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rev 13064 : 8142334: Improve lazy initialization of java.lang.invoke
Reviewed-by: psandoz, vlivanov, mhaupt

 202         }
 203         return count;
 204     }
 206     static MethodHandle makePairwiseConvertByEditor(MethodHandle target, MethodType srcType,
 207                                                     boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
 208         Object[] convSpecs = computeValueConversions(srcType, target.type(), strict, monobox);
 209         int convCount = countNonNull(convSpecs);
 210         if (convCount == 0)
 211             return target.viewAsType(srcType, strict);
 212         MethodType basicSrcType = srcType.basicType();
 213         MethodType midType = target.type().basicType();
 214         BoundMethodHandle mh = target.rebind();
 215         // FIXME: Reduce number of bindings when there is more than one Class conversion.
 216         // FIXME: Reduce number of bindings when there are repeated conversions.
 217         for (int i = 0; i < convSpecs.length-1; i++) {
 218             Object convSpec = convSpecs[i];
 219             if (convSpec == null)  continue;
 220             MethodHandle fn;
 221             if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 222                 fn = Lazy.MH_cast.bindTo(convSpec);
 223             } else {
 224                 fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 225             }
 226             Class<?> newType = basicSrcType.parameterType(i);
 227             if (--convCount == 0)
 228                 midType = srcType;
 229             else
 230                 midType = midType.changeParameterType(i, newType);
 231             LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterArgumentForm(1+i, BasicType.basicType(newType));
 232             mh = mh.copyWithExtendL(midType, form2, fn);
 233             mh = mh.rebind();
 234         }
 235         Object convSpec = convSpecs[convSpecs.length-1];
 236         if (convSpec != null) {
 237             MethodHandle fn;
 238             if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 239                 if (convSpec == void.class)
 240                     fn = null;
 241                 else
 242                     fn = Lazy.MH_cast.bindTo(convSpec);
 243             } else {
 244                 fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 245             }
 246             Class<?> newType = basicSrcType.returnType();
 247             assert(--convCount == 0);
 248             midType = srcType;
 249             if (fn != null) {
 250                 mh = mh.rebind();  // rebind if too complex
 251                 LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterReturnForm(BasicType.basicType(newType), false);
 252                 mh = mh.copyWithExtendL(midType, form2, fn);
 253             } else {
 254                 LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterReturnForm(BasicType.basicType(newType), true);
 255                 mh = mh.copyWith(midType, form2);
 256             }
 257         }
 258         assert(convCount == 0);
 259         assert(mh.type().equals(srcType));
 260         return mh;
 261     }

 285         // Now build a LambdaForm.
 286         MethodType lambdaType = srcType.basicType().invokerType();
 287         Name[] names = arguments(NAME_LIMIT - INARG_LIMIT, lambdaType);
 289         // Collect the arguments to the outgoing call, maybe with conversions:
 290         final int OUTARG_BASE = 0;  // target MH is Name.function, name Name.arguments[0]
 291         Object[] outArgs = new Object[OUTARG_BASE + INARG_COUNT];
 293         int nameCursor = INARG_LIMIT;
 294         for (int i = 0; i < INARG_COUNT; i++) {
 295             Object convSpec = convSpecs[i];
 296             if (convSpec == null) {
 297                 // do nothing: difference is trivial
 298                 outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] = names[INARG_BASE + i];
 299                 continue;
 300             }
 302             Name conv;
 303             if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 304                 Class<?> convClass = (Class<?>) convSpec;
 305                 conv = new Name(Lazy.MH_cast, convClass, names[INARG_BASE + i]);
 306             } else {
 307                 MethodHandle fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 308                 conv = new Name(fn, names[INARG_BASE + i]);
 309             }
 310             assert(names[nameCursor] == null);
 311             names[nameCursor++] = conv;
 312             assert(outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] == null);
 313             outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] = conv;
 314         }
 316         // Build argument array for the call.
 317         assert(nameCursor == OUT_CALL);
 318         names[OUT_CALL] = new Name(target, outArgs);
 320         Object convSpec = convSpecs[INARG_COUNT];
 321         if (!retConv) {
 322             assert(OUT_CALL == names.length-1);
 323         } else {
 324             Name conv;
 325             if (convSpec == void.class) {
 326                 conv = new Name(LambdaForm.constantZero(BasicType.basicType(srcType.returnType())));
 327             } else if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 328                 Class<?> convClass = (Class<?>) convSpec;
 329                 conv = new Name(Lazy.MH_cast, convClass, names[OUT_CALL]);
 330             } else {
 331                 MethodHandle fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 332                 if (fn.type().parameterCount() == 0)
 333                     conv = new Name(fn);  // don't pass retval to void conversion
 334                 else
 335                     conv = new Name(fn, names[OUT_CALL]);
 336             }
 337             assert(names[RETURN_CONV] == null);
 338             names[RETURN_CONV] = conv;
 339             assert(RETURN_CONV == names.length-1);
 340         }
 342         LambdaForm form = new LambdaForm("convert", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names, RESULT);
 343         return SimpleMethodHandle.make(srcType, form);
 344     }
 346     static Object[] computeValueConversions(MethodType srcType, MethodType dstType,
 347                                             boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
 348         final int INARG_COUNT = srcType.parameterCount();
 349         Object[] convSpecs = new Object[INARG_COUNT+1];

