JT Harness : Tests that failed

java/awt/Choice/ChoiceKeyEventReaction/ChoiceKeyEventReaction.html: PIT: Keyboard FocusTraversal not working when choice's drop-down is visible, on XToolkit
java/awt/Choice/ChoiceMouseWheelTest/ChoiceMouseWheelTest.java: closed/java/awt/Choice/WheelEventsConsumed/WheelEventsConsumed.html fails on win32
java/awt/EventQueue/6980209/bug6980209.java: Make tracking SecondaryLoop.enter/exit methods easier
java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java: Apparent missing key events causing Bugster to break
java/awt/Focus/6382144/EndlessLoopTest.java: REGRESSION: InputVerifier and JOptionPane
java/awt/Focus/6981400/Test1.java: Tabbing between textfiled do not work properly when ALT+TAB
java/awt/Focus/8013611/JDK8013611.java: Tests showing a modal dialog with requesting focus in frame.
java/awt/Focus/8073453/AWTFocusTransitionTest.java: Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
java/awt/Focus/8073453/SwingFocusTransitionTest.java: Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
java/awt/Focus/ActualFocusedWindowTest/ActualFocusedWindowBlockingTest.java: Tests that previosly focused owned window doesn't steal focus when an owner's component requests focus.
java/awt/Focus/ChoiceFocus/ChoiceFocus.java: Choice components don't honour key focus
java/awt/Focus/ClearLwQueueBreakTest/ClearLwQueueBreakTest.java: Tests that breaking the proccess of clearing LW requests doesn't break focus.
java/awt/Focus/ConsumeNextKeyTypedOnModalShowTest/ConsumeNextKeyTypedOnModalShowTest.java: Showing a modal dlg on TAB KEY_PRESS shouldn't consume inappropriate KEY_TYPED.
java/awt/Focus/FocusTraversalPolicy/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversal/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java: Fields not reachable anymore by tab-key, because of new tabbing behaviour of radio button groups.
java/awt/Focus/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest/KeyEventForBadFocusOwnerTest.java: KeyEvents dispatched to old focus owner that is no longer showing
java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest.java: Focus request & mouse click being performed nearly synchronously shouldn't break the focus subsystem
java/awt/Focus/NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest/NoAutotransferToDisabledCompTest.java: Tests that auto-transfering focus doesn't stuck on a disabled component.
java/awt/Focus/NonFocusableBlockedOwnerTest/NonFocusableBlockedOwnerTest.html: Modal excluded Window which decorated parent is blocked should be non-focusable.
java/awt/Focus/ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest/ShowFrameCheckForegroundTest.java: Tests that showing a toplvel in a not foreground Java process activates it.
java/awt/Focus/TypeAhead/TestFocusFreeze.java: Tests that keyboard input doesn't freeze due to type-ahead problems
java/awt/Focus/WrongKeyTypedConsumedTest/WrongKeyTypedConsumedTest.java: FocusManager consumes wrong KEY_TYPED events
java/awt/Frame/ExceptionOnSetExtendedStateTest/ExceptionOnSetExtendedStateTest.java: Frame.setExtendedState throws RuntimeException, if windowState=ICONIFIED|MAXIMIZED_BOTH, on OS X
java/awt/Frame/ShapeNotSetSometimes/ShapeNotSetSometimes.java: Tests whether shape is always set
java/awt/Frame/UnfocusableMaximizedFrameResizablity/UnfocusableMaximizedFrameResizablity.java: Setting focusable window state to false makes the maximized frame resizable
java/awt/FullScreen/FullScreenInsets/FullScreenInsets.java: Full-screen windows should have the proper insets.
