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1076             if (boundsWidth > 0 && boundsHeight > 0) {
1078                 /* If the image has transparent or semi-transparent
1079                  * pixels then we'll have the application re-render
1080                  * the portion of the page covered by the image.
1081                  * The BufferedImage will be at the image's resolution
1082                  * to avoid wasting memory. By re-rendering this portion
1083                  * of a page all compositing is done by Java2D into
1084                  * the BufferedImage and then that image is copied to
1085                  * GDI.
1086                  * However several special cases can be handled otherwise:
1087                  * - bitmask transparency with a solid background colour
1088                  * - images which have transparency color models but no
1089                  * transparent pixels
1090                  * - images with bitmask transparency and an IndexColorModel
1091                  * (the common transparent GIF case) can be handled by
1092                  * rendering just the opaque pixels.
1093                  */
1094                 boolean drawOpaque = true;
1095                 if (!handlingTransparency && hasTransparentPixels(img)) {

1096                     drawOpaque = false;
1097                     if (isBitmaskTransparency(img)) {
1098                         if (bgcolor == null) {
1099                             if (drawBitmaskImage(img, xform, bgcolor,
1100                                                  srcX, srcY,
1101                                                  srcWidth, srcHeight)) {
1102                                 // image drawn, just return.
1103                                 return true;
1104                             }
1105                         } else if (bgcolor.getTransparency()
1106                                    == Transparency.OPAQUE) {
1107                             drawOpaque = true;
1108                         }
1109                     }
1110                     if (!canDoRedraws()) {
1111                         drawOpaque = true;
1112                     }
1113                 } else {
1114                     // if there's no transparent pixels there's no need
1115                     // for a background colour. This can avoid edge artifacts

1076             if (boundsWidth > 0 && boundsHeight > 0) {
1078                 /* If the image has transparent or semi-transparent
1079                  * pixels then we'll have the application re-render
1080                  * the portion of the page covered by the image.
1081                  * The BufferedImage will be at the image's resolution
1082                  * to avoid wasting memory. By re-rendering this portion
1083                  * of a page all compositing is done by Java2D into
1084                  * the BufferedImage and then that image is copied to
1085                  * GDI.
1086                  * However several special cases can be handled otherwise:
1087                  * - bitmask transparency with a solid background colour
1088                  * - images which have transparency color models but no
1089                  * transparent pixels
1090                  * - images with bitmask transparency and an IndexColorModel
1091                  * (the common transparent GIF case) can be handled by
1092                  * rendering just the opaque pixels.
1093                  */
1094                 boolean drawOpaque = true;
1095                 if (isCompositing(getComposite())) {
1096                     drawOpaque = false;
1097                 } else if (!handlingTransparency && hasTransparentPixels(img)) {
1098                     drawOpaque = false;
1099                     if (isBitmaskTransparency(img)) {
1100                         if (bgcolor == null) {
1101                             if (drawBitmaskImage(img, xform, bgcolor,
1102                                                  srcX, srcY,
1103                                                  srcWidth, srcHeight)) {
1104                                 // image drawn, just return.
1105                                 return true;
1106                             }
1107                         } else if (bgcolor.getTransparency()
1108                                    == Transparency.OPAQUE) {
1109                             drawOpaque = true;
1110                         }
1111                     }
1112                     if (!canDoRedraws()) {
1113                         drawOpaque = true;
1114                     }
1115                 } else {
1116                     // if there's no transparent pixels there's no need
1117                     // for a background colour. This can avoid edge artifacts

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