 512             Class<?> arg = VerifyType.spreadArgElementType(spreadArgType, i);
 513             if (arg == null)  arg = Object.class;
 514             targetType = targetType.changeParameterType(spreadArgPos + i, arg);
 515         }
 516         target = target.asType(targetType);
 518         MethodType srcType = targetType
 519                 .replaceParameterTypes(spreadArgPos, spreadArgPos + spreadArgCount, spreadArgType);
 520         // Now build a LambdaForm.
 521         MethodType lambdaType = srcType.invokerType();
 522         Name[] names = arguments(spreadArgCount + 2, lambdaType);
 523         int nameCursor = lambdaType.parameterCount();
 524         int[] indexes = new int[targetType.parameterCount()];
 526         for (int i = 0, argIndex = 1; i < targetType.parameterCount() + 1; i++, argIndex++) {
 527             Class<?> src = lambdaType.parameterType(i);
 528             if (i == spreadArgPos) {
 529                 // Spread the array.
 530                 MethodHandle aload = MethodHandles.arrayElementGetter(spreadArgType);
 531                 Name array = names[argIndex];
 532                 names[nameCursor++] = new Name(Lazy.NF_checkSpreadArgument, array, spreadArgCount);
 533                 for (int j = 0; j < spreadArgCount; i++, j++) {
 534                     indexes[i] = nameCursor;
 535                     names[nameCursor++] = new Name(aload, array, j);
 536                 }
 537             } else if (i < indexes.length) {
 538                 indexes[i] = argIndex;
 539             }
 540         }
 541         assert(nameCursor == names.length-1);  // leave room for the final call
 543         // Build argument array for the call.
 544         Name[] targetArgs = new Name[targetType.parameterCount()];
 545         for (int i = 0; i < targetType.parameterCount(); i++) {
 546             int idx = indexes[i];
 547             targetArgs[i] = names[idx];
 548         }
 549         names[names.length - 1] = new Name(target, (Object[]) targetArgs);
 551         LambdaForm form = new LambdaForm("spread", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names);
 552         return SimpleMethodHandle.make(srcType, form);
 553     }
 555     static void checkSpreadArgument(Object av, int n) {
 556         if (av == null) {
 557             if (n == 0)  return;
 558         } else if (av instanceof Object[]) {
 559             int len = ((Object[])av).length;
 560             if (len == n)  return;
 561         } else {
 562             int len = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(av);
 563             if (len == n)  return;
 564         }
 565         // fall through to error:
 566         throw newIllegalArgumentException("array is not of length "+n);
 567     }
 569     /**
 570      * Pre-initialized NamedFunctions for bootstrapping purposes.
 571      * Factored in an inner class to delay initialization until first usage.
 572      */
 573     static class Lazy {
 574         private static final Class<?> MHI = MethodHandleImpl.class;
 575         private static final Class<?> CLS = Class.class;
 577         private static final MethodHandle[] ARRAYS;
 578         private static final MethodHandle[] FILL_ARRAYS;
 580         static final NamedFunction NF_checkSpreadArgument;
 581         static final NamedFunction NF_guardWithCatch;
 582         static final NamedFunction NF_throwException;
 583         static final NamedFunction NF_profileBoolean;
 585         static final MethodHandle MH_cast;
 586         static final MethodHandle MH_selectAlternative;
 587         static final MethodHandle MH_copyAsPrimitiveArray;
 588         static final MethodHandle MH_fillNewTypedArray;
 589         static final MethodHandle MH_fillNewArray;
 590         static final MethodHandle MH_arrayIdentity;
 592         static {
 593             ARRAYS      = makeArrays();
 594             FILL_ARRAYS = makeFillArrays();
 596             try {
 597                 NF_checkSpreadArgument = new NamedFunction(MHI.getDeclaredMethod("checkSpreadArgument", Object.class, int.class));
 598                 NF_guardWithCatch      = new NamedFunction(MHI.getDeclaredMethod("guardWithCatch", MethodHandle.class, Class.class,
 599                                                                                  MethodHandle.class, Object[].class));
 600                 NF_throwException      = new NamedFunction(MHI.getDeclaredMethod("throwException", Throwable.class));
 601                 NF_profileBoolean      = new NamedFunction(MHI.getDeclaredMethod("profileBoolean", boolean.class, int[].class));
 603                 NF_checkSpreadArgument.resolve();
 604                 NF_guardWithCatch.resolve();
 605                 NF_throwException.resolve();
 606                 NF_profileBoolean.resolve();
 608                 MH_cast                 = IMPL_LOOKUP.findVirtual(CLS, "cast",
 609                                             MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class));
 610                 MH_copyAsPrimitiveArray = IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MHI, "copyAsPrimitiveArray",
 611                                             MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Wrapper.class, Object[].class));
 612                 MH_arrayIdentity        = IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MHI, "identity",
 613                                             MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, Object[].class));
 614                 MH_fillNewArray         = IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MHI, "fillNewArray",
 615                                             MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class));
 616                 MH_fillNewTypedArray    = IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MHI, "fillNewTypedArray",
 617                                             MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class));
 619                 MH_selectAlternative    = makeIntrinsic(
 620                         IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MHI, "selectAlternative",
 621                                 MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, boolean.class, MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class)),
 622                         Intrinsic.SELECT_ALTERNATIVE);
 623             } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
 624                 throw newInternalError(ex);
 625             }
 626         }
 627     }
 629     /** Factory method:  Collect or filter selected argument(s). */
 630     static MethodHandle makeCollectArguments(MethodHandle target,
 631                 MethodHandle collector, int collectArgPos, boolean retainOriginalArgs) {
 632         MethodType targetType = target.type();          // (a..., c, [b...])=>r
 633         MethodType collectorType = collector.type();    // (b...)=>c
 634         int collectArgCount = collectorType.parameterCount();
 635         Class<?> collectValType = collectorType.returnType();
 636         int collectValCount = (collectValType == void.class ? 0 : 1);
 637         MethodType srcType = targetType                 // (a..., [b...])=>r
 638                 .dropParameterTypes(collectArgPos, collectArgPos+collectValCount);
 639         if (!retainOriginalArgs) {                      // (a..., b...)=>r
 640             srcType = srcType.insertParameterTypes(collectArgPos, collectorType.parameterList());
 641         }
 642         // in  arglist: [0: ...keep1 | cpos: collect...  | cpos+cacount: keep2... ]
 643         // out arglist: [0: ...keep1 | cpos: collectVal? | cpos+cvcount: keep2... ]
 644         // out(retain): [0: ...keep1 | cpos: cV? coll... | cpos+cvc+cac: keep2... ]
 646         // Now build a LambdaForm.
 647         MethodType lambdaType = srcType.invokerType();
 648         Name[] names = arguments(2, lambdaType);

 895         BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData data =
 896                 (GET_COUNTERS != -1) ? BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_LLLL()
 897                                      : BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_LLL();
 898         names[THIS_MH] = names[THIS_MH].withConstraint(data);
 899         names[GET_TEST]     = new Name(data.getterFunction(0), names[THIS_MH]);
 900         names[GET_TARGET]   = new Name(data.getterFunction(1), names[THIS_MH]);
 901         names[GET_FALLBACK] = new Name(data.getterFunction(2), names[THIS_MH]);
 902         if (GET_COUNTERS != -1) {
 903             names[GET_COUNTERS] = new Name(data.getterFunction(3), names[THIS_MH]);
 904         }
 905         Object[] invokeArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(names, 0, ARG_LIMIT, Object[].class);
 907         // call test
 908         MethodType testType = basicType.changeReturnType(boolean.class).basicType();
 909         invokeArgs[0] = names[GET_TEST];
 910         names[CALL_TEST] = new Name(testType, invokeArgs);
 912         // profile branch
 913         if (PROFILE != -1) {
 914             names[PROFILE] = new Name(Lazy.NF_profileBoolean, names[CALL_TEST], names[GET_COUNTERS]);
 915         }
 916         // call selectAlternative
 917         names[SELECT_ALT] = new Name(Lazy.MH_selectAlternative, names[TEST], names[GET_TARGET], names[GET_FALLBACK]);
 919         // call target or fallback
 920         invokeArgs[0] = names[SELECT_ALT];
 921         names[CALL_TARGET] = new Name(basicType, invokeArgs);
 923         lform = new LambdaForm("guard", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names, /*forceInline=*/true);
 925         return basicType.form().setCachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_GWT, lform);
 926     }
 928     /**
 929      * The LambdaForm shape for catchException combinator is the following:
 930      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
 931      *  guardWithCatch=Lambda(a0:L,a1:L,a2:L)=>{
 932      *    t3:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL0(a0:L);
 933      *    t4:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL1(a0:L);
 934      *    t5:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL2(a0:L);
 935      *    t6:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL3(a0:L);
 936      *    t7:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL4(a0:L);
 937      *    t8:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(t6:L,a1:L,a2:L);

