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rev 56578 : 8232211: Remove dead code from os.hpp|cpp
Reviewed-by: TBD

 249 struct tm* os::localtime_pd(const time_t* clock, struct tm*  res) {
 250   return localtime_r(clock, res);
 251 }
 253 void os::Solaris::try_enable_extended_io() {
 254   typedef int (*enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t)(int, int);
 256   if (!UseExtendedFileIO) {
 257     return;
 258   }
 260   enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t enabler =
 261     (enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,
 262                                          "enable_extended_FILE_stdio");
 263   if (enabler) {
 264     enabler(-1, -1);
 265   }
 266 }
 268 static int _processors_online = 0;
 270 jint os::Solaris::_os_thread_limit = 0;
 271 volatile jint os::Solaris::_os_thread_count = 0;
 273 julong os::available_memory() {
 274   return Solaris::available_memory();
 275 }
 277 julong os::Solaris::available_memory() {
 278   return (julong)sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) * os::vm_page_size();
 279 }
 281 julong os::Solaris::_physical_memory = 0;
 283 julong os::physical_memory() {
 284   return Solaris::physical_memory();
 285 }
 287 static hrtime_t first_hrtime = 0;
 288 static const hrtime_t hrtime_hz = 1000*1000*1000;
 289 static volatile hrtime_t max_hrtime = 0;
 292 void os::Solaris::initialize_system_info() {
 293   set_processor_count(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF));
 294   _processors_online = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 295   _physical_memory = (julong)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) *
 296                                      (julong)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
 297 }
 299 uint os::processor_id() {
 300   const processorid_t id = ::getcpuid();
 301   assert(id >= 0 && id < _processor_count, "Invalid processor id");
 302   return (uint)id;
 303 }
 305 int os::active_processor_count() {
 306   // User has overridden the number of active processors
 307   if (ActiveProcessorCount > 0) {
 308     log_trace(os)("active_processor_count: "
 309                   "active processor count set by user : %d",
 310                   ActiveProcessorCount);
 311     return ActiveProcessorCount;
 312   }
 314   int online_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 315   pid_t pid = getpid();
 316   psetid_t pset = PS_NONE;
 317   // Are we running in a processor set or is there any processor set around?
 318   if (pset_bind(PS_QUERY, P_PID, pid, &pset) == 0) {
 319     uint_t pset_cpus;
 320     // Query the number of cpus available to us.
 321     if (pset_info(pset, NULL, &pset_cpus, NULL) == 0) {
 322       assert(pset_cpus > 0 && pset_cpus <= online_cpus, "sanity check");
 323       _processors_online = pset_cpus;
 324       return pset_cpus;
 325     }
 326   }
 327   // Otherwise return number of online cpus
 328   return online_cpus;
 329 }
 331 static bool find_processors_in_pset(psetid_t        pset,
 332                                     processorid_t** id_array,
 333                                     uint_t*         id_length) {
 334   bool result = false;
 335   // Find the number of processors in the processor set.
 336   if (pset_info(pset, NULL, id_length, NULL) == 0) {
 337     // Make up an array to hold their ids.
 338     *id_array = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(processorid_t, *id_length, mtInternal);
 339     // Fill in the array with their processor ids.
 340     if (pset_info(pset, NULL, id_length, *id_array) == 0) {
 341       result = true;
 342     }
 343   }
 344   return result;
 345 }
 347 // Callers of find_processors_online() must tolerate imprecise results --
 348 // the system configuration can change asynchronously because of DR
 349 // or explicit psradm operations.
 350 //
 351 // We also need to take care that the loop (below) terminates as the
 352 // number of processors online can change between the _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN
 353 // request and the loop that builds the list of processor ids.   Unfortunately
 354 // there's no reliable way to determine the maximum valid processor id,
 355 // so we use a manifest constant, MAX_PROCESSOR_ID, instead.  See p_online
 356 // man pages, which claim the processor id set is "sparse, but
 357 // not too sparse".  MAX_PROCESSOR_ID is used to ensure that we eventually
 358 // exit the loop.
 359 //
 360 // In the future we'll be able to use sysconf(_SC_CPUID_MAX), but that's
 361 // not available on S8.0.
 363 static bool find_processors_online(processorid_t** id_array,
 364                                    uint*           id_length) {
 365   const processorid_t MAX_PROCESSOR_ID = 100000;
 366   // Find the number of processors online.
 367   *id_length = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 368   // Make up an array to hold their ids.
 369   *id_array = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(processorid_t, *id_length, mtInternal);
 370   // Processors need not be numbered consecutively.
 371   long found = 0;
 372   processorid_t next = 0;
 373   while (found < *id_length && next < MAX_PROCESSOR_ID) {
 374     processor_info_t info;
 375     if (processor_info(next, &info) == 0) {
 376       // NB, PI_NOINTR processors are effectively online ...
 377       if (info.pi_state == P_ONLINE || info.pi_state == P_NOINTR) {
 378         (*id_array)[found] = next;
 379         found += 1;
 380       }
 381     }
 382     next += 1;
 383   }
 384   if (found < *id_length) {
 385     // The loop above didn't identify the expected number of processors.
 386     // We could always retry the operation, calling sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
