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rev 49275 : [mq]: JDK-8199781.patch

 523   if (cpool->tag_at(index).is_symbol()) {
 524     klass_name = cpool->symbol_at(index);
 525   } else {
 526     // Check if it's resolved if it's not a symbol constant pool entry.
 527     klass =  ConstantPool::klass_at_if_loaded(cpool, index);
 528     // Try to look it up by name.
 529     if (klass == NULL) {
 530       klass_name = cpool->klass_name_at(index);
 531     }
 532   }
 534   if (klass == NULL) {
 535     // Not found in constant pool.  Use the name to do the lookup.
 536     ciKlass* k = get_klass_by_name_impl(accessor,
 537                                         cpool,
 538                                         get_symbol(klass_name),
 539                                         false);
 540     // Calculate accessibility the hard way.
 541     if (!k->is_loaded()) {
 542       is_accessible = false;
 543     } else if (k->loader() != accessor->loader() &&
 544                get_klass_by_name_impl(accessor, cpool, k->name(), true) == NULL) {
 545       // Loaded only remotely.  Not linked yet.
 546       is_accessible = false;
 547     } else {
 548       // Linked locally, and we must also check public/private, etc.
 549       is_accessible = check_klass_accessibility(accessor, k->get_Klass());
 550     }
 551     return k;
 552   }
 554   // Check for prior unloaded klass.  The SystemDictionary's answers
 555   // can vary over time but the compiler needs consistency.
 556   ciSymbol* name = get_symbol(klass->name());
 557   ciKlass* unloaded_klass = check_get_unloaded_klass(accessor, name);
 558   if (unloaded_klass != NULL) {
 559     is_accessible = false;
 560     return unloaded_klass;
 561   }
 563   // It is known to be accessible, since it was found in the constant pool.

 574                                    bool& is_accessible,
 575                                    ciInstanceKlass* accessor) {
 576   GUARDED_VM_ENTRY(return get_klass_by_index_impl(cpool, index, is_accessible, accessor);)
 577 }
 579 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 580 // ciEnv::get_constant_by_index_impl
 581 //
 582 // Implementation of get_constant_by_index().
 583 ciConstant ciEnv::get_constant_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
 584                                              int pool_index, int cache_index,
 585                                              ciInstanceKlass* accessor) {
 586   bool ignore_will_link;
 588   int index = pool_index;
 589   if (cache_index >= 0) {
 590     assert(index < 0, "only one kind of index at a time");
 591     index = cpool->object_to_cp_index(cache_index);
 592     oop obj = cpool->resolved_references()->obj_at(cache_index);
 593     if (obj != NULL) {
 594       if (obj == Universe::the_null_sentinel()) {
 595         return ciConstant(T_OBJECT, get_object(NULL));
 596       }
 597       BasicType bt = T_OBJECT;
 598       if (cpool->tag_at(index).is_dynamic_constant())
 599         bt = FieldType::basic_type(cpool->uncached_signature_ref_at(index));
 600       if (is_reference_type(bt)) {
 601       } else {
 602         // we have to unbox the primitive value
 603         if (!is_java_primitive(bt))  return ciConstant();
 604         jvalue value;
 605         BasicType bt2 = java_lang_boxing_object::get_value(obj, &value);
 606         assert(bt2 == bt, "");
 607         switch (bt2) {
 608         case T_DOUBLE:  return ciConstant(value.d);
 609         case T_FLOAT:   return ciConstant(value.f);
 610         case T_LONG:    return ciConstant(value.j);
 611         case T_INT:     return ciConstant(bt2, value.i);
 612         case T_SHORT:   return ciConstant(bt2, value.s);
 613         case T_BYTE:    return ciConstant(bt2, value.b);
 614         case T_CHAR:    return ciConstant(bt2, value.c);

 523   if (cpool->tag_at(index).is_symbol()) {
 524     klass_name = cpool->symbol_at(index);
 525   } else {
 526     // Check if it's resolved if it's not a symbol constant pool entry.
 527     klass =  ConstantPool::klass_at_if_loaded(cpool, index);
 528     // Try to look it up by name.
 529     if (klass == NULL) {
 530       klass_name = cpool->klass_name_at(index);
 531     }
 532   }
 534   if (klass == NULL) {
 535     // Not found in constant pool.  Use the name to do the lookup.
 536     ciKlass* k = get_klass_by_name_impl(accessor,
 537                                         cpool,
 538                                         get_symbol(klass_name),
 539                                         false);
 540     // Calculate accessibility the hard way.
 541     if (!k->is_loaded()) {
 542       is_accessible = false;
 543     } else if (!oopDesc::equals(k->loader(), accessor->loader()) &&
 544                get_klass_by_name_impl(accessor, cpool, k->name(), true) == NULL) {
 545       // Loaded only remotely.  Not linked yet.
 546       is_accessible = false;
 547     } else {
 548       // Linked locally, and we must also check public/private, etc.
 549       is_accessible = check_klass_accessibility(accessor, k->get_Klass());
 550     }
 551     return k;
 552   }
 554   // Check for prior unloaded klass.  The SystemDictionary's answers
 555   // can vary over time but the compiler needs consistency.
 556   ciSymbol* name = get_symbol(klass->name());
 557   ciKlass* unloaded_klass = check_get_unloaded_klass(accessor, name);
 558   if (unloaded_klass != NULL) {
 559     is_accessible = false;
 560     return unloaded_klass;
 561   }
 563   // It is known to be accessible, since it was found in the constant pool.

 574                                    bool& is_accessible,
 575                                    ciInstanceKlass* accessor) {
 576   GUARDED_VM_ENTRY(return get_klass_by_index_impl(cpool, index, is_accessible, accessor);)
 577 }
 579 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 580 // ciEnv::get_constant_by_index_impl
 581 //
 582 // Implementation of get_constant_by_index().
 583 ciConstant ciEnv::get_constant_by_index_impl(const constantPoolHandle& cpool,
 584                                              int pool_index, int cache_index,
 585                                              ciInstanceKlass* accessor) {
 586   bool ignore_will_link;
 588   int index = pool_index;
 589   if (cache_index >= 0) {
 590     assert(index < 0, "only one kind of index at a time");
 591     index = cpool->object_to_cp_index(cache_index);
 592     oop obj = cpool->resolved_references()->obj_at(cache_index);
 593     if (obj != NULL) {
 594       if (oopDesc::equals(obj, Universe::the_null_sentinel())) {
 595         return ciConstant(T_OBJECT, get_object(NULL));
 596       }
 597       BasicType bt = T_OBJECT;
 598       if (cpool->tag_at(index).is_dynamic_constant())
 599         bt = FieldType::basic_type(cpool->uncached_signature_ref_at(index));
 600       if (is_reference_type(bt)) {
 601       } else {
 602         // we have to unbox the primitive value
 603         if (!is_java_primitive(bt))  return ciConstant();
 604         jvalue value;
 605         BasicType bt2 = java_lang_boxing_object::get_value(obj, &value);
 606         assert(bt2 == bt, "");
 607         switch (bt2) {
 608         case T_DOUBLE:  return ciConstant(value.d);
 609         case T_FLOAT:   return ciConstant(value.f);
 610         case T_LONG:    return ciConstant(value.j);
 611         case T_INT:     return ciConstant(bt2, value.i);
 612         case T_SHORT:   return ciConstant(bt2, value.s);
 613         case T_BYTE:    return ciConstant(bt2, value.b);
 614         case T_CHAR:    return ciConstant(bt2, value.c);

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