 972         BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData data = BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_LLLLL();
 973         names[THIS_MH]          = names[THIS_MH].withConstraint(data);
 974         names[GET_TARGET]       = new Name(data.getterFunction(0), names[THIS_MH]);
 975         names[GET_CLASS]        = new Name(data.getterFunction(1), names[THIS_MH]);
 976         names[GET_CATCHER]      = new Name(data.getterFunction(2), names[THIS_MH]);
 977         names[GET_COLLECT_ARGS] = new Name(data.getterFunction(3), names[THIS_MH]);
 978         names[GET_UNBOX_RESULT] = new Name(data.getterFunction(4), names[THIS_MH]);
 980         // FIXME: rework argument boxing/result unboxing logic for LF interpretation
 982         // t_{i}:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(collectArgs:L,a1:L,...);
 983         MethodType collectArgsType = basicType.changeReturnType(Object.class);
 984         MethodHandle invokeBasic = MethodHandles.basicInvoker(collectArgsType);
 985         Object[] args = new Object[invokeBasic.type().parameterCount()];
 986         args[0] = names[GET_COLLECT_ARGS];
 987         System.arraycopy(names, ARG_BASE, args, 1, ARG_LIMIT-ARG_BASE);
 988         names[BOXED_ARGS] = new Name(makeIntrinsic(invokeBasic, Intrinsic.GUARD_WITH_CATCH), args);
 990         // t_{i+1}:L=MethodHandleImpl.guardWithCatch(target:L,exType:L,catcher:L,t_{i}:L);
 991         Object[] gwcArgs = new Object[] {names[GET_TARGET], names[GET_CLASS], names[GET_CATCHER], names[BOXED_ARGS]};
 992         names[TRY_CATCH] = new Name(Lazy.NF_guardWithCatch, gwcArgs);
 994         // t_{i+2}:I=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(unbox:L,t_{i+1}:L);
 995         MethodHandle invokeBasicUnbox = MethodHandles.basicInvoker(MethodType.methodType(basicType.rtype(), Object.class));
 996         Object[] unboxArgs  = new Object[] {names[GET_UNBOX_RESULT], names[TRY_CATCH]};
 997         names[UNBOX_RESULT] = new Name(invokeBasicUnbox, unboxArgs);
 999         lform = new LambdaForm("guardWithCatch", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names);
1001         return basicType.form().setCachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_GWC, lform);
1002     }
1004     static
1005     MethodHandle makeGuardWithCatch(MethodHandle target,
1006                                     Class<? extends Throwable> exType,
1007                                     MethodHandle catcher) {
1008         MethodType type = target.type();
1009         LambdaForm form = makeGuardWithCatchForm(type.basicType());
1011         // Prepare auxiliary method handles used during LambdaForm interpretation.
1012         // Box arguments and wrap them into Object[]: ValueConversions.array().

1056     }
1058     /** Prepend an element {@code elem} to an {@code array}. */
1059     @LambdaForm.Hidden
1060     private static Object[] prepend(Object elem, Object[] array) {
1061         Object[] newArray = new Object[array.length+1];
1062         newArray[0] = elem;
1063         System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 1, array.length);
1064         return newArray;
1065     }
1067     static
1068     MethodHandle throwException(MethodType type) {
1069         assert(Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(type.parameterType(0)));
1070         int arity = type.parameterCount();
1071         if (arity > 1) {
1072             MethodHandle mh = throwException(type.dropParameterTypes(1, arity));
1073             mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(mh, 1, type.parameterList().subList(1, arity));
1074             return mh;
1075         }
1076         return makePairwiseConvert(Lazy.NF_throwException.resolvedHandle(), type, false, true);
1077     }
1079     static <T extends Throwable> Empty throwException(T t) throws T { throw t; }
1081     static MethodHandle[] FAKE_METHOD_HANDLE_INVOKE = new MethodHandle[2];
1082     static MethodHandle fakeMethodHandleInvoke(MemberName method) {
1083         int idx;
1084         assert(method.isMethodHandleInvoke());
1085         switch (method.getName()) {
1086         case "invoke":       idx = 0; break;
1087         case "invokeExact":  idx = 1; break;
1088         default:             throw new InternalError(method.getName());
1089         }
1090         MethodHandle mh = FAKE_METHOD_HANDLE_INVOKE[idx];
1091         if (mh != null)  return mh;
1092         MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, UnsupportedOperationException.class,
1093                                                 MethodHandle.class, Object[].class);
1094         mh = throwException(type);
1095         mh = mh.bindTo(new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot reflectively invoke MethodHandle"));
1096         if (!method.getInvocationType().equals(mh.type()))

1404                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); }
1405     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1406                                   Object a4, Object a5)
1407                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }
1408     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1409                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6)
1410                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }
1411     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1412                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7)
1413                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); }
1414     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1415                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1416                                   Object a8)
1417                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); }
1418     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1419                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1420                                   Object a8, Object a9)
1421                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); }
1423     private static final int ARRAYS_COUNT = 11;
1425     private static MethodHandle[] makeArrays() {
1426         MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[MAX_ARITY + 1];
1427         for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYS_COUNT; i++) {
1428             MethodHandle mh = findCollector("array", i, Object[].class);
1429             mh = makeIntrinsic(mh, Intrinsic.NEW_ARRAY);
1430             mhs[i] = mh;
1431         }
1432         assert(assertArrayMethodCount(mhs));
1433         return mhs;
1434     }
1436     private static boolean assertArrayMethodCount(MethodHandle[] mhs) {
1437         assert(findCollector("array", ARRAYS_COUNT, Object[].class) == null);
1438         for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYS_COUNT; i++) {
1439             assert(mhs[i] != null);
1440         }
1441         return true;
1442     }
1444     // filling versions of the above:
1445     // using Integer len instead of int len and no varargs to avoid bootstrapping problems
1446     private static Object[] fillNewArray(Integer len, Object[] /*not ...*/ args) {
1447         Object[] a = new Object[len];
1448         fillWithArguments(a, 0, args);
1449         return a;
1450     }
1451     private static Object[] fillNewTypedArray(Object[] example, Integer len, Object[] /*not ...*/ args) {
1452         Object[] a = Arrays.copyOf(example, len);
1453         assert(a.getClass() != Object[].class);
1454         fillWithArguments(a, 0, args);
1455         return a;
1456     }
1457     private static void fillWithArguments(Object[] a, int pos, Object... args) {
1458         System.arraycopy(args, 0, a, pos, args.length);
1459     }
1460     // using Integer pos instead of int pos to avoid bootstrapping problems
1461     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0)
1462                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0); return a; }

1471                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); return a; }
1472     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1473                                   Object a4, Object a5)
1474                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); return a; }
1475     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1476                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6)
1477                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); return a; }
1478     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1479                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7)
1480                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); return a; }
1481     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1482                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1483                                   Object a8)
1484                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); return a; }
1485     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1486                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1487                                   Object a8, Object a9)
1488                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); return a; }
1490     private static final int FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT = 11; // current number of fillArray methods

1492     private static MethodHandle[] makeFillArrays() {
1493         MethodHandle[] mhs = new MethodHandle[FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT];
1494         mhs[0] = null;  // there is no empty fill; at least a0 is required
1495         for (int i = 1; i < FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT; i++) {
1496             MethodHandle mh = findCollector("fillArray", i, Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class);
1497             mhs[i] = mh;
1498         }
1499         assert(assertFillArrayMethodCount(mhs));
1500         return mhs;
1501     }
1503     private static boolean assertFillArrayMethodCount(MethodHandle[] mhs) {
1504         assert(findCollector("fillArray", FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT, Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class) == null);
1505         for (int i = 1; i < FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT; i++) {
1506             assert(mhs[i] != null);
1507         }
1508         return true;

1509     }
1511     private static Object copyAsPrimitiveArray(Wrapper w, Object... boxes) {
1512         Object a = w.makeArray(boxes.length);
1513         w.copyArrayUnboxing(boxes, 0, a, 0, boxes.length);
1514         return a;
1515     }
1517     /** Return a method handle that takes the indicated number of Object
1518      *  arguments and returns an Object array of them, as if for varargs.
1519      */
1520     static MethodHandle varargsArray(int nargs) {
1521         MethodHandle mh = Lazy.ARRAYS[nargs];
1522         if (mh != null)  return mh;
1523         mh = buildVarargsArray(Lazy.MH_fillNewArray, Lazy.MH_arrayIdentity, nargs);

