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rev 52573 : 8061281: Microbenchmark suite build support, directory layout and sample benchmarks
8061282: Migrate jmh-jdk-microbenchmarks into the JDK
Reviewed-by: ecaspole, mchung, erikj, ihse
Contributed-by: magnus.ihse.bursie@oracle.com, erik.joelsson@oracle.com, claes.redestad@oracle.com, sfriberg@kth.se

  10 The main target `test` uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There is
  11 also an alternate target `exploded-test` that uses the exploded image
  12 instead. Not all tests will run successfully on the exploded image, but using
  13 this target can greatly improve rebuild times for certain workflows.
  15 Previously, `make test` was used invoke an old system for running test, and
  16 `make run-test` was used for the new test framework. For backward compatibility
  17 with scripts and muscle memory, `run-test` (and variants like
  18 `exploded-run-test` or `run-test-tier1`) are kept as aliases. The old system
  19 can still be accessed for some time using `cd test && make`.
  21 Some example command-lines:
  23     $ make test-tier1
  24     $ make test-jdk_lang JTREG="JOBS=8"
  25     $ make test TEST=jdk_lang
  26     $ make test-only TEST="gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions" GTEST="REPEAT=-1"
  27     $ make test TEST="hotspot:hotspot_gc" JTREG="JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug"
  28     $ make test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/JniVersion.java"

  29     $ make exploded-test TEST=tier2
  31 ### Configuration
  33 To be able to run JTReg tests, `configure` needs to know where to find the
  34 JTReg test framework. If it is not picked up automatically by configure, use
  35 the `--with-jtreg=<path to jtreg home>` option to point to the JTReg framework.
  36 Note that this option should point to the JTReg home, i.e. the top directory,
  37 containing `lib/jtreg.jar` etc. (An alternative is to set the `JT_HOME`
  38 environment variable to point to the JTReg home before running `configure`.)

  40 ## Test selection
  42 All functionality is available using the `test` make target. In this use case,
  43 the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the `TEST` variable. To
  44 speed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, `test-only` can be
  45 used instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.
  47 For some common top-level tests, direct make targets have been generated. This
  48 includes all JTReg test groups, the hotspot gtest, and custom tests (if
  49 present). This means that `make test-tier1` is equivalent to `make test
  50 TEST="tier1"`, but the latter is more tab-completion friendly. For more complex
  51 test runs, the `test TEST="x"` solution needs to be used.
  53 The test specifications given in `TEST` is parsed into fully qualified test
  54 descriptors, which clearly and unambigously show which tests will be run. As an
  55 example, `:tier1` will expand to `jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1
  56 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jdk:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/langtools:tier1
  57 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/nashorn:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jaxp:tier1`. You can
  58 always submit a list of fully qualified test descriptors in the `TEST` variable
  59 if you want to shortcut the parser.

  87 need to enter the `jtreg:` prefix. If this is not possible, or if you want to
  88 use a fully qualified test descriptor, add `jtreg:`, e.g.
  89 `jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity`.
  91 ### Gtest
  93 Since the Hotspot Gtest suite is so quick, the default is to run all tests.
  94 This is specified by just `gtest`, or as a fully qualified test descriptor
  95 `gtest:all`.
  97 If you want, you can single out an individual test or a group of tests, for
  98 instance `gtest:LogDecorations` or `gtest:LogDecorations.level_test_vm`. This
  99 can be particularly useful if you want to run a shaky test repeatedly.
 101 For Gtest, there is a separate test suite for each JVM variant. The JVM variant
 102 is defined by adding `/<variant>` to the test descriptor, e.g.
 103 `gtest:Log/client`. If you specify no variant, gtest will run once for each JVM
 104 variant present (e.g. server, client). So if you only have the server JVM
 105 present, then `gtest:all` will be equivalent to `gtest:all/server`.

