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rev 54838 : [mq]: 8221734-v2

  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
  29 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  30 #include "code/dependencyContext.hpp"
  31 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  32 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  33 #include "interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp"
  34 #include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
  35 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  36 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  37 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  38 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  39 #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
  40 #include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  41 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  42 #include "oops/typeArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  43 #include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"

  45 #include "runtime/fieldDescriptor.inline.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
  50 #include "runtime/timerTrace.hpp"
  51 #include "runtime/reflection.hpp"
  52 #include "runtime/safepointVerifiers.hpp"
  53 #include "runtime/signature.hpp"
  54 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  55 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
  58 /*
  59  * JSR 292 reference implementation: method handles
  60  * The JDK 7 reference implementation represented method handle
  61  * combinations as chains.  Each link in the chain had a "vmentry"
  62  * field which pointed at a bit of assembly code which performed
  63  * one transformation before dispatching to the next link in the chain.
  64  *

1092   oop context = java_lang_invoke_CallSite::context_no_keepalive(call_site);
1093   DependencyContext deps = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext::vmdependencies(context);
1094   deps.clean_unloading_dependents();
1095 }
1097 void MethodHandles::flush_dependent_nmethods(Handle call_site, Handle target) {
1098   assert_lock_strong(Compile_lock);
1100   int marked = 0;
1101   CallSiteDepChange changes(call_site, target);
1102   {
1103     NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1104     MutexLocker mu2(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1106     oop context = java_lang_invoke_CallSite::context_no_keepalive(call_site());
1107     DependencyContext deps = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext::vmdependencies(context);
1108     marked = deps.mark_dependent_nmethods(changes);
1109   }
1110   if (marked > 0) {
1111     // At least one nmethod has been marked for deoptimization.
1112     VM_Deoptimize op;
1113     VMThread::execute(&op);
1114   }
1115 }
1117 void MethodHandles::trace_method_handle_interpreter_entry(MacroAssembler* _masm, vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
1118   if (TraceMethodHandles) {
1119     const char* name = vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid);
1120     if (*name == '_')  name += 1;
1121     const size_t len = strlen(name) + 50;
1122     char* qname = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, len, mtInternal);
1123     const char* suffix = "";
1124     if (is_signature_polymorphic(iid)) {
1125       if (is_signature_polymorphic_static(iid))
1126         suffix = "/static";
1127       else
1128         suffix = "/private";
1129     }
1130     jio_snprintf(qname, len, "MethodHandle::interpreter_entry::%s%s", name, suffix);
1131     trace_method_handle(_masm, qname);
1132     // Note:  Don't free the allocated char array because it's used
1133     // during runtime.

1489 }
1490 JVM_END
1492 // It is called by a Cleaner object which ensures that dropped CallSites properly
1493 // deallocate their dependency information.
1494 JVM_ENTRY(void, MHN_clearCallSiteContext(JNIEnv* env, jobject igcls, jobject context_jh)) {
1495   Handle context(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(context_jh));
1496   {
1497     // Walk all nmethods depending on this call site.
1498     MutexLocker mu1(Compile_lock, thread);
1500     int marked = 0;
1501     {
1502       NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1503       MutexLocker mu2(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1504       DependencyContext deps = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext::vmdependencies(context());
1505       marked = deps.remove_all_dependents();
1506     }
1507     if (marked > 0) {
1508       // At least one nmethod has been marked for deoptimization
1509       VM_Deoptimize op;
1510       VMThread::execute(&op);
1511     }
1512   }
1513 }
1514 JVM_END
1516 /**
1517  * Throws a java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException unconditionally.
1518  * This is required by the specification of MethodHandle.invoke if
1519  * invoked directly.
1520  */
1521 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, MH_invoke_UOE(JNIEnv* env, jobject mh, jobjectArray args)) {
1522   THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_UnsupportedOperationException(), "MethodHandle.invoke cannot be invoked reflectively");
1523   return NULL;
1524 }
1525 JVM_END
1527 /**
1528  * Throws a java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException unconditionally.
1529  * This is required by the specification of MethodHandle.invokeExact if
1530  * invoked directly.

