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rev 11361 : imported patch refactor-fm.patch

 480  * The goal of this function is to find all "system" fonts which
 481  * are needed by the JRE to display text in supported locales etc, and
 482  * to support APIs which allow users to enumerate all system fonts and use
 483  * them from their Java applications.
 484  * The preferred mechanism is now using the new "fontconfig" library
 485  * This exists on newer versions of Linux and Solaris (S10 and above)
 486  * The library is dynamically located. The results are merged with
 487  * a set of "known" locations and with the X11 font path, if running in
 488  * a local X11 environment.
 489  * The hardwired paths are built into the JDK binary so as new font locations
 490  * are created on a host plaform for them to be located by the JRE they will
 491  * need to be added ito the host's font configuration database, typically
 492  * /etc/fonts/local.conf, and to ensure that directory contains a fonts.dir
 493  * NB: Fontconfig also depends heavily for performance on the host O/S
 494  * maintaining up to date caches.
 495  * This is consistent with the requirements of the desktop environments
 496  * on these OSes.
 497  * This also frees us from X11 APIs as JRE is required to function in
 498  * a "headless" mode where there is no Xserver.
 499  */
 500 static char *getPlatformFontPathChars(JNIEnv *env, jboolean noType1) {
 502     char **fcdirs = NULL, **x11dirs = NULL, **knowndirs = NULL, *path = NULL;
 504     /* As of 1.5 we try to use fontconfig on both Solaris and Linux.
 505      * If its not available NULL is returned.
 506      */
 507     fcdirs = getFontConfigLocations();
 509 #if defined(__linux__)
 510     knowndirs = fullLinuxFontPath;
 511 #elif defined(__solaris__)
 512     knowndirs = fullSolarisFontPath;
 513 #elif defined(_AIX)
 514     knowndirs = fullAixFontPath;
 515 #endif
 516     /* REMIND: this code requires to be executed when the GraphicsEnvironment
 517      * is already initialised. That is always true, but if it were not so,
 518      * this code could throw an exception and the fontpath would fail to
 519      * be initialised.
 520      */
 521 #ifndef HEADLESS

 522 #if defined(__linux__)
 523     /* There's no headless build on linux ... */
 524     if (!AWTIsHeadless()) { /* .. so need to call a function to check */
 525 #endif
 526       /* Using the X11 font path to locate font files is now a fallback
 527        * useful only if fontconfig failed, or is incomplete. So we could
 528        * remove this code completely and the consequences should be rare
 529        * and non-fatal. If this happens, then the calling Java code can
 530        * be modified to no longer require that the AWT lock (the X11GE)
 531        * be initialised prior to calling this code.
 532        */
 533     AWT_LOCK();
 534     if (isDisplayLocal(env)) {
 535         x11dirs = getX11FontPath();
 536     }
 537     AWT_UNLOCK();
 538 #if defined(__linux__)
 539     }
 540 #endif

 541 #endif /* !HEADLESS */
 542     path = mergePaths(fcdirs, x11dirs, knowndirs, noType1);
 543     if (fcdirs != NULL) {
 544         char **p = fcdirs;
 545         while (*p != NULL)  free(*p++);
 546         free(fcdirs);
 547     }
 549     if (x11dirs != NULL) {
 550         char **p = x11dirs;
 551         while (*p != NULL) free(*p++);
 552         free(x11dirs);
 553     }
 555     return path;
 556 }
 558 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_sun_awt_X11FontManager_getFontPathNative
 559 (JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean noType1) {
 560     jstring ret;
 561     static char *ptr = NULL; /* retain result across calls */
 563     if (ptr == NULL) {
 564         ptr = getPlatformFontPathChars(env, noType1);
 565     }
 566     ret = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, ptr);
 567     return ret;
 568 }
 570 #include <dlfcn.h>
 572 #include "fontconfig.h"
 575 static void* openFontConfig() {
 577     char *homeEnv;
 578     static char *homeEnvStr = "HOME="; /* must be static */
 579     void* libfontconfig = NULL;
 580 #ifdef __solaris__
 581 #define SYSINFOBUFSZ 8
 582     char sysinfobuf[SYSINFOBUFSZ];
 583 #endif