1524         assert(assertCorrectArity(mh, nargs));
1525         mh = makeIntrinsic(mh, Intrinsic.NEW_ARRAY);
1526         return Lazy.ARRAYS[nargs] = mh;
1527     }
1529     private static boolean assertCorrectArity(MethodHandle mh, int arity) {
1530         assert(mh.type().parameterCount() == arity) : "arity != "+arity+": "+mh;
1531         return true;
1532     }
1534     // Array identity function (used as Lazy.MH_arrayIdentity).
1535     static <T> T[] identity(T[] x) {
1536         return x;
1537     }
1539     private static MethodHandle buildVarargsArray(MethodHandle newArray, MethodHandle finisher, int nargs) {
1540         // Build up the result mh as a sequence of fills like this:
1541         //   finisher(fill(fill(newArrayWA(23,x1..x10),10,x11..x20),20,x21..x23))
1542         // The various fill(_,10*I,___*[J]) are reusable.
1543         int leftLen = Math.min(nargs, LEFT_ARGS);  // absorb some arguments immediately
1544         int rightLen = nargs - leftLen;
1545         MethodHandle leftCollector = newArray.bindTo(nargs);
1546         leftCollector = leftCollector.asCollector(Object[].class, leftLen);
1547         MethodHandle mh = finisher;
1548         if (rightLen > 0) {
1549             MethodHandle rightFiller = fillToRight(LEFT_ARGS + rightLen);
1550             if (mh == Lazy.MH_arrayIdentity)
1551                 mh = rightFiller;
1552             else
1553                 mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, rightFiller);
1554         }
1555         if (mh == Lazy.MH_arrayIdentity)
1556             mh = leftCollector;
1557         else
1558             mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, leftCollector);
1559         return mh;
1560     }
1562     private static final int LEFT_ARGS = FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT - 1;
1563     private static final MethodHandle[] FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT = new MethodHandle[MAX_ARITY+1];
1564     /** fill_array_to_right(N).invoke(a, argL..arg[N-1])
1565      *  fills a[L]..a[N-1] with corresponding arguments,
1566      *  and then returns a.  The value L is a global constant (LEFT_ARGS).
1567      */
1568     private static MethodHandle fillToRight(int nargs) {
1569         MethodHandle filler = FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT[nargs];
1570         if (filler != null)  return filler;
1571         filler = buildFiller(nargs);
1572         assert(assertCorrectArity(filler, nargs - LEFT_ARGS + 1));
1573         return FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT[nargs] = filler;
1574     }
1575     private static MethodHandle buildFiller(int nargs) {
1576         if (nargs <= LEFT_ARGS)
1577             return Lazy.MH_arrayIdentity;  // no args to fill; return the array unchanged
1578         // we need room for both mh and a in mh.invoke(a, arg*[nargs])
1579         final int CHUNK = LEFT_ARGS;
1580         int rightLen = nargs % CHUNK;
1581         int midLen = nargs - rightLen;
1582         if (rightLen == 0) {
1583             midLen = nargs - (rightLen = CHUNK);
1584             if (FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT[midLen] == null) {
1585                 // build some precursors from left to right
1586                 for (int j = LEFT_ARGS % CHUNK; j < midLen; j += CHUNK)
1587                     if (j > LEFT_ARGS)  fillToRight(j);
1588             }
1589         }
1590         if (midLen < LEFT_ARGS) rightLen = nargs - (midLen = LEFT_ARGS);
1591         assert(rightLen > 0);
1592         MethodHandle midFill = fillToRight(midLen);  // recursive fill
1593         MethodHandle rightFill = Lazy.FILL_ARRAYS[rightLen].bindTo(midLen);  // [midLen..nargs-1]
1594         assert(midFill.type().parameterCount()   == 1 + midLen - LEFT_ARGS);
1595         assert(rightFill.type().parameterCount() == 1 + rightLen);
1597         // Combine the two fills:
1598         //   right(mid(a, x10..x19), x20..x23)
1599         // The final product will look like this:
1600         //   right(mid(newArrayLeft(24, x0..x9), x10..x19), x20..x23)
1601         if (midLen == LEFT_ARGS)
1602             return rightFill;
1603         else
1604             return MethodHandles.collectArguments(rightFill, 0, midFill);
1605     }
1607     // Type-polymorphic version of varargs maker.
1608     private static final ClassValue<MethodHandle[]> TYPED_COLLECTORS
1609         = new ClassValue<MethodHandle[]>() {
1610             @Override
1611             protected MethodHandle[] computeValue(Class<?> type) {
1612                 return new MethodHandle[256];
1613             }

1624         if (elemType == null)  throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an array: "+arrayType);
1625         // FIXME: Need more special casing and caching here.
1626         if (nargs >= MAX_JVM_ARITY/2 - 1) {
1627             int slots = nargs;
1628             final int MAX_ARRAY_SLOTS = MAX_JVM_ARITY - 1;  // 1 for receiver MH
1629             if (slots <= MAX_ARRAY_SLOTS && elemType.isPrimitive())
1630                 slots *= Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(elemType).stackSlots();
1631             if (slots > MAX_ARRAY_SLOTS)
1632                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many arguments: "+arrayType.getSimpleName()+", length "+nargs);
1633         }
1634         if (elemType == Object.class)
1635             return varargsArray(nargs);
1636         // other cases:  primitive arrays, subtypes of Object[]
1637         MethodHandle cache[] = TYPED_COLLECTORS.get(elemType);
1638         MethodHandle mh = nargs < cache.length ? cache[nargs] : null;
1639         if (mh != null)  return mh;
1640         if (nargs == 0) {
1641             Object example = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(arrayType.getComponentType(), 0);
1642             mh = MethodHandles.constant(arrayType, example);
1643         } else if (elemType.isPrimitive()) {
1644             MethodHandle builder = Lazy.MH_fillNewArray;
1645             MethodHandle producer = buildArrayProducer(arrayType);
1646             mh = buildVarargsArray(builder, producer, nargs);
1647         } else {
1648             Class<? extends Object[]> objArrayType = arrayType.asSubclass(Object[].class);
1649             Object[] example = Arrays.copyOf(NO_ARGS_ARRAY, 0, objArrayType);
1650             MethodHandle builder = Lazy.MH_fillNewTypedArray.bindTo(example);
1651             MethodHandle producer = Lazy.MH_arrayIdentity; // must be weakly typed
1652             mh = buildVarargsArray(builder, producer, nargs);
1653         }
1654         mh = mh.asType(MethodType.methodType(arrayType, Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(nargs, elemType)));
1655         mh = makeIntrinsic(mh, Intrinsic.NEW_ARRAY);
1656         assert(assertCorrectArity(mh, nargs));
1657         if (nargs < cache.length)
1658             cache[nargs] = mh;
1659         return mh;
1660     }
1662     private static MethodHandle buildArrayProducer(Class<?> arrayType) {
1663         Class<?> elemType = arrayType.getComponentType();
1664         assert(elemType.isPrimitive());
1665         return Lazy.MH_copyAsPrimitiveArray.bindTo(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(elemType));
1666     }
1668     /*non-public*/ static void assertSame(Object mh1, Object mh2) {
1669         if (mh1 != mh2) {
1670             String msg = String.format("mh1 != mh2: mh1 = %s (form: %s); mh2 = %s (form: %s)",
1671                     mh1, ((MethodHandle)mh1).form,
1672                     mh2, ((MethodHandle)mh2).form);
1673             throw newInternalError(msg);
1674         }