java/awt/LightweightComponent/LightweightEventTest/LightweightEventTest.java: Test of mouse move messages to lightweight components
java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/JComboBoxOverlapping.java: Overlapping test for javax.swing.JScrollPane
java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/JMenuBarOverlapping.java: Overlapping test for javax.swing.JScrollPane
java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/JPopupMenuOverlapping.java: Overlapping test for javax.swing.JScrollPane
java/awt/Mixing/AWT_Mixing/JSplitPaneOverlapping.java: Overlapping test for javax.swing.JSplitPane
java/awt/Mixing/NonOpaqueInternalFrame.java: Tests whether internal frames are always considered opaque
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal1Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog created with a null Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal2Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog created with a null Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal3Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog created with a hidden Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal4Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog created with a hidden Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal5Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog created with a visible Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogAppModal6Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks an application modal Dialog created with a visible Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal1Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog created with a null Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal2Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog created with a null Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal3Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog created with a hidden Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal4Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog created with a hidden Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal5Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog created with a visible Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal6Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a document modal Dialog created with a visible Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogDocModal7Test.java: Check whether a FileDialog set to document modality behaves as expected.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal1Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog created with a null Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal2Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog created with a null Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal3Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog created with a hidden Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal4Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog created with a hidden Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal5Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog created with a visible Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogModal6Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a modal Dialog created with a visible Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal1Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog created with a null Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal2Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog created with a null Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal3Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog created with a hidden Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal4Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog created with a hidden Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal5Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog created with a visible Frame constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal6Test.java: Check whether FileDialog blocks a non-modal Dialog created with a visible Dialog constructor.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogNonModal7Test.java: Check whether a modeless FileDialog behaves as expected.
java/awt/Modal/FileDialog/FileDialogTKModal7Test.java: Check whether a FileDialog set to toolkit modality behaves as expected.
java/awt/Modal/ModalDialogOrderingTest/ModalDialogOrderingTest.java: [macosx] Swing.
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ApplicationExcludeDialogFileTest.java: Check whether a FileDialog blocks an application modality excluded Dialog (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ApplicationExcludeDialogPageSetupTest.java: Check whether a pageDialog blocks an application modality excluded Dialog (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ApplicationExcludeDialogPrintSetupTest.java: Check whether a printDialog blocks an application modality excluded Dialog (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ApplicationExcludeFrameFileTest.java: Check whether a FileDialog blocks an application modality excluded Frame (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ApplicationExcludeFramePageSetupTest.java: Check whether a pageDialog blocks an application modality excluded Frame (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ApplicationExcludeFramePrintSetupTest.java: Check whether a printDialog blocks an application modality excluded Frame (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ToolkitExcludeDialogFileTest.java: Check whether a FileDialog blocks a toolkit modality excluded Dialog (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ToolkitExcludeDialogPageSetupTest.java: Check whether a pageDialog blocks a toolkit modality excluded Dialog (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ToolkitExcludeDialogPrintSetupTest.java: Check whether a printDialog blocks a toolkit modality excluded Dialog (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ToolkitExcludeFrameFileTest.java: Check whether a FileDialog blocks a toolkit modality excluded Frame (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ToolkitExcludeFramePageSetupTest.java: Check whether a pageDialog blocks a toolkit modality excluded Frame (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalExclusionTests/ToolkitExcludeFramePrintSetupTest.java: Check whether a printDialog blocks a toolkit modality excluded Frame (it shouldn't).
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferDWFDocModalTest.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a document modal dialog (D) having null frame owner is shown; a window having D as owner is shown; a frame is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferDWFModelessTest.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a modeless dialog (D) having null frame owner is shown; a window having D as owner is shown; a frame is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferDWFNonModalTest.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a non-modal dialog (D) having null frame owner is shown; a window having D as owner is shown; a frame is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDAppModal1Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; an application modal dialog having a hidden dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDAppModal2Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; an application modal dialog having a hidden frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDAppModal3Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; an application modal dialog having a null dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDAppModal4Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; an application modal dialog having a null frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDDocModal1Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a document modal dialog having a hidden dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDDocModal2Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a document modal dialog having a hidden frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDDocModal3Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a document modal dialog having a null dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDDocModal4Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a document modal dialog having a null frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDModeless1Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a modeless dialog having a hidden dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDModeless2Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a modeless dialog having a hidden frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDModeless3Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a modeless dialog having a null dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDModeless4Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a modeless dialog having a null frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDNonModal1Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a non-modal dialog having a hidden dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDNonModal2Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a non-modal dialog having a hidden frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDNonModal3Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a non-modal dialog having a null dialog owner is shown.