 480  * The goal of this function is to find all "system" fonts which
 481  * are needed by the JRE to display text in supported locales etc, and
 482  * to support APIs which allow users to enumerate all system fonts and use
 483  * them from their Java applications.
 484  * The preferred mechanism is now using the new "fontconfig" library
 485  * This exists on newer versions of Linux and Solaris (S10 and above)
 486  * The library is dynamically located. The results are merged with
 487  * a set of "known" locations and with the X11 font path, if running in
 488  * a local X11 environment.
 489  * The hardwired paths are built into the JDK binary so as new font locations
 490  * are created on a host plaform for them to be located by the JRE they will
 491  * need to be added ito the host's font configuration database, typically
 492  * /etc/fonts/local.conf, and to ensure that directory contains a fonts.dir
 493  * NB: Fontconfig also depends heavily for performance on the host O/S
 494  * maintaining up to date caches.
 495  * This is consistent with the requirements of the desktop environments
 496  * on these OSes.
 497  * This also frees us from X11 APIs as JRE is required to function in
 498  * a "headless" mode where there is no Xserver.
 499  */
 500 static char *getPlatformFontPathChars(JNIEnv *env, jboolean noType1, jboolean isX11) {
 502     char **fcdirs = NULL, **x11dirs = NULL, **knowndirs = NULL, *path = NULL;
 504     /* As of 1.5 we try to use fontconfig on both Solaris and Linux.
 505      * If its not available NULL is returned.
 506      */
 507     fcdirs = getFontConfigLocations();
 509 #if defined(__linux__)
 510     knowndirs = fullLinuxFontPath;
 511 #elif defined(__solaris__)
 512     knowndirs = fullSolarisFontPath;
 513 #elif defined(_AIX)
 514     knowndirs = fullAixFontPath;
 515 #endif
 516     /* REMIND: this code requires to be executed when the GraphicsEnvironment
 517      * is already initialised. That is always true, but if it were not so,
 518      * this code could throw an exception and the fontpath would fail to
 519      * be initialised.
 520      */
 521 #ifndef HEADLESS
 522     if (isX11) { // The following only works in an x11 environment.
 523 #if defined(__linux__)
 524     /* There's no headless build on linux ... */
 525     if (!AWTIsHeadless()) { /* .. so need to call a function to check */
 526 #endif
 527       /* Using the X11 font path to locate font files is now a fallback
 528        * useful only if fontconfig failed, or is incomplete. So we could
 529        * remove this code completely and the consequences should be rare
 530        * and non-fatal. If this happens, then the calling Java code can
 531        * be modified to no longer require that the AWT lock (the X11GE)
 532        * be initialised prior to calling this code.
 533        */
 534     AWT_LOCK();
 535     if (isDisplayLocal(env)) {
 536         x11dirs = getX11FontPath();
 537     }
 538     AWT_UNLOCK();
 539 #if defined(__linux__)
 540     }
 541 #endif
 542     }
 543 #endif /* !HEADLESS */
 544     path = mergePaths(fcdirs, x11dirs, knowndirs, noType1);
 545     if (fcdirs != NULL) {
 546         char **p = fcdirs;
 547         while (*p != NULL)  free(*p++);
 548         free(fcdirs);
 549     }
 551     if (x11dirs != NULL) {
 552         char **p = x11dirs;
 553         while (*p != NULL) free(*p++);
 554         free(x11dirs);
 555     }
 557     return path;
 558 }
 560 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_sun_awt_FcFontManager_getFontPathNative
 561 (JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean noType1, jboolean isX11) {
 562     jstring ret;
 563     static char *ptr = NULL; /* retain result across calls */
 565     if (ptr == NULL) {
 566         ptr = getPlatformFontPathChars(env, noType1, isX11);
 567     }
 568     ret = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, ptr);
 569     return ret;
 570 }
 572 #include <dlfcn.h>
 574 #include "fontconfig.h"
 577 static void* openFontConfig() {
 579     char *homeEnv;
 580     static char *homeEnvStr = "HOME="; /* must be static */
 581     void* libfontconfig = NULL;
 582 #ifdef __solaris__
 583 #define SYSINFOBUFSZ 8
 584     char sysinfobuf[SYSINFOBUFSZ];
 585 #endif

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