 387     // and re-running the loop, above, but there's no guarantee of progress
 388     // if the system configuration is in flux.  Instead, we just return what
 389     // we've got.  Note that in the worst case find_processors_online() could
 390     // return an empty set.  (As a fall-back in the case of the empty set we
 391     // could just return the ID of the current processor).
 392     *id_length = found;
 393   }
 395   return true;
 396 }
 398 static bool assign_distribution(processorid_t* id_array,
 399                                 uint           id_length,
 400                                 uint*          distribution,
 401                                 uint           distribution_length) {
 402   // We assume we can assign processorid_t's to uint's.
 403   assert(sizeof(processorid_t) == sizeof(uint),
 404          "can't convert processorid_t to uint");
 405   // Quick check to see if we won't succeed.
 406   if (id_length < distribution_length) {
 407     return false;
 408   }
 409   // Assign processor ids to the distribution.
 410   // Try to shuffle processors to distribute work across boards,
 411   // assuming 4 processors per board.
 412   const uint processors_per_board = ProcessDistributionStride;
 413   // Find the maximum processor id.
 414   processorid_t max_id = 0;
 415   for (uint m = 0; m < id_length; m += 1) {
 416     max_id = MAX2(max_id, id_array[m]);
 417   }
 418   // The next id, to limit loops.
 419   const processorid_t limit_id = max_id + 1;
 420   // Make up markers for available processors.
 421   bool* available_id = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(bool, limit_id, mtInternal);
 422   for (uint c = 0; c < limit_id; c += 1) {
 423     available_id[c] = false;
 424   }
 425   for (uint a = 0; a < id_length; a += 1) {
 426     available_id[id_array[a]] = true;
 427   }
 428   // Step by "boards", then by "slot", copying to "assigned".
 429   // NEEDS_CLEANUP: The assignment of processors should be stateful,
 430   //                remembering which processors have been assigned by
 431   //                previous calls, etc., so as to distribute several
 432   //                independent calls of this method.  What we'd like is
 433   //                It would be nice to have an API that let us ask
 434   //                how many processes are bound to a processor,
 435   //                but we don't have that, either.
 436   //                In the short term, "board" is static so that
 437   //                subsequent distributions don't all start at board 0.
 438   static uint board = 0;
 439   uint assigned = 0;
 440   // Until we've found enough processors ....
 441   while (assigned < distribution_length) {
 442     // ... find the next available processor in the board.
 443     for (uint slot = 0; slot < processors_per_board; slot += 1) {
 444       uint try_id = board * processors_per_board + slot;
 445       if ((try_id < limit_id) && (available_id[try_id] == true)) {
 446         distribution[assigned] = try_id;
 447         available_id[try_id] = false;
 448         assigned += 1;
 449         break;
 450       }
 451     }
 452     board += 1;
 453     if (board * processors_per_board + 0 >= limit_id) {
 454       board = 0;
 455     }
 456   }
 457   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(bool, available_id);
 458   return true;
 459 }
 461 void os::set_native_thread_name(const char *name) {
 462   if (Solaris::_pthread_setname_np != NULL) {
 463     // Only the first 31 bytes of 'name' are processed by pthread_setname_np
 464     // but we explicitly copy into a size-limited buffer to avoid any
 465     // possible overflow.
 466     char buf[32];
 467     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", name);
 468     buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
 469     Solaris::_pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), buf);
 470   }
 471 }
 473 bool os::distribute_processes(uint length, uint* distribution) {
 474   bool result = false;
 475   // Find the processor id's of all the available CPUs.
 476   processorid_t* id_array  = NULL;
 477   uint           id_length = 0;
 478   // There are some races between querying information and using it,
 479   // since processor sets can change dynamically.
 480   psetid_t pset = PS_NONE;
 481   // Are we running in a processor set?
 482   if ((pset_bind(PS_QUERY, P_PID, P_MYID, &pset) == 0) && pset != PS_NONE) {
 483     result = find_processors_in_pset(pset, &id_array, &id_length);
 484   } else {
 485     result = find_processors_online(&id_array, &id_length);
 486   }
 487   if (result == true) {
 488     if (id_length >= length) {
 489       result = assign_distribution(id_array, id_length, distribution, length);
 490     } else {
 491       result = false;
 492     }
 493   }
 494   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(processorid_t, id_array);
 495   return result;
 496 }
 498 bool os::bind_to_processor(uint processor_id) {
 499   // We assume that a processorid_t can be stored in a uint.
 500   assert(sizeof(uint) == sizeof(processorid_t),
 501          "can't convert uint to processorid_t");
 502   int bind_result =
 503     processor_bind(P_LWPID,                       // bind LWP.
 504                    P_MYID,                        // bind current LWP.
 505                    (processorid_t) processor_id,  // id.
 506                    NULL);                         // don't return old binding.
 507   return (bind_result == 0);
 508 }
 510 // Return true if user is running as root.
 512 bool os::have_special_privileges() {
 513   static bool init = false;
 514   static bool privileges = false;
 515   if (!init) {
 516     privileges = (getuid() != geteuid()) || (getgid() != getegid());
 517     init = true;

