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rev 59888 : imported patch evac-locking.patch

 305           "Set to 0 to disable prefetching.")                               \
 306           range(0, 256)                                                     \
 307                                                                             \
 308   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahMarkLoopStride, 1000,                       \
 309           "How many items to process during one marking iteration before "  \
 310           "checking for cancellation, yielding, etc. Larger values improve "\
 311           "marking performance at expense of responsiveness.")              \
 312                                                                             \
 313   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahParallelRegionStride, 1024,                 \
 314           "How many regions to process at once during parallel region "     \
 315           "iteration. Affects heaps with lots of regions.")                 \
 316                                                                             \
 317   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahSATBBufferSize, 1 * K,                     \
 318           "Number of entries in an SATB log buffer.")                       \
 319           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
 320                                                                             \
 321   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahSATBBufferFlushInterval, 100,               \
 322           "Forcefully flush non-empty SATB buffers at this interval. "      \
 323           "Time is in milliseconds.")                                       \
 324                                                                             \

 325   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahPreclean, true,                                \
 326           "Do concurrent preclean phase before final mark: process "        \
 327           "definitely alive references to avoid dealing with them during "  \
 328           "pause.")                                                         \
 329                                                                             \
 330   experimental(bool, ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers, false,                   \
 331           "Suspend concurrent GC worker threads at safepoints")             \
 332                                                                             \
 333   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahSATBBarrier, true,                             \
 334           "Turn on/off SATB barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 335                                                                             \
 336   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, false,                 \
 337           "Turn on/off enqueuing of oops for storeval barriers")            \
 338                                                                             \
 339   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCASBarrier, true,                              \
 340           "Turn on/off CAS barriers in Shenandoah")                         \
 341                                                                             \
 342   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCloneBarrier, true,                            \
 343           "Turn on/off clone barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
 344                                                                             \

 305           "Set to 0 to disable prefetching.")                               \
 306           range(0, 256)                                                     \
 307                                                                             \
 308   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahMarkLoopStride, 1000,                       \
 309           "How many items to process during one marking iteration before "  \
 310           "checking for cancellation, yielding, etc. Larger values improve "\
 311           "marking performance at expense of responsiveness.")              \
 312                                                                             \
 313   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahParallelRegionStride, 1024,                 \
 314           "How many regions to process at once during parallel region "     \
 315           "iteration. Affects heaps with lots of regions.")                 \
 316                                                                             \
 317   experimental(size_t, ShenandoahSATBBufferSize, 1 * K,                     \
 318           "Number of entries in an SATB log buffer.")                       \
 319           range(1, max_uintx)                                               \
 320                                                                             \
 321   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahSATBBufferFlushInterval, 100,               \
 322           "Forcefully flush non-empty SATB buffers at this interval. "      \
 323           "Time is in milliseconds.")                                       \
 324                                                                             \
 325   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahEvacLockGranularity, 0,                     \
 326           "How coarse to make evac-locking. Default 0 means "               \
 327           "per-HeapWord-locking, higher value make locking coarser "        \
 328           "in 2-exponent steps, e.g. one lock per 2^N heap words.")         \
 329                                                                             \
 330   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahPreclean, true,                                \
 331           "Do concurrent preclean phase before final mark: process "        \
 332           "definitely alive references to avoid dealing with them during "  \
 333           "pause.")                                                         \
 334                                                                             \
 335   experimental(bool, ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers, false,                   \
 336           "Suspend concurrent GC worker threads at safepoints")             \
 337                                                                             \
 338   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahSATBBarrier, true,                             \
 339           "Turn on/off SATB barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 340                                                                             \
 341   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, false,                 \
 342           "Turn on/off enqueuing of oops for storeval barriers")            \
 343                                                                             \
 344   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCASBarrier, true,                              \
 345           "Turn on/off CAS barriers in Shenandoah")                         \
 346                                                                             \
 347   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCloneBarrier, true,                            \
 348           "Turn on/off clone barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
 349                                                                             \

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