1675     }
1676 }

 202         }
 203         return count;
 204     }
 206     static MethodHandle makePairwiseConvertByEditor(MethodHandle target, MethodType srcType,
 207                                                     boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
 208         Object[] convSpecs = computeValueConversions(srcType, target.type(), strict, monobox);
 209         int convCount = countNonNull(convSpecs);
 210         if (convCount == 0)
 211             return target.viewAsType(srcType, strict);
 212         MethodType basicSrcType = srcType.basicType();
 213         MethodType midType = target.type().basicType();
 214         BoundMethodHandle mh = target.rebind();
 215         // FIXME: Reduce number of bindings when there is more than one Class conversion.
 216         // FIXME: Reduce number of bindings when there are repeated conversions.
 217         for (int i = 0; i < convSpecs.length-1; i++) {
 218             Object convSpec = convSpecs[i];
 219             if (convSpec == null)  continue;
 220             MethodHandle fn;
 221             if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 222                 fn = getConstantHandle(MH_cast).bindTo(convSpec);
 223             } else {
 224                 fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 225             }
 226             Class<?> newType = basicSrcType.parameterType(i);
 227             if (--convCount == 0)
 228                 midType = srcType;
 229             else
 230                 midType = midType.changeParameterType(i, newType);
 231             LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterArgumentForm(1+i, BasicType.basicType(newType));
 232             mh = mh.copyWithExtendL(midType, form2, fn);
 233             mh = mh.rebind();
 234         }
 235         Object convSpec = convSpecs[convSpecs.length-1];
 236         if (convSpec != null) {
 237             MethodHandle fn;
 238             if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 239                 if (convSpec == void.class)
 240                     fn = null;
 241                 else
 242                     fn = getConstantHandle(MH_cast).bindTo(convSpec);
 243             } else {
 244                 fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 245             }
 246             Class<?> newType = basicSrcType.returnType();
 247             assert(--convCount == 0);
 248             midType = srcType;
 249             if (fn != null) {
 250                 mh = mh.rebind();  // rebind if too complex
 251                 LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterReturnForm(BasicType.basicType(newType), false);
 252                 mh = mh.copyWithExtendL(midType, form2, fn);
 253             } else {
 254                 LambdaForm form2 = mh.editor().filterReturnForm(BasicType.basicType(newType), true);
 255                 mh = mh.copyWith(midType, form2);
 256             }
 257         }
 258         assert(convCount == 0);
 259         assert(mh.type().equals(srcType));
 260         return mh;
 261     }

 285         // Now build a LambdaForm.
 286         MethodType lambdaType = srcType.basicType().invokerType();
 287         Name[] names = arguments(NAME_LIMIT - INARG_LIMIT, lambdaType);
 289         // Collect the arguments to the outgoing call, maybe with conversions:
 290         final int OUTARG_BASE = 0;  // target MH is Name.function, name Name.arguments[0]
 291         Object[] outArgs = new Object[OUTARG_BASE + INARG_COUNT];
 293         int nameCursor = INARG_LIMIT;
 294         for (int i = 0; i < INARG_COUNT; i++) {
 295             Object convSpec = convSpecs[i];
 296             if (convSpec == null) {
 297                 // do nothing: difference is trivial
 298                 outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] = names[INARG_BASE + i];
 299                 continue;
 300             }
 302             Name conv;
 303             if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 304                 Class<?> convClass = (Class<?>) convSpec;
 305                 conv = new Name(getConstantHandle(MH_cast), convClass, names[INARG_BASE + i]);
 306             } else {
 307                 MethodHandle fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 308                 conv = new Name(fn, names[INARG_BASE + i]);
 309             }
 310             assert(names[nameCursor] == null);
 311             names[nameCursor++] = conv;
 312             assert(outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] == null);
 313             outArgs[OUTARG_BASE + i] = conv;
 314         }
 316         // Build argument array for the call.
 317         assert(nameCursor == OUT_CALL);
 318         names[OUT_CALL] = new Name(target, outArgs);
 320         Object convSpec = convSpecs[INARG_COUNT];
 321         if (!retConv) {
 322             assert(OUT_CALL == names.length-1);
 323         } else {
 324             Name conv;
 325             if (convSpec == void.class) {
 326                 conv = new Name(LambdaForm.constantZero(BasicType.basicType(srcType.returnType())));
 327             } else if (convSpec instanceof Class) {
 328                 Class<?> convClass = (Class<?>) convSpec;
 329                 conv = new Name(getConstantHandle(MH_cast), convClass, names[OUT_CALL]);
 330             } else {
 331                 MethodHandle fn = (MethodHandle) convSpec;
 332                 if (fn.type().parameterCount() == 0)
 333                     conv = new Name(fn);  // don't pass retval to void conversion
 334                 else
 335                     conv = new Name(fn, names[OUT_CALL]);
 336             }
 337             assert(names[RETURN_CONV] == null);
 338             names[RETURN_CONV] = conv;
 339             assert(RETURN_CONV == names.length-1);
 340         }
 342         LambdaForm form = new LambdaForm("convert", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names, RESULT);
 343         return SimpleMethodHandle.make(srcType, form);
 344     }
 346     static Object[] computeValueConversions(MethodType srcType, MethodType dstType,
 347                                             boolean strict, boolean monobox) {
 348         final int INARG_COUNT = srcType.parameterCount();
 349         Object[] convSpecs = new Object[INARG_COUNT+1];

 512             Class<?> arg = VerifyType.spreadArgElementType(spreadArgType, i);
 513             if (arg == null)  arg = Object.class;
 514             targetType = targetType.changeParameterType(spreadArgPos + i, arg);
 515         }
 516         target = target.asType(targetType);
 518         MethodType srcType = targetType
 519                 .replaceParameterTypes(spreadArgPos, spreadArgPos + spreadArgCount, spreadArgType);
 520         // Now build a LambdaForm.
 521         MethodType lambdaType = srcType.invokerType();
 522         Name[] names = arguments(spreadArgCount + 2, lambdaType);
 523         int nameCursor = lambdaType.parameterCount();
 524         int[] indexes = new int[targetType.parameterCount()];
 526         for (int i = 0, argIndex = 1; i < targetType.parameterCount() + 1; i++, argIndex++) {
 527             Class<?> src = lambdaType.parameterType(i);
 528             if (i == spreadArgPos) {
 529                 // Spread the array.
 530                 MethodHandle aload = MethodHandles.arrayElementGetter(spreadArgType);
 531                 Name array = names[argIndex];
 532                 names[nameCursor++] = new Name(NF_checkSpreadArgument, array, spreadArgCount);
 533                 for (int j = 0; j < spreadArgCount; i++, j++) {
 534                     indexes[i] = nameCursor;
 535                     names[nameCursor++] = new Name(aload, array, j);
 536                 }
 537             } else if (i < indexes.length) {
 538                 indexes[i] = argIndex;
 539             }
 540         }
 541         assert(nameCursor == names.length-1);  // leave room for the final call
 543         // Build argument array for the call.
 544         Name[] targetArgs = new Name[targetType.parameterCount()];
 545         for (int i = 0; i < targetType.parameterCount(); i++) {
 546             int idx = indexes[i];
 547             targetArgs[i] = names[idx];
 548         }
 549         names[names.length - 1] = new Name(target, (Object[]) targetArgs);
 551         LambdaForm form = new LambdaForm("spread", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names);
 552         return SimpleMethodHandle.make(srcType, form);
 553     }
 555     static void checkSpreadArgument(Object av, int n) {
 556         if (av == null) {
 557             if (n == 0)  return;
 558         } else if (av instanceof Object[]) {
 559             int len = ((Object[])av).length;
 560             if (len == n)  return;
 561         } else {
 562             int len = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(av);
 563             if (len == n)  return;
 564         }
 565         // fall through to error:
 566         throw newIllegalArgumentException("array is not of length "+n);
 567     }

