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rev 12117 : Pin regions that contain JNI critical regions, instead of bail-and-retry protocol.

  40                          writeable) \
  41                                                                             \
  42   product(bool, UseShenandoahGC, false,                                     \
  43           "Use the Shenandoah garbage collector")                           \
  44                                                                             \
  45   product(bool, ShenandoahPrintGCDetails, false,                            \
  46           "Print GC pause summary on termination.")                         \
  47                                                                             \
  48   product(bool, ShenandoahOptimizeFinals, true,                             \
  49           "Optimize barriers on final and stable fields/arrays")            \
  50                                                                             \
  51   product(uintx, ShenandoahHeapRegionSize, 0,                               \
  52           "Size of the Shenandoah regions.")                                \
  53                                                                             \
  54   develop(bool, ShenandoahDumpHeapBeforeConcurrentMark, false,              \
  55           "Dump the ShenanodahHeap Before Each ConcurrentMark")             \
  56                                                                             \
  57   develop(bool, ShenandoahDumpHeapAfterConcurrentMark, false,               \
  58           "Dump the ShenanodahHeap After Each Concurrent Mark")             \
  59                                                                             \
  60   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceJNICritical, false,                          \
  61           "Trace Shenandoah stalls for JNI critical regions")               \
  62                                                                             \
  63   product(bool, ShenandoahTraceHumongous, false,                            \
  64           "Trace Shenandoah humongous objects")                             \
  65                                                                             \
  66   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceAllocations, false,                          \
  67           "Trace Shenandoah Allocations")                                   \
  68                                                                             \
  69   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceBrooksPointers, false,                       \
  70           "Trace Brooks Pointer updates")                                   \
  71                                                                             \
  72   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceEvacuations, false,                          \
  73           "Trace Shenandoah Evacuations")                                   \
  74                                                                             \
  75   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyWritesToFromSpace, false,                   \
  76           "Use Memory Protection to signal illegal writes to from space")   \
  77                                                                             \
  78   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyReadsToFromSpace, false,                    \
  79           "Use Memory Protection to signal illegal reads to from space")    \
  80                                                                             \
  81   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceConcurrentMarking, false,                    \
  82           "Trace Concurrent Marking")                                       \

  40                          writeable) \
  41                                                                             \
  42   product(bool, UseShenandoahGC, false,                                     \
  43           "Use the Shenandoah garbage collector")                           \
  44                                                                             \
  45   product(bool, ShenandoahPrintGCDetails, false,                            \
  46           "Print GC pause summary on termination.")                         \
  47                                                                             \
  48   product(bool, ShenandoahOptimizeFinals, true,                             \
  49           "Optimize barriers on final and stable fields/arrays")            \
  50                                                                             \
  51   product(uintx, ShenandoahHeapRegionSize, 0,                               \
  52           "Size of the Shenandoah regions.")                                \
  53                                                                             \
  54   develop(bool, ShenandoahDumpHeapBeforeConcurrentMark, false,              \
  55           "Dump the ShenanodahHeap Before Each ConcurrentMark")             \
  56                                                                             \
  57   develop(bool, ShenandoahDumpHeapAfterConcurrentMark, false,               \
  58           "Dump the ShenanodahHeap After Each Concurrent Mark")             \
  59                                                                             \

  60   product(bool, ShenandoahTraceHumongous, false,                            \
  61           "Trace Shenandoah humongous objects")                             \
  62                                                                             \
  63   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceAllocations, false,                          \
  64           "Trace Shenandoah Allocations")                                   \
  65                                                                             \
  66   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceBrooksPointers, false,                       \
  67           "Trace Brooks Pointer updates")                                   \
  68                                                                             \
  69   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceEvacuations, false,                          \
  70           "Trace Shenandoah Evacuations")                                   \
  71                                                                             \
  72   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyWritesToFromSpace, false,                   \
  73           "Use Memory Protection to signal illegal writes to from space")   \
  74                                                                             \
  75   develop(bool, ShenandoahVerifyReadsToFromSpace, false,                    \
  76           "Use Memory Protection to signal illegal reads to from space")    \
  77                                                                             \
  78   develop(bool, ShenandoahTraceConcurrentMarking, false,                    \
  79           "Trace Concurrent Marking")                                       \

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