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*** 227,245 **** mvn verify ``` To run the UI tests: - > Currently, in order to run UI tests you need to supply the Jemmy UI testing libraries yourself. These can be built from source available at the mercurial repository at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jemmy/v3/. - - >1. Create a directory on your local drive where you wish to build the Jemmy libraries. - >2. In a terminal, when in the newly created directory, issue `hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jemmy/v3/`. If you don't have a Mercurial client you can download the code from http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jemmy/v3/archive/tip.zip (or .gz or .bz2). - >3. Build Jemmy by issuing `mvn clean package`. Adding `-DskipTests` makes sure that UI tests that might fail won't stop the packaging. - >4. Copy the resulting jar files from core/JemmyCore/target, core/JemmyAWTInput/target, core/JemmyBrowser/target and SWT/JemmySWT/target to \[jmc_repo_dir\]/application/uitests/org.openjdk.jmc.test.jemmy/lib/ (create the lib directory first if it does not exist). - - >(As soon as Jemmy is published on Maven Central, this manual build step will be removed.) - ```bash mvn verify -P uitests ``` Note that the UI tests will take some time to run, and that you need to stop interacting with your computer for the duration of the tests. --- 227,236 ----
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