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rev 14210 : 8154231: Simplify access to System properties from JDK code
Reviewed-by: rriggs

*** 29,38 **** --- 29,39 ---- import java.security.AccessController; import sun.net.ResourceManager; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collections; + import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction; /** * Abstract datagram and multicast socket implementation base class. * Note: This is not a public class, so that applets cannot call * into the implementation directly and hence cannot bypass the
*** 49,61 **** boolean connected = false; private int trafficClass = 0; protected InetAddress connectedAddress = null; private int connectedPort = -1; ! private static final String os = AccessController.doPrivileged( ! new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("os.name") ! ); /** * flag set if the native connect() call not to be used */ private static final boolean connectDisabled = os.contains("OS X"); --- 50,60 ---- boolean connected = false; private int trafficClass = 0; protected InetAddress connectedAddress = null; private int connectedPort = -1; ! private static final String os = GetPropertyAction.getProperty("os.name"); /** * flag set if the native connect() call not to be used */ private static final boolean connectDisabled = os.contains("OS X");
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