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rev 50076 : Fold Partial GC into Traversal GC

 287               "to changing heap conditions, at the expense of higher perf " \
 288               "overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")                         \
 289                                                                             \
 290   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalMax, 10,                     \
 291               "The maximum sleep interval for control loop that drives "    \
 292               "the cycles. Lower values would increase GC responsiveness "  \
 293               "to changing heap conditions, at the expense of higher perf " \
 294               "overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")                         \
 295                                                                             \
 296   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalAdjustPeriod, 1000,          \
 297               "The time period for one step in control loop interval "      \
 298               "adjustment. Lower values make adjustments faster, at the "   \
 299               "expense of higher perf overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")  \
 300                                                                             \
 301   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllocImplicitLive, true,                       \
 302               "Treat (non-evac) allocations implicitely live")              \
 303                                                                             \
 304   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahSATBBarrier, true,                             \
 305           "Turn on/off SATB barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 306                                                                             \
 307   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahConditionalSATBBarrier, false,                 \
 308           "Generate additional conc-mark-in-progress checks around SATB"    \
 309           " barrier")                                                       \
 310                                                                             \
 311   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier, true,                        \
 312           "Turn on/off keep alive barriers in Shenandoah")                  \
 313                                                                             \
 314   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahWriteBarrier, true,                            \
 315           "Turn on/off write barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
 316                                                                             \
 317   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahWriteBarrierRB, true,                          \
 318           "Turn on/off RB on WB fastpath in Shenandoah.")                   \
 319                                                                             \
 320   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahReadBarrier, true,                             \
 321           "Turn on/off read barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 322                                                                             \
 323   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, false,                 \
 324           "Turn on/off enqueuing of oops for storeval barriers")            \
 325                                                                             \
 326   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahMWF, false,                                    \
 327           "Turn on/off enqueuing of oops after write barriers (MWF)")       \
 328                                                                             \
 329   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValWriteBarrier, false,                   \
 330           "Turn on/off store val write barriers in Shenandoah")             \
 331                                                                             \
 332   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier, true,                     \
 333           "Turn on/off store val read barriers in Shenandoah")              \
 334                                                                             \
 335   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCASBarrier, true,                              \
 336           "Turn on/off CAS barriers in Shenandoah")                         \
 337                                                                             \
 338   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAcmpBarrier, true,                             \
 339           "Turn on/off acmp barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 340                                                                             \
 341   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCloneBarrier, true,                            \
 342           "Turn on/off clone barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
 343                                                                             \
 344   diagnostic(bool, UseShenandoahMatrix, false,                              \
 345           "Turn on/off Shenandoah connection matrix collection")            \
 346                                                                             \
 347   diagnostic(bool, PrintShenandoahMatrix, false,                            \
 348           "Print connection matrix after marking")                          \
 349                                                                             \
 350   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreCheck, false,                             \
 351           "Emit additional code that checks objects are written to only"    \

 421           "Max delay for pacing application allocations. "                  \
 422           "Time is in milliseconds.")                                       \
 423                                                                             \
 424   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingIdleSlack, 2,                         \
 425           "Percent of heap counted as non-taxable allocations during idle. "\
 426           "Larger value makes the pacing milder during idle phases, "       \
 427           "requiring less rendezvous with control thread. Lower value "     \
 428           "makes the pacing control less responsive to out-of-cycle allocs.")\
 429           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 430                                                                             \
 431   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingCycleSlack, 10,                       \
 432           "Percent of free space taken as non-taxable allocations during "  \
 433           "the GC cycle. Larger value makes the pacing milder at the "      \
 434           "beginning of the GC cycle. Lower value makes the pacing less "   \
 435           "uniform during the cycle.")                                      \
 436           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 437                                                                             \
 438   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllowMixedAllocs, true,                        \
 439           "Allow mixing mutator and collector allocations in a single "     \
 440           "region")                                                         \


 287               "to changing heap conditions, at the expense of higher perf " \
 288               "overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")                         \
 289                                                                             \
 290   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalMax, 10,                     \
 291               "The maximum sleep interval for control loop that drives "    \
 292               "the cycles. Lower values would increase GC responsiveness "  \
 293               "to changing heap conditions, at the expense of higher perf " \
 294               "overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")                         \
 295                                                                             \
 296   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahControlIntervalAdjustPeriod, 1000,          \
 297               "The time period for one step in control loop interval "      \
 298               "adjustment. Lower values make adjustments faster, at the "   \
 299               "expense of higher perf overhead. Time is in milliseconds.")  \
 300                                                                             \
 301   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllocImplicitLive, true,                       \
 302               "Treat (non-evac) allocations implicitely live")              \
 303                                                                             \
 304   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahSATBBarrier, true,                             \
 305           "Turn on/off SATB barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 306                                                                             \

 307   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier, true,                        \
 308           "Turn on/off keep alive barriers in Shenandoah")                  \
 309                                                                             \
 310   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahWriteBarrier, true,                            \
 311           "Turn on/off write barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
 312                                                                             \
 313   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahWriteBarrierRB, true,                          \
 314           "Turn on/off RB on WB fastpath in Shenandoah.")                   \
 315                                                                             \
 316   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahReadBarrier, true,                             \
 317           "Turn on/off read barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 318                                                                             \
 319   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValEnqueueBarrier, false,                 \
 320           "Turn on/off enqueuing of oops for storeval barriers")            \
 321                                                                             \

 322   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreValReadBarrier, true,                     \
 323           "Turn on/off store val read barriers in Shenandoah")              \
 324                                                                             \
 325   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCASBarrier, true,                              \
 326           "Turn on/off CAS barriers in Shenandoah")                         \
 327                                                                             \
 328   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAcmpBarrier, true,                             \
 329           "Turn on/off acmp barriers in Shenandoah")                        \
 330                                                                             \
 331   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahCloneBarrier, true,                            \
 332           "Turn on/off clone barriers in Shenandoah")                       \
 333                                                                             \
 334   diagnostic(bool, UseShenandoahMatrix, false,                              \
 335           "Turn on/off Shenandoah connection matrix collection")            \
 336                                                                             \
 337   diagnostic(bool, PrintShenandoahMatrix, false,                            \
 338           "Print connection matrix after marking")                          \
 339                                                                             \
 340   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahStoreCheck, false,                             \
 341           "Emit additional code that checks objects are written to only"    \

 411           "Max delay for pacing application allocations. "                  \
 412           "Time is in milliseconds.")                                       \
 413                                                                             \
 414   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingIdleSlack, 2,                         \
 415           "Percent of heap counted as non-taxable allocations during idle. "\
 416           "Larger value makes the pacing milder during idle phases, "       \
 417           "requiring less rendezvous with control thread. Lower value "     \
 418           "makes the pacing control less responsive to out-of-cycle allocs.")\
 419           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 420                                                                             \
 421   experimental(uintx, ShenandoahPacingCycleSlack, 10,                       \
 422           "Percent of free space taken as non-taxable allocations during "  \
 423           "the GC cycle. Larger value makes the pacing milder at the "      \
 424           "beginning of the GC cycle. Lower value makes the pacing less "   \
 425           "uniform during the cycle.")                                      \
 426           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 427                                                                             \
 428   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahAllowMixedAllocs, true,                        \
 429           "Allow mixing mutator and collector allocations in a single "     \
 430           "region")                                                         \
 431                                                                             \
 432   diagnostic(bool, ShenandoahRecycleClearsBitmap, false,                    \
 433           "Recycling a region also clears the marking bitmap")              \
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