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rev 2048 : 8150044: Generate classlists at build-time
Reviewed-by: alanb
Contributed-by: claes.redestad@oracle.com, erik.joelsson@oracle.com

@@ -346,29 +346,39 @@
 ALL_TARGETS += docs-javadoc docs-jvmtidoc zip-docs
 # Cross compilation support
-ifeq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true)
+ifeq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
   # This target is only called by the recursive call below.
-  create-buildjdk-compile-hotspot-helper: hotspot
-  create-buildjdk-compile-modules-helper: jdk.jlink-launchers java.base-copy \
-      jdk.jdeps-launchers
+  create-buildjdk-interim-image-helper: interim-image jdk.jlink-launchers \
+      java.base-copy jdk.jdeps-launchers
         +($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f CreateBuildJdkCopy.gmk)
-create-buildjdk-compile-hotspot create-buildjdk-compile-modules:
         +($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f Main.gmk \
             $@-helper \
             SPEC=$(dir $(SPEC))buildjdk-spec.gmk \
             HOTSPOT_SPEC=$(dir $(SPEC))buildjdk-spec.gmk \
-ALL_TARGETS += create-buildjdk-copy create-buildjdk-compile-hotspot \
-    create-buildjdk-compile-modules
+ALL_TARGETS += create-buildjdk-copy create-buildjdk-interim-image
+# The interim-image is a small jlinked image that is used to generate artifacts 
+# at build time for use when linking the real images.
+        +($(CD) $(SRC_ROOT)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f InterimImage.gmk)
+        +($(CD) $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f GenerateClasslist.gmk)
+ALL_TARGETS += interim-image generate-classlist
 # Build tests

@@ -520,12 +530,13 @@
   # Declare dependencies between <module>-rmic to <module>-java
   $(foreach m, $(RMIC_MODULES), $(eval $m-rmic: $m-java))
   # Declare dependencies from <module>-lib to <module>-java
-  # Skip modules that do not have java source. When creating a BUILD_JDK, the
-  # java compilation has already been done by the normal build and copied in.
+  # Skip modules that do not have java source.
+  # When creating a BUILDJDK, the java compilation has already been done by the
+  # normal build and copied in.
   ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
   $(foreach m, $(filter $(JAVA_MODULES), $(LIBS_MODULES)), $(eval $m-libs: $m-java))
   # Declare dependencies from all other <module>-lib to java.base-lib

@@ -562,37 +573,64 @@
   $(foreach m, $(GENDATA_MODULES), $(eval $m-strip: $m-gendata))
   $(foreach m, $(COPY_MODULES), $(eval $m-strip: $m-copy))
   # Declare dependencies between jmod targets. Only java.base jmod needs access
   # to the other jmods to be built.
+  # When creating a BUILDJDK, we don't need to add hashes to java.base, thus
+  # we don't need to depend on all other jmods
+  ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
   java.base-jmod: $(filter-out java.base-jmod, $(JMOD_TARGETS))
+  endif
   # Declare dependencies from <module>-jmod to all other module targets
   $(foreach m, $(STRIP_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-strip))
+  # When creating a BUILDJDK, the java compilation has already been done by the
+  # normal build and copied in.
+  ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
   $(foreach m, $(JAVA_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-java))
+  endif
   $(foreach m, $(GENDATA_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-gendata))
   $(foreach m, $(RMIC_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-rmic))
   $(foreach m, $(LIBS_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-libs))
   $(foreach m, $(LAUNCHER_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-launchers))
   $(foreach m, $(COPY_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $m-copy))
   # Jmods cannot be created until we have the jlink tool ready to run, which requires
   # all java modules to be compiled and jdk.jlink-launchers.
-  $(JMOD_TARGETS): java java.base-libs jdk.jlink-launchers
+  $(JMOD_TARGETS): java.base-libs jdk.jlink-launchers
+  # When creating a BUILDJDK, the java compilation has already been done by the
+  # normal build and copied in.
+  ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
+    $(JMOD_TARGETS): java
+  endif
   ifeq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true)
+    # Avoid calling create-buildjdk from within a create-buildjdk call
+    ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true)
     $(JMOD_TARGETS): create-buildjdk
+  endif
   zip-security: java.base-java java.security.jgss-java java.security.jgss-libs \
       $(filter jdk.crypto%, $(JAVA_TARGETS))
   zip-source: gensrc rmic
   jrtfs-jar: interim-langtools
-  jimages: jmods zip-source source-tips demos samples jrtfs-jar
+  ifeq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true)
+    # If creating a buildjdk, the interim image needs to be based on that.
+    generate-classlist: create-buildjdk
+  else ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false)
+    # If an external buildjdk has been provided, we skip generating an
+    # interim-image and just use the external buildjdk for generating
+    # classlist.
+    generate-classlist: interim-image
+  endif
+  generate-classlist: buildtools-jdk
+  jimages: jmods zip-source source-tips demos samples jrtfs-jar generate-classlist
   profiles: jmods zip-source source-tips jrtfs-jar
   mac-bundles-jdk: jimages

@@ -604,13 +642,16 @@
   zip-docs: docs-javadoc docs-jvmtidoc
   test: jimages test-image
-  create-buildjdk-copy: jdk.jlink-java java.base-gendata
+  create-buildjdk-copy: jdk.jlink-java java.base-gendata \
+      $(addsuffix -java, $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES))
-  create-buildjdk-compile-modules: create-buildjdk-copy create-buildjdk-compile-hotspot
+  create-buildjdk-interim-image: create-buildjdk-copy
+  interim-image: $(addsuffix -jmod, $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES))
   test-make: clean-test-make
   build-test-lib: java

@@ -680,26 +721,29 @@
 samples: samples-jdk
 # The "exploded image" is a locally runnable JDK in $(BUILD_OUTPUT)/jdk.
 exploded-image: $(ALL_MODULES)
-create-buildjdk: create-buildjdk-compile-modules create-buildjdk-copy \
-    create-buildjdk-compile-hotspot
+create-buildjdk: create-buildjdk-copy create-buildjdk-interim-image
 mac-bundles: mac-bundles-jdk
 # The $(BUILD_OUTPUT)/images directory contain the resulting deliverables,
 # and in line with this, our targets for creating these are named *-image[s].
 # This target builds the product images, e.g. the JRE and JDK image
 # (and possibly other, more specific versions)
 product-images: jimages demos samples zip-security exploded-image
-# When cross compiling and building a partial BUILDJDK for the build host,
-# the summary generation cannot be run.
+# The module summary cannot be run when:
+# * Cross compiling and building a partial BUILDJDK for the build host
+# * An external buildjdk has been supplied since it may not match the
+#   module selection of the target jdk
 ifneq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true)
+  ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false)
   product-images: generate-summary
+  endif
 ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx)
   product-images: mac-bundles
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