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rev 50373 : 8195097: Make it possible to process StringTable outside safepoint

 112          }
 113       } else if (heap instanceof G1CollectedHeap) {
 114           printG1HeapSummary((G1CollectedHeap)heap);
 115       } else if (heap instanceof ParallelScavengeHeap) {
 116          ParallelScavengeHeap psh = (ParallelScavengeHeap) heap;
 117          PSYoungGen youngGen = psh.youngGen();
 118          printPSYoungGen(youngGen);
 120          PSOldGen oldGen = psh.oldGen();
 121          long oldFree = oldGen.capacity() - oldGen.used();
 122          System.out.println("PS Old Generation");
 123          printValMB("capacity = ", oldGen.capacity());
 124          printValMB("used     = ", oldGen.used());
 125          printValMB("free     = ", oldFree);
 126          System.out.println(alignment + (double)oldGen.used() * 100.0 / oldGen.capacity() + "% used");
 127       } else {
 128          throw new RuntimeException("unknown CollectedHeap type : " + heap.getClass());
 129       }
 131       System.out.println();
 132       printInternStringStatistics();
 133    }
 135    // Helper methods
 137    private void printGCAlgorithm(Map flagMap) {
 138        long l = getFlagValue("UseTLAB", flagMap);
 139        if (l == 1L) {
 140           System.out.println("using thread-local object allocation.");
 141        }
 143        l = getFlagValue("UseConcMarkSweepGC", flagMap);
 144        if (l == 1L) {
 145           System.out.println("Concurrent Mark-Sweep GC");
 146           return;
 147        }
 149        l = getFlagValue("UseParallelGC", flagMap);
 150        if (l == 1L) {
 151           System.out.print("Parallel GC ");
 152           l = getFlagValue("ParallelGCThreads", flagMap);

 240         double mb = value/FACTOR;
 241         System.out.println(alignment + title + value + " (" + mb + "MB)");
 242       }
 243    }
 245    private void printValue(String title, long value) {
 246       System.out.println(alignment + title + value);
 247    }
 249    private long getFlagValue(String name, Map flagMap) {
 250       VM.Flag f = (VM.Flag) flagMap.get(name);
 251       if (f != null) {
 252          if (f.isBool()) {
 253             return f.getBool()? 1L : 0L;
 254          } else {
 255             return Long.parseLong(f.getValue());
 256          }
 257       } else {
 258          return -1;
 259       }
 260    }
 262    private void printInternStringStatistics() {
 263       class StringStat implements StringTable.StringVisitor {
 264          private int count;
 265          private long size;
 266          private OopField stringValueField;
 268          StringStat() {
 269             VM vm = VM.getVM();
 270             SystemDictionary sysDict = vm.getSystemDictionary();
 271             InstanceKlass strKlass = sysDict.getStringKlass();
 272             // String has a field named 'value' of type 'byte[]'.
 273             stringValueField = (OopField) strKlass.findField("value", "[B");
 274          }
 276          private long stringSize(Instance instance) {
 277             // We include String content in size calculation.
 278             return instance.getObjectSize() +
 279                    stringValueField.getValue(instance).getObjectSize();
 280          }
 282          public void visit(Instance str) {
 283             count++;
 284             size += stringSize(str);
 285          }
 287          public void print() {
 288             System.out.println(count +
 289                   " interned Strings occupying " + size + " bytes.");
 290          }
 291       }
 293       StringStat stat = new StringStat();
 294       StringTable strTable = VM.getVM().getStringTable();
 295       strTable.stringsDo(stat);
 296       stat.print();
 297    }
 298 }

 112          }
 113       } else if (heap instanceof G1CollectedHeap) {
 114           printG1HeapSummary((G1CollectedHeap)heap);
 115       } else if (heap instanceof ParallelScavengeHeap) {
 116          ParallelScavengeHeap psh = (ParallelScavengeHeap) heap;
 117          PSYoungGen youngGen = psh.youngGen();
 118          printPSYoungGen(youngGen);
 120          PSOldGen oldGen = psh.oldGen();
 121          long oldFree = oldGen.capacity() - oldGen.used();
 122          System.out.println("PS Old Generation");
 123          printValMB("capacity = ", oldGen.capacity());
 124          printValMB("used     = ", oldGen.used());
 125          printValMB("free     = ", oldFree);
 126          System.out.println(alignment + (double)oldGen.used() * 100.0 / oldGen.capacity() + "% used");
 127       } else {
 128          throw new RuntimeException("unknown CollectedHeap type : " + heap.getClass());
 129       }
 131       System.out.println();

 132    }
 134    // Helper methods
 136    private void printGCAlgorithm(Map flagMap) {
 137        long l = getFlagValue("UseTLAB", flagMap);
 138        if (l == 1L) {
 139           System.out.println("using thread-local object allocation.");
 140        }
 142        l = getFlagValue("UseConcMarkSweepGC", flagMap);
 143        if (l == 1L) {
 144           System.out.println("Concurrent Mark-Sweep GC");
 145           return;
 146        }
 148        l = getFlagValue("UseParallelGC", flagMap);
 149        if (l == 1L) {
 150           System.out.print("Parallel GC ");
 151           l = getFlagValue("ParallelGCThreads", flagMap);

 239         double mb = value/FACTOR;
 240         System.out.println(alignment + title + value + " (" + mb + "MB)");
 241       }
 242    }
 244    private void printValue(String title, long value) {
 245       System.out.println(alignment + title + value);
 246    }
 248    private long getFlagValue(String name, Map flagMap) {
 249       VM.Flag f = (VM.Flag) flagMap.get(name);
 250       if (f != null) {
 251          if (f.isBool()) {
 252             return f.getBool()? 1L : 0L;
 253          } else {
 254             return Long.parseLong(f.getValue());
 255          }
 256       } else {
 257          return -1;
 258       }

 259    }
 260 }
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