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2389 ShenandoahConnectionMatrix* ShenandoahHeap::connection_matrix() {
2390   return _connection_matrix;
2391 }
2393 ShenandoahPartialGC* ShenandoahHeap::partial_gc() {
2394   return _partial_gc;
2395 }
2397 void ShenandoahHeap::do_partial_collection() {
2398   partial_gc()->do_partial_collection();
2399 }
2401 template<class T>
2402 class ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask : public AbstractGangTask {
2403 private:
2404   T cl;
2405   ShenandoahHeap* _heap;
2406   ShenandoahHeapRegionSet* _regions;
2408 public:
2409   ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask() :
2410     AbstractGangTask("Concurrent Update References Task"),
2411     cl(T()),
2412     _heap(ShenandoahHeap::heap()),
2413     _regions(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->regions()) {
2414     _regions->clear_current_index();
2415   }
2417   void work(uint worker_id) {
2418     ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _regions->claim_next();
2419     while (r != NULL && ! _heap->cancelled_concgc()) {
2420       if (! _heap->in_collection_set(r) &&
2421           ! r->is_empty()) {
2422         _heap->marked_object_oop_safe_iterate(r, &cl);
2423       } else if (_heap->in_collection_set(r)) {
2424         HeapWord* bottom = r->bottom();
2425         HeapWord* top = _heap->complete_top_at_mark_start(r->bottom());
2426         if (top > bottom) {
2427           _heap->complete_mark_bit_map()->clear_range_large(MemRegion(bottom, top));
2428         }
2429       }

2430       r = _regions->claim_next();
2431     }
2432   }
2433 };
2435 void ShenandoahHeap::concurrent_update_heap_references() {
2436   _shenandoah_policy->record_phase_start(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy::conc_update_refs);
2437   if (UseShenandoahMatrix) {
2438     ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask<ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsMatrixClosure> task;
2439     workers()->run_task(&task);
2440   } else {
2441     ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask<ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsClosure> task;
2442     workers()->run_task(&task);
2443   }

2444   _shenandoah_policy->record_phase_end(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy::conc_update_refs);
2445 }
2447 void ShenandoahHeap::prepare_update_refs() {
2448   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
2449   set_evacuation_in_progress_at_safepoint(false);
2450   set_update_refs_in_progress(true);
2451   ensure_parsability(true);

2452   connection_matrix()->clear_all();

2453   for (uint i = 0; i < _num_regions; i++) {
2454     ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _ordered_regions->get(i);
2455     r->set_concurrent_iteration_safe_limit(r->top());
2456   }
2457 }
2459 void ShenandoahHeap::finish_update_refs() {
2460   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
2462   if (! cancelled_concgc()) {

2463     concurrentMark()->update_roots(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy::final_update_refs_roots);
2464     recycle_dirty_regions();
2465     set_need_update_refs(false);
2467     if (ShenandoahVerify) {
2468       verify_update_refs();
2469     }
2471     {
2472       // Rebuild the free set
2473       ShenandoahHeapLock hl(this);
2474       _free_regions->clear();
2475       size_t end = _ordered_regions->active_regions();
2476       for (size_t i = 0; i < end; i++) {
2477         ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _ordered_regions->get(i);
2478         if (!r->is_humongous()) {
2479           assert (!in_collection_set(r), "collection set should be clear");
2480           _free_regions->add_region(r);
2481         }
2482       }
2483     }
2484   }
2485   set_update_refs_in_progress(false);
2486 }
2488 class ShenandoahVerifyUpdateRefsClosure : public ExtendedOopClosure {
2489 private:
2490   template <class T>
2491   void do_oop_work(T* p) {
2492     T o = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p);
2493     if (! oopDesc::is_null(o)) {
2494       oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(o);
2495       guarantee(oopDesc::unsafe_equals(obj, ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static_not_null(obj)),
2496                 "must not be forwarded");
2497     }
2498   }
2499 public:
2500   void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_work(p); }
2501   void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_work(p); }