 569     /** Factory method:  Collect or filter selected argument(s). */
 570     static MethodHandle makeCollectArguments(MethodHandle target,
 571                 MethodHandle collector, int collectArgPos, boolean retainOriginalArgs) {
 572         MethodType targetType = target.type();          // (a..., c, [b...])=>r
 573         MethodType collectorType = collector.type();    // (b...)=>c
 574         int collectArgCount = collectorType.parameterCount();
 575         Class<?> collectValType = collectorType.returnType();
 576         int collectValCount = (collectValType == void.class ? 0 : 1);
 577         MethodType srcType = targetType                 // (a..., [b...])=>r
 578                 .dropParameterTypes(collectArgPos, collectArgPos+collectValCount);
 579         if (!retainOriginalArgs) {                      // (a..., b...)=>r
 580             srcType = srcType.insertParameterTypes(collectArgPos, collectorType.parameterList());
 581         }
 582         // in  arglist: [0: ...keep1 | cpos: collect...  | cpos+cacount: keep2... ]
 583         // out arglist: [0: ...keep1 | cpos: collectVal? | cpos+cvcount: keep2... ]
 584         // out(retain): [0: ...keep1 | cpos: cV? coll... | cpos+cvc+cac: keep2... ]
 586         // Now build a LambdaForm.
 587         MethodType lambdaType = srcType.invokerType();
 588         Name[] names = arguments(2, lambdaType);

 835         BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData data =
 836                 (GET_COUNTERS != -1) ? BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_LLLL()
 837                                      : BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_LLL();
 838         names[THIS_MH] = names[THIS_MH].withConstraint(data);
 839         names[GET_TEST]     = new Name(data.getterFunction(0), names[THIS_MH]);
 840         names[GET_TARGET]   = new Name(data.getterFunction(1), names[THIS_MH]);
 841         names[GET_FALLBACK] = new Name(data.getterFunction(2), names[THIS_MH]);
 842         if (GET_COUNTERS != -1) {
 843             names[GET_COUNTERS] = new Name(data.getterFunction(3), names[THIS_MH]);
 844         }
 845         Object[] invokeArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(names, 0, ARG_LIMIT, Object[].class);
 847         // call test
 848         MethodType testType = basicType.changeReturnType(boolean.class).basicType();
 849         invokeArgs[0] = names[GET_TEST];
 850         names[CALL_TEST] = new Name(testType, invokeArgs);
 852         // profile branch
 853         if (PROFILE != -1) {
 854             names[PROFILE] = new Name(NF_profileBoolean, names[CALL_TEST], names[GET_COUNTERS]);
 855         }
 856         // call selectAlternative
 857         names[SELECT_ALT] = new Name(getConstantHandle(MH_selectAlternative), names[TEST], names[GET_TARGET], names[GET_FALLBACK]);
 859         // call target or fallback
 860         invokeArgs[0] = names[SELECT_ALT];
 861         names[CALL_TARGET] = new Name(basicType, invokeArgs);
 863         lform = new LambdaForm("guard", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names, /*forceInline=*/true);
 865         return basicType.form().setCachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_GWT, lform);
 866     }
 868     /**
 869      * The LambdaForm shape for catchException combinator is the following:
 870      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
 871      *  guardWithCatch=Lambda(a0:L,a1:L,a2:L)=>{
 872      *    t3:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL0(a0:L);
 873      *    t4:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL1(a0:L);
 874      *    t5:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL2(a0:L);
 875      *    t6:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL3(a0:L);
 876      *    t7:L=BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLLL.argL4(a0:L);
 877      *    t8:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(t6:L,a1:L,a2:L);

 912         BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData data = BoundMethodHandle.speciesData_LLLLL();
 913         names[THIS_MH]          = names[THIS_MH].withConstraint(data);
 914         names[GET_TARGET]       = new Name(data.getterFunction(0), names[THIS_MH]);
 915         names[GET_CLASS]        = new Name(data.getterFunction(1), names[THIS_MH]);
 916         names[GET_CATCHER]      = new Name(data.getterFunction(2), names[THIS_MH]);
 917         names[GET_COLLECT_ARGS] = new Name(data.getterFunction(3), names[THIS_MH]);
 918         names[GET_UNBOX_RESULT] = new Name(data.getterFunction(4), names[THIS_MH]);
 920         // FIXME: rework argument boxing/result unboxing logic for LF interpretation
 922         // t_{i}:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(collectArgs:L,a1:L,...);
 923         MethodType collectArgsType = basicType.changeReturnType(Object.class);
 924         MethodHandle invokeBasic = MethodHandles.basicInvoker(collectArgsType);
 925         Object[] args = new Object[invokeBasic.type().parameterCount()];
 926         args[0] = names[GET_COLLECT_ARGS];
 927         System.arraycopy(names, ARG_BASE, args, 1, ARG_LIMIT-ARG_BASE);
 928         names[BOXED_ARGS] = new Name(makeIntrinsic(invokeBasic, Intrinsic.GUARD_WITH_CATCH), args);
 930         // t_{i+1}:L=MethodHandleImpl.guardWithCatch(target:L,exType:L,catcher:L,t_{i}:L);
 931         Object[] gwcArgs = new Object[] {names[GET_TARGET], names[GET_CLASS], names[GET_CATCHER], names[BOXED_ARGS]};
 932         names[TRY_CATCH] = new Name(NF_guardWithCatch, gwcArgs);
 934         // t_{i+2}:I=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(unbox:L,t_{i+1}:L);
 935         MethodHandle invokeBasicUnbox = MethodHandles.basicInvoker(MethodType.methodType(basicType.rtype(), Object.class));
 936         Object[] unboxArgs  = new Object[] {names[GET_UNBOX_RESULT], names[TRY_CATCH]};
 937         names[UNBOX_RESULT] = new Name(invokeBasicUnbox, unboxArgs);
 939         lform = new LambdaForm("guardWithCatch", lambdaType.parameterCount(), names);
 941         return basicType.form().setCachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_GWC, lform);
 942     }
 944     static
 945     MethodHandle makeGuardWithCatch(MethodHandle target,
 946                                     Class<? extends Throwable> exType,
 947                                     MethodHandle catcher) {
 948         MethodType type = target.type();
 949         LambdaForm form = makeGuardWithCatchForm(type.basicType());
 951         // Prepare auxiliary method handles used during LambdaForm interpretation.
 952         // Box arguments and wrap them into Object[]: ValueConversions.array().

 996     }
 998     /** Prepend an element {@code elem} to an {@code array}. */
 999     @LambdaForm.Hidden
1000     private static Object[] prepend(Object elem, Object[] array) {
1001         Object[] newArray = new Object[array.length+1];
1002         newArray[0] = elem;
1003         System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 1, array.length);
1004         return newArray;
1005     }
1007     static
1008     MethodHandle throwException(MethodType type) {
1009         assert(Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(type.parameterType(0)));
1010         int arity = type.parameterCount();
1011         if (arity > 1) {
1012             MethodHandle mh = throwException(type.dropParameterTypes(1, arity));
1013             mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(mh, 1, type.parameterList().subList(1, arity));
1014             return mh;
1015         }
1016         return makePairwiseConvert(NF_throwException.resolvedHandle(), type, false, true);
1017     }
1019     static <T extends Throwable> Empty throwException(T t) throws T { throw t; }
1021     static MethodHandle[] FAKE_METHOD_HANDLE_INVOKE = new MethodHandle[2];
1022     static MethodHandle fakeMethodHandleInvoke(MemberName method) {
1023         int idx;
1024         assert(method.isMethodHandleInvoke());
1025         switch (method.getName()) {
1026         case "invoke":       idx = 0; break;
1027         case "invokeExact":  idx = 1; break;
1028         default:             throw new InternalError(method.getName());
1029         }
1030         MethodHandle mh = FAKE_METHOD_HANDLE_INVOKE[idx];
1031         if (mh != null)  return mh;
1032         MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(Object.class, UnsupportedOperationException.class,
1033                                                 MethodHandle.class, Object[].class);
1034         mh = throwException(type);
1035         mh = mh.bindTo(new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot reflectively invoke MethodHandle"));
1036         if (!method.getInvocationType().equals(mh.type()))

