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rev 52049 : JDK11-only: Use WB-based acmp barrier

@@ -179,157 +179,10 @@
   return true;
- * In Shenandoah, we need barriers on acmp (and similar instructions that compare two
- * oops) to avoid false negatives. If it compares a from-space and a to-space
- * copy of an object, a regular acmp would return false, even though both are
- * the same. The acmp barrier compares the two objects, and when they are
- * *not equal* it does a read-barrier on both, and compares them again. When it
- * failed because of different copies of the object, we know that the object
- * must already have been evacuated (and therefore doesn't require a write-barrier).
- */
-void ShenandoahBarrierNode::do_cmpp_if(GraphKit& kit, Node*& taken_branch, Node*& untaken_branch, Node*& taken_memory, Node*& untaken_memory) {
-  assert(taken_memory == NULL && untaken_memory == NULL, "unexpected memory inputs");
-  if (!UseShenandoahGC || !ShenandoahAcmpBarrier || ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (taken_branch->is_top() || untaken_branch->is_top()) {
-    // one of the branches is known to be untaken
-    return;
-  }
-  assert(taken_branch->is_IfProj() && untaken_branch->is_IfProj(), "if projections only");
-  assert(taken_branch->in(0) == untaken_branch->in(0), "should come from same if");
-  IfNode* iff = taken_branch->in(0)->as_If();
-  BoolNode* bol = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
-  Node* cmp = bol->in(1);
-  if (cmp->Opcode() != Op_CmpP) {
-    return;
-  }
-  Node* a = cmp->in(1);
-  Node* b = cmp->in(2);
-  const Type* a_type = kit.gvn().type(a);
-  const Type* b_type = kit.gvn().type(b);
-  if (a_type->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR) || b_type->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR)) {
-    // We know one arg is gonna be null. No need for barriers.
-    return;
-  }
-  const TypePtr* a_adr_type = ShenandoahBarrierNode::brooks_pointer_type(a_type);
-  const TypePtr* b_adr_type = ShenandoahBarrierNode::brooks_pointer_type(b_type);
-  if ((! ShenandoahBarrierNode::needs_barrier(&kit.gvn(), NULL, a, kit.memory(a_adr_type), false)) &&
-      (! ShenandoahBarrierNode::needs_barrier(&kit.gvn(), NULL, b, kit.memory(b_adr_type), false))) {
-    // We know both args are in to-space already. No acmp barrier needed.
-    return;
-  }
-  Node* equal_path = iff->proj_out(true);
-  Node* not_equal_path = iff->proj_out(false);
-  if (bol->_test._test == BoolTest::ne) {
-    swap(equal_path, not_equal_path);
-  }
-  Node* init_equal_path = equal_path;
-  Node* init_not_equal_path = not_equal_path;
-  uint alias_a = kit.C->get_alias_index(a_adr_type);
-  uint alias_b = kit.C->get_alias_index(b_adr_type);
-  Node* equal_memory = NULL;
-  Node* not_equal_memory = NULL;
-  RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
-  region->init_req(1, equal_path);
-  PhiNode* mem_phi = NULL;
-  if (alias_a == alias_b) {
-    mem_phi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.memory(alias_a), Type::MEMORY, kit.C->get_adr_type(alias_a));
-  } else {
-    Node* mem = kit.reset_memory();
-    mem_phi = PhiNode::make(region, mem, Type::MEMORY, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
-    kit.set_all_memory(mem);
-  }
-  kit.set_control(not_equal_path);
-  Node* mb = NULL;
-  if (alias_a == alias_b) {
-    Node* mem = kit.reset_memory();
-    mb = MemBarNode::make(kit.C, Op_MemBarAcquire, alias_a);
-    mb->init_req(TypeFunc::Control, kit.control());
-    mb->init_req(TypeFunc::Memory, mem);
-    Node* membar = kit.gvn().transform(mb);
-    kit.set_control(kit.gvn().transform(new ProjNode(membar, TypeFunc::Control)));
-    Node* newmem = kit.gvn().transform(new ProjNode(membar, TypeFunc::Memory));
-    kit.set_all_memory(mem);
-    kit.set_memory(newmem, alias_a);
-  } else {
-    mb = kit.insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarAcquire);
-  }
-  ShenandoahBarrierSetC2* bs = (ShenandoahBarrierSetC2*) BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2();
-  a = bs->shenandoah_read_barrier_acmp(&kit, a);
-  b = bs->shenandoah_read_barrier_acmp(&kit, b);
-  Node* cmp2 = kit.gvn().transform(new CmpPNode(a, b));
-  Node* bol2 = bol->clone();
-  bol2->set_req(1, cmp2);
-  bol2 = kit.gvn().transform(bol2);
-  Node* iff2 = iff->clone();
-  iff2->set_req(0, kit.control());
-  iff2->set_req(1, bol2);
-  kit.gvn().set_type(iff2, kit.gvn().type(iff));
-  Node* equal_path2 = equal_path->clone();
-  equal_path2->set_req(0, iff2);
-  equal_path2 = kit.gvn().transform(equal_path2);
-  Node* not_equal_path2 = not_equal_path->clone();
-  not_equal_path2->set_req(0, iff2);
-  not_equal_path2 = kit.gvn().transform(not_equal_path2);
-  region->init_req(2, equal_path2);
-  not_equal_memory = kit.reset_memory();
-  not_equal_path = not_equal_path2;
-  kit.set_all_memory(not_equal_memory);
-  if (alias_a == alias_b) {
-    mem_phi->init_req(2, kit.memory(alias_a));
-    kit.set_memory(mem_phi, alias_a);
-  } else {
-    mem_phi->init_req(2, kit.reset_memory());
-  }
-  kit.record_for_igvn(mem_phi);
-  kit.gvn().set_type(mem_phi, Type::MEMORY);
-  if (alias_a == alias_b) {
-    equal_memory = kit.reset_memory();
-  } else {
-    equal_memory = mem_phi;
-  }
-  assert(kit.map()->memory() == NULL, "no live memory state");
-  equal_path = kit.gvn().transform(region);
-  if (taken_branch == init_equal_path) {
-    assert(untaken_branch == init_not_equal_path, "inconsistent");
-    taken_branch = equal_path;
-    untaken_branch = not_equal_path;
-    taken_memory = equal_memory;
-    untaken_memory = not_equal_memory;
-  } else {
-    assert(taken_branch == init_not_equal_path, "inconsistent");
-    assert(untaken_branch == init_equal_path, "inconsistent");
-    taken_branch = not_equal_path;
-    untaken_branch = equal_path;
-    taken_memory = not_equal_memory;
-    untaken_memory = equal_memory;
-  }
 bool ShenandoahReadBarrierNode::dominates_memory_rb_impl(PhaseGVN* phase,
                                                          Node* b1,
                                                          Node* b2,
                                                          Node* current,
                                                          bool linear) {
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