2389 ShenandoahConnectionMatrix* ShenandoahHeap::connection_matrix() {
2390   return _connection_matrix;
2391 }
2393 ShenandoahPartialGC* ShenandoahHeap::partial_gc() {
2394   return _partial_gc;
2395 }
2397 void ShenandoahHeap::do_partial_collection() {
2398   partial_gc()->do_partial_collection();
2399 }
2401 template<class T>
2402 class ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask : public AbstractGangTask {
2403 private:
2404   T cl;
2405   ShenandoahHeap* _heap;
2406   ShenandoahHeapRegionSet* _regions;
2408 public:
2409   ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask(ShenandoahHeapRegionSet* regions) :
2410     AbstractGangTask("Concurrent Update References Task"),
2411     cl(T()),
2412     _heap(ShenandoahHeap::heap()),
2413     _regions(regions) {

2414   }
2416   void work(uint worker_id) {
2417     ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _regions->claim_next();
2418     while (r != NULL) {
2419       if (! _heap->in_collection_set(r) &&
2420           ! r->is_empty()) {
2421         _heap->marked_object_oop_safe_iterate(r, &cl);
2422       } else if (_heap->in_collection_set(r)) {
2423         HeapWord* bottom = r->bottom();
2424         HeapWord* top = _heap->complete_top_at_mark_start(r->bottom());
2425         if (top > bottom) {
2426           _heap->complete_mark_bit_map()->clear_range_large(MemRegion(bottom, top));
2427         }
2428       }
2429       if (_heap->cancelled_concgc()) {
2430         return;
2431       }
2432       r = _regions->claim_next();
2433     }
2434   }
2435 };
2437 void ShenandoahHeap::update_heap_references(ShenandoahHeapRegionSet* update_regions) {

2438   if (UseShenandoahMatrix) {
2439     ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask<ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsMatrixClosure> task(update_regions);
2440     workers()->run_task(&task);
2441   } else {
2442     ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsTask<ShenandoahUpdateHeapRefsClosure> task(update_regions);
2443     workers()->run_task(&task);
2444   }
2445 }
2447 void ShenandoahHeap::concurrent_update_heap_references() {
2448   _shenandoah_policy->record_phase_start(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy::conc_update_refs);
2449   ShenandoahHeapRegionSet* update_regions = regions();
2450   update_regions->clear_current_index();
2451   update_heap_references(update_regions);
2452   _shenandoah_policy->record_phase_end(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy::conc_update_refs);
2453 }
2455 void ShenandoahHeap::prepare_update_refs() {
2456   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
2457   set_evacuation_in_progress_at_safepoint(false);
2458   set_update_refs_in_progress(true);
2459   ensure_parsability(true);
2460   if (UseShenandoahMatrix) {
2461     connection_matrix()->clear_all();
2462   }
2463   for (uint i = 0; i < _num_regions; i++) {
2464     ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _ordered_regions->get(i);
2465     r->set_concurrent_iteration_safe_limit(r->top());
2466   }
2467 }
2469 void ShenandoahHeap::finish_update_refs() {
2470   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
2472   if (cancelled_concgc()) {
2473     // Finish updating references where we left off.
2474     clear_cancelled_concgc();
2475     ShenandoahHeapRegionSet* update_regions = regions();
2476     update_heap_references(update_regions);
2477   }
2479   assert(! cancelled_concgc(), "Should have been done right before");
2480   concurrentMark()->update_roots(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy::final_update_refs_roots);
2481   recycle_dirty_regions();
2482   set_need_update_refs(false);
2484   if (ShenandoahVerify) {
2485     verify_update_refs();
2486   }
2488   {
2489     // Rebuild the free set
2490     ShenandoahHeapLock hl(this);
2491     _free_regions->clear();
2492     size_t end = _ordered_regions->active_regions();
2493     for (size_t i = 0; i < end; i++) {
2494       ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _ordered_regions->get(i);
2495       if (!r->is_humongous()) {
2496         assert (!in_collection_set(r), "collection set should be clear");
2497         _free_regions->add_region(r);

2498       }
2499     }
2500   }
2501   set_update_refs_in_progress(false);
2502 }
2504 class ShenandoahVerifyUpdateRefsClosure : public ExtendedOopClosure {
2505 private:
2506   template <class T>
2507   void do_oop_work(T* p) {
2508     T o = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p);
2509     if (! oopDesc::is_null(o)) {
2510       oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(o);
2511       guarantee(oopDesc::unsafe_equals(obj, ShenandoahBarrierSet::resolve_oop_static_not_null(obj)),
2512                 "must not be forwarded");
2513     }
2514   }
2515 public:
2516   void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_work(p); }
2517   void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_work(p); }

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