better quality printing. */ double[] fullMatrix = new double[6]; fullTransform.getMatrix(fullMatrix); /* Calculate the amount of scaling in the x * and y directions. This scaling is computed by * transforming a unit vector along each axis * and computing the resulting magnitude. * The computed values 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' * represent the amount of scaling GDI will be asked * to perform. */ Point2D.Float unitVectorX = new Point2D.Float(1, 0); Point2D.Float unitVectorY = new Point2D.Float(0, 1); fullTransform.deltaTransform(unitVectorX, unitVectorX); fullTransform.deltaTransform(unitVectorY, unitVectorY); Point2D.Float origin = new Point2D.Float(0, 0); double scaleX = unitVectorX.distance(origin); double scaleY = unitVectorY.distance(origin); double devResX = wPrinterJob.getXRes(); double devResY = wPrinterJob.getYRes(); double devScaleX = devResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES; double devScaleY = devResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES; /* check if rotated or sheared */ int transformType = fullTransform.getType(); boolean clampScale = ((transformType & (AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_ROTATION | AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM)) != 0); if (clampScale) { if (scaleX > devScaleX) scaleX = devScaleX; if (scaleY > devScaleY) scaleY = devScaleY; } /* We do not need to draw anything if either scaling * factor is zero. */ if (scaleX != 0 && scaleY != 0) { /* Here's the transformation we will do with Java2D, */ AffineTransform rotTransform = new AffineTransform( fullMatrix[0] / scaleX, //m00 fullMatrix[1] / scaleY, //m10 fullMatrix[2] / scaleX, //m01 fullMatrix[3] / scaleY, //m11 fullMatrix[4] / scaleX, //m02 fullMatrix[5] / scaleY); //m12 /* The scale transform is not used directly: we instead * directly multiply by scaleX and scaleY. * * Conceptually here is what the scaleTransform is: * * AffineTransform scaleTransform = new AffineTransform( * scaleX, //m00 * 0, //m10 * 0, //m01 * scaleY, //m11 * 0, //m02 * 0); //m12 */ /* Convert the image source's rectangle into the rotated * and sheared space. Once there, we calculate a rectangle * that encloses the resulting shape. It is this rectangle * which defines the size of the BufferedImage we need to * create to hold the transformed image. */ Rectangle2D.Float srcRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight); Shape rotShape = rotTransform.createTransformedShape(srcRect); Rectangle2D rotBounds = rotShape.getBounds2D(); /* add a fudge factor as some fp precision problems have * been observed which caused pixels to be rounded down and * out of the image. */ rotBounds.setRect(rotBounds.getX(), rotBounds.getY(), rotBounds.getWidth()+0.001, rotBounds.getHeight()+0.001); int boundsWidth = (int) rotBounds.getWidth(); int boundsHeight = (int) rotBounds.getHeight(); if (boundsWidth > 0 && boundsHeight > 0) { /* If the image has transparent or semi-transparent * pixels then we'll have the application re-render * the portion of the page covered by the image. * The BufferedImage will be at the image's resolution * to avoid wasting memory. By re-rendering this portion * of a page all compositing is done by Java2D into * the BufferedImage and then that image is copied to * GDI. * However several special cases can be handled otherwise: * - bitmask transparency with a solid background colour * - images which have transparency color models but no * transparent pixels * - images with bitmask transparency and an IndexColorModel * (the common transparent GIF case) can be handled by * rendering just the opaque pixels. */ boolean drawOpaque = true; if (isCompositing(getComposite())) { drawOpaque = false; } else if (!handlingTransparency && hasTransparentPixels(img)) { drawOpaque = false; if (isBitmaskTransparency(img)) { if (bgcolor == null) { if (drawBitmaskImage(img, xform, bgcolor, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight)) { // image drawn, just return. return true; } } else if (bgcolor.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE) { drawOpaque = true; } } if (!canDoRedraws()) { drawOpaque = true; } } else { // if there's no transparent pixels there's no need // for a background colour. This can avoid edge artifacts // in rotation cases. bgcolor = null; } // if src region extends beyond the image, the "opaque" path // may blit b/g colour (including white) where it shoudn't. if ((srcX+srcWidth > img.getWidth(null) || srcY+srcHeight > img.getHeight(null)) && canDoRedraws()) { drawOpaque = false; } if (drawOpaque == false) { fullTransform.getMatrix(fullMatrix); AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform( fullMatrix[0] / devScaleX, //m00 fullMatrix[1] / devScaleY, //m10 fullMatrix[2] / devScaleX, //m01 fullMatrix[3] / devScaleY, //m11 