 107 ### Special tests
 109 A handful of odd tests that are not covered by any other testing framework are
 110 accessible using the `special:` test descriptor. Currently, this includes
 111 `failure-handler` and `make`.
 113   * Failure handler testing is run using `special:failure-handler` or just
 114     `failure-handler` as test descriptor.
 116   * Tests for the build system, including both makefiles and related
 117     functionality, is run using `special:make` or just `make` as test
 118     descriptor. This is equivalent to `special:make:all`.
 120     A specific make test can be run by supplying it as argument, e.g.
 121     `special:make:idea`. As a special syntax, this can also be expressed as
 122     `make-idea`, which allows for command lines as `make test-make-idea`.
 124 ## Test results and summary
 126 At the end of the test run, a summary of all tests run will be presented. This

 236 #### JAVA_OPTIONS
 237 Additional Java options to JTReg (`-javaoption`).
 239 #### VM_OPTIONS
 240 Additional VM options to JTReg (`-vmoption`).
 242 ### Gtest keywords
 244 #### REPEAT
 245 The number of times to repeat the tests (`--gtest_repeat`).
 247 Default is 1. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. This can be especially useful
 248 combined with `OPTIONS=--gtest_break_on_failure` to reproduce an intermittent
 249 problem.
 251 #### OPTIONS
 252 Additional options to the Gtest test framework.
 254 Use `GTEST="OPTIONS=--help"` to see all available Gtest options.

 256 ---
 257 # Override some definitions in the global css file that are not optimal for
 258 # this document.
 259 header-includes:
 260  - '<style type="text/css">pre, code, tt { color: #1d6ae5; }</style>'
 261 ---

  10 The main target `test` uses the jdk-image as the tested product. There is
  11 also an alternate target `exploded-test` that uses the exploded image
  12 instead. Not all tests will run successfully on the exploded image, but using
  13 this target can greatly improve rebuild times for certain workflows.
  15 Previously, `make test` was used invoke an old system for running test, and
  16 `make run-test` was used for the new test framework. For backward compatibility
  17 with scripts and muscle memory, `run-test` (and variants like
  18 `exploded-run-test` or `run-test-tier1`) are kept as aliases. The old system
  19 can still be accessed for some time using `cd test && make`.
  21 Some example command-lines:
  23     $ make test-tier1
  24     $ make test-jdk_lang JTREG="JOBS=8"
  25     $ make test TEST=jdk_lang
  26     $ make test-only TEST="gtest:LogTagSet gtest:LogTagSetDescriptions" GTEST="REPEAT=-1"
  27     $ make test TEST="hotspot:hotspot_gc" JTREG="JOBS=1;TIMEOUT=8;VM_OPTIONS=-XshowSettings -Xlog:gc+ref=debug"
  28     $ make test TEST="jtreg:test/hotspot:hotspot_gc test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity/JniVersion.java"
  29     $ make test TEST="micro:java.lang.reflect" MICRO="FORK=1;WARMUP_ITER=2"
  30     $ make exploded-test TEST=tier2
  32 ### Configuration
  34 To be able to run JTReg tests, `configure` needs to know where to find the
  35 JTReg test framework. If it is not picked up automatically by configure, use
  36 the `--with-jtreg=<path to jtreg home>` option to point to the JTReg framework.
  37 Note that this option should point to the JTReg home, i.e. the top directory,
  38 containing `lib/jtreg.jar` etc. (An alternative is to set the `JT_HOME`
  39 environment variable to point to the JTReg home before running `configure`.)
  41 To be able to run microbenchmarks, `configure` needs to know where to find
  42 the JMH dependency. Use `--with-jmh=<path to JMH jars>` to point to a directory
  43 containing the core JMH and transitive dependencies. The recommended dependencies 
  44 can be retrieved by running `sh make/devkit/createJMHBundle.sh`, after which 
  45 `--with-jmh=build/jmh/jars` should work.
  47 ## Test selection
  49 All functionality is available using the `test` make target. In this use case,
  50 the test or tests to be executed is controlled using the `TEST` variable. To
  51 speed up subsequent test runs with no source code changes, `test-only` can be
  52 used instead, which do not depend on the source and test image build.
  54 For some common top-level tests, direct make targets have been generated. This
  55 includes all JTReg test groups, the hotspot gtest, and custom tests (if
  56 present). This means that `make test-tier1` is equivalent to `make test
  57 TEST="tier1"`, but the latter is more tab-completion friendly. For more complex
  58 test runs, the `test TEST="x"` solution needs to be used.
  60 The test specifications given in `TEST` is parsed into fully qualified test
  61 descriptors, which clearly and unambigously show which tests will be run. As an
  62 example, `:tier1` will expand to `jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1
  63 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jdk:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/langtools:tier1
  64 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/nashorn:tier1 jtreg:$(TOPDIR)/test/jaxp:tier1`. You can
  65 always submit a list of fully qualified test descriptors in the `TEST` variable
  66 if you want to shortcut the parser.

