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3661     @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Same-version serialization only
3662     public abstract class AccessibleJComponent extends AccessibleAWTContainer
3663        implements AccessibleExtendedComponent
3664     {
3665         /**
3666          * Though the class is abstract, this should be called by
3667          * all sub-classes.
3668          */
3669         protected AccessibleJComponent() {
3670             super();
3671         }
3673         /**
3674          * Number of PropertyChangeListener objects registered. It's used
3675          * to add/remove ContainerListener and FocusListener to track
3676          * target JComponent's state
3677          */
3678         private volatile transient int propertyListenersCount = 0;
3680         /**
3681          * This field duplicates the one in java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent,
3682          * so it has been deprecated.
3683          */
3684         @Deprecated
3685         protected FocusListener accessibleFocusHandler = null;
3687         /**
3688          * Fire PropertyChange listener, if one is registered,
3689          * when children added/removed.
3690          */
3691         protected class AccessibleContainerHandler
3692             implements ContainerListener {
3693             public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e) {
3694                 Component c = e.getChild();
3695                 if (c != null && c instanceof Accessible) {
3696                     AccessibleJComponent.this.firePropertyChange(
3697                         AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY,
3698                         null, c.getAccessibleContext());
3699                 }
3700             }
3701             public void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent e) {
3702                 Component c = e.getChild();
3703                 if (c != null && c instanceof Accessible) {
3704                     AccessibleJComponent.this.firePropertyChange(
3705                         AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY,
3706                         c.getAccessibleContext(), null);
3707                 }
3708             }
3709         }
3711         /**
3712          * Fire PropertyChange listener, if one is registered,
3713          * when focus events happen
3714          * @since 1.3
3715          */
3716         protected class AccessibleFocusHandler implements FocusListener {
3717            public void focusGained(FocusEvent event) {
3718                if (accessibleContext != null) {
3719                     accessibleContext.firePropertyChange(
3720                         AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY,
3721                         null, AccessibleState.FOCUSED);
3722                 }
3723             }
3724             public void focusLost(FocusEvent event) {
3725                 if (accessibleContext != null) {
3726                     accessibleContext.firePropertyChange(
3727                         AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY,
3728                         AccessibleState.FOCUSED, null);
3729                 }
3730             }
3731         } // inner class AccessibleFocusHandler
3734         /**
3735          * Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
3736          *
3737          * @param listener  the PropertyChangeListener to be added
3738          */
3739         public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
3740             if (accessibleFocusHandler == null) {
3741                 accessibleFocusHandler = new AccessibleFocusHandler();
3742             }
3743             if (accessibleContainerHandler == null) {
3744                 accessibleContainerHandler = new AccessibleContainerHandler();
3745             }
3746             if (propertyListenersCount++ == 0) {
3747                 JComponent.this.addFocusListener(accessibleFocusHandler);
3748                 JComponent.this.addContainerListener(accessibleContainerHandler);
3749             }
3750             super.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
3751         }
3753         /**
3754          * Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
3755          * This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered
3756          * for all properties.
3757          *
3758          * @param listener  the PropertyChangeListener to be removed
3759          */
3760         public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
3761             if (--propertyListenersCount == 0) {
3762                 JComponent.this.removeFocusListener(accessibleFocusHandler);
3763                 JComponent.this.removeContainerListener(accessibleContainerHandler);
3764             }
3765             super.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
3766         }
3770         /**
3771          * Recursively search through the border hierarchy (if it exists)
3772          * for a TitledBorder with a non-null title.  This does a depth
3773          * first search on first the inside borders then the outside borders.
3774          * The assumption is that titles make really pretty inside borders
3775          * but not very pretty outside borders in compound border situations.
3776          * It's rather arbitrary, but hopefully decent UI programmers will
3777          * not create multiple titled borders for the same component.
3778          */
3779         protected String getBorderTitle(Border b) {
3780             String s;
3781             if (b instanceof TitledBorder) {
3782                 return ((TitledBorder) b).getTitle();

3661     @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Same-version serialization only
3662     public abstract class AccessibleJComponent extends AccessibleAWTContainer
3663        implements AccessibleExtendedComponent
3664     {
3665         /**
3666          * Though the class is abstract, this should be called by
3667          * all sub-classes.
3668          */
3669         protected AccessibleJComponent() {
3670             super();
3671         }
3673         /**
3674          * Number of PropertyChangeListener objects registered. It's used
3675          * to add/remove ContainerListener and FocusListener to track
3676          * target JComponent's state
3677          */
3678         private volatile transient int propertyListenersCount = 0;
3680         /**
3681          * This field duplicates the function of the accessibleAWTFocusHandler field
3682          * in java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, so it has been deprecated.
3683          */
3684         @Deprecated
3685         protected FocusListener accessibleFocusHandler = null;
3687         /**
3688          * Fire PropertyChange listener, if one is registered,
3689          * when children added/removed.
3690          */
3691         protected class AccessibleContainerHandler
3692             implements ContainerListener {
3693             public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e) {
3694                 Component c = e.getChild();
3695                 if (c != null && c instanceof Accessible) {
3696                     AccessibleJComponent.this.firePropertyChange(
3697                         AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY,
3698                         null, c.getAccessibleContext());
3699                 }
3700             }
3701             public void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent e) {
3702                 Component c = e.getChild();
3703                 if (c != null && c instanceof Accessible) {
3704                     AccessibleJComponent.this.firePropertyChange(
3705                         AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_CHILD_PROPERTY,
3706                         c.getAccessibleContext(), null);
3707                 }
3708             }
3709         }

3712         /**
3713          * Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
3714          *
3715          * @param listener  the PropertyChangeListener to be added
3716          */
3717         public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

3718             if (accessibleContainerHandler == null) {
3719                 accessibleContainerHandler = new AccessibleContainerHandler();
3720             }
3721             if (propertyListenersCount++ == 0) {

3722                 JComponent.this.addContainerListener(accessibleContainerHandler);
3723             }
3724             super.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
3725         }
3727         /**
3728          * Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
3729          * This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered
3730          * for all properties.
3731          *
3732          * @param listener  the PropertyChangeListener to be removed
3733          */
3734         public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
3735             if (--propertyListenersCount == 0) {

3736                 JComponent.this.removeContainerListener(accessibleContainerHandler);
3737             }
3738             super.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
3739         }
3743         /**
3744          * Recursively search through the border hierarchy (if it exists)
3745          * for a TitledBorder with a non-null title.  This does a depth
3746          * first search on first the inside borders then the outside borders.
3747          * The assumption is that titles make really pretty inside borders
3748          * but not very pretty outside borders in compound border situations.
3749          * It's rather arbitrary, but hopefully decent UI programmers will
3750          * not create multiple titled borders for the same component.
3751          */
3752         protected String getBorderTitle(Border b) {
3753             String s;
3754             if (b instanceof TitledBorder) {
3755                 return ((TitledBorder) b).getTitle();