/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #ifndef SHARE_VM_GC_SHENANDOAH_SHENANDOAHHEAP_INLINE_HPP #define SHARE_VM_GC_SHENANDOAH_SHENANDOAHHEAP_INLINE_HPP #include "gc/shared/cmBitMap.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shared/threadLocalAllocBuffer.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/brooksPointer.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahBarrierSet.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeap.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeapRegionSet.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeapRegion.inline.hpp" #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp" #include "runtime/atomic.hpp" #include "runtime/prefetch.hpp" #include "runtime/prefetch.inline.hpp" #include "utilities/copy.hpp" /* * Marks the object. Returns true if the object has not been marked before and has * been marked by this thread. Returns false if the object has already been marked, * or if a competing thread succeeded in marking this object. */ inline bool ShenandoahHeap::mark_current(oop obj) const { #ifdef ASSERT if (! oopDesc::unsafe_equals(obj, oopDesc::bs()->read_barrier(obj))) { tty->print_cr("heap region containing obj:"); ShenandoahHeapRegion* obj_region = heap_region_containing(obj); obj_region->print(); tty->print_cr("heap region containing forwardee:"); ShenandoahHeapRegion* forward_region = heap_region_containing(oopDesc::bs()->read_barrier(obj)); forward_region->print(); } #endif assert(oopDesc::unsafe_equals(obj, oopDesc::bs()->read_barrier(obj)), "only mark forwarded copy of objects"); return mark_current_no_checks(obj); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::mark_current_no_checks(oop obj) const { HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*) obj; return (! allocated_after_mark_start(addr)) && _next_mark_bit_map->parMark(addr); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::is_marked_current(oop obj) const { HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*) obj; return allocated_after_mark_start(addr) || _next_mark_bit_map->isMarked(addr); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::is_marked_current(oop obj, ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) const { HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*) obj; return _next_mark_bit_map->isMarked(addr) || r->allocated_after_mark_start(addr); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::is_marked_prev(oop obj) const { ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = heap_region_containing((void*) obj); return is_marked_prev(obj, r); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::is_marked_prev(oop obj, const ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) const { HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*) obj; return _prev_mark_bit_map->isMarked(addr) || r->allocated_after_prev_mark_start(addr); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::need_update_refs() const { return _need_update_refs; } inline uint ShenandoahHeap::heap_region_index_containing(const void* addr) const { uintptr_t region_start = ((uintptr_t) addr); uintptr_t index = (region_start - (uintptr_t) _first_region_bottom) >> ShenandoahHeapRegion::RegionSizeShift; #ifdef ASSERT if (!(index < _num_regions)) { tty->print_cr("heap region does not contain address, first_region_bottom: "PTR_FORMAT", real bottom of first region: "PTR_FORMAT", num_regions: "SIZE_FORMAT", region_size: "SIZE_FORMAT, p2i(_first_region_bottom), p2i(_ordered_regions->get(0)->bottom()), _num_regions, ShenandoahHeapRegion::RegionSizeBytes); } #endif assert(index < _num_regions, "heap region index must be in range"); return index; } inline ShenandoahHeapRegion* ShenandoahHeap::heap_region_containing(const void* addr) const { uint index = heap_region_index_containing(addr); ShenandoahHeapRegion* result = _ordered_regions->get(index); #ifdef ASSERT if (!(addr >= result->bottom() && addr < result->end())) { tty->print_cr("heap region does not contain address, first_region_bottom: "PTR_FORMAT", real bottom of first region: "PTR_FORMAT", num_regions: "SIZE_FORMAT, p2i(_first_region_bottom), p2i(_ordered_regions->get(0)->bottom()), _num_regions); } #endif assert(addr >= result->bottom() && addr < result->end(), "address must be in found region"); return result; } template inline oop ShenandoahHeap::update_oop_ref_not_null(T* p, oop obj) { if (in_cset_fast_test((HeapWord*) obj)) { oop forw = ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static_not_null(obj); assert(! oopDesc::unsafe_equals(forw, obj) || is_full_gc_in_progress(), "expect forwarded object"); obj = forw; oopDesc::encode_store_heap_oop(p, obj); } #ifdef ASSERT else { assert(oopDesc::unsafe_equals(obj, ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static_not_null(obj)), "expect not forwarded"); } #endif return obj; } template inline oop ShenandoahHeap::maybe_update_oop_ref(T* p) { T o = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p); if (! oopDesc::is_null(o)) { oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(o); return