java/awt/Modal/ModalFocusTransferTests/FocusTransferFWDNonModal4Test.java: Check whether the focus transfer between windows occurs correctly when the following happens: a frame (F) is shown; a window having F as owner is shown; a non-modal dialog having a null frame owner is shown.
java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowOutOfFrameTest.java: Window created under a mouse does not receive mouse enter event.
java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowTest.java: Window created under a mouse does not receive mouse enter event.
java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/FullscreenEnterEventTest.java: Cursor does not update properly when in fullscreen mode on Mac The core reason of the issue was the lack of a mouse entered event in fullscreen
java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java: Programmatically resized window does not receive mouse entered/exited events
java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/MouseModifiersUnitTest_Standard.java: verifies that modifiers are correct for standard (1, 2, 3, wheel) mouse buttons
java/awt/Mouse/RemovedComponentMouseListener/RemovedComponentMouseListener.java: fix for 7079254 changes behavior of MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
java/awt/Robot/HiDPIScreenCapture/ScreenCaptureTest.java: Validate output of createMultiResolutionScreenCapture new API which returns MultiResolutionImage.
java/awt/Toolkit/RealSync/Test.java: Tests that realSync feature works
java/awt/TrayIcon/TrayIconPopup/TrayIconPopupClickTest.java: Check if a action performed event is received when TrayIcon display message is clicked on.
java/awt/Window/BackgroundIsNotUpdated/BackgroundIsNotUpdated.java: Background of the window should not depend from the paint()/update()
java/awt/Window/GrabSequence/GrabSequence.java: PIT.
java/awt/Window/MultiWindowApp/ChildAlwaysOnTopTest.java: setAlwaysOnTop doesn't behave correctly in Linux/Solaris under certain scenarios
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/FocusAWTTest.java: Check if the window events (Focus and Activation) are triggered correctly when clicked on visible and clipped areas.
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/SetShapeAndClick.java: Check if a window set with shape clips the contents Test Description: Check if PERPIXEL_TRANSPARENT Translucency type is supported by the current platform.
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/SetShapeDynamicallyAndClick.java: Check if dynamically setting a shape works Test Description: Check if PERPIXEL_TRANSPARENT Translucency type is supported by the current platform.
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/Shaped.java: Check if dynamically shaped window is dragged and resized by mouse correctly Test Description: Check if specified translucency types PERPIXEL_TRANSPARENT is supported on the current platform.
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ShapedByAPI.java: Check if dynamically shaped window is moved and resized by API correctly.
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ShapedTranslucentWindowClick.java: Check if a translucent shaped window trigger events correctly.
java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/StaticallyShaped.java: Check if statically shaped window is dragged and resized correctly.
java/awt/dnd/MissingEventsOnModalDialog/MissingEventsOnModalDialogTest.java: [macosx] JOptionPane doesn't receive mouse events when opened from a drop event
java/awt/dnd/URIListBetweenJVMsTest/URIListBetweenJVMsTest.html: Transferable has no DataFlavors when dragging from Gnome window to Swing
java/awt/font/TextLayout/TextLayoutBounds.java: verify TextLayout.getBounds() return visual bounds
java/awt/grab/EmbeddedFrameTest1/EmbeddedFrameTest1.java: REGRESSION: Popup menus dont respond to selections when extend outside Applet
java/awt/image/multiresolution/MultiResolutionJOptionPaneIconTest.java: Check if correct resolution variant is used for JOptionPane dialog / internal frame icons.
java/awt/image/multiresolution/MultiresolutionIconTest.java: Check that correct resolution variants are chosen for icons when multiresolution image is used for their construction.
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ExceptionTest.java: No exception should be thrown.
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/NullClipARGB.java: Test no NPE when printing transparency with null clip.
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrintCrashTest.java: Printing crashes on OSX.