  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
  29 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  30 #include "code/dependencyContext.hpp"
  31 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  32 #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  33 #include "interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp"
  34 #include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
  35 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  36 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  37 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  38 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  39 #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
  40 #include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  41 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  42 #include "oops/typeArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  43 #include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/fieldDescriptor.inline.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  50 #include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
  51 #include "runtime/timerTrace.hpp"
  52 #include "runtime/reflection.hpp"
  53 #include "runtime/safepointVerifiers.hpp"
  54 #include "runtime/signature.hpp"
  55 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  56 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
  59 /*
  60  * JSR 292 reference implementation: method handles
  61  * The JDK 7 reference implementation represented method handle
  62  * combinations as chains.  Each link in the chain had a "vmentry"
  63  * field which pointed at a bit of assembly code which performed
  64  * one transformation before dispatching to the next link in the chain.
  65  *

1093   oop context = java_lang_invoke_CallSite::context_no_keepalive(call_site);
1094   DependencyContext deps = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext::vmdependencies(context);
1095   deps.clean_unloading_dependents();
1096 }
1098 void MethodHandles::flush_dependent_nmethods(Handle call_site, Handle target) {
1099   assert_lock_strong(Compile_lock);
1101   int marked = 0;
1102   CallSiteDepChange changes(call_site, target);
1103   {
1104     NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1105     MutexLocker mu2(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1107     oop context = java_lang_invoke_CallSite::context_no_keepalive(call_site());
1108     DependencyContext deps = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext::vmdependencies(context);
1109     marked = deps.mark_dependent_nmethods(changes);
1110   }
1111   if (marked > 0) {
1112     // At least one nmethod has been marked for deoptimization.
1113     Deoptimization::deoptimize_all_marked();

1114   }
1115 }
1117 void MethodHandles::trace_method_handle_interpreter_entry(MacroAssembler* _masm, vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
1118   if (TraceMethodHandles) {
1119     const char* name = vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid);
1120     if (*name == '_')  name += 1;
1121     const size_t len = strlen(name) + 50;
1122     char* qname = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, len, mtInternal);
1123     const char* suffix = "";
1124     if (is_signature_polymorphic(iid)) {
1125       if (is_signature_polymorphic_static(iid))
1126         suffix = "/static";
1127       else
1128         suffix = "/private";
1129     }
1130     jio_snprintf(qname, len, "MethodHandle::interpreter_entry::%s%s", name, suffix);
1131     trace_method_handle(_masm, qname);
1132     // Note:  Don't free the allocated char array because it's used
1133     // during runtime.

1489 }
1490 JVM_END
1492 // It is called by a Cleaner object which ensures that dropped CallSites properly
1493 // deallocate their dependency information.
1494 JVM_ENTRY(void, MHN_clearCallSiteContext(JNIEnv* env, jobject igcls, jobject context_jh)) {
1495   Handle context(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(context_jh));
1496   {
1497     // Walk all nmethods depending on this call site.
1498     MutexLocker mu1(Compile_lock, thread);
1500     int marked = 0;
1501     {
1502       NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1503       MutexLocker mu2(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1504       DependencyContext deps = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext::vmdependencies(context());
1505       marked = deps.remove_all_dependents();
1506     }
1507     if (marked > 0) {
1508       // At least one nmethod has been marked for deoptimization
1509       Deoptimization::deoptimize_all_marked();

1510     }
1511   }
1512 }
1513 JVM_END
1515 /**
1516  * Throws a java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException unconditionally.
1517  * This is required by the specification of MethodHandle.invoke if
1518  * invoked directly.
1519  */
1520 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, MH_invoke_UOE(JNIEnv* env, jobject mh, jobjectArray args)) {
1521   THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_UnsupportedOperationException(), "MethodHandle.invoke cannot be invoked reflectively");
1522   return NULL;
1523 }
1524 JVM_END
1526 /**
1527  * Throws a java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException unconditionally.
1528  * This is required by the specification of MethodHandle.invokeExact if
1529  * invoked directly.

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