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rev 58543 : 8241605: Shenandoah: More aggressive reference discovery

 134                                                                             \
 135   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahImmediateThreshold, 90,                     \
 136           "The cycle may shortcut when enough garbage can be reclaimed "    \
 137           "from the immediate garbage (completely garbage regions). "       \
 138           "In percents of total garbage found. Setting this threshold "     \
 139           "to 100 effectively disables the shortcut.")                      \
 140           range(0,100)                                                      \
 141                                                                             \
 142   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval, 5*60*1000,            \
 143           "Many heuristics would guarantee a concurrent GC cycle at "       \
 144           "least with this interval. This is useful when large idle "       \
 145           "intervals are present, where GC can run without stealing "       \
 146           "time from active application. Time is in milliseconds. "         \
 147           "Setting this to 0 disables the feature.")                        \
 148                                                                             \
 149   experimental(bool, ShenandoahAlwaysClearSoftRefs, false,                  \
 150           "Unconditionally clear soft references, instead of using any "    \
 151           "other cleanup policy. This minimizes footprint at expense of"    \
 152           "more soft reference churn in applications.")                     \
 153                                                                             \

 154   experimental(bool, ShenandoahUncommit, true,                              \
 155           "Allow to uncommit memory under unused regions and metadata. "    \
 156           "This optimizes footprint at expense of allocation latency in "   \
 157           "regions that require committing back. Uncommits would be "       \
 158           "disabled by some heuristics, or with static heap size.")         \
 159                                                                             \
 160   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahUncommitDelay, 5*60*1000,                   \
 161           "Uncommit memory for regions that were not used for more than "   \
 162           "this time. First use after that would incur allocation stalls. " \
 163           "Actively used regions would never be uncommitted, because they " \
 164           "do not become unused longer than this delay. Time is in "        \
 165           "milliseconds. Setting this delay to 0 effectively uncommits "    \
 166           "regions almost immediately after they become unused.")           \
 167                                                                             \
 168   experimental(bool, ShenandoahRegionSampling, false,                       \
 169           "Provide heap region sampling data via jvmstat.")                 \
 170                                                                             \
 171   experimental(int, ShenandoahRegionSamplingRate, 40,                       \
 172           "Sampling rate for heap region sampling. In milliseconds between "\
 173           "the samples. Higher values provide more fidelity, at expense "   \

 134                                                                             \
 135   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahImmediateThreshold, 90,                     \
 136           "The cycle may shortcut when enough garbage can be reclaimed "    \
 137           "from the immediate garbage (completely garbage regions). "       \
 138           "In percents of total garbage found. Setting this threshold "     \
 139           "to 100 effectively disables the shortcut.")                      \
 140           range(0,100)                                                      \
 141                                                                             \
 142   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval, 5*60*1000,            \
 143           "Many heuristics would guarantee a concurrent GC cycle at "       \
 144           "least with this interval. This is useful when large idle "       \
 145           "intervals are present, where GC can run without stealing "       \
 146           "time from active application. Time is in milliseconds. "         \
 147           "Setting this to 0 disables the feature.")                        \
 148                                                                             \
 149   experimental(bool, ShenandoahAlwaysClearSoftRefs, false,                  \
 150           "Unconditionally clear soft references, instead of using any "    \
 151           "other cleanup policy. This minimizes footprint at expense of"    \
 152           "more soft reference churn in applications.")                     \
 153                                                                             \
 154   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAggressiveReferenceDiscovery, true,            \
 155           "Aggressively avoid keeping alive references upon "               \
 156           "Reference.get(), at the expense of some extra latency, "         \
 157           "caused by an extra threads-stacks-scan at final-mark")           \
 158                                                                             \
 159   experimental(bool, ShenandoahUncommit, true,                              \
 160           "Allow to uncommit memory under unused regions and metadata. "    \
 161           "This optimizes footprint at expense of allocation latency in "   \
 162           "regions that require committing back. Uncommits would be "       \
 163           "disabled by some heuristics, or with static heap size.")         \
 164                                                                             \
 165   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahUncommitDelay, 5*60*1000,                   \
 166           "Uncommit memory for regions that were not used for more than "   \
 167           "this time. First use after that would incur allocation stalls. " \
 168           "Actively used regions would never be uncommitted, because they " \
 169           "do not become unused longer than this delay. Time is in "        \
 170           "milliseconds. Setting this delay to 0 effectively uncommits "    \
 171           "regions almost immediately after they become unused.")           \
 172                                                                             \
 173   experimental(bool, ShenandoahRegionSampling, false,                       \
 174           "Provide heap region sampling data via jvmstat.")                 \
 175                                                                             \
 176   experimental(int, ShenandoahRegionSamplingRate, 40,                       \
 177           "Sampling rate for heap region sampling. In milliseconds between "\
 178           "the samples. Higher values provide more fidelity, at expense "   \

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