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrtException.java: This test should not throw a printer exception.
java/awt/print/PrinterJob/TestPgfmtSetMPA.java: Verifies if getPageFormat returns correct mediaprintable value
java/beans/XMLEncoder/Test6570354.java: Tests listeners removing
javax/print/CheckDupFlavor.java: There should be no duplicates returned by getSupportedDocFlavors.
javax/print/attribute/AttributeTest.java: Tests conflict of Media values returned by isAttrValueSupported and getSupportedAttrValues.
javax/print/attribute/GetCopiesSupported.java: No ClassCastException should occur.
javax/print/attribute/SidesPageRangesTest.java: No crash should occur.
javax/print/attribute/SupportedPrintableAreas.java: Tests that get non-null return list of printable areas.
javax/swing/AbstractButton/6711682/bug6711682.java: JCheckBox in JTable: checkbox doesn't alaways respond to the first mouse click
javax/swing/JButton/4368790/bug4368790.java: JButton stays pressed when focus stolen
javax/swing/JFileChooser/6396844/TwentyThousandTest.java: Tests memory leak for 20000 files
javax/swing/JFileChooser/8021253/bug8021253.java: JFileChooser does not react on pressing enter since java 7
javax/swing/JFileChooser/8062561/bug8062561.java: File system view returns null default directory
javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8069348/bug8069348.java: SunGraphics2D.copyArea() does not properly work for scaled graphics
javax/swing/JInternalFrame/Test6325652.java: Tests keyboard shortcuts
javax/swing/JLabel/6596966/bug6596966.java: Some JFileChooser mnemonics do not work with sticky keys
javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4458079/bug4458079.java: Tests calling removeAll() from PopupMenuListener
javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4870644/bug4870644.java: Default button responds to CTRL-ENTER while popup menu is active.
javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java: Some Composite components does not show the Context Popup.
javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6580930/bug6580930.java: Swing Popups should overlap taskbar
javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6800513/bug6800513.java: GTK-LaF renders menus incompletely
javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4624207/bug4624207.java: JTabbedPane mnemonics don't work from outside the tabbed pane
javax/swing/JTabbedPane/7024235/Test7024235.java: Tests JFrame.pack() with the JTabbedPane
javax/swing/JTree/4633594/JTreeFocusTest.java: No way to pass focus from a JTree to a GUI placed inside the tree node
javax/swing/JTree/8003400/Test8003400.java: Tests that JTree shows the last row
javax/swing/JWindow/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/PerPixelTranslucentSwing.java: Check if a per-pixel translucent window shows only the area having opaque pixels Test Description: Check if PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT Translucency type is supported on the current platform.
javax/swing/JWindow/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/SetShapeAndClickSwing.java: Check if a window set with shape clips the contents Test Description: Check if PERPIXEL_TRANSPARENT translucency type is supported by the current platform.
javax/swing/JWindow/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/TranslucentJComboBox.java: Check if a JComboBox present in a window set with opacity less than 1.0 shows a translucent drop down Test Description: Check if TRANSLUCENT translucency type is supported on the current platform.
javax/swing/PopupFactory/6276087/NonOpaquePopupMenuTest.java: Tests opacity of a popup menu.
javax/swing/SpringLayout/4726194/bug4726194.java: Tests for 4726194
javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/4983388/bug4983388.java: shortcuts on menus do not work on JDS
javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet/bug4936917.java: Tests if background is correctly painted when <BODY> has css margins
sun/java2d/DirectX/RenderingToCachedGraphicsTest/RenderingToCachedGraphicsTest.java: Verifies that rendering to a cached onscreen Graphics works
sun/java2d/OpenGL/CopyAreaOOB.java: Verifies that copyArea() works properly when the destination parameters are outside the destination bounds.
sun/java2d/SunGraphics2D/SourceClippingBlitTest/SourceClippingBlitTest.java: Tests that source is clipped correctly when blitting different types of images to the screen
sun/java2d/pipe/InterpolationQualityTest.java: Tests each of the 3 possible methods for rendering an upscaled image via rendering hints for default, xrender and opengl pipelines.

Report generated on 15-Feb-2018 6:45:01 PM
Using JT Harness 5.0; built on 29 January 2018 at 12:00:00 AM IST with Java(TM) 2 SDK, Version 9.0.1