  94 need to enter the `jtreg:` prefix. If this is not possible, or if you want to
  95 use a fully qualified test descriptor, add `jtreg:`, e.g.
  96 `jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg/native_sanity`.
  98 ### Gtest
 100 Since the Hotspot Gtest suite is so quick, the default is to run all tests.
 101 This is specified by just `gtest`, or as a fully qualified test descriptor
 102 `gtest:all`.
 104 If you want, you can single out an individual test or a group of tests, for
 105 instance `gtest:LogDecorations` or `gtest:LogDecorations.level_test_vm`. This
 106 can be particularly useful if you want to run a shaky test repeatedly.
 108 For Gtest, there is a separate test suite for each JVM variant. The JVM variant
 109 is defined by adding `/<variant>` to the test descriptor, e.g.
 110 `gtest:Log/client`. If you specify no variant, gtest will run once for each JVM
 111 variant present (e.g. server, client). So if you only have the server JVM
 112 present, then `gtest:all` will be equivalent to `gtest:all/server`.
 114 ### Microbenchmarks
 116 Which microbenchmarks to run is selected using a regular expression
 117 following the `micro:` test descriptor, e.g., `micro:java.lang.reflect`. This
 118 delegates the test selection to JMH, meaning package name, class name and even
 119 benchmark method names can be used to select tests.
 121 Using special characters like `|` in the regular expression is possible, but
 122 needs to be escaped multiple times: `micro:ArrayCopy\\\\\|reflect`.
 124 ### Special tests
 126 A handful of odd tests that are not covered by any other testing framework are
 127 accessible using the `special:` test descriptor. Currently, this includes
 128 `failure-handler` and `make`.
 130   * Failure handler testing is run using `special:failure-handler` or just
 131     `failure-handler` as test descriptor.
 133   * Tests for the build system, including both makefiles and related
 134     functionality, is run using `special:make` or just `make` as test
 135     descriptor. This is equivalent to `special:make:all`.
 137     A specific make test can be run by supplying it as argument, e.g.
 138     `special:make:idea`. As a special syntax, this can also be expressed as
 139     `make-idea`, which allows for command lines as `make test-make-idea`.
 141 ## Test results and summary
 143 At the end of the test run, a summary of all tests run will be presented. This

 253 #### JAVA_OPTIONS
 254 Additional Java options to JTReg (`-javaoption`).
 256 #### VM_OPTIONS
 257 Additional VM options to JTReg (`-vmoption`).
 259 ### Gtest keywords
 261 #### REPEAT
 262 The number of times to repeat the tests (`--gtest_repeat`).
 264 Default is 1. Set to -1 to repeat indefinitely. This can be especially useful
 265 combined with `OPTIONS=--gtest_break_on_failure` to reproduce an intermittent
 266 problem.
 268 #### OPTIONS
 269 Additional options to the Gtest test framework.
 271 Use `GTEST="OPTIONS=--help"` to see all available Gtest options.
 273 ### Microbenchmark keywords
 275 #### FORK
 276 Override the number of benchmark forks to spawn. Same as specifying `-f <num>`.
 278 #### ITER
 279 Number of measurement iterations per fork. Same as specifying `-i <num>`.
 281 #### TIME
 282 Amount of time to spend in each measurement iteration, in seconds. Same as
 283 specifying `-r <num>`
 285 #### WARMUP_ITER
 286 Number of warmup iterations to run before the measurement phase in each fork.
 287 Same as specifying `-wi <num>`.
 289 #### WARMUP_TIME
 290 Amount of time to spend in each warmup iteration. Same as specifying `-w <num>`.
 293 Specify to have the test run save a log of the values. Accepts the same values
 294 as `-rff`, i.e., `text`, `csv`, `scsv`, `json`, or `latex`.
 296 #### VM_OPTIONS
 297 Additional VM arguments to provide to forked off VMs. Same as `-jvmArgs <args>`
 299 #### OPTIONS
 300 Additional arguments to send to JMH.
 302 ---
 303 # Override some definitions in the global css file that are not optimal for
 304 # this document.
 305 header-includes:
 306  - '<style type="text/css">pre, code, tt { color: #1d6ae5; }</style>'
 307 ---
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