1220                       double* process_user_time,
1221                       double* process_system_time) {
1222   struct tms ticks;
1223   clock_t real_ticks = times(&ticks);
1225   if (real_ticks == (clock_t) (-1)) {
1226     return false;
1227   } else {
1228     double ticks_per_second = (double) clock_tics_per_sec;
1229     *process_user_time = ((double) ticks.tms_utime) / ticks_per_second;
1230     *process_system_time = ((double) ticks.tms_stime) / ticks_per_second;
1231     // For consistency return the real time from getTimeNanos()
1232     // converted to seconds.
1233     *process_real_time = ((double) getTimeNanos()) / ((double) NANOUNITS);
1235     return true;
1236   }
1237 }
1239 bool os::supports_vtime() { return true; }
1240 bool os::enable_vtime() { return false; }
1241 bool os::vtime_enabled() { return false; }
1243 double os::elapsedVTime() {
1244   return (double)gethrvtime() / (double)hrtime_hz;
1245 }
1247 // Must return millis since Jan 1 1970 for JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
1248 jlong os::javaTimeMillis() {
1249   timeval t;
1250   if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL) == -1) {
1251     fatal("os::javaTimeMillis: gettimeofday (%s)", os::strerror(errno));
1252   }
1253   return jlong(t.tv_sec) * 1000  +  jlong(t.tv_usec) / 1000;
1254 }
1256 // Must return seconds+nanos since Jan 1 1970. This must use the same
1257 // time source as javaTimeMillis and can't use get_nsec_fromepoch as
1258 // we need better than 1ms accuracy
1259 void os::javaTimeSystemUTC(jlong &seconds, jlong &nanos) {
1260   timeval t;
1261   if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL) == -1) {

 249 struct tm* os::localtime_pd(const time_t* clock, struct tm*  res) {
 250   return localtime_r(clock, res);
 251 }
 253 void os::Solaris::try_enable_extended_io() {
 254   typedef int (*enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t)(int, int);
 256   if (!UseExtendedFileIO) {
 257     return;
 258   }
 260   enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t enabler =
 261     (enable_extended_FILE_stdio_t) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,
 262                                          "enable_extended_FILE_stdio");
 263   if (enabler) {
 264     enabler(-1, -1);
 265   }
 266 }

 268 jint os::Solaris::_os_thread_limit = 0;
 269 volatile jint os::Solaris::_os_thread_count = 0;
 271 julong os::available_memory() {
 272   return Solaris::available_memory();
 273 }
 275 julong os::Solaris::available_memory() {
 276   return (julong)sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) * os::vm_page_size();
 277 }
 279 julong os::Solaris::_physical_memory = 0;
 281 julong os::physical_memory() {
 282   return Solaris::physical_memory();
 283 }
 285 static hrtime_t first_hrtime = 0;
 286 static const hrtime_t hrtime_hz = 1000*1000*1000;
 287 static volatile hrtime_t max_hrtime = 0;
 290 void os::Solaris::initialize_system_info() {
 291   set_processor_count(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF));

