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@@ -1101,10 +1101,26 @@
   return mask_bits(x >> start_bit_no, right_n_bits(field_length));
+// Utility functions for characters
+// isblank() in ctype.h only includes space and tab.
+// iswhite() includes space, tab, new-line, vertical-tab, formfeed,
+// carrage-return. This larger set of characters might be found in a
+// text file.
+#define iswhite(c) \
+  ((c == ' ')  || \
+   (c == '\t') || \
+   (c == '\n') || \
+   (c == '\v') || \
+   (c == '\f') || \
+   (c == '\r'))
 // Utility functions for integers
 // Avoid use of global min/max macros which may cause unwanted double
 // evaluation of arguments.
 #ifdef max