fullMatrix[4] / devScaleX, //m02 fullMatrix[5] / devScaleY); //m12 Rectangle2D.Float rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight); Shape shape = fullTransform.createTransformedShape(rect); // Region isn't user space because its potentially // been rotated for landscape. Rectangle2D region = shape.getBounds2D(); region.setRect(region.getX(), region.getY(), region.getWidth()+0.001, region.getHeight()+0.001); // Try to limit the amount of memory used to 8Mb, so // if at device resolution this exceeds a certain // image size then scale down the region to fit in // that memory, but never to less than 72 dpi. int w = (int)region.getWidth(); int h = (int)region.getHeight(); int nbytes = w * h * 3; int maxBytes = 8 * 1024 * 1024; double origDpi = (devResX < devResY) ? devResX : devResY; int dpi = (int)origDpi; double scaleFactor = 1; double maxSFX = w/(double)boundsWidth; double maxSFY = h/(double)boundsHeight; double maxSF = (maxSFX > maxSFY) ? maxSFY : maxSFX; int minDpi = (int)(dpi/maxSF); if (minDpi < DEFAULT_USER_RES) minDpi = DEFAULT_USER_RES; while (nbytes > maxBytes && dpi > minDpi) { scaleFactor *= 2; dpi /= 2; nbytes /= 4; } if (dpi < minDpi) { scaleFactor = (origDpi / minDpi); } region.setRect(region.getX()/scaleFactor, region.getY()/scaleFactor, region.getWidth()/scaleFactor, region.getHeight()/scaleFactor); /* * We need to have the clip as part of the saved state, * either directly, or all the components that are * needed to reconstitute it (image source area, * image transform and current graphics transform). * The clip is described in user space, so we need to * save the current graphics transform anyway so just * save these two. */ wPrinterJob.saveState(getTransform(), getClip(), region, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); return true; /* The image can be rendered directly by GDI so we * copy it into a BufferedImage (this takes care of * ColorSpace and BufferedImageOp issues) and then * send that to GDI. */ } else { /* Create a buffered image big enough to hold the portion * of the source image being printed. * The image format will be 3BYTE_BGR for most cases * except where we can represent the image as a 1, 4 or 8 * bits-per-pixel DIB. */ int dibType = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR; IndexColorModel icm = null; ColorModel cm = img.getColorModel(); int imgType = img.getType(); if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel && cm.getPixelSize() <= 8 && (imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED)) { icm = (IndexColorModel)cm; dibType = imgType; /* BYTE_BINARY may be 2 bpp which DIB can't handle. * Convert this to 4bpp. */ if (imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY && cm.getPixelSize() == 2) { int[] rgbs = new int[16]; icm.getRGBs(rgbs); boolean transparent = icm.getTransparency() != Transparency.OPAQUE; int transpixel = icm.getTransparentPixel(); icm = new IndexColorModel(4, 16, rgbs, 0, transparent, transpixel, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); } } int iw = (int)rotBounds.getWidth(); int ih = (int)rotBounds.getHeight(); BufferedImage deepImage = null; /* If there is no special transform needed (this is a * simple BLIT) and dibType == img.getType() and we * didn't create a new IndexColorModel AND the whole of * the source image is being drawn (GDI can't handle a * portion of the original source image) then we * don't need to create this intermediate image - GDI * can access the data from the original image. * Since a subimage can be created by calling * BufferedImage.getSubImage() that condition needs to * be accounted for too. This implies inspecting the * data buffer. In the end too many cases are not able * to take advantage of this option until we can teach * the native code to properly navigate the data buffer. * There was a concern that since in native code since we * need to DWORD align and flip to a bottom up DIB that * the "original" image may get perturbed by this. * But in fact we always malloc new memory for the aligned * copy so this isn't a problem. * This points out that we allocate two temporaries copies * of the image : one in Java and one in native. If * we can be smarter about not allocating this one when * not needed, that would seem like a good thing to do, * even if in many cases the ColorModels don't match and * its needed. * Until all of this is resolved newImage is always true. */ boolean newImage = true; if (newImage) { if (icm == null) { deepImage = new BufferedImage(iw, ih, dibType); } else { deepImage = new BufferedImage(iw, ih, dibType,icm); } /* Setup a Graphics2D on to the BufferedImage so that * the source image when copied, lands within the * image buffer. */ Graphics2D imageGraphics = deepImage.createGraphics(); imageGraphics.clipRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight()); imageGraphics.translate(-rotBounds.getX(), -rotBounds.getY()); imageGraphics.transform(rotTransform); /* Fill the BufferedImage either with the caller * supplied color, 'bgColor' or, if null, with white. */ if (bgcolor == null) { bgcolor = Color.white; } imageGraphics.drawImage(img, srcX, srcY, srcX + srcWidth, srcY + srcHeight, srcX, srcY, srcX + srcWidth, srcY + srcHeight, bgcolor, null); imageGraphics.dispose(); } else { deepImage = img; } /* Scale the bounding rectangle by the scale transform. * Because the scaling transform has only x and y * scaling components it is equivalent to multiply * the x components of the bounding rectangle by * the x scaling factor and to multiply the y components * by the y scaling factor. */ Rectangle2D.Float scaledBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float( (float) (rotBounds.getX() * scaleX), (float) (rotBounds.getY() * scaleY), (float) (rotBounds.getWidth() * scaleX), (float) (rotBounds.getHeight() * scaleY)); /* Pull the raster data from the buffered image * and pass it along to GDI. */ WritableRaster raster = deepImage.getRaster(); byte[] data; if (raster instanceof ByteComponentRaster) { data = ((ByteComponentRaster)raster).getDataStorage(); } else if (raster instanceof BytePackedRaster) { data = ((BytePackedRaster)raster).getDataStorage(); } else { return false; } int bitsPerPixel = 24; SampleModel sm = deepImage.getSampleModel(); if (sm instanceof ComponentSampleModel) { ComponentSampleModel csm = (ComponentSampleModel)sm; bitsPerPixel = csm.getPixelStride() * 8; } else if (sm instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) { MultiPixelPackedSampleModel mppsm = (MultiPixelPackedSampleModel)sm; bitsPerPixel = mppsm.getPixelBitStride(); } else { if (icm != null) { int diw = deepImage.getWidth(); int dih = deepImage.getHeight(); if (diw > 0 && dih > 0) { bitsPerPixel = data.length*8/diw/dih; } } } /* Because the caller's image has been rotated * and sheared into our BufferedImage and because * we will be handing that BufferedImage directly to * GDI, we need to set an additional clip. This clip * makes sure that only parts of the BufferedImage * that are also part of the caller's image are drawn. */ Shape holdClip = getClip(); clip(xform.createTransformedShape(srcRect)); deviceClip(getClip().getPathIterator(getTransform())); wPrinterJob.drawDIBImage (data, scaledBounds.x, scaledBounds.y, (float)Math.rint(scaledBounds.width+0.5), (float)Math.rint(scaledBounds.height+0.5), 0f, 0f, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight(), bitsPerPixel, icm); setClip(holdClip); } } } return true; } /** * Have the printing application redraw everything that falls * within the page bounds defined by {@code region}. */ @Override public void redrawRegion(Rectangle2D region, double scaleX, double scaleY, Shape savedClip, AffineTransform savedTransform) throws PrinterException { WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob)getPrinterJob(); Printable painter = getPrintable(); PageFormat pageFormat = getPageFormat(); int pageIndex = getPageIndex(); /* Create a buffered image big enough to hold the portion * of the source image being printed. */ BufferedImage deepImage = new BufferedImage( (int) region.getWidth(), (int) region.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); /* Get a graphics for the application to render into. * We initialize the buffer to white in order to * match the paper and then we shift the BufferedImage * so that it covers the area on the page where the * caller's Image will be drawn. */ Graphics2D g = deepImage.createGraphics(); ProxyGraphics2D proxy = new ProxyGraphics2D(g, wPrinterJob); proxy.setColor(Color.white); proxy.fillRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight()); proxy.clipRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight()); proxy.translate(-region.getX(), -region.getY()); /* Calculate the resolution of the source image. */ float sourceResX = (float)(wPrinterJob.getXRes() / scaleX); float sourceResY = (float)(wPrinterJob.getYRes() / scaleY); /* The application expects to see user space at 72 dpi. * so change user space from image source resolution to * 72 dpi. */ proxy.scale(sourceResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES, sourceResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES); proxy.translate( -wPrinterJob.getPhysicalPrintableX(pageFormat.getPaper()) / wPrinterJob.getXRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES, -wPrinterJob.getPhysicalPrintableY(pageFormat.getPaper()) / wPrinterJob.getYRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES); /* NB User space now has to be at 72 dpi for this calc to be correct */ proxy.transform(new