1344                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); }
1345     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1346                                   Object a4, Object a5)
1347                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }
1348     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1349                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6)
1350                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }
1351     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1352                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7)
1353                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); }
1354     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1355                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1356                                   Object a8)
1357                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); }
1358     private static Object[] array(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1359                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1360                                   Object a8, Object a9)
1361                 { return makeArray(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); }
1363     private static final int ARRAYS_COUNT = 11;
1364     private static final @Stable MethodHandle[] ARRAYS = new MethodHandle[MAX_ARITY + 1];

1366     // filling versions of the above:
1367     // using Integer len instead of int len and no varargs to avoid bootstrapping problems
1368     private static Object[] fillNewArray(Integer len, Object[] /*not ...*/ args) {
1369         Object[] a = new Object[len];
1370         fillWithArguments(a, 0, args);
1371         return a;
1372     }
1373     private static Object[] fillNewTypedArray(Object[] example, Integer len, Object[] /*not ...*/ args) {
1374         Object[] a = Arrays.copyOf(example, len);
1375         assert(a.getClass() != Object[].class);
1376         fillWithArguments(a, 0, args);
1377         return a;
1378     }
1379     private static void fillWithArguments(Object[] a, int pos, Object... args) {
1380         System.arraycopy(args, 0, a, pos, args.length);
1381     }
1382     // using Integer pos instead of int pos to avoid bootstrapping problems
1383     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0)
1384                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0); return a; }

1393                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); return a; }
1394     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1395                                   Object a4, Object a5)
1396                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); return a; }
1397     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1398                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6)
1399                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); return a; }
1400     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1401                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7)
1402                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); return a; }
1403     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1404                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1405                                   Object a8)
1406                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); return a; }
1407     private static Object[] fillArray(Integer pos, Object[] a, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object a3,
1408                                   Object a4, Object a5, Object a6, Object a7,
1409                                   Object a8, Object a9)
1410                 { fillWithArguments(a, pos, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); return a; }
1412     private static final int FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT = 11; // current number of fillArray methods
1413     private static final @Stable MethodHandle[] FILL_ARRAYS = new MethodHandle[FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT];
1415     private static MethodHandle getFillArray(int count) {
1416         assert (count > 0 && count < FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT); 
1417         MethodHandle mh = FILL_ARRAYS[count];
1418         if (mh != null) {
1419             return mh;

1420         }
1421         mh = findCollector("fillArray", count, Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class);
1422         FILL_ARRAYS[count] = mh;
1423         return mh;
1424     }
1426     private static Object copyAsPrimitiveArray(Wrapper w, Object... boxes) {
1427         Object a = w.makeArray(boxes.length);
1428         w.copyArrayUnboxing(boxes, 0, a, 0, boxes.length);
1429         return a;
1430     }
1432     /** Return a method handle that takes the indicated number of Object
1433      *  arguments and returns an Object array of them, as if for varargs.
1434      */
1435     static MethodHandle varargsArray(int nargs) {
1436         MethodHandle mh = ARRAYS[nargs];
1437         if (mh != null) {
1438             return mh;
1439         }
1440         if (nargs < ARRAYS_COUNT) {
1441             mh = findCollector("array", nargs, Object[].class);
1442         } else {
1443             mh = buildVarargsArray(getConstantHandle(MH_fillNewArray),
1444                     getConstantHandle(MH_arrayIdentity), nargs);
1445         }
1446         assert(assertCorrectArity(mh, nargs));
1447         mh = makeIntrinsic(mh, Intrinsic.NEW_ARRAY);
1448         return ARRAYS[nargs] = mh;
1449     }
1451     private static boolean assertCorrectArity(MethodHandle mh, int arity) {
1452         assert(mh.type().parameterCount() == arity) : "arity != "+arity+": "+mh;
1453         return true;
1454     }
1456     // Array identity function (used as getConstantHandle(MH_arrayIdentity)).
1457     static <T> T[] identity(T[] x) {
1458         return x;
1459     }
1461     private static MethodHandle buildVarargsArray(MethodHandle newArray, MethodHandle finisher, int nargs) {
1462         // Build up the result mh as a sequence of fills like this:
1463         //   finisher(fill(fill(newArrayWA(23,x1..x10),10,x11..x20),20,x21..x23))
1464         // The various fill(_,10*I,___*[J]) are reusable.
1465         int leftLen = Math.min(nargs, LEFT_ARGS);  // absorb some arguments immediately
1466         int rightLen = nargs - leftLen;
1467         MethodHandle leftCollector = newArray.bindTo(nargs);
1468         leftCollector = leftCollector.asCollector(Object[].class, leftLen);
1469         MethodHandle mh = finisher;
1470         if (rightLen > 0) {
1471             MethodHandle rightFiller = fillToRight(LEFT_ARGS + rightLen);
1472             if (mh.equals(getConstantHandle(MH_arrayIdentity)))
1473                 mh = rightFiller;
1474             else
1475                 mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, rightFiller);
1476         }
1477         if (mh.equals(getConstantHandle(MH_arrayIdentity)))
1478             mh = leftCollector;
1479         else
1480             mh = MethodHandles.collectArguments(mh, 0, leftCollector);
1481         return mh;
1482     }
1484     private static final int LEFT_ARGS = FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT - 1;
1485     private static final @Stable MethodHandle[] FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT = new MethodHandle[MAX_ARITY+1];
1486     /** fill_array_to_right(N).invoke(a, argL..arg[N-1])
1487      *  fills a[L]..a[N-1] with corresponding arguments,
1488      *  and then returns a.  The value L is a global constant (LEFT_ARGS).
1489      */
1490     private static MethodHandle fillToRight(int nargs) {
1491         MethodHandle filler = FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT[nargs];
1492         if (filler != null)  return filler;
1493         filler = buildFiller(nargs);
1494         assert(assertCorrectArity(filler, nargs - LEFT_ARGS + 1));
1495         return FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT[nargs] = filler;
1496     }
1497     private static MethodHandle buildFiller(int nargs) {
1498         if (nargs <= LEFT_ARGS)
1499             return getConstantHandle(MH_arrayIdentity);  // no args to fill; return the array unchanged
1500         // we need room for both mh and a in mh.invoke(a, arg*[nargs])
1501         final int CHUNK = LEFT_ARGS;
1502         int rightLen = nargs % CHUNK;
1503         int midLen = nargs - rightLen;
1504         if (rightLen == 0) {
1505             midLen = nargs - (rightLen = CHUNK);
1506             if (FILL_ARRAY_TO_RIGHT[midLen] == null) {
1507                 // build some precursors from left to right
1508                 for (int j = LEFT_ARGS % CHUNK; j < midLen; j += CHUNK)
1509                     if (j > LEFT_ARGS)  fillToRight(j);
1510             }
1511         }
1512         if (midLen < LEFT_ARGS) rightLen = nargs - (midLen = LEFT_ARGS);
1513         assert(rightLen > 0);
1514         MethodHandle midFill = fillToRight(midLen);  // recursive fill
1515         MethodHandle rightFill = getFillArray(rightLen).bindTo(midLen);  // [midLen..nargs-1]
1516         assert(midFill.type().parameterCount()   == 1 + midLen - LEFT_ARGS);
1517         assert(rightFill.type().parameterCount() == 1 + rightLen);
1519         // Combine the two fills:
1520         //   right(mid(a, x10..x19), x20..x23)
1521         // The final product will look like this:
1522         //   right(mid(newArrayLeft(24, x0..x9), x10..x19), x20..x23)
1523         if (midLen == LEFT_ARGS)
1524             return rightFill;
1525         else
1526             return MethodHandles.collectArguments(rightFill, 0, midFill);
1527     }
1529     // Type-polymorphic version of varargs maker.
1530     private static final ClassValue<MethodHandle[]> TYPED_COLLECTORS
1531         = new ClassValue<MethodHandle[]>() {
1532             @Override
1533             protected MethodHandle[] computeValue(Class<?> type) {
1534                 return new MethodHandle[256];
1535             }