maybe_update_oop_ref_not_null(p, obj); } else { return NULL; } } inline oop ShenandoahHeap::atomic_compare_exchange_oop(oop n, oop* addr, oop c) { return (oop) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(n, addr, c); } inline oop ShenandoahHeap::atomic_compare_exchange_oop(oop n, narrowOop* addr, oop c) { narrowOop cmp = oopDesc::encode_heap_oop(c); narrowOop val = oopDesc::encode_heap_oop(n); return oopDesc::decode_heap_oop((narrowOop) Atomic::cmpxchg(val, addr, cmp)); } template inline oop ShenandoahHeap::maybe_update_oop_ref_not_null(T* p, oop heap_oop) { assert((! is_in(p)) || (! heap_region_containing(p)->is_in_collection_set()) || is_full_gc_in_progress(), "never update refs in from-space, unless evacuation has been cancelled"); #ifdef ASSERT if (! is_in(heap_oop)) { print_heap_regions(); tty->print_cr("object not in heap: "PTR_FORMAT", referenced by: "PTR_FORMAT, p2i((HeapWord*) heap_oop), p2i(p)); assert(is_in(heap_oop), "object must be in heap"); } #endif assert(is_in(heap_oop), "only ever call this on objects in the heap"); if (in_cset_fast_test((HeapWord*) heap_oop)) { oop forwarded_oop = ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static_not_null(heap_oop); // read brooks ptr assert(! oopDesc::unsafe_equals(forwarded_oop, heap_oop) || is_full_gc_in_progress(), "expect forwarded object"); log_develop_trace(gc)("Updating old ref: "PTR_FORMAT" pointing to "PTR_FORMAT" to new ref: "PTR_FORMAT, p2i(p), p2i(heap_oop), p2i(forwarded_oop)); assert(forwarded_oop->is_oop(), "oop required"); assert(is_in(forwarded_oop), "forwardee must be in heap"); assert(oopDesc::bs()->is_safe(forwarded_oop), "forwardee must not be in collection set"); // If this fails, another thread wrote to p before us, it will be logged in SATB and the // reference be updated later. oop result = atomic_compare_exchange_oop(forwarded_oop, p, heap_oop); if (oopDesc::unsafe_equals(result, heap_oop)) { // CAS successful. return forwarded_oop; } else { return NULL; } } else { assert(oopDesc::unsafe_equals(heap_oop, ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static_not_null(heap_oop)), "expect not forwarded"); return heap_oop; } } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::cancelled_concgc() const { bool cancelled = (bool) OrderAccess::load_acquire((jbyte*) &_cancelled_concgc); return cancelled; } inline HeapWord* ShenandoahHeap::allocate_from_gclab(Thread* thread, size_t size) { if (UseTLAB) { HeapWord* obj = thread->gclab().allocate(size); if (obj != NULL) { return obj; } // Otherwise... return allocate_from_gclab_slow(thread, size); } else { return NULL; } } inline void ShenandoahHeap::copy_object(oop p, HeapWord* s, size_t words) { assert(s != NULL, "allocation of brooks pointer must not fail"); HeapWord* copy = s + BrooksPointer::word_size(); guarantee(copy != NULL, "allocation of copy object must not fail"); Copy::aligned_disjoint_words((HeapWord*) p, copy, words); BrooksPointer::initialize(oop(copy)); log_develop_trace(gc, compaction)("copy object from "PTR_FORMAT" to: "PTR_FORMAT, p2i((HeapWord*) p), p2i(copy)); } inline oop ShenandoahHeap::evacuate_object(oop p, Thread* thread) { size_t required; #ifdef ASSERT ShenandoahHeapRegion* hr = NULL; if (ShenandoahVerifyReadsToFromSpace) { hr = heap_region_containing(p); { hr->memProtectionOff(); required = BrooksPointer::word_size() + p->size(); hr->memProtectionOn(); } } else { required = BrooksPointer::word_size() + p->size(); } #else required = BrooksPointer::word_size() + p->size(); #endif assert(! heap_region_containing(p)->is_humongous(), "never evacuate humongous objects"); // Don't even attempt to evacuate anything if evacuation has been cancelled. if (_cancelled_concgc) { return ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static(p); } bool alloc_from_gclab = true; HeapWord* filler = allocate_from_gclab(thread, required); if (filler == NULL) { filler = allocate_memory(required, true); alloc_from_gclab = false; } if (filler == NULL) { oom_during_evacuation(); // If this is a Java thread, it should have waited // until all GC threads are done, and then we // return the forwardee. oop resolved = ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static(p); return resolved; } HeapWord* copy = filler + BrooksPointer::word_size(); #ifdef ASSERT if (ShenandoahVerifyReadsToFromSpace) { hr->memProtectionOff(); copy_object(p, filler, required - BrooksPointer::word_size()); hr->memProtectionOn(); } else { copy_object(p, filler, required - BrooksPointer::word_size()); } #else copy_object(p, filler, required - BrooksPointer::word_size()); #endif oop copy_val = oop(copy); oop result = BrooksPointer::try_update_forwardee(p, copy_val); oop return_val; if (oopDesc::unsafe_equals(result, p)) { return_val = copy_val; log_develop_trace(gc, compaction)("Copy of "PTR_FORMAT" to "PTR_FORMAT" succeeded \n", p2i((HeapWord*) p), p2i(copy)); #ifdef ASSERT assert(return_val->is_oop(), "expect oop"); assert(p->klass() == return_val->klass(), "Should have the same class p: "PTR_FORMAT", copy: "PTR_FORMAT, p2i((HeapWord*) p), p2i((HeapWord*) copy)); #endif } else { if (alloc_from_gclab) { thread->gclab().rollback(required); } log_develop_trace(gc, compaction)("Copy of "PTR_FORMAT" to "PTR_FORMAT" failed, use other: "PTR_FORMAT, p2i((HeapWord*) p), p2i(copy), p2i((HeapWord*) result)); return_val = result; } return return_val; } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::requires_marking(const void* entry) const { return ! is_marked_current(oop(entry)); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::in_cset_fast_test(HeapWord* obj) { assert(_in_cset_fast_test != NULL, "sanity"); assert(is_in(obj), "should be in heap"); // no need to subtract the bottom of the heap from obj, // _in_cset_fast_test is biased uintx index = ((uintx) obj) >> ShenandoahHeapRegion::RegionSizeShift; bool ret = _in_cset_fast_test[index]; // let's make sure the result is consistent with what the slower // test returns assert( ret || !is_in_collection_set(obj), "sanity"); assert(!ret || is_in_collection_set(obj), "sanity"); return ret; } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::concurrent_mark_in_progress() { return _concurrent_mark_in_progress != 0; } inline address ShenandoahHeap::concurrent_mark_in_progress_addr() { return (address) &(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->_concurrent_mark_in_progress); } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::is_evacuation_in_progress() { return _evacuation_in_progress != 0; } inline bool ShenandoahHeap::allocated_after_mark_start(HeapWord* addr) const { uintx index = ((uintx) addr) >> ShenandoahHeapRegion::RegionSizeShift; HeapWord* top_at_mark_start = _top_at_mark_starts[index]; bool alloc_after_mark_start = addr >= top_at_mark_start; #ifdef ASSERT ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = heap_region_containing(addr); assert(alloc_after_mark_start == r->allocated_after_mark_start(addr), "sanity"); #endif return alloc_after_mark_start; } template inline void ShenandoahHeap::marked_prev_object_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region, T* cl) { marked_object_iterate(region, cl, _prev_mark_bit_map, region->top_at_prev_mark_start()); } template inline void ShenandoahHeap::marked_next_object_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region, T* cl) { marked_object_iterate(region, cl, _next_mark_bit_map, region->top_at_mark_start()); } template inline void ShenandoahHeap::marked_object_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region, T* cl, CMBitMap* mark_bit_map, HeapWord* top_at_mark_start) { assert(BrooksPointer::word_offset() < 0, "skip_delta calculation below assumes the forwarding ptr is before obj"); size_t skip_bitmap_delta = BrooksPointer::word_size() + 1; size_t skip_objsize_delta = BrooksPointer::word_size() /* + actual obj.size() below */; HeapWord* start = region->bottom() + BrooksPointer::word_size(); HeapWord* limit = region->top(); HeapWord* end = MIN2(top_at_mark_start + BrooksPointer::word_size(), _ordered_regions->end()); HeapWord* addr = mark_bit_map->getNextMarkedWordAddress(start, end); intx dist = ShenandoahMarkScanPrefetch; if (dist > 0) { // Batched scan that prefetches the oop data, anticipating the access to // either header, oop field, or forwarding pointer. Not that we cannot // touch anything in oop, while it still being prefetched to get enough // time for prefetch to work. This is why we try to scan the bitmap linearly, // disregarding the object size. However, since we know forwarding pointer // preceeds the object, we can skip over it. Once we cannot trust the bitmap, // there is no point for prefetching the oop contents, as oop->size() will // touch it prematurely. oop slots[dist]; bool aborting = false; int avail; do { avail = 0; for (int c = 0; (c < dist) && (addr < limit); c++) { Prefetch::read(addr, 1); oop obj = oop(addr); slots[avail++] = obj; if (addr < top_at_mark_start) { addr += skip_bitmap_delta; addr = mark_bit_map->getNextMarkedWordAddress(addr, end); } else { // cannot trust mark bitmap anymore, finish the current stride, // and switch to accurate traversal addr += obj->size() + skip_objsize_delta; aborting = true; } } for (int c = 0; c < avail; c++) { do_marked_object(mark_bit_map, cl, slots[c]); } } while (avail > 0 && !aborting); // accurate traversal while (addr < limit) { oop obj = oop(addr); int size = obj->size(); do_marked_object(mark_bit_map, cl, obj); addr += size + skip_objsize_delta; } } else { while (addr < limit) { oop obj = oop(addr); int size = obj->size(); do_marked_object(mark_bit_map, cl, obj); addr += size + skip_objsize_delta; if (addr < top_at_mark_start) { addr = mark_bit_map->getNextMarkedWordAddress(addr, end); } } } } template inline void ShenandoahHeap::do_marked_object(CMBitMap* bitmap, T* cl, oop obj) { #ifdef ASSERT assert(!oopDesc::is_null(obj), "sanity"); assert(obj->is_oop(), "sanity"); assert(is_in(obj), "sanity"); if (bitmap == _prev_mark_bit_map) { assert(is_marked_prev(obj), "object expected to be marked"); } else { assert(is_marked_current(obj), "object expected to be marked"); } #endif cl->do_object(obj); } #endif // SHARE_VM_GC_SHENANDOAH_SHENANDOAHHEAP_INLINE_HPP