AffineTransform(getPageFormat().getMatrix())); proxy.setPaint(Color.black); painter.print(proxy, pageFormat, pageIndex); g.dispose(); /* We need to set the device clip using saved information. * savedClip intersects the user clip with a clip that restricts * the GDI rendered area of our BufferedImage to that which * may correspond to a rotate or shear. * The saved device transform is needed as the current transform * is not likely to be the same. */ if (savedClip != null) { deviceClip(savedClip.getPathIterator(savedTransform)); } /* Scale the bounding rectangle by the scale transform. * Because the scaling transform has only x and y * scaling components it is equivalent to multiplying * the x components of the bounding rectangle by * the x scaling factor and to multiplying the y components * by the y scaling factor. */ Rectangle2D.Float scaledBounds = new Rectangle2D.Float( (float) (region.getX() * scaleX), (float) (region.getY() * scaleY), (float) (region.getWidth() * scaleX), (float) (region.getHeight() * scaleY)); /* Pull the raster data from the buffered image * and pass it along to GDI. */ ByteComponentRaster tile = (ByteComponentRaster)deepImage.getRaster(); wPrinterJob.drawImage3ByteBGR(tile.getDataStorage(), scaledBounds.x, scaledBounds.y, scaledBounds.width, scaledBounds.height, 0f, 0f, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight()); } /* * Fill the path defined by {@code pathIter} * with the specified color. * The path is provided in device coordinates. */ @Override protected void deviceFill(PathIterator pathIter, Color color) { WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); convertToWPath(pathIter); wPrinterJob.selectSolidBrush(color); wPrinterJob.fillPath(); } /* * Set the printer device's clip to be the * path defined by {@code pathIter} * The path is provided in device coordinates. */ @Override protected void deviceClip(PathIterator pathIter) { WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); convertToWPath(pathIter); wPrinterJob.selectClipPath(); } /** * Draw the bounding rectangle using transformed coordinates. */ @Override protected void deviceFrameRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color) { AffineTransform deviceTransform = getTransform(); /* check if rotated or sheared */ int transformType = deviceTransform.getType(); boolean usePath = ((transformType & (AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_ROTATION | AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM)) != 0); if (usePath) { draw(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height)); return; } Stroke stroke = getStroke(); if (stroke instanceof BasicStroke) { BasicStroke lineStroke = (BasicStroke) stroke; int endCap = lineStroke.getEndCap(); int lineJoin = lineStroke.getLineJoin(); /* check for default style and try to optimize it by * calling the frameRect native function instead of using paths. */ if ((endCap == BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE) && (lineJoin == BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER) && (lineStroke.getMiterLimit() ==10.0f)) { float lineWidth = lineStroke.getLineWidth(); Point2D.Float penSize = new Point2D.Float(lineWidth, lineWidth); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(penSize, penSize); float deviceLineWidth = Math.min(Math.abs(penSize.x), Math.abs(penSize.y)); /* transform upper left coordinate */ Point2D.Float ul_pos = new Point2D.Float(x, y); deviceTransform.transform(ul_pos, ul_pos); /* transform lower right coordinate */ Point2D.Float lr_pos = new Point2D.Float(x + width, y + height); deviceTransform.transform(lr_pos, lr_pos); float w = (float) (lr_pos.getX() - ul_pos.getX()); float h = (float)(lr_pos.getY() - ul_pos.getY()); WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); /* use selectStylePen, if supported */ if (wPrinterJob.selectStylePen(endCap, lineJoin, deviceLineWidth, color) == true) { wPrinterJob.frameRect((float)ul_pos.getX(), (float)ul_pos.getY(), w, h); } /* not supported, must be a Win 9x */ else { double lowerRes = Math.min(wPrinterJob.getXRes(), wPrinterJob.getYRes()); if ((deviceLineWidth/lowerRes) < MAX_THINLINE_INCHES) { /* use the default pen styles for thin pens. */ wPrinterJob.selectPen(deviceLineWidth, color); wPrinterJob.frameRect((float)ul_pos.getX(), (float)ul_pos.getY(), w, h); } else { draw(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height)); } } } else { draw(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height)); } } } /* * Fill the rectangle with specified color and using Windows' * GDI fillRect function. * Boundaries are determined by the given coordinates. */ @Override protected void deviceFillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color) { /* * Transform to device coordinates */ AffineTransform deviceTransform = getTransform(); /* check if rotated or sheared */ int transformType = deviceTransform.getType(); boolean usePath = ((transformType & (AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_ROTATION | AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM)) != 0); if (usePath) { fill(new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height)); return; } Point2D.Float tlc_pos = new Point2D.Float(x, y); deviceTransform.transform(tlc_pos, tlc_pos); Point2D.Float brc_pos = new Point2D.Float(x+width, y+height); deviceTransform.transform(brc_pos, brc_pos); float deviceWidth = (float) (brc_pos.getX() - tlc_pos.getX()); float deviceHeight = (float)(brc_pos.getY() - tlc_pos.getY()); WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); wPrinterJob.fillRect((float)tlc_pos.getX(), (float)tlc_pos.getY(), deviceWidth, deviceHeight, color); } /** * Draw a line using a pen created using the specified color * and current stroke properties. */ @Override protected void deviceDrawLine(int xBegin, int yBegin, int xEnd, int yEnd, Color color) { Stroke stroke = getStroke(); if (stroke instanceof BasicStroke) { BasicStroke lineStroke = (BasicStroke) stroke; if (lineStroke.getDashArray() != null) { draw(new Line2D.Float(xBegin, yBegin, xEnd, yEnd)); return; } float lineWidth = lineStroke.getLineWidth(); Point2D.Float penSize = new Point2D.Float(lineWidth, lineWidth); AffineTransform deviceTransform = getTransform(); deviceTransform.deltaTransform(penSize, penSize); float deviceLineWidth = Math.min(Math.abs(penSize.x), Math.abs(penSize.y)); Point2D.Float begin_pos = new Point2D.Float(xBegin, yBegin); deviceTransform.transform(begin_pos, begin_pos); Point2D.Float end_pos = new Point2D.Float(xEnd, yEnd); deviceTransform.transform(end_pos, end_pos); int endCap = lineStroke.getEndCap(); int lineJoin = lineStroke.getLineJoin(); /* check if it's a one-pixel line */ if ((end_pos.getX() == begin_pos.getX()) && (end_pos.getY() == begin_pos.getY())) { /* endCap other than Round will not print! * due to Windows GDI limitation, force it to CAP_ROUND */ endCap = BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND; } WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); /* call native function that creates pen with style */ if (wPrinterJob.selectStylePen(endCap, lineJoin, deviceLineWidth, color)) { wPrinterJob.moveTo((float)begin_pos.getX(), (float)begin_pos.getY()); wPrinterJob.lineTo((float)end_pos.getX(), (float)end_pos.getY()); } /* selectStylePen is not supported, must be Win 9X */ else { /* let's see if we can use a a default pen * if it's round end (Windows' default style) * or it's vertical/horizontal * or stroke is too thin. */ double lowerRes = Math.min(wPrinterJob.getXRes(), wPrinterJob.getYRes()); if ((endCap == BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND) || (((xBegin == xEnd) || (yBegin == yEnd)) && (deviceLineWidth/lowerRes < MAX_THINLINE_INCHES))) { wPrinterJob.selectPen(deviceLineWidth, color); wPrinterJob.moveTo((float)begin_pos.getX(), (float)begin_pos.getY()); wPrinterJob.lineTo((float)end_pos.getX(), (float)end_pos.getY()); } else { draw(new Line2D.Float(xBegin, yBegin, xEnd, yEnd)); } } } } /** * Given a Java2D {@code PathIterator} instance, * this method translates that into a Window's path * in the printer device context. */ private void convertToWPath(PathIterator pathIter) { float[] segment = new float[6]; int segmentType; WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob) getPrinterJob(); /* Map the PathIterator's fill rule into the Window's * polygon fill rule. */ int polyFillRule; if (pathIter.getWindingRule() == PathIterator.WIND_EVEN_ODD) { polyFillRule = WPrinterJob.POLYFILL_ALTERNATE; } else { polyFillRule = WPrinterJob.POLYFILL_WINDING; } wPrinterJob.setPolyFillMode(polyFillRule); wPrinterJob.beginPath(); while (pathIter.isDone() == false) { segmentType = pathIter.currentSegment(segment); switch (segmentType) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: wPrinterJob.moveTo(segment[0], segment[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: wPrinterJob.lineTo(segment[0], segment[1]); break; /* Convert the quad path to a bezier. */ case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: int lastX = wPrinterJob.getPenX(); int lastY = wPrinterJob.getPenY(); float c1x = lastX + (segment[0] - lastX) * 2 / 3; float c1y = lastY + (segment[1] - lastY) * 2 / 3; float c2x = segment[2] - (segment[2] - segment[0]) * 2/ 3; float c2y = segment[3] - (segment[3] - segment[1]) * 2/ 3; wPrinterJob.polyBezierTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, segment[2], segment[3]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: wPrinterJob.polyBezierTo(segment[0], segment[1], segment[2], segment[3], segment[4], segment[5]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: wPrinterJob.closeFigure(); break; } pathIter.next(); } wPrinterJob.endPath(); } }