1546         if (elemType == null)  throw new IllegalArgumentException("not an array: "+arrayType);
1547         // FIXME: Need more special casing and caching here.
1548         if (nargs >= MAX_JVM_ARITY/2 - 1) {
1549             int slots = nargs;
1550             final int MAX_ARRAY_SLOTS = MAX_JVM_ARITY - 1;  // 1 for receiver MH
1551             if (slots <= MAX_ARRAY_SLOTS && elemType.isPrimitive())
1552                 slots *= Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(elemType).stackSlots();
1553             if (slots > MAX_ARRAY_SLOTS)
1554                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many arguments: "+arrayType.getSimpleName()+", length "+nargs);
1555         }
1556         if (elemType == Object.class)
1557             return varargsArray(nargs);
1558         // other cases:  primitive arrays, subtypes of Object[]
1559         MethodHandle cache[] = TYPED_COLLECTORS.get(elemType);
1560         MethodHandle mh = nargs < cache.length ? cache[nargs] : null;
1561         if (mh != null)  return mh;
1562         if (nargs == 0) {
1563             Object example = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(arrayType.getComponentType(), 0);
1564             mh = MethodHandles.constant(arrayType, example);
1565         } else if (elemType.isPrimitive()) {
1566             MethodHandle builder = getConstantHandle(MH_fillNewArray);
1567             MethodHandle producer = buildArrayProducer(arrayType);
1568             mh = buildVarargsArray(builder, producer, nargs);
1569         } else {
1570             Class<? extends Object[]> objArrayType = arrayType.asSubclass(Object[].class);
1571             Object[] example = Arrays.copyOf(NO_ARGS_ARRAY, 0, objArrayType);
1572             MethodHandle builder = getConstantHandle(MH_fillNewTypedArray).bindTo(example);
1573             MethodHandle producer = getConstantHandle(MH_arrayIdentity); // must be weakly typed
1574             mh = buildVarargsArray(builder, producer, nargs);
1575         }
1576         mh = mh.asType(MethodType.methodType(arrayType, Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(nargs, elemType)));
1577         mh = makeIntrinsic(mh, Intrinsic.NEW_ARRAY);
1578         assert(assertCorrectArity(mh, nargs));
1579         if (nargs < cache.length)
1580             cache[nargs] = mh;
1581         return mh;
1582     }
1584     private static MethodHandle buildArrayProducer(Class<?> arrayType) {
1585         Class<?> elemType = arrayType.getComponentType();
1586         assert(elemType.isPrimitive());
1587         return getConstantHandle(MH_copyAsPrimitiveArray).bindTo(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(elemType));
1588     }
1590     /*non-public*/ static void assertSame(Object mh1, Object mh2) {
1591         if (mh1 != mh2) {
1592             String msg = String.format("mh1 != mh2: mh1 = %s (form: %s); mh2 = %s (form: %s)",
1593                     mh1, ((MethodHandle)mh1).form,
1594                     mh2, ((MethodHandle)mh2).form);
1595             throw newInternalError(msg);
1596         }
1597     }
1599     // Local constant functions:
1600     /*non-public*/ static final NamedFunction
1601         NF_checkSpreadArgument,
1602         NF_guardWithCatch,
1603         NF_throwException,
1604         NF_profileBoolean;
1606     static {
1607         try {
1608             NamedFunction nfs[] = {
1609                 NF_checkSpreadArgument = new NamedFunction(MethodHandleImpl.class
1610                         .getDeclaredMethod("checkSpreadArgument", Object.class, int.class)),
1611                 NF_guardWithCatch = new NamedFunction(MethodHandleImpl.class
1612                         .getDeclaredMethod("guardWithCatch", MethodHandle.class, Class.class,
1613                                 MethodHandle.class, Object[].class)),
1614                 NF_throwException = new NamedFunction(MethodHandleImpl.class
1615                         .getDeclaredMethod("throwException", Throwable.class)),
1616                 NF_profileBoolean = new NamedFunction(MethodHandleImpl.class
1617                         .getDeclaredMethod("profileBoolean", boolean.class, int[].class))
1618             };
1619             // Each nf must be statically invocable or we get tied up in our bootstraps.
1620             assert(InvokerBytecodeGenerator.isStaticallyInvocable(nfs));
1621         } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
1622             throw newInternalError(ex);
1623         }
1624     }
1626     // Indexes into constant method handles:
1627     private static final int
1628             MH_cast                  =  0,
1629             MH_selectAlternative     =  1,
1630             MH_copyAsPrimitiveArray  =  2,
1631             MH_fillNewTypedArray     =  3,
1632             MH_fillNewArray          =  4,
1633             MH_arrayIdentity         =  5,
1634             MH_LIMIT                 =  6;
1636     private static MethodHandle getConstantHandle(int idx) {
1637         MethodHandle handle = HANDLES[idx];
1638         if (handle != null) {
1639             return handle;
1640         }
1641         return setCachedHandle(idx, makeConstantHandle(idx));
1642     }
1644     private static synchronized MethodHandle setCachedHandle(int idx, final MethodHandle method) {
1645         // Simulate a CAS, to avoid racy duplication of results.
1646         MethodHandle prev = HANDLES[idx];
1647         if (prev != null) {
1648             return prev;
1649         }
1650         HANDLES[idx] = method;
1651         return method;
1652     }
1654     // Local constant method handles:
1655     private static final @Stable MethodHandle[] HANDLES = new MethodHandle[MH_LIMIT];
1657     private static MethodHandle makeConstantHandle(int idx) {
1658         try {
1659             switch (idx) {
1660                 case MH_cast:
1661                     return IMPL_LOOKUP.findVirtual(Class.class, "cast",
1662                             MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class));
1663                 case MH_copyAsPrimitiveArray:
1664                     return IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MethodHandleImpl.class, "copyAsPrimitiveArray",
1665                             MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Wrapper.class, Object[].class));
1666                 case MH_arrayIdentity:
1667                     return IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MethodHandleImpl.class, "identity",
1668                             MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, Object[].class));
1669                 case MH_fillNewArray:
1670                     return IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MethodHandleImpl.class, "fillNewArray",
1671                             MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class));
1672                 case MH_fillNewTypedArray:
1673                     return IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MethodHandleImpl.class, "fillNewTypedArray",
1674                             MethodType.methodType(Object[].class, Object[].class, Integer.class, Object[].class));
1675                 case MH_selectAlternative:
1676                     return makeIntrinsic(IMPL_LOOKUP.findStatic(MethodHandleImpl.class, "selectAlternative",
1677                             MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class, boolean.class, MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class)),
1678                         Intrinsic.SELECT_ALTERNATIVE);
1679             }
1680         } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) {
1681             throw newInternalError(ex);
1682         }
1683         throw newInternalError("Unknown function index: " + idx);
1684     }
1685 }
< prev index next >