 292   _physical_memory = (julong)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) *
 293                                      (julong)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
 294 }
 296 uint os::processor_id() {
 297   const processorid_t id = ::getcpuid();
 298   assert(id >= 0 && id < _processor_count, "Invalid processor id");
 299   return (uint)id;
 300 }
 302 int os::active_processor_count() {
 303   // User has overridden the number of active processors
 304   if (ActiveProcessorCount > 0) {
 305     log_trace(os)("active_processor_count: "
 306                   "active processor count set by user : %d",
 307                   ActiveProcessorCount);
 308     return ActiveProcessorCount;
 309   }
 311   int online_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 312   pid_t pid = getpid();
 313   psetid_t pset = PS_NONE;
 314   // Are we running in a processor set or is there any processor set around?
 315   if (pset_bind(PS_QUERY, P_PID, pid, &pset) == 0) {
 316     uint_t pset_cpus;
 317     // Query the number of cpus available to us.
 318     if (pset_info(pset, NULL, &pset_cpus, NULL) == 0) {
 319       assert(pset_cpus > 0 && pset_cpus <= online_cpus, "sanity check");

 320       return pset_cpus;
 321     }
 322   }
 323   // Otherwise return number of online cpus
 324   return online_cpus;
 325 }

 327 void os::set_native_thread_name(const char *name) {
 328   if (Solaris::_pthread_setname_np != NULL) {
 329     // Only the first 31 bytes of 'name' are processed by pthread_setname_np
 330     // but we explicitly copy into a size-limited buffer to avoid any
 331     // possible overflow.
 332     char buf[32];
 333     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", name);
 334     buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
 335     Solaris::_pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), buf);
 336   }
 337 }

 339 bool os::bind_to_processor(uint processor_id) {
 340   // We assume that a processorid_t can be stored in a uint.
 341   assert(sizeof(uint) == sizeof(processorid_t),
 342          "can't convert uint to processorid_t");
 343   int bind_result =
 344     processor_bind(P_LWPID,                       // bind LWP.
 345                    P_MYID,                        // bind current LWP.
 346                    (processorid_t) processor_id,  // id.
 347                    NULL);                         // don't return old binding.
 348   return (bind_result == 0);
 349 }
 351 // Return true if user is running as root.
 353 bool os::have_special_privileges() {
 354   static bool init = false;
 355   static bool privileges = false;
 356   if (!init) {
 357     privileges = (getuid() != geteuid()) || (getgid() != getegid());
 358     init = true;

1061                       double* process_user_time,
1062                       double* process_system_time) {
1063   struct tms ticks;
1064   clock_t real_ticks = times(&ticks);
1066   if (real_ticks == (clock_t) (-1)) {
1067     return false;
1068   } else {
1069     double ticks_per_second = (double) clock_tics_per_sec;
1070     *process_user_time = ((double) ticks.tms_utime) / ticks_per_second;
1071     *process_system_time = ((double) ticks.tms_stime) / ticks_per_second;
1072     // For consistency return the real time from getTimeNanos()
1073     // converted to seconds.
1074     *process_real_time = ((double) getTimeNanos()) / ((double) NANOUNITS);
1076     return true;
1077   }
1078 }
1080 bool os::supports_vtime() { return true; }

1082 double os::elapsedVTime() {
1083   return (double)gethrvtime() / (double)hrtime_hz;
1084 }
1086 // Must return millis since Jan 1 1970 for JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
1087 jlong os::javaTimeMillis() {
1088   timeval t;
1089   if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL) == -1) {
1090     fatal("os::javaTimeMillis: gettimeofday (%s)", os::strerror(errno));
1091   }
1092   return jlong(t.tv_sec) * 1000  +  jlong(t.tv_usec) / 1000;
1093 }
1095 // Must return seconds+nanos since Jan 1 1970. This must use the same
1096 // time source as javaTimeMillis and can't use get_nsec_fromepoch as
1097 // we need better than 1ms accuracy
1098 void os::javaTimeSystemUTC(jlong &seconds, jlong &nanos) {
1099   timeval t;
1100   if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL) == -1) {

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